That's my girl!

The Recognition

That's my girl






"Mr. So, are you up to marrying your fiancée already?"




"What is your fiancée doing in France?"




"Did you marry your fiancée in France, Mr. So?"




"She's from a middle class household. How did your family react to this?"




"Mr. So, what can you say about marrying a commo...?"




The windshield went up shutting up all the rampage questions thrown to him. Yi Jeong took off the aviator that was a big help to cover his eyes from camera flashes and he then had slumped comfortably at the back seat. "That was better than my previous homecoming."




"Young Master Song had taken care of the reporters, Sir."




He nodded to his Butler and fished his phone out from his pocket and he dialed a number. The call was picked up after the third ring. That's weird. He thought.




"Yi Jeong-ah!"




Monkey...? "I mean Jaekyung! Hi there! Where is Woobin?"




"Hi to you too! He's feeding Chummy. Ahh... our dog, remember? Ow! I can say that you made it alive from the airport. Is there something you want to tell him? I'll pass the message."




"It's okay. I'll just call him back. Just tell him my thanks."




"Arasso! Bye officially declared X-Casanova!"




Did he just talk to Ha Jeakyung through Woobin's phone? When did his best friend ever allowed someone else to answer his phone? And Woobin was what? Feeding a dog? Yi Jeong could not help the chuckle that was threatening to burst out of him, that was a good thing to muse for a while.




A playful smirk appeared on Yi Jeong's lips while staring at his phone. Knowing that his best friend was feeding a dog was a monumental event; nevertheless a change is absolutely constant, though it did surprise him a lot. The Mafia Prince had changed a 360° turn, which could be good because he would be able to experience how crazy a woman could cause a man into. They have that power that's capable of spinning their world upside down.




He gazed back at his phone with a gentle moving air escaped his lungs. Another smile broke free from his lips the time he saw her photo flashed on the screen. Her hair let down neatly, resting at her shoulders with a painted mischievous smirk on her lips and her arms were wrapped around his neck as if strangling him down her level. Without any doubt, Yi Jeong was already missing Gaeul. And luckily, it was as if God saw his current predicament, then turned his phone ringing with the name of his most treasured person flashed on the screen. He grinned widely.




"Yah Gaeul-yang! Miss me already?"








Jiho had seen that because of the news, the entire Korea had been contemplating whether or not, he and Minsoe are dating. And he's not even alarmed about the issue. However, there was something that he had realized after the whole issue was clearly presented to him; it was those people who might show their faces to benefit the issue itself. Bothered, it wasn't what he actually was feeling, but it was definitely something about the lack of consciousness to what he might throw at his visitor's face if he happened to lose his grip. Irrationality is out in his vocabulary, but he knew it could trigger at any moment if his visitor would demand the things he had envisioned in his mind.




I hope I'm wrong.




"I had kept my mouth shut for days, but this news is totally pestering me. Now, I want to know straight from you, Dr. Yoon. Are you going out with my daughter? Are you two in a relationship? Is it true that you're going to marry her?"




"Indeed, I am awfully right all the while."




Jiho kept his cool, though inside he wanted to bolt up and yell at his visitor's face until her entire visuals be disfigured. He'd just apologize to Minsoe if he happens to turn her mother into a crumple paper when things snap out from him. The woman standing across him flashed a confused expression.




"What do you mean, young man?"




Jiho bent forward, clasping his palms together and resting his elbows on top of his table. "Let us put things into clarification, Mrs. Han." The voice coming out from him traveled through his teeth, his jaw was tightly close, complementing the sardonic grin on his face. "First. She is not your daughter for her identity was nullified by the court. I was able to witness her sign the document in front of her father, Madame." The older woman gasped.




"Second. I must inform you that whatever relationship I have with Minsoe, it’s none of your business and that we both don't owe you any explanation."




Speaking in a disrespectful manner was never his book too, but the situation had called for it and by fact and he's sure not backing up. He could clearly see how the woman across him had sent piercing glares that could bore holes in his chest, yet he did not mind.




