episode 5 - tingle

Made in America
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[CONTENTID1]{episode 5 – tingle}[/CONTENTID1]

[CONTENTID2]tingle • n. a slight prickling or stinging emotion[/CONTENTID2]




I knew it. Girls can’t resist me. I turned around with a successful smirk. “So, I see you have changed you-”

Lips that tasted like peaches slanted across mine abruptly, rendering me speechless. My eyes were wide as I stared back into shut eyes and an expression of disgust. We didn’t move at all. I didn’t try to pry open; she didn’t grab my collar to pull me closer. Her arms were frozen by her side and her fists were clenched. I stood there in shock as I felt an unfamiliar feeling rise in me.

I felt a tingle. A tingle ran down my spine and to the tips of my fingers and toes. It was like a jolt of electric right through my body. It didn’t hurt. Instead of pain, I felt bliss build in my chest. I didn’t know what this feeling was. And slowly, I was beginning to fear this girl called Yang Dae Ji.

But the kiss lasted only a few seconds before she broke away from me with hard and glaring eyes. I gaped at her, still tasting her on my lips and feeling the electric shock pass. The bliss faded and I was beginning to regain my senses.

Before I knew it, she rushed away inside the building and I was left standing there like a fool. I shook my head and closed my mouth, realizing how silent the cafeteria got. I cleared my throat and shot a glare at everyone which caused things to return to its normal state once again. I regained my composure and coolly swaggered back to my table where eleven other males were gaping at me with wide eyes.

“What?” I snapped at them, averting my gaze to the direction she had left in.






Dae Ji

Oh. My. God. I thought in a daze. I stared back at myself in the mirror. I shuddered in disgust as I traveled back to the moment my lips landed on his.

“Argh, Yang Dae Ji, why do you have to be so-so-so,” I fumbled for my words, deciding to use the English for the word I didn’t know. “irrational?!”

“Why do you have to act before you think? Why? Why? Why? Gah, you idiot, you just made a fool of yourself. He’s probably laughing with his friends right now. Now, you will never have any friends. God, you stupid fool!” I knocked my head multiple times with my fist.

But he did have irresistible and kissable lips. I mused with a small smile. I thought back to the moment I had irrationally decided to prove him wrong and ended up kissing him. It wasn’t…that horrible…right?

Wait. “No, no, no, Yang Dae Ji, don’t you dare think about him and his stupid, stupid, stupid, lips!” I the faucet and began splashing water on to my lips.

“I need to brush my teeth over a hundred times when I get home.” I cried in exasperation. I stared back at my reflection before heaving a sigh.

“Why did I have to give him my first kiss?!” I wailed.




After my pity party and severe washing in the restroom, I decided to make my way back to class. I was sure by now that everybody on campus knew what I did. But I couldn’t hide in the restroom forever. One, it was unsanitary. And two, I still have to go to school. Hopefully, what happened back there will all pass within good time. And as for me, I’ll keep it away. I’ll keep it away in a deep, dark, and secret place in the corner of my mind to never be brought to mind ever again.

I left the restroom, wiping my hands on my shirt. I turned to my left when I bumped into the same girl I had protected from that bully and his friends. She was wearing a baggy shirt and skinny jeans with old running shoes. Her hair was styled into a cute pixie cut. She averted her gaze shyly from mine when she met me, twiddling her two thumbs nervously. She had kind features and adorable round cheeks like a dumpling. Her skin was pale white and I was actually envious of her complexion.

“Oh, hey, it’s you. Are you alright? Did they do anything else to you?” I ducked my head so that I could meet her eyes but she seemed intent on not looking me directly in the eye as she lifted her head and glanced at a spot behind me.

“Y-Yes, I-I’m f-fine. A-Are y-you a-alright?” She stuttered nervously and I smiled at her with the friendliest grin I could ever muster.

“I’m perfectly fine…except for my lips,” I whispered to the side. “But everything’s cool.” I nodded delightfully and she lightened up a bit.

“That’s good. After what you did for me out there, I don’t know what I can do to repay.” She stopped stuttering and I took it as a sign that she was getting more comfortable with me.

“Well, you could introduce yourself.” I hinted to her and she smiled. I found that her smile was cute and that she looked like a little bunny when she did.

“I’m Kim Min Young and I’m a freshman. I major in psychology.” She introduced and I grinned in success. Finally, a new friend!

