
The Recognition

A/n: Yup! I know I promised to post the other day that this chap should made to the page yesterday, but it did not. So, please forgive me TT? Anyways, better late than never...





Gaeul composed herself and gave off a bright aura. That was the vibe she had displayed in front of her mentors and colleagues, though her tears were threatening to fall. She was fighting against her emotions, biting her lips to control it from trembling, but later on, she realized that the control wouldn't last for long. And in the end, she let out a sigh and allowed her tears to run through as she stood with shaking knees in front of a little crowd she calls as great colleagues. She was seeing the people across her, also crunching their faces and were fighting the urge to cry. It was a little though because that sight only added to her overwhelming emotions.




"You see... it's been three months and learning with you guys have been fun and life changing. It has proven my belief that art isn't just a hobby, a past time, but a unique channeling of feelings and kept-in thoughts. It's really enlivening to share such passion with the rest of you guys. The success of this workshop had been because of all our hard work and dedication."




Gaeul smiled brightly though her gaze was clouded with tears and her nose was a bit red.




"I know this is way too cheesy, but... I will really miss everybody. And thank you very much for taking good care of me, also for giving enough patience on the stubborn 'me' who doesn't even know how to properly speak French during my early weeks."




"Merci beaucoup tout le monde. Je vais toujours chérir la mémoire vous partagiez avec moi. Dieu nous bénisse tous. Kamsahamnida!" (Thank you very much everyone. I will forever treasure the memories you shared with me. God bless us all)




A round of applauses crowded the entire room as Gael finished her closing remarks.




Before the event, the whole class had ganged up on her for delivering the ending message since she's the youngest among the crowd and a darling to everyone. Her colleagues also admire her because of her unique battle against the memory she had missed for so long. She's sure to miss all of them. Gaeul cleared , and instead of nodding her head before leaving the stage, she gave her mentors and colleagues a ninety degrees bow.








Time may brush off quickly for other people, but to those who had been waiting on a certain chance and opportunity, time may run a bit drag. The recognition and acknowledgement ceremony was all clear and done and the intimate celebration party had started. Tomorrow would also be her last day to spend in Paris and she decided to make a last roaming around the place. And because she had agreed on letting her piece be displayed at her mentor's studio, she promised herself to visit the place last.




Looking at the amazing view across her, especially the dancing crowd, made her reminisce the friendly dinner party they used to have back home and most especially the romantic dance that she miss having with the person subject of her affection. Gaeul unconsciously held her especial project tightly.




"Vous êtes prêt à donner ce cadeau spécial que vous avez là? (Are you ready to give that special gift you have there?) Jaime, her closest colleague nudged her out of her trance.




"Prêt comme jamais je sois, Jaime. (Ready as I ever be, Jaime.) She smiled at her sweetly and added, "Par ailleurs avant même oublié ... Je vais te donner ça. (By the way before I even forgot... I'll just give this to you.)




She handed her a tiny box, intricately adorned with dried leaves and flowers which was purely handmade by her. "Juste un signe de grande amitié avant de rentrer à la maison. Merci pour la merveilleuse compagnie, Jamie. (Just a token of great friendship before I head back home. Thanks for the wonderful company, Jamie.)"




Her friend accepted the gift with a scrunched face, obviously trying to control her tears. "Vous me faites pleurer, Gale. Ici, je vous rendrai quelque chose à vanter vos amis à la maison. Merci pour tout ce que vous avez partagé. Gardons le contact, d'accord? (You're making me cry again, Gale. Here, I also made you something to brag about your friends back home. Thank you for all the things you've shared. Let's keep in touch, okay?)"




Gaeul stood up from her seat to hug her friend. "Bien sûr, nous resterons en contact (Of course we'll keep in touch.)"








"Huh! I can't wait for Gaeul's homecoming! At last! I won't be dealing with these loads of preparation all by myself. I have my best friend all to myself now and sure she'll help me with these."




Jandi collapsed on one of the seats in the dining hall. She and Junpyo had visited Hilton Hotel to check the various displays of wedding hall design which they would be using for their reception. Junpyo's mother had arranged the meeting and all they have to do was choose what they love among the rows of designed dining tables and dining utensils and it would be prepared for their wedding.




