Part 2

I Remember That It Hurt

Then and Until Now


Play for better reading experience: Here


Yoona pushed her chopsticks through the small cup infront of her. Steam excaped into the air as the chopsticks lifted up the tangeled noodles. She gently blowed on the slippery noodles before quickly slurping.


"Ah, ah, ah," Quickly putting down her chopsticks she fanned her face. "Hot, hot hot."


"Yoona unnie, you're meant to blow on them," Seohyun shook her head, placing the multiple text books onto the desk. 


"It's spicy Seohyun!" Yoona stuck her tongue out while breathing heavily. "And stop calling me unnie, we don't even have much of an ."


Seohyun sighed and sat across from the older girl. She smiled slightly as Yoona went back to slurping her raymun that she had purchased earlier from the store across the school. 


Yoona glanced up and caught Seohyun staring at her. She imediantly stoped eating and pushed the raymun away from her. "Studying, right?" Her cheeks slowly began to turn pink.


Seohyun nodded her head, opening the thickest text book. Yoona groaned inwardly, she just had to start with the hardest. "Do we really have to do maths first, why not drama." Yoona sat up straight at her own idea.


"Your best subject is drama, besides you practice everyday, you'll be fine," Seohyun traced her finger down the contents of the book. "Which is why you didn't come to libary last week, am I right?" 


Yoona swallowed before speaking, "Hyunnie, you know how well I want to do in my last performance." She pouted, tilting her head to the side.


Seohyun looked up from the textbook before rolling her eyes at the other girls aegyo. "Unnie, your other subjects matter. I've only been tutoring you for two weeks and so far only your english has improved. What about university?"


Yoona's mood immediantly dampened at the thought of university. For the time that Seohyun has been tutoring her, she's only been trying to hold onto the moments as long as she could. Yoona knew Seohyun was already accepted into a top notch university, Yoona just wanted to stay around the younger girl. Over the last two weeks Yoona has gotten to the stage of her face no longer overheating from embarassment everytime she got a question wrong. 


Yoona looked at Seohyun again, her eyes trailing across her long hair, her face, and finally her hands. Yoona was sure she was in love with her hands, long and thin fingers. She knew it was from the constant piano playing that Seohyun did every afternoon in the music room. 


"Yoona? Yoong?" Seohyun waved her hand infront of the doe eyed girl.


Yoona's eyes widened, "Yoong?" She grinned happily. "Aw, Hyunnie~"


Seohyun blushed and pushed the odler girls head gently, "Study." Seohyun noticed the silence that had surrounded them at the mention of university but brushed it off, understanding privacy.




"Yoong! Your performance was amazing!" Seohyun ran towards Yoona, wrapping her arms around her neck.


"Um, thanks Seohyun." Yoona blushed as Seohyun took a step back as Tiffany and Sooyoung ran towards them. 


"Cuz! That was awesome, the judges will love you!" Sooyoung smacked her younger cousin on the back. "That's my shikshin jr."


"You'll definetly get into that drama university," Tiffany smiled giving her a thumbs up. Tiffany glanced at Seohyun before also smiling at the known crush of Yoona. "Seohyun, will you join us in celebration?" 


Yoona paled slightly at Tiffany's invite before looking at Seohyun who looked down at her watch quickly. 


"I'd love to." Seohyun smiled at the older girls surrounding her. 


"Great! Sounds like a date." Tiffany smirked before tunring around. "I bags front seat! Youngin's can sit in the back!"


"Wait where's Yuri and Jessica unnie?" Yoona's furrowed her eyebrows, it wasn't like them to miss out on a celebratory dinner.


"Probably making out in a closest," Sooyoung laughed and callped her hands together. "Get it? Cause Yuri's totally not of the closest yet,"


Yoona rolled her eyes at her cousin before pulling on Seohyun arm, "More for food for us then."




"Yoona you have today to confess and thats it," Jessica brushed a stray strand of hair out of Yoona's face ignoring the busy people surrounding them.


Yoona picked up her coffee, "I know..."


"Are you going to do it?" It was up to Jessica to push the younger girl. They were graduation later on that day, Yoona had to do it.


"Not face to face. I'll find another way."




Entry #71

Hi Hyunnie~

You should feel honoured, you're reading a page out of my journal. 

