
It Happens

           "You’re the same.” I scoffed putting my cup down. She just laughed, "It’s been eighteen years, you really expect me to change?” she said sipping her coffee. “Eighteen is a long time, we need a party, no we need a parade for even tolerating each other for five minutes.” I told her. She laughed again. “Don’t pretend like I’m a pain Eun Hee-ah, you love me too much.” She smiled through her sips.

             “Yah! You’re lucky you’re my best friend Soo Jin-ah.” I countered. “Yeh!” she exclaimed grabbing my hand, “Yah, you’re crazy, almost made me drop my drink!” I scolded, she leaned over the table and looked at me. Her eyes widened like they usually did when she wanted something. “This weekend, can we go to the beach? Please, pretty, pretty please????” she pouted at me, I rolled my eyes. “Soo Jin-ah, What is there to do at the beach huh? All those girls, with their skimpy bikinis from our school will be there. It’s so weird!” she scowled at me but didn’t press any further. “Just think about it arasso?” I nodded.

              She sighed loudly next to me as we walked up to the gates of my house, I turned towards her silently, “Please think about it” she said not looking at me. “Yah, I already told you I would.” I reminded her. “Kay!” she grinned, ‘See you tomorrow!!” I waved as she turned toward her house, watching until she was just a silhouette against the gray sidewalk then turned around and walked up my driveway.


             Our high school was pretty normal, it wasn’t a special school from rich kids, there was no one good class. No superior group of students that constantly put down others, “OMO, THEY’RE HERE! LOOK, OH MY GOD!”…except them. I rolled my eyes as Soo Jin walked up beside me. “It’s senior year, how is this still happening?” she asked, I shrugged, “They remind me a lot of the F4.” We watched, as everyone did, as the four boys walked up the stairs leading to the schools entrance. Did they always have to cause such a scene. I never understood why everyone made such a big deal about them.

              Freshman year maybe, I suppose people weren’t used to seeing such good looking people, but you would think, after three years it would stop. But no, it just got worse. Like some freakin celebrities. “In that case, Seung Hyun oppa would be Jun Pyo.” I thought about it, “Ani, he’s not that big of an , maybe more of a Joo Won from SG, just without all the crazy.” Soo Jin nodded, “look how odd that is, Dong Woon never wears anything darker than grey, so I give him Ji Hoo.” We both laughed, “You might be right actually,” I agreed.

“Come one, we have to get to class.” I pushed her slightly and we went off down the hall. 

       The school wasn’t that big, it was two large buildings connected by  a short brick pathway. The main building was where all the academic stuff was.  Math, English, History all that stuff. The building directly across was the athletics building, there you would find tennis courts and stuff for the more athletic kids. Our schools dance studio was also up there, on the last floor, the one with floor to ceiling windows.

       When you were up there, you could see across the grounds. The student parking lot, the acres of forest. Near the building was a swimming pool, there was also one inside somewhere, but I’ve never been there. There was a small faculty building where the teachers usually went on break, at some point, they decided to build a small pond next to it. Now there is a path that cuts through the forest, running over a small stone bridge that crosses a river that is now two times less the width it was three years ago. There was a single bench there and on nicer days, I often found myself on that bench, ipod in my ears and a book in my hand.

“So how was your week off?” The teacher asked, a low moan escaped the class, she smiled as if pleased by the sour reaction, “Good, I hope you’re well rested, there is a test on Friday.” Another moan escaped the class, this time louder. The teacher smiled again, “Glad to see the enthusiasm.” I never disliked teacher, just the work. But it was a good way to keep busy.  For the past few years I’ve lived by one philosophy in particular, that is: work is good.

I decided that what I've written originally was a thousand times more terrible than what I wrote now. The beginning may sound pretty much the same. But I've changed the story line completely. 
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