It's a Fandom Thing

It's a Fandom Thing
"Babe~ it's my birthday tomorrow." Chanyeol placed his chin on your shoulder as he leaned from behind the couch you were using.
"Mhhhm, have you thought about how you want to spend it?" you smirked as you turned my attention from the drama on the television to Chanyeol's grinning face. He used his long legs to climb over the couch's back and position himself next to you.
"I was thinking... can we go to a night club?" He gave you a nervous smile and you laughed and looked at him strangely.
"A night club? You want to go to a night club? You, Park Chanyeol who doesn't really love dancing wants to go to a night club with me, your girlfriend that doesn't really love clubbing."
"Alright weirdo. Your wish is my command birthday boy." You laughed and wrapped your blanket around him to continue watching the movie.
The next night the two of you got ready to go and when Chanyeol got out of the bathroom you dropped your cell phone. He looked amazing. His hair was growing out so he gave it a messy bed head look and wore a black button up with the sleeves rolled up. Dark skinny jeans completed the look and accented his long legs. He smirked as you stared at him. "Enjoying the view?"
"Mmmhm, maybe we shouldn't go out on your birthday. You seem way too handsome to night to let other girls stare at you at the club." You gave a pout as you went to hug him.
"Hmmm, should we stay home? I don't like the idea of you wearing that around other guys." He pulled you arms length away from him and looked at you lovingly. He didn't always remember how beautiful his girlfriend was. "Still, it's my birthday wish!"
You both laughed and gave each other a kiss as you headed out the door. When you got to the club the two of you headed to the bar and scanned the crowed. It was a pretty popular club for celebrities and not just anyone was allowed to go in to avoid the fangirl/ fanboy situations. As you two headed out to the dance floor and you had fan helping Chanyeol keep up with your footwork; a group of girls came in.

You heard a bit of commotion and gasped when you saw who it was: 2NE1! Three members went off to find a table on the upper floor while one member was left behind to order the drinks. When you got a better look you saw it was Dara!
You and Chanyeol were huge Sandara Park fans. Everytime a 2ne1 performance was on both of you spazzed at how amazing Dara looked and her awesome stage presence. Chanyeol hadn't realized she was there until you spun him around and pointed at Dara. His eyes bulged out of his head and his jaw dropped.
"______! It's Dara! We are literally 5 ft away from Sandara Park! Oh my god what is she doing here??"
"Oh, I don't know babe... maybe clubbing with the rest of 2ne1." you laughed at his reaction but you were dying of feelz on the inside too. "Oh my god! Chanyeol ask her to dance!"
"What???" He spun back around and looked at you like you had just asked him to kidnap her.
"Go ask her to dance! How cool would it be for you to dance with 2ne1's Dara! The never aging beauty queen!"
"Why don't you do it!?"
"I will. AFTER you do it! I want to get a video of you two dancing! Imagine how amazed and happy your fans will be to see you dancing with your bias!"

"But... i'm nervous! I can't ask her to dance! I can't even dance well. Besides... wouldn't you get jealous?" He raised an eye brow and looked at me expectantly.
"No. No, I wouldn't." You answered flatly. With that you took your whining boyfriend and began to push him in Dara's direction. When you were a foot away she turned her head and saw you heading towards her. Chanyeol immediately freaked out and began to run away. You grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him the remaining inches to Dara. She looked up at the two of you and smiled.
"Hello, my name is _________ and he's Chanyeol. You've seen him before for EXO performances." You introduced the two of you and he nervously smiled and waved.
"Ohhh... right one of the 12 cuties from EXO. I remember you, you're one of the tall ones." Chanyeol coughed a little and his ears turned red when he heard that she recognized him.
"We're really big fans of yours Dara; you're actually our bias in 2ne1 and well. We were wondering if you'd be willing to dance with Chanyeol; it's his birthday by the way?" I bit my lip and looked at her with puppy dog eyes. She laughed and looked at Chanyeol who was scratching the back of his neck.
"You guys are cute. Sure i'll have a dance with him." She walked to Chanyeol and took his hand and led him to the dance floor. His eyes went as wide as D.O's and he looked back at you mouthing 'thank you thank you thank you.' She started to dance and he awkwardly followed along and you just stood back and recorded the whole thing so he could watch it later.  After the song finished you saw him talking to Dara and she pulled out her phone while he ran back to you.
He grabbed your hand and brought you to the dance floor. Dara and Chanyeol pulled you into a group hug and they each snapped a picture of the three of you together. He took your phone and snapped another and the two of you bowed and thanked her.
The night was so unbelievable and you and Chanyeol were leaning against eachother in the taxi. "I can't believe we met Sandara Park! Aren't you thankful that I  made you dance with her!? Isn't this the best birthday ever!?"

"Mmmmhm." He said dreamily. "You know what makes it better?"

"What?" You looked at him in disbelief. What could possibly make that night better?

"I got Dara's phone number." He gave a sneaky close lip smile and looked at you from the corner of his eyes.


"I don't know if I should be jealous or extremely proud of you... I choose pride." I gave him a hug and begged to see his phone. He complied and as I searched through the contacts he stared at me with a goofy grin.
"Thank you __________."

"Hmm?" You asked half paying attention. He chuckled.
"I said thank you my crazy fangirl." He gave your cheek a kiss and you grinned and faced him.
"You're welcome my crazy birthday fanboy!" You kissed him on the lips and the two of you continued to spazz over when you should text Dara.
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InspiritHamster #1
Chapter 1: Luckily the girl doesn't jealous >__<
Hahahahah nice story ^^
chelsea_tran #2
Chapter 1: Wow...your story is soo sooo chessy <3 ^_^