I know we're graduationg today and we'll probably never see each other again, but I really want to thank you for being my obsession. Please don't be creeped out, obsession in it's good form, not bad form. You pushed me to do things in the short time we finally became friends. I thought you were beautiful the very moment you walked into my class. Your flowling hair, your intoxicating smell, you humour which takes a small effort to make you laugh, your hands (don't get me started on your hands, I just want to kiss them.) your everything. Seohyun, I truly am a dork and I love the way you push my head when I stare at you, or the way your face turns red when I compliment you. 

I like you Seohyun. 

Like-like you.

I hope you have a wonderful future, maybe we'll cross paths again. At least now I can sleep nowing I finally said something to you.

-Your Yoongie <3



New song: Here (just the chorus)


Yoona pulled her coat closer to her body as she walked through the busy courtyard of her university. Two months had passed since she began university and she was only just getting used to it. 


"Yoona!' Hyoyeon, one of Yoona's new friends ran up to her. "Coffee, my treat. Dude it's freezing,"


"Not right now, Hyoyeon. Later okay?" Yoona walked faster before Hyoyeon grabbed onto her arm stopping her. 


'What's up with you, you look like you've seen a ghost."


"I think I have," She mumbled before running towards a bench. 


It couldn't be her, she dosen't go to this university. It couldn't it-


"Yoona?" The voice sent shivers down her spine as she stopped infront of the wooden bench. A girl with long dark hair and a book on her lap looked at Yoona, her eyes sparkling. 


"Seohyun? It's you! It's totally you!" Yoona jumped and down as Seohyun quickly stood up to hug the older girl. 


Taking a step back after their hug Yoona smiled her alligator smile. "I thought you got into that really fancy university where smart people go?"


"I did, it was really difficult though," Seohyun pouted, "They let me exchange here." She poked Yoona's shoulder, "And I thought you got into that acting university!"


Yoona shook her head, "Dad wanted me to come here and focus on writing more with Sooyoung. I don't mind though, this place still has acting courses."


Seohyun shook her head in disbelief, "It seems our paths did cross again."


Yoona's smiled faded as she remembered the note she left in Seohyun locker on graduation day. She opened to speak but Seohyun beat her to it.


"Do you still like-like me?" 


Yoona's eye widened, "What? Uh, I don't know. I mean-"


"I don't like-like you." Seohyun cut her off quickly, staring into her eyes with an unreadable expression.


"Oh," Yoona's heart fell.


"Make me like-like you, Yoona."


"M-make you?" Yoona stuttered, she could feel her face flushing at the bold way she was speaking.


"Yes, do everything you dreamed of doing in high school, buy me coffee, watch movies with me. Everything, please, just do make me love you."




"Yes Yoong, love me."


Yoona smiled again, slowly wrapping her arms around Seohyun's waist. The other girl froze for a moment, before leaning into the touch and placing her hands on Yoona's shoulders. Yoona giggling at their close proximity before realising Seohyun had actually grown taller than her. Yoona stared up at the taller girl as they welcomed the silence between them.


Slowly, Yoona leaned in, closing her eyes untill their lips met halfway. It was  a sweet, innocent kiss between the two girls. Yoona pulled back, feeling her stomach do summersaults. Seohyun leaned her forehead against Yoona's, closing her eyes again.


"Watch out Hyunnie," Yoona finallu said after a comfortable silence, "You'll be falling in love with me soon."



Part 3 out soon.

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Aww I watched this movie. If people enjoy a good romance movie, I highly reccomend Stuck In Love. Now I'm off to read your fic toodles~
Umji4life #2
Chapter 3: I'm a new reader, and I must say I love the YoonHyun moments. Oh my, in chapter 2, it must have been fate that they end up in the same U. And wow they kissed...sweet!!
But in this chapter, YoonHyun aren't official. I wonder how Yoona will do it? Also, I sense that Yoona will be hurt, from YoonYul's convo.
Kimchuckles #3
Chapter 3: Hellfany! Lol. Patiently waiting for the next chappie!
rodeodrive #4
Chapter 2: Ur writing is amazing! Cant wait for the next part!! Thank you...
Chapter 2: Awww so sweet! :3
doctorpea #6
Chapter 2: Awwwe :))) my dear maknae love <3 This seriously needs a sequel author. Hope you'll make one or make this story even longer. Yeah, that would be a lot better ;)))) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