Lee Hye Su

Fanboy meets Author.

Chapter 15: Lee Hye Su


No. No. No! What is he doing here?

“What are you doing here you obscene blip?! Shouldn’t you be in Shanghai?” he bawls.

Is he really going to make a scene? Here?

Flashes from the past gush inside my head.


“Here is ₩ 3, 000, 000. Give it to her mother and let them disappear tell them to leave the country, leave Seoul, anywhere! Anywhere is fine as long as I don’t have to hear from them. Especially that kid.”

“Father, you’re being oblivious. Her mother just left her.”

“I don’t care! I want them out of here! I don’t want them near you or your family.”

“She’s family!” my father exclaims. “She is not! She is a nuisance.”

“Fine, then I’m taking her to Shanghai.”


My father kneels beside me “Hye Su, father is taking you to Shanghai, okay? Don’t mind what grandfather said. He’s just tired.” He says taking my hand.


I turn my gaze to the man sitting on the leather chair with a big wooden table in front of him who my father regards as my grandfather. “Grandfather, don’t tire yourself too much, I can make you tea if you want.” I mumble while hugging my pink panther stuff toy.


“Tch.” was the only response I got.


Kris’ voice pulls me back to reality. “Hye Su!!”

I am running now. Running so fast Kris’ voice immediately fades. My eyes are closed as tears start to flow. Why is he here? Why is my grandfather here?

Painful memories drill through me. My mother leaving me, my father suddenly fading away, my broken family… Soon, I found myself tearstained and wandering through the cold streets of Seoul—lost.


You’re so stupid, Hye Su! How could you forget your purse? Ugh.

I’m sure this is the right way back…but I’ve been on this same stretch of road for over an hour now. The sun has just set and darkness starts to fill the streets.


Maybe it’s this way. I thought, turning to another street. I walk with my hands in my pocket. Please. Please. Please let this be the right way… It’s eerily quiet on this street, the temperature drops even more and start walking briskly; paranoid of the deafening silence. Soon, I see a group of people nearby. Oh thank goodness atleast I am not alone.


Where they are, there isn’t much light, as I draw nearer my nose twitch at the smell of alcohol. They’re a group of drunkards. Oh crap!

“Hi there sweetheart!” one of them said sluggishly.

Walk faster Hye Su. Walk faster.

Passing by them my heart beat quickens, my breathing becomes uneven.

One of them manages to catch up with my pace and tugs me by the hair. “Where are you going?” he mutters. His hand travels through my face to my neck, goose bumps surge to my entire body.

I gouge his eyes; temporarily altering his vision giving me enough time to run away. “Ouch!!” he screams.

His loud shrieking catches the attention of his gang members who were a few meters away. “Get the girl!” he orders.

I want to scream. I really want to scream. I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

Where will I hide? Where will I go? I turn around to the next block hoping and praying for a miracle to bump into Wu Fan in this big city.

I hear a distant buzzing. “I’m gonna get you!”

Adrenaline pumps through my veins and I feel like I’m running five miles per minute. Two guys emerge from the street both holding 2x2 lumbers and I immediately draw back going the other way. Another guy appears out of nowhere holding a tube pipe.


I am being cornered. Soon, their other members start caving in, there are about eight of them with bodies well built for fighting. I groan in frustration.

I scan through them; my eyes looking for possible weak points. I try to remember a few moves I learned during my defense class in Shanghai.

I only have a few seconds… I can’t let any of them take full control of me or else I’m dead.  

Fatal flaws… knee, groin, throat, nose, ears, and eyes. Gosh this would be much easier if I could use my two hands.

I fist my good hand preparing for potential attacks simultaneously thinking of possible counter-attacks.

One of them moves forward. “Come on babe. Let’s spare the fight, come with us and give us a good time.” He breathes then winks.

Ewww! Disgusting. My eyebrow rises to an arch.

“You refuse?”

I smirk. “You really wanna fight, huh? I’ll give you a good one. Boys!”

The guy who’s holding a tube pipe steps out first and I take a deep breath. He runs toward my direction about to hit me with the pipe. I drift to the side and he misses me. I knife hand strike him grabbing his armed hand twisting it as I spin to his back “Ahhhh!” The tube pipe falls the same time he drops on the ground. I pick up the tube pipe.

Any more takers?


I hold the pipe with one hand gripping on it as firmly as I can and a familiar deep threatening voice emerges from the dark. Everyone’s gaze darts to the dark alley where the voice came from.

“Pick somebody your own size.” The voice continues to speak. It’s dark, I see a shadow but I can’t see who the man behind the hostile voice is.

With the help of the streetlight faces start to form. It’s… its Kris! Tears well up in my eyes. He is not alone… he’s with Tao, Baekhyun? Kai, Suho, Chanyeol? And others I can’t remember their names. They’re here! They’re all here!

Kris approaches me, guarded “Are you okay? Did they touch you?” he asks anxiously.

I don’t know what to tell him. I lose control of my emotions and breakdown to a sob. “You bastard!” Kris yells running to what seems to be their leader.

Everything goes blurry everyone’s in chaos and I am left in a dark corner. “Kris! Get Hye Su out of here!” D.O howls. Yes, I think that was D.O…

Kris races back to where I am and grab me by the shoulder. “Come on, let’s go. My brothers can win this.”

We managed to get out of the commotion without being followed… I think, but we’re still hiding in an alley two or three blocks away to lose them completely.

“Don’t do that again Hye Su. Ever.” His eyes full of concern.

I nod. He grabs a hold of my hand and intertwines them with his. “Don’t let go, okay?” he says endearingly and I flush. Thank goodness it’s dark. Again, I nod without hesitation.

I stand up and walk slowly outside the alley while holding his hand but before fully exposing myself he pulls me and I spin landing perfectly on his chest. He cups my cheek and looked directly in to my eyes. I see a tear drop at the corner of his eye.

My hand reflex is brisk; before I know it has travelled to his cheek wiping away the trail of water that spoiled his beautiful face.


He moves closer, I can hear his irregular breathing… “I was so scared.” He leans closer “So scared that something terrible might happen to you.” He mutters and our lips touch. 



I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update for a week!!! It has been an exhausting week.. reviewing, meeting the deadlines and stuff... but on a lighter note, examination week is finally over!! Horraaayy :))

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Wiiieeee ♥

Comments? Suggestions?

Love you all!! 

-DC x 


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Chapter 13: I wanna be Hye Su ;; I want a kiss on the forehead too ;;
Acha135 #2
Chapter 12: I like where this is going!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 11: i love how kris is the fanboy :))
Chapter 10: Omo she is mute?! So sad :( Update pls ! <3
Acha135 #5
Chapter 10: Omo this is so sad ㅠ^ㅠ. Upadate soon!!!! .ㅠAㅠ
Acha135 #6
Chapter 8: Yay!!! He finally found her!!! Jealous much kris -A-
mariangel #7
wow this is good :D
Chapter 8: oh wow. update soon :)
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far <3 Carry on please, I want to see what happens next(: