Z-I-C-O and jealousy

To Love You Infinitely


“My name is Zico” he bowed and in a matter of seconds he sat in the empty seat next to you.

He took a few glances at you and smirked.

“We meet again” he said and took out his book for class.


“Yah yah yah!” Sungyeol shouted when you hugged Woohyun.

“Lee Sungyeol” Sunggyu eyed him.

Sungjong pulled you and looked at your watery eyes.

“My nightmare is coming true” you sobbed.

“That Jiho guy is here?” you nodded and L rolled his eyes.

“~~~~~-ah remember that infinite oppas are right here and we won’t let that happen, Araso?” Dongwoo ruffled your hair.


Lunch time came by and you sat next to Hoya. You were playing with your food most of the time.

“I cant believe it, Jiho has changed… in a good way though” Sungyeols expression hardened.

You finally started eating and thought about it again and again.


“~~~~~” you looked up “speak of the devil…”

“Yah what devil, how can you call me a devil” you ignored him.

“I see that you have changed ~~~~~” you tried to ignore him from him nonsense.

You looked at infinite who was giving glares, you eyed them to stop. They continued with their lunch.

“Hmmmm 6 guys?”

“FYI its 7 guys Woo Jiho!” you didn’t look at him.

‘Aish why is he so annoying’

“Heard Kevin came back” you shrugged and looked up.

“What are you trying to say or do?”

“I don’t know” he smirked and walked away.

“In a good way eh?” Hoya teased you.



“Bye Im on my way to meet hell” you mumbled as you waved at them.

“Hi again…” Jiho smiled.

“Why is your name Zico again?” he shrugged his shoulders.

You turned around to see Dongjun staring out the window.

“Dongjun…” he turned and you smiled. You waved at him to come over to sit next to you since it was another empty space.

Dongjun looked at Jiho and smirked before sitting down.

“Oppa…” Both of them looked at you.

“What you looking at, she was calling me” “No she was calling me”

“Keep quiet will you?” you pointed at your phone.

Both of them looked back in front feeling embarrassed.


“Aren’t you supposed to be in college? I thought you were elder than me” you asked still looking at your book.

Jiho shook his head while Dongjun had a confused look plastered on his face.

“I have my reasons” you nodded.

“So, you still after Hyuna?”

“Yep, but I heard she is attending an all girls school” you rolled your eyes and smiled.


The day ended in a way which you didn’t expect it to be.

“~~~~ie” you turned around to the voice’s direction. Your eyes widened.

“~~~~~ie??? What the hell Woo Jiho… are you sure you are the same Jiho I knew before?” he chuckled and you slapped him arm

“Wae… it sounds cute” you shook your head.

“~~~~~ie” you smiled when you heard Sungjong’s voice and waved back.

“Why does he get to call you that?” you smiled.

“It sounds wrong when it comes out from your mouth, and you do not have the right to call me that” you stuck your tongue out.


“Ok bye then” you waved at him and went to Infinite.


“I see that you two are friends huh?” Woohyun eyed you and him.

“Kind of, yeah just friends” you looked down. Sungyeol stared at Jiho on the other side until he disappeared from his sight.

You looked at your watch. “Omo… im going to be late for work, I have a lot to catch up but what happen if they fire me or demote me? Oh my god why am I panicking, I forgot I have no time to pay them or I will be dead” you started jumping up and down.


“Who stop talking so fast” Hoya chuckled.

“hyung you didn’t tell her?” Sungyeol shook his head.

“~~~~” you stopped jumping and looked at Sungyeol.

“hyung tell her” Sunggyu came in front.

“We need to tell you that we have paid them for you”

“What!!” you stared at them.

“Did they go after you?” they shook their heads.

“So you just paid those fat men like that” they nodded.

You didn’t know why but you felt relieved and disappointed at the same time. Without saying a word you walked past them.


While walking, you felt frustrated with yourself and tears began to form.

‘Why am I even crying?’ you wiped it on your sleeves.

“Kevin Oppa!” you called out and hugged him.

“What’s wrong ~~~~-ah” Kevin cooed you.

You told him the whole thing about the loan sharks and infinite paying them.

Kevin nodded the whole time while you were explaining. ‘They really treasure her, I’m glad that she has them but…I have to take her away from them soon.’



So Zico is your ex boyfriend... and your new friend... ^_^

Weird right?

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Chapter 33: Omg what just happened?! Pls explain.....^^ but great chapter and story!!!!<3~
Awesome story!
Great awesome amazing marvelous story. Keke.
great story..
New reader....
awws i like the ending
gyuness #7
please put her with woohyun D:
omg.... T_T please dont be jiho! make it... kevin! :D<br />
OMG, bumper cars are so dangerous<br />
Update soon