"Third, I believe that it is not anymore your stand to show control over Minsoe, because you already had disowned her. She is still carrying the 'Kwon' surname, but I know the relationship was nonexistent. Therefore, it is not you whom I have to talk to with regards to my relationship with her. Instead, I should and would speak with Mr. and Mrs. Lee - her foster parents."




In a smooth manner, Jiho stood up on his seat and grabbed his hospital coat. "So, if you'll excuse me Madame. I still got a surgery to perform. Hope not to cross the same path with you again. Have a nice evening." He stormed out his office just to see Minsoe standing in front of him at the doorway. Without a word, Jiho grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the premises.








He never heard her talk in such certain tone at him, nor call him just by his name. Jiho paused and turn his whole body to face her. Her face stoned with pure anger and disappointment. He knew that she despised prying on with her business. And just a while ago, she just witnessed the whole conversation and it revved her so much that she couldn't even explain why.




For how much she wished to gain her mother's attention it was then that it came true, but Jiho just crashed everything up, acting like a knight in shining armor at what she thinks as a 'wrong timing'. She had to admit that what Jiho said was right all along, however she couldn't help but feel regretful on the wasted attention from her mother which she had longed for, ever since.




"How could you step out for me?" She asked full force and furious.




Her hair was swaying with the wind, as angry as she was. She's also breathing heavily from how she had sprinted along the flight of stairs to get her pace with Jiho. "That was my mother who went and asked you... but why didn't you let me know she's here?"




Minsoe was all spirited to finally talk and explain the whole issue to her mother as she waited for her at the front door, but then it was Jiho who dragged her out hindering her plan. "If you're thinking that she came because she's concern about you, I'm sorry to tell you but it isn't her purpose." He won't call it obvious; however the look on Minsoe's mother told him that she's up to something if he ended up confirming the issue.




A snort came and Minsoe smiled at him bitterly. "Are you trying to manipulate and step into my life again, Yoon Jiho? Are you implying that she went because it is you whom I am linked with? That it is F4's Yoon Jiho who's getting along nicely with her daughter?"




"Yes!" Her eyes went so big for his none hesitant answer. Jiho didn't want her to be blinded with her fantasy of love and attention from her so called parents.




"You!" She stepped nearer to him with her a finger pointing at his face. "Now I just know who the real Yoon Jiho is... stupid jerk."




"Call me names of whatever you prefer, but don't be blinded with their sudden change of heart. Your mother came not for you, but for me. She wanted me to confirm the issue that it is really 'us'. If you happen to have mistaken her intentions, better open your eyes, Minsoe-yah. You are never dumb." Jiho let go of her arm and turned away leaving, her standing alone at the rooftop.












"Oh... Yi Jeong! How is Gaeul doing?" It was a question from his mother that took his attention from his father whom he did not expect to see at the Lee's household, even more to see him taking to his mother, casually.




"Uma! Should you greet me first? Whenever I come home it is always Gaeul-yang coming out first of your mouth." He complained only to earn a chuckle from his mother.




The frequent mentioning of Gaeul's name at home had been a hobby, and then it became the usual routine of his mother and grandmother. Yet there were times, he could feel jealous on how much attention Gaeul had earned from them. There were also times when he would purposely keep Gaeul with him at the studio to prevent his family from ignoring him and also taking Gaeul's attention away from him. Whenever she's around the house, his mother would grab Gaeul at the kitchen and they would bake and chat for hours leaving him at the living room sulking on his own. And when his Grandma Haejin would be around, she would purposely pull Gaeul and have shopping with her, and again, leaving him all by himself.




"Give him some credits. He's acting like a toddler." The way Hyunsub delivered his statement wasn't foreign to Yi Jeong. His father was teasing him and he could only sigh at it.




"Don't tell me you going to say 'Abojie', again?" Then it was her mother's turn to laugh. She was laughing at Yi Jeong who suddenly turned red from Hyunsub's statement.








"Aigoo! My son is so sensitive and jealous. Of course I will always choose you no matter what." Haneul went to her son and hugged him warmly, which Yi Jeong equally responded.




"Son, when are you going to introduce Gaeul to me again?" His father came to him after Haneul.




"Soon Abojie, I'll introduce her to you again the moment she's back here, so please be expectant." He said and his father gave him a warm smile and nod.