"But I'm also helping you, Jandi-yah. By the way where is Ha Jeakyung? She's supposed to help also since she's one of the bride's maids." Jandi rolled her eyes and raised both of her hands surrendering.




"Yeah! She's supposed to be here, but Woobin Sunbae chained her to stick with him until his meeting is all done while Minsoe is tied up with her busy hospital schedule, leaving us two dealing with the entire thing."




Junpyo sat beside her who was facing at the bouquet of flowers across him. "But you do like to have me around, right?"




There was silence in between them. Jandi did not answer, instead she just watched how Junpyo's face turned to somber, covered with shadows of downcast gaze. "I guess not." Junpyo concluded making Jandi smile and groan at the same time.




Just as their wedding was a month to go, Jandi had noticed that her fiancé was becoming sensitive and moody. Junpyo had also been too engrossed on the wedding details and very much dedicated in accompanying her all the while even if he overly stretched his schedule just to keep up with her. She slowly stood up from her seat, stepped just behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders while settling her chin on his shoulders.




"Yah! The mighty Gu Junpyo is being moody and sensitive." Lovingly, Jandi gave a peck on his cheek. "Just so you know, I'm very thankful that you're always there with me. Thank you!" She pulled him closer.




In a discrete manner, Junpyo had been grinning to himself like an idiot. Yi Jeong's advice had been doing miracles and indeed, sulking and looking upset really works when attention is what you need from your girlfriend. Junpyo had noted to thank his best friend once he comes to see him this afternoon. "But still, you wanted to have Princess here with you instead of me." Jandi furrowed her brows together and came to drag a chair to sit beside Junpyo.




"Yah! That's not true. Yes, I want Gaeul to be here and help me, but that doesn't mean I dislike having you around. What else would I do if my groom isn't here to give me some ideas, right?" Jandi reached to make his face turned to her. "So? Don't be upset anymore and let's just finish the entire thing so our wedding will be all well, arasso? Come on, let's finish this, Yobo. Hmm?"




"You never call me that when we're around the gang." A pout was all plastered on his face, making an award winning disappointed face.




Feeling tired to banter against him, Jandi rose halfway bending and gave him a light kiss on the lips. "Would that be enough of a peace offering?" Junpyo looked back at her with a perplexed expression.




His fiancée had never acted that sweet and cheesy before that it took him by surprise seeing her like that. Though he's unused to the new Jandi, it also didn't mean that he dislikes her being bold and sweet at the same time. In fact, he likes it to the point that he had plastered a wide smile on his lips, almost reaching his ears with how it was stretched.




"I do believe that the honeymoon is still a month to go. So please get hold of the hormones." Woobin let an 'omp' after his interrupting speech when Jaekyung elbowed his side.




Jiho laughed at his friend's painful situation. She's really something. Jiho thought, considering that Jaekyung would be the only woman who could keep up with his best friend.




"Don't mind him, Jandi!" Jaekyung waved her hand to them.




"Yah! You're so late, do you know that?" Junpyo ranted going back to his usual impatient self. His friends just smiled at him and without a word settled themselves on the remaining seats acting like they did not hear him.




"Yah!" He yelled, then halted on his words when he noticed somebody was missing in the group.




"Where is Yi Jeong?" He asked with disappointed features. His eyes stopped at Woobin who was grinning like an idiot while Jandi had followed her fiancé's gaze looking baffled at Prince Song's expression.




"Ah... That man? He's up-up-in-away."








It has been a month since she sent him the Paris Prix spread where her piece had been the front covers and having only six pages dedicated to her and her photos. The release of the spread made some stir in the media with reports about her coming here and there. Then, like some other old news, the issue with him and Gaeul's relationship resurrected and had been lurking around even after a month. Not allowing the issue to grow even more Yi Jeong chose not to answer anything that concerns to Gaeul, and would only smile at them sheepishly, charming off the media and he's out.




Up until then, it still amazed him how she ventured into such success. Gaeul has never failed to surprise him with such character she held into her being. The patience she has in waiting for her own memory to return, her perseverance in attaining her goals and the humble and caring heart she have for everybody she treasures. How lucky could he be to have such a woman in his life? But he knew that they went through a lot and what they currently have was something they have really worked hard.