“I’m Yang Dae Ji and I’m a freshman as well. I major in fashion. I’m from Los Angeles, America, so my Korean isn’t the best.” I laughed sheepishly.

“It’s alright. I come from Bu San but my mother and older brother both live in Seoul. So, I’m doing a good job at covering up my accent.” She shrugged lightly.

“Hey, is your lunch hour still on?” I inquired and she checked her watch. She nodded her head.

“It’s on for at least another thirty minutes. Why?” She glanced at me and I literally beamed like the sun.

“Great, me too, I’m sorry about your apple juice so I’ll treat you to some apple juice.” I linked arms with her and dragged her away to the nearest vending machine.




Se Hun

“No.” Everyone turned to me once I had spoken.

“What, come on, dude, I’ll keep her for a month. It’s the first time I’ve ever kept a girl longer than a week.” Kai reasoned as if it was the most understandable subject in the world.

No, Dae Ji was not an object to keep. “No, it’s wrong, Jong In. I’ve never said anything about the other girls but this girl, you can’t touch.”  I shook my head disapprovingly. It was true. Even though the twelve of us have been friends for so long, we’ve never said a thing about Jong In’s philandering attitude. We knew it was wrong but we never bothered because he wouldn’t listen anyway.

He leaned in with a skeptical eyebrow. “Is she the secret girlfriend you’re not telling us about?” All eyes me.

“No, she’s not. She’s,” I sighed, running my hands through my hair before sternly glaring at Kai’s teasing orbs. “She’s a good friend of mine, okay? I’ve known her since my childhood. It’s my duty to protect her especially from the likes of you.” I narrowed my eyes at him as he stared at me doubtfully.

“Are you sure she’s not your secret girlfriend? If she is, I’ll wait until you’re done with her.” I scoffed at his statement. One, I’d really wish she was my girlfriend. Two, even if she was, I’d never even let her meet you.

“She sees me a friend and a friend only. I’m just looking after her. After all, she is new to the country and new to the charms of Kim Jong In.” I argued and some of the guys nodded, agreeing with me.

“Well, she’s single and that’s all that matters.” Kai shrugged lightly and I rolled my eyes. Of course, he would never listen to me, that punk.

“Aw, give the poor girl a break. She looked like she was about to die when she kissed you.” Baek Hyun slapped him on the back. Oh, right, the kiss… I thought darkly.

“Yeah, man, are you really that bad of a kisser?” Chan Yeol teased and Kai lunged for him playfully.

“Says the man who hasn’t had a girl ever since the last year of elementary school.” Kris mocked and Chan Yeol’s ears grew red as we laughed at him.

“Well, she’s a nice girl.” Kris commented and I turned to him. Don’t tell me I have to fend off another suitor. I thought with dread.

“How’d you know?” I blinked at him.

“She’s the girl who needed help with her baggage at the airport…and she has directional issues but all in all, she’s nice.” Kris nodded approvingly and I sighed inwardly. Yang Dae Ji, must you be so charming?

“However,” Kris continued on and I turned back to him attentively. “She’s not my type. She’s cute but she’s not my style.” He chuckled good-naturedly and I relaxed. So, he just sees her as a little sister. Good, now…about Kim Jong In…

“Hey, dude, you’re close with her, right?” Kai shifted closer to me and slung an arm around my neck.

I eyed him warily. “Yeah…why?”

“Can you ask her whether she liked the kiss? And what kind of man she likes? And, and, and whether she’d consider going on a date with me?” Kai prodded pleadingly, his eyes sparkling hopefully. I

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Chapter 8: Omg this chapter was so funny with Kai's outfit disaster. So cutee~
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 8: OMG I love this story so much!!! This couple is making me all smiley when i'm reading haha xD Can't wait to read about their date!!!
jc803288 #3
Chapter 8: Capter 7 : please update author-nim I'm liking it so far I really hope we can see more of D.O though just cause he's my bias ;p
gpanda12 #4
Chapter 2: i'm sorry, but her name reminded me of pig in korean ^^
Chapter 8: cries i love this story so much i hope you update soon author nim! ^^ i wish my english was good as yours [sighs deeply]
Chapter 8: Oh my God, I'm so loving this story ! <3 Every chapter was so good. I love the way you write. Kai is so cute in this chapter, awieee ^.^
Please update soon, I'm so curious about the next chapter !!!
PerplexingDamsel #7
Chapter 5: Omg, I bet she's gonna like have a different reaction than what Kai thinks she'll do. Update soon~
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