"Oh?! Yi Jeong!" That was his grandmother. Wait! Just where did she come from? Suddenly appearing from nowhere?




"How is my great-grandchild? Is she or he coming already in nine months?" Yi Jeong could only roll his eyes and sigh lifelessly after hearing his Grandmother's inappropriate inquiry.




He composed himself before turning to his grandmother and gave her a halfhearted hug. "Grandma, for how many times... nothing happened and nothing will happen not when there is no wedding yet. I and Gaeul-yang will marry first until then your grandchild will not come alive, arasso?!" He stubbornly ranted to his grandmother who looked so displeased with him.




"I let you leave to Paris for three days and then now I'll just learn that you just wasted your time? How much long will I wait?"




"Don't worry Grandma. You're still healthy enough to give me your demands; therefore you're very much capable of waiting for few more years." He delivered it in a matter of fact manner, but the interest was purely to tease the older woman.




"Yah! So Yi Jeong!" Heajin’s yell echoed in the entire living room; however the subject of her demand had leaped away, up to the stairs with his hands covering his ears. "What an immature child you two got there!" She complained, making Haneul and Hyunsub laugh together.




Yi Jeong was grinning to himself as he made his way to the bedroom. It felt great to be able to escape his Grandma's unending propositions. With hurried steps, he reached his room and instantly collapsed at his bed with arms wide open. He gazed up to the ceiling wondering if he could actually make it, keep his foot in Korea and not fly back to where Gaeul is. Few more seconds past and he shot his eyes close, finding time to recollect himself. And tell the man inside him that tomorrow would be the very first day of his three months away from her.




"Aish! I'm missing her already." Blindly he shoved his hand on his pocket and took his phone. He made a long press on his dial pad. He waited for it to ring twice and there he smiled.




"Hey! Miss me already?" He laughed at her way of asking.




"That's my line, Gaeul-yang" Her voice made him feel like she's just around his room. Without thinking, his hand went to grab one of his pillows and hugged it tightly.




"Gaeul-yang, are you ready for you first class tomorrow? I'm sorry. I'm not there to cheer for you..."




"It's okay. You've done a lot for me and I'm thankful for that. Hmm… You sound tired already... better sleep now, Jongie."




"Hmm... I will. Just call to hear your voice. I love you!"




"Weee? I... love you." Yi Jeong tried to stifle his laugh, but he failed in the end. He just know that she's blushing too much and that if he's there hugging her, he bet that she'd be burying her face on his chest.




"Yah! So Yi Jeong stop that!" She reprimanded him as she tried to salvage her pride, which only made him laugh more.




"Arasso. I'm not laughing anymore... I'll be calling you tomorrow... I mean later before you sleep, okay?"








"Too bad I can't have my goodnight kiss... Anyways, good afternoon to you, Gaeul-yang."




"Yeah… Too bad... Goodnight Jongie, sleep well. Bye!"
















"Yi Jeong? Aren't you hanging up yet?"




"Ahh... Oh! Yeah, okay, goodnight Bumpkin. Love you! Bye! Love you again!"




On the other side of the world, Gaeul could only smile at his antics. She shook her head as she made one last look at her phone screen before placing it back on her pocket.




"I haven't seen Young Master that happy before, Agasshi." Mr. Kim made a notion that made her smile more.




"Really?" She asked, glad to know about that and hearing such a notion from someone who is close and had known Yi Jeong for such a long time gave her some credits. "I want to know more about Yi Jeong, Mr. Kim? Would you like to share?"




"Just ask me anything Agasshi and I'm very much willing to answer."




"Thank you Mr. Kim, but it will be more comfortable if you'll call me Gaeul."




"But Agasshi..."




"I'm already sorry for you that you'll be spending three months with me away from your family... please Mr. Kim? Just call me Gaeul."




"Aigoo! This kid... Arasso! Arasso! Gaeul."




"I like that better."




She grinned at the older man and then proceeded with arranging her things inside her apartment. Yes apartment, because even if she had settled on staying at the dorm, Gaeul was left without a choice when all of a sudden some media from back home was able know where she's planning to stay. And due to the fact that the presence of media would affect her normal routine, Yi Jeong had canceled the dorm and made settlement on a humble apartment only fifteen minutes’ drive from her work shop.




