episode 3 - nostalgia

Made in America
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[CONTENTID1]{episode 3 – nostalgia}[/CONTENTID1]

[CONTENTID2]nostalgia • n. sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past[/CONTENTID2]


Dae Ji

“Ah, really…I guess I…but are you sure we’re out? Alright, I understand. Yes, yes, just give me about fifteen minutes. I’ll be there soon. Yes, yes, bye bye.” Mrs. Oh sighed as she hung up on the phone. She turned around and gave me a forced smile as I gazed at her in curiosity.

“Dae Ji-ah, I’m really sorry but I can’t join you for your tour around Seoul. The bakery called and as the boss, I have to head there immediately. I hope you understand.” She smiled apologetically at me.

So, she owns a bakery. “Oh, it’s alright, Mrs. Oh. I can take care of myself.” I beamed positively at her and she chuckled in amusement.

“Please, just call me omonim.” I nodded obediently and she chuckled once more before turning serious. “But Dae Ji, it’s too dangerous for a foreigner to be traveling around the city. And you’re a girl as well.” I opened my mouth to protest but she was already half way up the stairs when she hollered, “Se Hun, come down here!”

Immediately, thundering footsteps could be heard and Se Hun stood at the doorway attentively like a cadet being called by his officer. “Yes, eomma?”

“Se Hunnie, I know you’re busy with your own business but could you be a gentleman and give Dae Ji a tour around Seoul?” Mrs. Oh eyed Se Hun with a serious glint in her eyes despite the fact that her lips were curled into a smile.

It didn’t take long before Se Hun agreed and sauntered towards the door.


“Ah, no buts, Dae Ji-ah. It’s for your safety and besides, you don’t know your way around. You could get lost easily and I don’t want that to happen. Not for the second time around.” She murmured the last part under her breath but I caught it as clear as daylight. She’s concerned that I would go missing again. I thought with warmth in my heart.

“Dae Ji, you coming?” Se Hun’s voice echoed in the hallway and I turned towards it for a moment before letting my eyes travel back to Mrs. Oh. I took in her haggard face and slowly graying hair. She must have been beautiful when she was younger but stress and other factors of life had taken its toll on her and reduced her youth to wrinkles and creases. She was short, shorter than me in fact. It was clear that Se Hun definitely did not get his tall stature from her. However, Se Hun had her half-moon eyes and her sharp chin. I now wondered how his father looked like.

“Fine, omonim, I’ll go with Se Hun.” I finally complied and she sighed happily, a genuine smile finally forcing its way on to her wrinkled face.

“That’s good. Remember to stay close to him and don’t wander off, okay?” she advised me, fixing my clothes affectionately before pushing me towards the hallway where Se Hun stood patiently waiting. I smiled gratefully in reply and bowed lightly towards her.

Normally, I would hate such childish advice. ‘Remember to stay close to him and don’t wander off, okay’ reminded me of my childhood in America. Back then, I was obliged to listen and obey. Now, I was older and much more mature. I hated being treated like a kid.

But those words put warmth into my heart. It made me feel protected and loved. I just met this family and I’ve only known them for about three hours or less. Yet, I felt like a part of this family and it made the desolate hole in my heart disappear, knowing that I had a family in the US and a family in South Korea.

“Let’s go.” I nodded towards Se Hun and he smiled back in return.






Se Hun

“I’m sorry I don’t have a car.” I apologized profusely as we strolled down the sidewalk. My neighborhood was in the city itself so I was thankful for that. At least we don’t have to take a bus ride or a ride the trains. All those cost money and I’m trying to save not spend.

“It’s alright.” She shook her head with a smile and I laughed sheepishly, averting my gaze. Actually, we do have a car. My mom and I shared the car together. It was my dad’s way back when and it still ran even though it was a manual. The only unfortunate thing was that it was a gas guzzler so we avoided using the car twice a day. My mom probably picked up Dae Ji from the airport with the car so that counted as one ride.

“So, where are we going?” She asked curiously and I smiled secretly.

“Would you like to go to Hangang?” I laughed at her confused expression.

“Han-gang?” She tested the word on her tongue before shrugging carelessly.

“I guess so. I have no idea what it is anyway.” She laughed sheepishly at herself, scratching the back of her neck. She never changed that habit, huh? I thought with a small smirk. Scratching the back of her neck was a habit Dae Ji always had even when we were little. Be it being embarrassed, sheepish, or telling a lie, she always scratched the back of her neck. It was a little quirk she never changed.

