
I Love You... Mr. Boy Next Door


“AIISH!” lae-mon gave out a loud breathing. While she was hugging her throw pillow. She was watching her favorite Korean drama. “It’s so sweet I want to watch it again.”

“Yah!” said Cha-gi “How many times have you watched that?” Cha-gi was writing something on her pad, something that’s maybe related to her company. 

“Wae? I love this drama. It’s my favorite. I’ll pay for the electric bill for the whole monthe if you want, just let me be...” she said, turning back to the television again.

“AISSH! Ok. You’ve been stuck in front of that television for three days.” Cha-gi said

“Who cares! Quiet! I can’t concentrate!” Lae-mon said, trying to stop Cha-gi from complaining. “Look at Baek Sung Jo, he’s so cute.. aigooo.. I want to have a man like him!”

“You’re a one weird person. Don’t you know that?” Cha-gi said as she continued what she was doing.

“You’re just jealous ‘cause you’re a boring type of a person. Booorriinng...” Lae-mon said trying to start a fight again.

“At least I have a boyfriend. Unlike you” Cha-gi said, boyfriend pertaining to Sandeul.  

“My heart already belongs to my special someone.” Lae-mon said, as she hugged tightly her pillow. “Yah! Stop dreaming will you... If you continue on dreaming for  that perfect guy, you’ll end up like a spinster.”

“I’m not looking for a perfect guy” Lae-mon then turned head back to the television, “I want someone like Baek Sung Jo. There’s nothing wrong with hoping and dreaming right?”

Cha-gi shook her head “Aish!  When you go to the Philippines, the first thing you must do is to find yourself a boyfriend, Ne?”

Lae-mon then turned her head back to the television. It was the part when Baek Sung JO first kissed Oh Hani. Lae-mon Squealed “Baek Sung Jo! My body’s ready!”

“Lae-mon, can I just say, you’re so gross!” Lae-mon didn’t bother looking at Cha-gi... “I’ll be back later tonight. I’ll be with Sandeul.” Cha-gi went and left Lae-mon seating on the couch still watching her favorite Korean drama.

“I want a man!” Lae-mon shouted.

Lae-mon took a deep breath and thought, “when will my prince charming come? Cha-gi was a year younger than her and sometimes acts like a man, but she already has a boyfriend, while Lae-mon never had any boyfriend even once. In her mind every man that she sees treats and worships her like a queen. But those were only in her mind. She’s only 22, not so bad for a woman. She was left in South Korea while her whole family have migrated to the Philippines. She moved in a subdivision, Le Beau de Ville, one of the prettiest and most peaceful place to live at. They said a lot of actors, models, and actresses lives here, but none of those fell in love with her. 

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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 33: Niceeeeeeeee story~~~~~~:-*:-*:-* soooooo sweeet~~~~~
hi hi^^ i just finished reading your story and it was awesome!!!!! i loved it like alot!!!!! it was so amazing but i should start my hw now XD it' already like 7 and i'm not suppossed to stay up late XD haha welll... byebye^^ <3 GOOD STORY^^
annyeong!!!<br />
<br />
i had finish reading you story... =><br />
<br />
i soo sooo LOVET!!!!<br />
<br />
much much... =><br />
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good work... =>
Just by reading this story I can guess the author is a pinoy. lol<br />
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btw, I like this storyy <3
wow, what a great story :D
let me guess ....<br />
your a Filipino right?<br />
hehe...<br />
i think this story is good,.. i didn't read it yet...<br />
i'm just bothered by the title "jinyoung mirror prince" <br />
<br />
jeong min (boyfriend) is the only mirror prince.. <br />
but then, i'll still read your story...
SarangHaeOppaOppa #7
nikki18 #8
what a great ending!!!love it^_^
waaaah! i really love your stories!!!! :))) <3
southkoreanfan #10
Update please !! HWAITING .. i LOVE your story it's awesome ..<br />