Yi Jeong could only smile with heart full of glee, feeling excited about what could the future bring into their relationship. Though he has been too busy with the museum, the Grand Auction and the demands he got from his grandfather, Yi Jeong was all set and excited to see Gaeul again. He had opted not to visit her the entire time she's in Paris, because he's afraid that he might not be able to go home if he did so. And at the moment, it's his time to set his plans on the road.




During that three months of separation, Gaeul was so busy with her workshop, howbeit she did not miss a second to congratulate him the moment the news had reached her saying that his International grand auction and display skyrocketed to success. It was so blissful to hear her bright voice on the other line, cheering for him and congratulating him so early in the morning even before the whole event had started. For him it would have been great if he had her beside him that time, nevertheless he had consoled himself because on his next Grand Display, Gaeul would be with him cheering for him and supporting him genuinely.




But then there was something very unusual that had crossed his path aside from all the working and success he have. All throughout out the three months where he had focused on his life in Korea, Yi Jeong had noted a huge change on his Grandfather. Senior So became lenient and easy on him when it comes to running the company and the museum. He would never mind it if his Grandfather had been like that ever since, however, he was never as such and that's what bothered Yi Jeong the most.




The change was drastic and was also surprising that even his father and mother were able to notice. Senior So had also been calm and undisturbed whenever Gaeul's name was mentioned during dinner or casual talks. There was also one time that Yi Jeong was so shock to hear him ask about how Geul was doing in Paris, to which he did not dare answer. Something in him wanted to tell his grandfather that Gaeul was all doing well in Paris, especially when he saw how his Grandfather's eyes lighten in anticipation, but then he chose not to give him any detail afraid of what he might have on his sleeves.




Sighing, his thoughts out, he raised his wrists, checking his watch on how long it would take before he could have her in his arms again. Grinning at the thought, he went to close his eyes while resting his back comfortably on his seat. An hour ago she had texted him into where would she be the whole day and that her last visit would be at her mentor's studio. 



Be ready for your surprise, Gaeul-yang. A wistful smile was painted on his lips as he was tracing the edges of the tiny glass box in his hand.








"I did not know. I'm so sorry for what I have done. Will you still forgive me? Please forgive me. What I did was a mistake. I... Almost killed... almost killed someone you treasure the most. Forgive me."




Soft sobs had escaped through the air, spreading wide on the vast quiet green meadows as So Woo Seong's eyes was cast down at the tombstone lying on the ground. Placing a bouquet of white Camilla beside the well lit candle, there stood a man who had been worn out of time, his eyes were gray and his face, wrinkled. He bent down, tracing the intricate carvings on the tombstone.




Never has time faded the beauty of you who dissent from the heavens to shower us with your undying love. Forever will remember and love you




"Choi Miran..." He uttered breathlessly.








Gaeul hooked her arm with Butler Kim, skipping like a kid as they walk along the streets of Paris. Within months of staying together, Mr. Kim had grown fond of his Young Master's girlfriend and was looking after her like his own daughter. Both had gotten closer that he came to know the reason why the former bothered kid, he had once taken cared off became a man with bearing and stance, that is because of the lady widely grinning beside him.




Gaeul is a child every parent would treasure to have. She's bright, smart, caring and most of all beautiful. If Mr. Kim had a son, he would definitely love to have Gaeul as his daughter-in-law. Since he didn't have any, he's glad that his Young Master whom he had treated as his son was forever cast with Gaeul's spell.




"Let's make the most of the strolling, Mr. Kim. I know you'll miss Paris once we left tomorrow." Gaeul dragged the old man to different establishments and streets, entering to churches and interesting places.




"Oh? Gaeul, I got a call from back home. Just go ahead and I'll get there when I finish this one, okay?" Gaeul smiled and entered the shop alone. When she's all inside the shop, Mr. Kim answered the phone with an excited heart.




"Neh. Good afternoon, Young Master." He greeted him with an airy voice making Yi Jeong a bit concern.




"Butler Kim? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"




The old man had waved his hand in the air as if Yi Jeong could see it. "Ani. Young Master, it's just I'm out of breath from walking and strolling with Gaeul." He could hear Yi Jeong sigh on the other line.




"Ahhh... thank you for being patient with her, Kim Ajussi. You know she's some kind of childish. But anyways, is everything all set there? Is the studio all prepared?"




"Yes. I made everything all set, Young Master."




"Good! See you later. Thank you!"








"Mr. Kim? Can we pass by the apartment before going to the studio? I happen to forget my maple book."




Gaeul didn't know how come she had forgotten to bring her Maple book with her when in fact she's sure to place it inside her bag. In the course of getting in the car after a long stroll with Mr. Kim, she rummaged in her bag just to find that her Maple book was not with her. Forthwith, she felt anxious not having the book that she started to bite her nails to kill her nerves.




"Aish! Where did I put that thing? Babo!" She uttered in a mute manner while slapping herself mentally.




"Here we are, Gaeul." Mr. Kim had cut her from her trance and almost abruptly, Gaeul jumped out of the car, leaving the old man baffled.




"Huh! I thought I lost you!" Gaeul slumped back on her bed, hugging her book tightly in her arms and securely placed it back in her bag as she stood up from her bed. She didn't know why, but she simply felt the need to have the Maple book with her at this moment. From the time she had started making it, the book had become a part of her life, like literally because it does contain a huge part of her.




Gaeul walked towards her mirror and check herself first before going down and back to the car where Mr. Kim was waiting. As soon as she opened the car door and slip in, she gave Mr. Kim an apologetic smile. "It was on my bed. We can now go, Mr. Kim." She said and he nodded.




The car went off and drove to Randi Haris's studio. She and Mr. Kim had an unending chat with regards to random stuff, family and more about Yi Jeong. Gaeul became fond of Mr. Kim's story about Yi Jeong, especially about his mischievous childhood and playful behavior. She had learned that Yi Jeong love to make pranks on their house servants and even to his friends. That he's stubborn from every bit of his fiber that he never once listen to his grandmother's demands and Gaeul had to agree with what Mr. Kim had said. They were laughing together up until they had parked the car.








Gaeul stepped out and bid Mr. Kim for an hour of visit to her mentor's studio. The person at the information table had let her in and ushered her to the entrance gallery. "Merci." She said with a smile before she proceeded to the display area.




Gaeul was taken aback at what her eyes had seen. The couloirs were a bit dim to which yellow light bulbs eliminate the white shiny floor. Yet reluctant to walk over, she brushed the thought an continue anyways. Fascinated with how the lighting effect turned the pieces on display to exude a classic aura, Gaeul was simply speechless. She walked while admiring the beauty of arts that paraded along the walls.




The time she had reached near the end, Gaeul noticed that her piece wasn't in there. Did I miss my photos? She asked herself mentally. She turned back to where she had started, but she's sure her photos weren't anywhere in the room. Gaeul almost jumped on her foot from fright when she saw a man wearing a suit stood in front of huge mahogany door, smiling brightly at her. Composing her stand, she bowed at him and smile lightly.




The man opened the door for her whom she did not even ask. She had known that her mentor never allow anyone to get inside that mahogany door and that maybe he had placed her piece inside. Gaeul was about to refuse on going in when the man had gestured his hand for her to enter. "You’re fine to find your piece inside, Miss."




"Really? Is it okay if I'll get in there?"




"Of course. As you please."




The man ushered her to the front door and closed it after leaving her standing alone in a poorly lighted room. This is seriously creepy. Gaeul turned around and was about to knock on the door for the man to open it, but a trail of lights then went on. She whipped her head around just to see a man across her, standing poised with arms in his pocket. She adjusted her eyes to see the face of the man, but the lights were not helping the distance. Slowly, she went towards him with tentative steps just to be stopped mid-track when he spoke.




"Miss me?"




The reaction was delayed or maybe her brain had failed to process properly after hearing that familiar voice. Almost like a reflex, her feet had walked forward, making her eyes able to properly envision his face. About a foot away, she stopped.




"So Yi Jeong?"








He had seen her the time she emerged from the mahogany door and knowing that she have some difficulties with dim light, he knew that  she wouldn't be able to spot him immediately. Yi Jeong was about to crack laughing when all of sudden Gaeul turned trying to get out from the room. He had noted and seen that she was a bit scared, most especially because the whole place was poorly lit. He finds her cute when she turned a little panic and was about to knock the door while glancing here and there, so that was why he turned the lights on.