To make her at ease, but more like making himself more comfortable, Yi Jeong had assigned Mr. Kim - his Butler for twenty years to accompany Gaeul. Though she felt like a burden, Gaeul was thankful of how much Yi Jeong had value her privacy and mostly her safety. She promised herself to do her best and show him that even if they're apart the sacrifice would be worth it.








"Bin-ah...?" Jaekyung called as she walked along the hallway, second level of the Song Mansion.




"I want to know the reason of keeping her here with you. It has been months, Son."




Jeakyung stood froze on her spot with what she heard.








"Shhhh!" Jaekyung waved the maid away as she covered herself from one of the huge post at the second floor. She could feel her heart thudding so loud against her chest, and she could only gulp hard at what might be happening in any minute soon. Truth to be told, she didn't want to leave Korea at the moment or even leave Woobin's house, much more Woobin himself.




If his father would be against her stay, she would leave willingly, but it would really be hard for her. Leaving Korea only means going back to New York which also means that she’d be spending her remaining months with her parents before the engagement, and the wedding. That also means months of hell for her.




"Father... I need her to stay. I can't risk her life. I know you knew about the Hanagawa's, her kidnapping was connected to them and that she'll be in their household soon. She'll be Hansen's bride..."




Jaekyung wanted to brush the thought that Woobin voice was as pained as she felt when he said those words to his father. She though that he shouldn't be feeling pained and reluctant on letting her go, because she's just a burden to him, but then he sounded hurt when he spoke about her being the future member of the Hanagawa's household. 




Is he really not joking about what he said before? Does he really like me? She wanted to erase the assuming thought in her mind and tried to take a step towards the nearest room across her.




"It's not about her safety, but about her marrying other man, isn't it? You're in love with your precious friend, Song Woobin." His father said it straight that he was rob with the chance to deny, although he too has no plan of denying it, because he had already confessed to her.




"Gainsay isn't my thing, Father." He didn't know what his father was thinking, thus lying and denying won't help him at any time soon. "And you know I'm bad at it."




"I won't intervene for I am certain that you will never let me. But... be sure that you have everything in control. You're old enough to decide, Son." Woobin wanted to thank the heavens above for giving him such a father. Sometimes it seemed ironic to have a father leading a huge underground activity with fierce disposition and at the same time, being a soft and trustful father. "Don't thank me, but your mother on this. She's stubborn enough to not let me press the issue more"




"Whatever you say, Father. Thank you!"




Happy? Why was she happy? All of a sudden her heart was jumping for joy. Was it because she's not going to leave the house at any time or was it because Woobin was damn dead serious that he likes her? No. What he said was 'I'm in love with you!' Yes. That was it. Now, how was she going to face him after knowing the entire thing? Why was she happy to know that he’s serious and that his family’s fine with it? Did her fantasy of drifting down to 'falling in love' dimension come too close for her reach? 




No. That's impossible because I'm not sure if I'm in the same circle as he is. Am I not?




"Jaekyung-ah? Why are you standing there? Aren't you coming down for breakfast?"








It must have been a while since she started standing on that same spot that she never noticed Woobin had went upstairs to look for her. "Yeah, after you... I just erm... wash my face. I haven't done that yet. And also I need to brush my teeth. Just go ahead and I'll be with you later."




Without hearing his reply, Jaekyung had skip away from him and slammed the door behind her. She was panting and confused at the same time that washing her face with cold water didn't make things better. Sighing in defeat, she shook her head and slowly slipped out of her room. She just couldn't escape him, not when they're staying in the same roof, right?




"What took you so long?"




"Just brushed twice... heh?"




Woobin raised his brow, sensing that something was off and it's confusing him onto why she's acting weird in front of him. "Yah! You're acting so weird. Feeling sick?" She saw him stood up to reach her, but she held his hand before he could even touch her face.




"I have a question." She gulped hard and Woobin sat back on his chair.




"What?" He asked and almost fell off his chair from the impact when her eyes landed straight at him. Woobin swallowed the lump on throat. "You're scaring me. Spit it out."




"What are we? I mean the relationship... you and I have. What is it?"




Shell shock. How could he explain his current feelings? God! He needed to drink some water to clear his throat, but he couldn't manage to move his hand. Therefore he coughed, killing the silence caused by her question. "As I said before I love..." Woobin was cut from his words when she stood up on her seat and the chair dragged against the floor, making him wince.




Jeakyung didn't want to hear the confirmation even if it was her who asked. She's afraid to face the reality because in the end it wouldn't be them. Acknowledging his honesty would only cause both of them a heart-break, so she rather ignore and hide away from him. She must try harder because it was way too hard to keep away from the person who you always see every morning up until you close your eyes and heck even in your dreams.




He followed her way to the kitchen as she placed her plate on the sink. "I'm leaving... I'll be staying with Jandi since Gaeul is still in Paris."




"I'll go with you."




She turned to him with disbelief. "Are you insane, Song Woobin?" She did not see any change of expression in his face.




Woobin was calm and collected, standing just across her. "Insane? Not yet, but almost getting there."




"Mworago? What are you...?"




"You're turning me into one. I don't know your reason on holding back, but if you keep on doing this I might get insane... for real. Don't push me away."




"I already said that I don't love you. I don't feel the same way as you do."




"You don’t? Then prove it to me."




Without warning, Woobin stepped in to her personal space and grabbed her neck as he pulled her into a kiss. With eyes so wide, Jaekyung was kept in prisoned against Woobin and the fridge. She was trying to push him, but he's just too strong for her. Jaekyung tried to rip his collar; however Woobin's hand was so fast to hold it lock behind her back. His left hand held both her hands at the same time using it to pull her closer while his right went up to hold her chin. Though she's still resisting, he had noted that she did not pull her face away from him. Never giving her the time to breath, he continue to kiss her senselessly.




She's helpless. Jaekyung was incapable of putting him on her leash, to add to that she's almost failing to get her body in control from responding to his kisses. The man imprisoning her really stood on what his status is - Don Juan the chick magnet. He’s definitely capable of taming any women that would cross his path and she's not even immune to it. The way he press his lips against hers, made her surrounding all fuzzy and that she's already getting dizzy.




He peered on his left eye and saw her failing to keep her eyes open. The hands on her back were now motionless and that his hand had let go of it, traveling down her back and had stop just at her curve. Woobin pushed her gently to keep her back hard against the fridge while he concentrates on kissing her to his heart’s content. She was responding for how much he had pushed her. She did really respond.




He provided a little gap between them just to let her catch her breath before he kissed her again and this time no more resisting and no more pushing. Jaekyung had fairly responded to him. Pleading for her to loosen up and gave in, she had conceded giving him the privilege to taste her whole. He could still taste the orange she had eaten a while ago. The greed of having her only as his was so strong that Woobin was starting to get scared, so before he fell lost on his body's demand, he stopped the kiss.




"You're just as bad as me when it comes to lying." Jaekyung's cheeks were hot and were adorned with red blush. Embarrassed on her own actions, she casted her gaze down the floor. Woobin reached for her chin to make her look back at him, he was never been this sure before, but now he just realized and could even prove that she feels something for him.




"And about your question... Our relationship? I don't know how to call it, but what I know is that... You, Ha Jeakyung, you're all mine."







"Probably the issue was all false and made up. She's not really dating him or whatsoever. Things may be all coincidence and that means we can't benefit on her. No and nothing more... we are not going to adopt or have her back."




'Smile it off' that's what she always tell herself and that's what she's doing. Smiling - stretching her lips and pulling it outward like a clown while clenching her teeth together, and she ended up looking sardonic and bitter. In Medical practice, exhaling is an exercise that is highly encouraged by doctors to properly manage any type of discomfort, but amazingly it's never working. To her grimace, the scene she had witnessed flashed before her eyes again and again and it all made things sourer.




"Pffftt. Just got lucky."




Another smile broke on her lips and at the same time, her eyes spilled some liquid. "You're a bastard anyway. That doctor was right, it's not because of you, but then you are so into your fantasies. Look where it brought you? Another set of failure." She was walking fast at the hallway when all of a sudden; someone grabbed her and pulled her inside of a room. The entire thing happened in just a flash that she wasn't able to prepare herself. And when she recovered from the shock, she's was already caged in and embrace.




