
I Love You... Mr. Boy Next Door


Lae-mon closed and kept herself quiet. She never thought that Jinyoung could be that cruel sometimes. It was sad though, but she thought maybe he’ll be back to being kind after he took his bath.

“Don’t give me that look” Jinyoung said

“Sir?” Lae-mon said, she was pretending that she was about to cry

“I hate people who only learn to treat their boss right when they needed them.” Jinyoung said.

“Ne. ” Lae-mon bowed her head. Not because she wanted to cry but because she smiled thinking that Jinyoung was somehow affected by her. “Oh! Please, such a drama queen! That’ll never work for me.” Jinyoung said sounding irritated

“I’m sorry Sir, I already forgot how to respect my boss. Since the last person I worked for treated me like an animal. Mianhae.” She bitted her tongue to prevent herself from grinning as she started to walk to the door. “Maybe I should just go back and work for my old boss. In time I’ll be able to get use to his beating, be his dartboard, his iron rack, and be fed with soaps. Annyeong Sir Jinyoung. ” She felt when she heard Jinyoung talk.

“If you’re really telling the truth, where are your scars?” Jinyoung said while scanning Lae-mon’s figure. He had finally noticed my legs! Hihi! “It has all healed, Sir. But I am emotionally wounded, and emotionally damaged. ”

“Emotionally damaged? Hah! Let me guess you got all those drama from the television, didn’t you?” Jinyoung said. “Aniyo. I’m telling the truth Sir Jinyoung. ” she then turned her back on him and stuck out her tongue “I’ll leave now Sir.”, “Wait” yes! Her little drama scheme worked.

“Could you please clean my room first before leaving?” Jinyoung said in a low and relaxed tone. Just like that? He wouldn’t even ask her to stay? “After you’re done cleaning my room, clean the music room too I’ll be using that room later.” Lae-mon turned to him and said “But Sir, you just fired me---”

“Didn’t you just say you don’t want to work at the house of your previous boss? Do your job well if you want to stay here.” Jinyoung took his towel and went inside his bathroom

She went near to his bathroom door after Jinyoung had it closed. She hugged it. Oh! Jinyoung, my baby! I knew you liked me too---“Omo!--” the door went open and her face accidentally bumped into his masculine chest. She rubbed the door with her apron, “Sir, you’re door has a lot of dirt. Does anyone bother cleaning it?” Lae-mon said as an excuse. “Clean my bed first” Jinyoung said. “Yes Sir!” she answered. “Then clean the carpet and change the curtains” he continued telling her what to do, “Yes Sir, yes Sir” Lae-mon eyes were on his abs.. Yum, Whaaar!

“Lae-mon” Jinyoung called her name to get her attention “Yes sir?” she answered.  Jinyung then pushed her out of the bathroom and said “Start working.” He then slammed the door. Omo! My baby Jinyoung touched me, should I not take a bath for a week? In that case he’ll be like hugging me.

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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 33: Niceeeeeeeee story~~~~~~:-*:-*:-* soooooo sweeet~~~~~
hi hi^^ i just finished reading your story and it was awesome!!!!! i loved it like alot!!!!! it was so amazing but i should start my hw now XD it' already like 7 and i'm not suppossed to stay up late XD haha welll... byebye^^ <3 GOOD STORY^^
annyeong!!!<br />
<br />
i had finish reading you story... =><br />
<br />
i soo sooo LOVET!!!!<br />
<br />
much much... =><br />
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good work... =>
Just by reading this story I can guess the author is a pinoy. lol<br />
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btw, I like this storyy <3
wow, what a great story :D
let me guess ....<br />
your a Filipino right?<br />
hehe...<br />
i think this story is good,.. i didn't read it yet...<br />
i'm just bothered by the title "jinyoung mirror prince" <br />
<br />
jeong min (boyfriend) is the only mirror prince.. <br />
but then, i'll still read your story...
SarangHaeOppaOppa #7
nikki18 #8
what a great ending!!!love it^_^
waaaah! i really love your stories!!!! :))) <3
southkoreanfan #10
Update please !! HWAITING .. i LOVE your story it's awesome ..<br />