Leo and Ren

Thanks appa
"Minky, its almost time for bed. Please get ready to take a bath." Tao passed by the younger boys room, making his way to his room. "but umma, I dun wanna shower." Ren pouted and rubbed his eye. Tao heard his sons voice grow closer. "Ren?" He walked into his room to see nothing other than his son, strutting around in his clothes. "Minky!" Tao spoke loudly, startling his son. "y-yes..." "What do you think your doing?!" Ren pouted and bit his lip. "Whats going on in here?" Kris blinked as he leaned against the doorway, Leo at his leg. "Appa~" Ren pouted and ran to his dad. "He was wearing my clothes again..." Kris sighed and picked up his son. "You know better than to wear your ummas clothes." "i-i know...but i no wan showa" Ren shook his head cutely. "I know you don't, but you have your first day of school tomorrow and you need to get to bed soon..." Ren sighed and nodded." Ok appa, i showa." Ren wiggled his feet, wanting to be let down. Once he was he tugged off his ummas shirt slid off what ren thought were shorts, but were really Tao's boxers. 
Kris had set Minki in the warm bath and went back to his room. Ren smiled as he sat in the tub playing with his bubbles. "fun fun" Ren poked every bubble that flew past his vision. Meanwhile, Leo stood at the doorway, keeping an eye on his younger brother. "Weo~ come join me" Ren waved his arms. Leo shook his head and rubbed his arm. Ren softly pouted, but than began popping bubbles as asoon as they began to float infront of his face again. "Almost done Ren?" Kris came to the door way. "yesh appa...what about Weo?" He pointed to his older brother. Kris looked down to his son and blinked. "Leo...where is your diaper." Leo looked up to his appa and ran to his room. "Tao! Your son isn't wearing his diaper again!" Kris shook his head. "Come on ren, lets go~"
"You're such a good boy leo, always watching over your brother as he baths..." Tao smiled down at his son, kissing his forehead as he rocked him in his arms while they watched there night show cartoons. "Leo keep wen safe" Leo softly spoke and cuddled himself into Tao's arms, Tao smiled and looked up to the doorway to see Ren. He slowly approched his umma, looking down. "i-i sowwy umma.." "Rennie, come sit next to umma." He pat the spot next to him. Ren climbed next to his umma and older brother, legs making the attempt to sit on the couch. "Ren, you know umma loves you, and he will always forgive you" Tao leaned over to kiss his forehead. "appa say say sowwy to umma...so I did" Ren smiled and nod. "Ready for bed you two?" Kris stood at the doorway, holding two warm bottles of milk.
"Goodnight, we love you both." Kris and Tao kissed their sons forehead and smiled. "wuv you umma an appa" Ren smiled and held his stuffed bear. "goodnight" Leo softly spoke and rubbed his eye with a yawn. Kris smiled and wrapped an arm around Tao, softly closing the door and walking to the kitchen. Kris put apot on the stove, pouring milk into it. Tao sat at the kitchen table, sighing and playing with his fingers. Kris stood behind him and began to rub his shoulders. "Tao, they will be fine tomorrow..." Tao put a hand over his husbands. "I-I know, but I just don't like the fact they will be alone for so long until they come back home. I am so used to having them by myside." Tao frowned. "I know babe, but they eventually need to grow... and its only second grade. They have done this before, plus, they will be with Lay and Suho's kids. They came back from China." Kris smiled rubbing his shoulder.
 Lay and suho were Tao's best friends since middle school. Kris met them as him and Tao were dating through out high school. Kris and Suho had become closer since they had a lot more in common. Suho would come over a lot while Tao was pregnent and would play games with Kris. Lay would attend to Tao whenever he could. After Tao had gave birth to Leo, he had lost touch with Lay and Suho. Lay and Suho went to china to go visit lays parents. When they came back a couple months later, Lay found out he was pregnent with twins. Tao was so excited when he found out his best friend was going to have twins. After spending so much time with lay while he was pregnent, Tao had thought, Leo was an only child and lay was having twins. Which ment, they would have somone there for eachother. Tao wanted another child so Leo could have someone there for him. Within a couple months, Tao found out he was pregnent again. After he had became pregnent, he hadn't seen Lay for a while. 9 months to be exact. Lay had had his twins. Ravi and Baro. The two certinly looked alike. Tao was so happy when they were born, he was shocked as how mucht the two looked alike. 