Gaeul stood frozen across him and then she started walking towards his point. With the room lighted in daylight yellow, she looked devastatingly gorgeous with her hair let down wavy and her face void of make up. She was wearing a lace fit and flare sundress in sea mist color with ivory lace over it. Her waist was securely hugged by a sea mist colored thin strap while her feet wore a simple silver strap heeled sandals. She stopped just a few meters away from him and furrowed her eyebrows.




"So Yi Jeong?" He heard her say in almost a whisper. He stretched his lips to show her his sinful smile, but then she pouted.




"Yah! Why didn't you tell me you're here?" She went near him and slapped his shoulder lightly.




"Yah! Gaeul-yang? Is that how you greet your boyfriend whom you haven't seen for months?" In a flash her expression changed and there he saw her smiling sweetly at him.




"I'm just kidding." Gaeul said before she tiptoed and gave him a peck on the lips which obviously shocked So Yi Jeong.




She made a single step back and grinned at him again. Truth to be told Gaeul was so surprised to see him standing in front of her. For a second she wanted to run and hug him, but then it would look ridiculous to the point that Yi Jeong might for that in her entire lifetime. She held up on her wants and playfully masked her shock and decided to act steady.








Yi Jeong heard her say only to cause him to be more confused. It took him a few seconds to process the whole situation before he was able to speak.




"What was that for?" His brow rose, pressing her to answer.




"A kiss?"




"I know. But what was that for?"




"A 'hello' kiss."




"Yah! Gaeul-yang are you playing coy with me?" Yi Jeong asked, still baffled as to how bold her gesture was and it somewhat made him confused and step back.




But then he noticed her twirling the helm of her skirt - a sign that she's getting some hard time to control her nerves. Bumpkin, Yi Jeong reached to pinch her nose a little. "You're too honest that it's obvious when you're pretending, Bumpkin." And there he saw how her cheeks flushed into shades of red as she stuck her tongue a little to hide her embarrassment. Seeing her blush with his mere touch felt too elating and he was failing to control not to pull her into an embrace.




"I'm a bad actress I gu..." Gaeul was left hanging on her words when Yi Jeong pulled her and gathered her into his arms. A deep sigh escaped his lips when he felt her warmth cover him again for how much he was deprived of her.




Just then he realized how much he has missed her. Having her in his arms and feeling her warmth envelope him was beyond his capacity to explain how much influence she had caused in his life and that, he would never, ever mind. She could make him this happy and that's beyond anything else. Gaeul is his reflection and his soul mate, he's all too sure of that.




"God, I just miss you so so so much!" Gaeul raised her head, enough for her forehead to touch his chin.




"How do you it?" Her question caught his attention. He reached for her head and pulling her back into his hug, he uttered. "What do you mean?"




"How can you openly say what's on your mind?"




"Hmm... I just say whatever I think is the right word to say." Yi Jeong held her shoulders and lifted her chin so she could look straight at him. "You don't have to pretend when you feel shy. It wouldn't cause you a thing, Gaeul-yang."




She smiled and nodded at him in comprehension, then her eyes landed on the view behind his back. Automatically, Gaeul's hand went up to . Apparently, she had missed the entire room the time her eyes were fixed on Yi Jeong. She had missed seeing how the whole room was decorated with flower petals, sheer cloth, crystals, balloons and candles. The piece that she had been looking for was placed on a wooden stand right beside what she assumed as a dinner table with a bouquet of white and purple flowers, a bottle of wine and a full dinner course to top it all.




"You made all of these?"




"Not the entire thing, but I made the dinner course, the flowers and help a little on the design. I also took the liberty to have your photo in here." Yi Jeong suddenly became a young boy wanting to hear his crush to complement his efforts.




"It's really beautiful. I love it! Thank you, Jongie!" She hugged him again. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to notice it. I..."




"It's okay. As long as I'm the one you noticed first." Gaeul laughed at what he said.




Yi Jeong, he’s sometimes cheeky and proud about his stand on Gaeul's heart, but she has no right to deny what's obvious and both of them laughed together.




"So? Shall we?" He offered his hand, which she gladly took and he lead her way to her seat. Yi Jeong sat across her and popped the bottle of wine. In smooth fashion, he held the bottle and placed just a quarter on her glass.




"Just a quarter?" She was curious to why Yi Jeong had placed little amount on her glass.




