Meeting You (Pt. 2)

.: My Diary :.

Choi Minho was an athlete. Ever since he was young he had wanted to get into sports. But a recent dilemma had his family almost bankrupt, and here he was, working as a waiter at the cafe to make ends meet so that he could attend the boarding school with the best sports program in South Korea, SM Academy.

Not many people know Minho besides the students at his school, where he's been so gracefully given the name "frog prince". Though it may sound odd at first, if you take a good look at him you will see he does look a bit like a frog, but in a charming way. Maybe this has something to do with the fact so many girls have asked Minho out he doesn't even remember their faces anymore, much less their names. And each time, he politely declined. It wasn't the thought of having a girlfriend that urked him, but going on dates is hard when you're working whenever you aren't at school. He had learned that the hard way-his last and first girlfriend had broken up with him for it. And so since, he's been lonely, and come to accept it.

So why was hard to get Minho, straight as a stick Minho, busy Minho, falling so hard for a customer? A male customer!



Minho felt his jaws part slightly as he eyes scanned the customers he was walking towards, note-pad in hand, a pen tucked behind his ear. One- a guy who almost looked like a diva, his arms and legs crossed. Another guy, who Minho would probably remember for his interesting brown-blonde haircolor. The guy beside him was smiling, and looked like he would've under any circumstance. But the last, he was something special. Auburn curls bounced softly and framed his face, and his beautiful pink lips wore a smile even though his dark eyes displayed sadness and worry. Minho felt butterflies flutter in the pit of his stomach as he stopped beside the table, his eyes wandering towards the adorable boy before he even got to ask what the group would like to order. Accidentally, their eyes met, and Minho smiled as the boy took sudden interest in his shoes.

Minho hadn't smiled for months.

"Hello, my name is Minho and I'll be your waiter today." He greeted, flipping open his little notebook and snatching the pen from it's place behind his ear. "What would you like to order?" The boy opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but suddenly the words caught in his throat as his eyes met Minho's once again. He caught a sympathetic glance given to the boy by his always-smiling friend, who swiftly took the wheel.

" Three strawberry smoothies and a banana milkshake." Minho jotted the words on his notepad as they were spoken and his heel with a nod, straining his eyes to cast a final glance at the pretty teen before he walked off, now straining his ears to hear little wisps of conversation.

"What was that Taemin? You just totally froze up there."

"Ne, usually you're a chatterbox when it comes to waiters." There was a pause,as if they were whispering amongst themselves,

"You have a crush on someone you just met?!"

" Key-umma! Not so loud, everybody's gonna hear!"

Minho smirked. He already did hear. But he didn't believe it, that someone he liked already returned his feelings. They had to be talking about someone else. Taemin, though. He mouthed the name over and over again to get a taste for saying it. An adorable name for an adorable person. He continued to prepare the drinks as he decided to let his mind wander elsewhere, though it occasionally  went right back to Taemin.

Hm. School starts soon. In fact, this is my last day working here, tomorrow I have off to pack, then we're getting settled into our dorms. I hope my roommate is tolerable, I really hate sharing a room. I wonder if Taemin goes to that school. Maybe he'll be my roommate?

Minho mentally pinched himself.

Pabo, you're straight. Stop thinking about him. If your parents found out you were gay, they'd take you out of every sports team you'd ever joined. And besides, you have more important things to worry about. Li-

"Minho! Are you done with those drinks yet? You've been staring into space for the past six minutes," laughed a voice from behind him. Minho whipped around to see one of his more-irritating co-workers.

"The past six minutes, Amber? You waited six minutes to tell me that I've zoned out?"

"What can I say, you're entertaining when you're distracted. You kept mouthing something too, it was crazy." Minho shook his head as he poured the drinks into glasses.

"Don't you have something better to do right now?"

"I was waiting on the blender." Amber giggled as Minho moved out of the way with the tray of drinks, his brows furrowed, though Amber was contented that she had succedded in irritating him once again. Minho took a deep breath that came out as a sigh as he made his way back to the booth, where Taemin sat, as well as his friends, who's names Minho had yet to learn, though he really couldn't care less about them. As he set down the drinks, there was an awkward tension hanging in the air, and Minho was slightly bothered as he realized everyone but Taemin was staring at him. He glanced up at Taemin briefly, just to get his appearance fresh in his mind, and left silently, but he could feel the gazes of Taemin's friends boring holes in his back. He was brought out yet again from his trance as he heard his name being called.

"Minho!! The blender's broken!" Amber cried.


This was going to be a long day.




Kekeke. Now that all this cafe stuff is done, I get to write the fun part. BOARDING SCHOOL!!!

And guess who Taemin sees there?

Omo, stay tuned my wonderful readers, the next chapter is on it's merry way! :D

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lui154 #1
<br />
haha :D<br />
pls ubdate soon :) ♥
omgomgomg i love this fic!! <3 update soon
Did u HAVE to stop there? *pouts* anyway nice chapter, Update soon!
Dibidibidis! Nice chapter :D
Update soon :3 I wants to know what happens...
Update soon :)