As months passed, Tao had given birth to his younger son Minki, Ren for short. Since Ren was the younger Tao spent a lot of time with him. Leo of course by his side. Growing up, Leo was always curious of his little brother. He almost witnessed him fall out his crib once, from they day Leo always kept a close eye on his brother. As they both began to walk, talk, and explore, Leo had been by his side. Whenever Ren would shower, Leo stood at the doorway, watching over his little  brother, making sure nothing happened to him as he sat in the tub. He never looked to ren as whiney, although that seemed the  rens favorite thing to do. Whenever Tao caught him wearing his favorite shirts, or his boxers as shorts, or even reach to his makeup. Tao would speak loudly to him. but caused ren to run to his appa. He knew Kris would get him out of anything. Ren wasn't the only one who has his moments. Leo never liked to wear his diaper. Kris often found himself replacing Leo's diapers once or twice a day. Whenever Leo has a chance, he would rip it off and throw it close to the trash but never in. He always spoke softly whenever his parents would speak to him, sometimes they would tell him to raise his voice it was that soft. He was a quite child in general.
"u-umma...ren stay wif umma?" Ren pouted and rubbed his eye. "no Minki, you go to class and umma will pick you and Leo up later." Ren shook his head rubbing his eye. Leo grabbed his brothers hand and tugged on it. "come on wen, we need to go" Leo waved at his umma and pulled Ren along side him. "n-n-noo! Umma!! a-appa!!" Ren waved his arm at his umma and sobbed. Leo sighed and squeezed his brothers hand. Ren softly whimpered. "no cry..." Leo wiped his brothers nose with his sleeve and moved his seat closer to his younger brother. "Please raise your hand when I say your name" The teacher spoke and looked to the students with a smile. "Kim Sunwoo?" "Here" "Kim Wonshik" "Here" Leo and ren looked over to the boys who looked alike. "Wu Taekoon?" Leo raised his hand. "Wu Minki?" "h-herw" Ren softly spoke. The teacher smiled and began to write on the board. "Well, class I will be joining you in group of 4 and you will be drawing out about you." The teacher passed out blank sheets of paper. "wonshik and sunwoo, you will be with Taekwoon and minky." Ravi and Baro went to their table and smiled. "Im Baro!" He smiled pulling a chair next to his brother. "Im Raviii" He smiled and sat down. "I'm Wen! and dis Weo, my owder bwoder!" Ren pointed to Leo and smiled. Leo looked down at the paper and began to draw. "you sound funny.." Baro pointed to Ren. Leo looked up at him, "thats not nice." "He's sorry.." Ravi nodded and gave a paper to Ren with a smile. 
"Umma!" Ren smiled and ran up to his umma. Leo smiled and hugged his umma along with his brother. "how was your first day of school?" Tao asked as he buckled Ren and Leo into their seats. "it was good! we made fwends! wavi and ba-bawo" Ren smiled and giggled. "they nice..." Leo softly spoke. "thay gimme thay pictwer he drew" Ren waved the picture they drew. "what did he draw?" Tao asked as he took a turn. "bawo drew his umma and appa. hes appa is a uncorn. he appa hat, and a wock!" Ren waved his paper in amazment, the picture of the rock was his most favorite thing about that picture. "what about your picture leo?" Leo held the paper up through the rareveiw mirror. "Baby I cant see im driving" Tao giggled. "h-his appa...and u-umma... and Bawo and him howdin hands" Leo softly spoke. "they must be lovely, we will hang them later. Where are you're pictures?" Tao asked as he pilled into the house's garage.
"Umma we made new friends!" Ravi and Baro ran inside from there bus stop. "Look umma! My friend has a older brother, theres a diaper on the floor! and his umma is holding him. He said his umma looks like a girl but he loves to wear his ummas clothes. hes wearing them here. and this is his appa! Hes tall!" Baro pointed to the tall man with a yellow crayon scribbled across the forehead.  "MY friend is quite...he loves his umma though. his umma is the one with black hair and his appa has yellow hair. Look umma! I missed you so I drew you on another paper!" Ravi showed his umma a folded piece of paper. "Baby, its lovely, but why does umma have a horn?" "Because umma is a unicorn~!" 
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Chapter 2: Aw~ love this it's so cute hope you can update this.:)
mydandelion_flower #2
Chapter 2: Aww, and this is heart-warming too. The twins just so cute.
Hope you can update soon XD
mydandelion_flower #3
Chapter 1: Aww, this is so cute. And the last part, Lol xD
zoldyk #4
Chapter 1: Cute story but would you make it in paragraph so we can read easier? Please update soon.. Thank you..