
The promised.


After 3 years Baekhyun leaved Haeun, or to be exact, leaved this world, there was no one coming and taking care of Haeun except her family. It felt like something was missing and never come back.



After leaving the hospital,. Baekhyun walked home. He knew that the day is coming. He didn’t have much time left. After reaching home, he quickly walked to his room. His mother was about to greet him but he just walked passed her. He didn’t want to suffer a lot. He just wanted to be alone this time. Baekhyun locked himself at his room. He sat properly on his bed. His tears fell down suddenly.

“Omma, please forgive me…”

That was the last word from Baekhyun to his mom. He just wanted to sleep right now. He wanted to leave this world easily. Without anyone noticed him. Baekhyun lied down on his bed. He took a breathed and then closed his eyes slowly. He felt really scared now. He doesn’t know how to describe the feel but he felt pain. Very pain.

“Haeun… you will always stay in my heart…I’ll keep the promised.”


Miss Byun felt uneasy with his son. She need to inquiry this thing before anything bad happened. She walked to Baekhyun room. She found that the room was locked. She tried calling his name but there’s no answer. Miss Byun started feeling worried. She took a spare key in the drawer ran to his room.

“Baekhyun! Are you there son?” Miss Byun trembled suddenly. She’s afraid that something bad happened to Baekhyun. After opening the door, she saw Baekhyun lying on his bed. She sighed a relief. When she wanted to walked away, she noticed something. Medicine? She looked at his son and walked near to him. She put her hand on Baekhyun forehead. Cold? Miss Byun started panicked. Baekhyun doesn’t tell her that he suffered a fever. But if he suffered a fever, his body should felt hot, not cold. Miss Byun tried holding Baekhyun arm and tried to find his pulse. But she doesn’t find anything.

“Baekhyun… Please don’t make omma like this…” Her tears fell down immediately.

“Baekhyun…Waked up…Don’t leave omma…” Miss Byun hugged his son tightly. She felt very sad now. His son leaved her without a word. Every mother will feel that.

“Baekhyun…Why are you cold?” Miss Byun held Baekhyun’s cheek.

“Baekhyun… Why you don’t tell me that you’re sick…I’m your mom…” the tear doesn’t mean anything anymore. Baekhyun already leaved the world and nothing can do anymore.

“Baekhyun…Please wake up honey..”



Haeun’s family also felt sorry to Miss Byun because of Baekhyun’s death. Miss Byun accepted this fate. She knew that this was all her fault because she didn’t take care about Baekhyun these days. She just filled up her days with her worked.

But, there was someone who didn’t know about the news. Kim Haeun. She still lied on her bed. Before Baekhyun leaved the hospital, he has left a letter for Haeun. He wrote it a day before he visited Haeun.


Kim Haeun.

I’ll remember this name although I already dead.

Because of the name, I feel something.

A thing that I can’t describe. I feel like I have a reason to life.

You’re like my angel. Oh God, You sent me an angel. Kumawo…

But now,

 I’m sorry. I had to leave you, and will never come back for you.

Never come back…

Listen to me, as our promised. We’ll stay by each other forever..

I’ve been waiting for you. I tried but I can’t wait you longer…

I tried to be by your side but I can’t.

Don’t worry…

I’ll keep the promised. I will.


I’m sorry for not telling you about my cancer.

Haeun…It was really pain. I can’t even eat anything…

The doctor was very rude! I hate him!


What should I write now? I’m lost of ideas.


Wait? I’ll never hear you calling me ‘OPPA!’ anymore.

Kim Haeun…


Please don’t cry when you read my letter.

I’ll feel guilty because now I’m leaving you.

My last word

Kim Haeun… you always in my eyes…

Always be in my heart…

I love you…my lovely witch

Byun Baekhyun.


The letter. Baekhyun hope Haeun will notice the letter. He hopes Haeun will read it when she awake. Baekhyun hope Haeun will take care of herself because he was not there anymore.


“Kumawo for being by my side…Mianhae I’m not longer with you…”


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nuraisya #1
Chapter 2: Im crying now! Btw i love this storyy !!
raeyung #2
Chapter 2: wow.. this story is the best!!! I LOVE IT.