"I don't want you to get drunk. I had enough of that before. You're a handful and hard to settle with when you're drunk." He was chuckling as he was talking. Remembering a drunken Gaeul really makes him laugh. Everything that has flashed In his memory were vivid and clear.




"Ahh... by the way, what has crossed your mind to even come here when I'll be back home tomorrow? It's wasting again So Yi Jeong."




"Not when coming here has a purpose."




All of a sudden, the taste of wine became all bland to him and the look on Gaeul's face made him swallow the forming lump on his throat. Yi Jeong felt as if he was showered with cold water when he suddenly uttered his statement like a random way of answering her inquiry. His statement might cause him to blow the whole thing up at a wrong time.




"Ermm... Want some pasta?" No way he's going to ruin this night for her or maybe for him. Trying to pull Gaeul out of his hanging answer, his mind blocked out.




"Yi Jeong are you okay?" She asked. No. She knew that something was odd. That was the disadvantage if you happen to be that close and she got to see your facade. It also wouldn't help if she had some degree in Psychology and had spent years in psyching people's action.




Seeing Yi Jeong's face pale after his mysterious answer, Gaeul could only sense that he got something on his sleeves. She knew it. Gaeul had been used to over the top dinner dates they got, well, not that she's used to it, but when it comes to Yi Jeong her expectations were always dampened. Not to ask how crazily beautiful the room they were in and much more to how good-looking the man sitting in front of her was. Even if he had ditched the classic suit and tie and settled wearing black rolled up polo and slick black trousers, Yi Jeong was damned gorgeous, sitting on his seat, unassuming. And not to mention the stupid diamond earring in his left ear that sparkled every single second chance, it has. It was also causing her to always look at his face. Aside from that, she noticed his face had slim a little, making her conclude that he had been too busy for months to even eat properly and watch his health.




Gaeul's question wasn't answered as Yi Jeong swiftly changed the topic, getting her attention on how great was the course he made. She also did not press her curiosity anymore, letting herself enjoy the evening with him.




"It's not nice to sit down for long after dinner. So? Can I have a dance?" She accepted his offer and took his hand.




"No music?" A question she offered right after she placed her hands on his shoulders.




"Don't underestimate my capabilities, Gaeul-yang."




By then the large curtain behind them, divided, revealing a little man seated in front of a piano. Gaeul's eyes widen to see such a familiar face. The little man was grinning at her that she's afraid his lips might reach his ears. She gazed back to Yi Jeong, who sported an amused expression, obviously confident of himself being able to surprise her.




"Woonie-yah?!" She called to kid after she recovered from  her shock. The kid waved his hand and started to play the piano like a pro.




"How? How did...?"




"I know, I'm awesome."




She was robbed of words to say. Actually, she has tons to ask, however Gaeul didn't know where to start. She kept opening , then closing it again after, while looking at Yi Jeong with top most curiosity.




"Stop doing that. I might just kiss you... remember there is an eight year old who’s playing piano for us." He said while raising his brow and giving her a smirk.




"Yah!" She hit his chest and that only made him chuckle.




"Let's just dance and stop teasing me, So Yi Jeong."




They swayed in a sweet, soothing music. Siwon was playing a soft self-composed intro before he started playing 운명 (Fate) - by Why, and it did not go unnoticed to Gaeul. "How did you come up with the idea of having Siwon here in Paris and let him play 운녕? Hmm?"




Yi Jeong took her right hand from his shoulder and held it tight making Gaeul stop dancing. She saw him close his eyes and drew a comforting breath before he gazed back to her. She felt a weird nerve sting traveling down her spine the time their eyes met. Unconsciously, Gaeul gulped hard. His eyes were cast on her and were sending messages of openness and passion. Almost a sudden, she felt something was coming her way and she's quiet sure that Yi Jeong was concerned.




"There was a stubborn young lady who loves wearing coat of bright colors. She also is fond of wearing anything red." His eyes were dreamy as he was gazing blankly into space a second then back to her eyes again. "She went to my studio to discuss a matter concerning her friend's crazy relationship, but we ended up bantering. I told her frankly that she's pushing her dreams of happy ending on that friend of hers and that her belief of fate is ridiculous and childish."




Gaeul didn't break her gaze, wanting to hear him continue the story as she kept her mind on the run of recalling.