That scent. She noted and there she shot her eyes wide open just to be welcomed by the sight of Jiho's office. Did I just pass by his office? Was he able to see me in this state? Minsoe had already questioned herself because she's dead sure that it was him hugging her. Why was she sure? Well that's because she didn't know anybody who wore that kind of perfume that would even stick on anybody who came close to him. Oh, that stupid perfume that costs much more than a thousand dollars. It was him, the stupid-genius-apathetic Yoon Jiho.




He's been watching her from the moment she came in for duty until she finished her schedule, all the while; she's in her own world and was resistant on the outside stimuli that come on her way. And then just a while ago, he saw her smile and cry at the same time. He's all so sure that it's because she had come to know the whole reason of her mother's visit. And Jiho didn't need to ask her, because just the sight of her being so pained and bitter had summed up to his conclusion. She was stiff a minute ago and had relaxed at the moment. No movement was made just pure breathing.






"You were right. You're always right... they're not interested of me, but of you. I was stupid. No. I'm always stupid and dumb."




"Yeah. Yes you are, but only sometimes. And it doesn't make you any less than anybody else, you know? At least you learned your lesson. Poor them to let you go..." He patted her head.




"Better focus on yourself and your family now. You can also focus on me if you like." She laughed. Minsoe did laugh, after all the bitterness and sulking dramas she had for days, she did laugh for real.




"Here we go again with the imposing, manipulation and assuming. Are you really serious with all the notions you had stuck in that brain of yours?" Both did not bother to move from there spot nor keep away from each other.




"Yes! Of course, why would I doubt?"




"Yah!" She exclaimed and hit his shoulder. "By the way, Yoon Jiho, I'm sorry... for calling you jerk and... stupid the last time, also for not talking to you in three weeks."




"I don't mind since you're going to pay for it any minute now."




Pay? Money? Minsoe made a step backwards away from him. "I don't have anything to pay for you."




Jiho wanted to laugh at her expression, but he covered it up instantly. "That's not what I mean..."




"Then what?"




"Accept my proposition. Didn't I tell you that I like you? Let's just kill the issue by bringing it to life. What do you think?"




"What!? Are you...?" She shut when all of a sudden Jiho bent down and plastered his face an inch away from hers. She gasped at the close proximity.




"Or..." Her eyes widen when he brought his face down to her level.








"Hey! Junpyo do you know the password in here?" Yi Jeong asked as they stood at the front door of Jiho's office.




"Jandi knows. Yah! Geum Jandi, press the code already. I'm really in need of the toilet."




Jandi pushed Junpyo aside and face the security lock. "There's a lot of available toilet around the building. There's a lot to use..."




"I don't like using public things! Just open it now."




Yi Jeong could only sigh looking at his friends’ banter moment. For the entire time he had stayed with them, both were just bantering and yelling at each other. He sometimes wondered how come Jandi and Gaeul became best friends when the former is as loud as a wolverine while the other is calm and proper as puppy. Then he just realized he got a best friend that almost resembles Jandi’s feisty attitude and that's Junpyo. They say opposite really attracts or maybe not. It might have been fate, chance, destiny or what other synonyms you call it.




Jandi key-in the password and 'Click', the door opened.




Crap! There were three pairs of eyes widen in surprise. Junpyo's jaw just dropped, Jandi's hand had automatically covered while Yi Jeong furrowed his brows first until it hit him, in a second he flashed his cheeky grin at his flustered looking best friend. The scene across them went to commotion and all became jumpy.




"Ahem!" Junpyo purposely cleared his throat trying to kill the awkward atmosphere only to cause another one.




"We'll just come and visit tomorrow. Just continue what you're doing." It was Yi Jeong who stepped to break the awkward silence. The statement was delivered in a mundane manner; nevertheless the purpose of teasing was purely evident.




Horrified on what they might think, Minsoe glared at Jiho who then scratch his non-itchy nape. "Yah! So Yi Jeong!"