“Oh, you’ll love it once you see it.” I exaggerated zealously and her eyes shined with excitement.

Oh, boy, it’s the same old Dae Ji.



“Wow…” I glanced at her awestruck expression.

“I told you. You’d love it.” I sang snootily and she didn’t reply, too busy gazing at the magnificent beauty of the river.

Her reaction was typical. It was common for foreigners or country folk to go ‘Wow’ with awe once they laid their eyes on the majestic beauty of the Han River. The crystal clear water sparkled under the yellow sun. Some boats floated on the water of the river. Adjacent from our position was the other half of the city. The Han River was also a park for the city dwellers.

As it was around three in the afternoon, many people were absent from the scene. However, on a normal day, middle-aged ladies and men could be seen at the exercise equipment working out. A group of old men played badminton at a court. Young college males played basketball energetically. Young college females sat around in the grass chatting light-heartedly. Families played around in the grass with their children. Couples rode couple bikes or took romantic walks near the river. Small wooden tables were set up in various places by old women to sell merchandise to young couples or students. High school students could be seen loitering around in certain areas. And there’s the one beggar sleeping on a bench in the park.

All in all, the Han River is majestic in its own way and useful in another.

“So, this is Hangang?” She glanced back at me and I nodded, stepping closer to the railings.

“It’s one of my favorite places to go. On a normal day, it’s busy and crowded with people. But on a day like this…it’s a day where I can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty.” I wrapped my fingers around the cold railing. Spring was coming soon. You could tell by the air, the budding flowers, and the slowly warming climate. However, that didn’t excuse the strong cold breezes and rain weather nowadays.

“So, this is your quiet place?” She came up beside me, leaning her elbows on the cold metal railing. I glanced at her, confusing in my eyes.

“What?” I furrowed my eyebrows at the English. I was average at the language and I could hold a decent conversation but I was frozen when it came to fast-speakers and fluent speakers like Dae Ji.

She giggled lightly, her laughter sounding a chiming bell in my ears. She glanced at me with a small smile and a glint of apology in her eyes. “Oops, I forgot. I said quiet place. It’s a place where you go to relax basically.” She shrugged lightly and I nodded in understanding.

Quiet place… “Do you have one?” I glanced at her in the corner of my eye. She stood up straighter with a wistful smile on her face.

“Not yet. No place is quiet for me.” She laughed and I found myself laughing with her.

“Well, then, you can have this place.” I grinned widely and her eyes widened. She stood still for a moment and her eyes glazed over with an unreadable emotion. But it lasted a second and she shook herself out of it.

What was that all about? “You’re giving me your *quiet place?” She gasped in surprise. I nodded once and she hesitated before breaking out into a wide grin.

“Aw, thank you.” She cheerfully said. I bit back a smile as I returned my gaze to the shimmering waters.

“So, what are you doing back here in South Korea?” I asked, switching the topic.

“I got accepted to the fashion school at Seoul National University.” She answered with a careless tone. But I her immediately with wide eyes.

“Seoul National University?!” I exclaimed in shock. She nodded excitedly and I cheered happily in my mind. Now, I can see her almost every day!

“I go there!” I revealed and her eyes went as wide as mine.

“You do? What’s your major?!”

“I’m in business. The Fashion building is just next to it.”

“I guess we’ll be seeing each other pretty often.” She crossed her arms with a smirk and I laughed, nodding in

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Chapter 8: Omg this chapter was so funny with Kai's outfit disaster. So cutee~
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 8: OMG I love this story so much!!! This couple is making me all smiley when i'm reading haha xD Can't wait to read about their date!!!
jc803288 #3
Chapter 8: Capter 7 : please update author-nim I'm liking it so far I really hope we can see more of D.O though just cause he's my bias ;p
gpanda12 #4
Chapter 2: i'm sorry, but her name reminded me of pig in korean ^^
Chapter 8: cries i love this story so much i hope you update soon author nim! ^^ i wish my english was good as yours [sighs deeply]
Chapter 8: Oh my God, I'm so loving this story ! <3 Every chapter was so good. I love the way you write. Kai is so cute in this chapter, awieee ^.^
Please update soon, I'm so curious about the next chapter !!!
PerplexingDamsel #7
Chapter 5: Omg, I bet she's gonna like have a different reaction than what Kai thinks she'll do. Update soon~
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