The three were about to retreat from the door, but then Jiho called out. "Oh? He called you Yi Jeong-ah. Go there!" Yi Jeong looked back at Junpyo with the face saying 'why just me?' The two guys kept on glaring at each other that it made Jandi chuckle.




Minsoe hit Jiho's shoulder and gave him another glare, sending a silent message of 'you better explain to your friends since it was you who kissed me!'




Yi Jeong had not yet turned his back to face him so they left him no choice. "Gu Junpyo! Geum Jandi and you again, So Yi Jeong! I need some explaining to do." All three faced them together with wide grins on their faces, and it only made Minsoe blush terribly due to embarrassment.








The next morning




Yi Jeong, no matter how he sulk and pout, it wouldn't make him feel better. He's disappointed, that's it. He had woken up early in the morning just to have a lengthy chat with Gaeul, but as bitter as his current situation, she simply happen to doze up before even saying 'I love you' to him. No matter how much whining and sulking he professed in front of his phone screen, she won't be able to see it, because she's already in her dream land with her tablet still on and operating.




"Yah! Gaeul-yang?" Yi Jeong looked upset that for the whole week of their usual early morning chats, Gaeul had been leaving him hanging as she would sleep before their calls came to an end. He couldn't complain to her though, because he understood that her schedule became tight and hectic, especially that it's only three weeks before the workshop would end.




Months had past and it's surprising that he was able to manage the two months of being away from her. And the only intervention they had was their daily calls and chats. It was actually convenient and more practical since both were busy. It made him realize that making time for each other isn't a compromise, but an open and natural flow for both. He would call early in the morning before she could go to sleep and she'll call in the afternoon before he drifted down to slumber. He had understood that if you really are dedicated to someone, making ways to keep in touch with her would make things completely worthwhile.




Everything was going well, of course some arguments and misunderstandings were inevitable and the usual cause was that both were being stubbornly workaholic. Yi Joeng would nag at Gaeul when she barely got time to sleep, he would always know because she'd still be awake when he calls to check her and that goes the same for him.




Gaeul had also brushed his concern with regards to the delay on release of the Paris Prix Photography spread which was due to the craze of King Juan Carlos the First. She never had mentioned it to him even if they talk every day and she also didn't look worried or excited about the matter. In fact she's always bright and cheerful when telling him about the portfolio she's doing that was under the advisory of Randy Haris and known representatives from the Prix.




He did not press the idea of asking her back too, because she might get upset about the issue. And just before she slept, Gaeul had told him about a surprise she made for him. Yi Jeong was a bit confused about it and he's at high urge of asking her that is if she did not doze up that moment. Gaeul had left him a clue, but it didn't suffice his curiosity. And looking at his phone screen and seeing her sleeping face which was calm and comfortable, left him no choice but to wait until this evening to ask her again.




Yi Jeong placed his phone on its holder which was at the left side of his table and without ending the video call he started his work with the pile of papers to sign, not minding if his phone's battery dies down. He was about to finish a folder from the pile, when his concentration was interrupted by knock from the door.




"Yo! Yi Jeong got a delivery for you. I took it from your Butler." Woobin flashed a wide grin and went to seat across him. He reached his hand to get the package,  but Woobin opened it instead.




"Yah! That's mine! Why are opening it?"




"It's from Princess. I want to see it too!"




"Gaeul-yang?" He bolted from his seat and reached for the package from Woobin's hand, yet his friend was too fast to skip him.




"Oh? A book?" Woobin pulled out the item neatly covered with white sheet of paper.




"Yah! Give me that!" He went on a battle with Woobin before the later had given up from his demand.




"Arasso! Open it now, faster!" Woobin ordered.




"Okay! Okay! Why are you even in a hurry?"




Afraid to ruin the neat packaging and the OCD coming on the way, he one by one removed the secure tape, slowly opening the package. To his surprise he had his jaw dropped for what he had seen. So, this is the 'surprise' she's talking about? No wonder she never had told me anything about it! He could only shake his head at the woman that never failed to amaze and surprise him. Woobin peered on and was also surprise.




"Yah! Yi Jeong-ah! It's on the covers!"




"Well, that's my girl!"


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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2492 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!