"She was so pissed of me that I thought she would just leave, but then she left me with something to ponder overnight or more like a lifetime..."




"You believe it though, right? Soul mates, may be life's one and only real love. You also believe that it exists. But you're afraid that they do. Why is that?"




"She said that was the first time she saw me as a real person... back then I was afraid to answer her. I'm fearful that she might see me as someone weak because I was afraid to admit that I do believe in such notion."




He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. Maybe some unseen being had freed hundreds of butterflies that it went swarming in her belly as the sensation from his action caused her to blink for several times trying to steady her now crazy heart.




"And now I'm ready to confess to that person. That I, So Yi Jeong, a stupid former jerk and a reformed Casanova solemnly swear that I. Do. Believe. In. Soul mates. I believe in destiny and fated red strings, Chu Gaeul."








"Shh..." Yi Jeong raised his finger on her lips to shush her thoughts.




"Whatever it is that you need to say please save it later, I... I still have something to tell you." Holding both her hands Yi Jeong stepped closer to her and rested his forehead against her. He needed to be that close to her so that he could properly stand up with his shaking knees and for him to also hear his voice clearly rather than the loud thudding of his heart.




"This is really driving me nuts." She heard him mumble to himself while his cold and clammy hands were holding her, he was shaking. Gaeul wanted to say a word, but was halted when Yi Jeong brought a tiny crystal box in between them. His eyes followed suit to held her gaze. They stayed frozen in time like the entire surrounding had stopped, but not when Siwon yelled from behind.




"Aish! Hyung! What's keeping you too long?!"




The couple whipped their head towards the kid in unison. Yi Jeong sported an annoyed look while Gaeul seemed so baffled. Maybe that's what he needed at the moment. Someone to yell at him enough to shut his nerves out. He looked at her for a second and saw that she was still gazing back at Siwon. The soft click from the then opened glass-box caught her attention and she looked back to Yi Jeong.




"Gaeul-yang?" Gaeul looked back at him not missing how his adam's apple had moved up and down.




"Chu Gaeul, will you marry me?"








"Chu Gaeul, will you marry me?"




Marry? Will you marry me? He is asking you if you'll marry him. Chu Gaeul! Gaeul snapped out of her trance and stared at Yi Jeong who had closed his eyes, probably dying in to know her answer.




"Please open your eyes, Yi Jeong." A soft and calm voice came from her and though reluctant, Yi Jeong followed.




Gaeul slipped her other hand from his hold and reach to touch his face. The feeling inside her heart couldn't be explained in a single sentence. Her heart was beating like she had been running on a treadmill for days, her whole body was trembling and her eyes were confused whether to crinkle in a smile or shed down tears. Gaeul's emotions were mixed beyond words after hearing his question. But she also understood that Yi Jeong has to learn something important before she could give him her answer.




God, what's keeping her on answering my proposal? Did she happen to...? Oh! God, please no. No! I can't... I don't know what to do without...








By her way of calling his name, Yi Jeong became compelled to look and pay attention to her. Anxiety, anticipation and fear of rejection crowded inside his head that he could not even understand what Gaeul was telling him.




"So Yi Jeong? Are you listening to me?" Gaeul has been talking for a minute already, but before he could register her inquiry he had noticed that the music had died down and Siwon was silently looking at them.




"Yeah... I'm listening." Gaeul shook her head and sighed. Without a question, Yi Jeong wasn't able to catch up with what she was saying, leaving her no choice, but to repeat.




"As I was saying..." Another breath escaped on . "I still have to tell you something important before anything else and that means my answer to your question has to wait."




Yi Jeong wanted to throw an early protest. "I..." His start was a failure when Gaeul silenced him with a short kiss. Too short that he was taken by the chance to react.




"Your time is up and now, it's my turn." Gaeul grabbed the hand of the shock, confused and at-the-verge-of-self-panic So Yi Jeong. She led him towards the dinner table, pushed him down gently on his seat while she dragged a chair and sit close in front of him.




Confused and all at his current predicament, Yi Jeong could only sit, totally nervous and unable to interpret what's Gaeul was doing. He saw her open her bag and pulled a mahogany colored book out from it while he grip hardly on the tiny glass box. Gaeul faced him, bending a little to held his hand, in a soft motion, she took the glass box from him.




"I'll hold onto this box until you're done with my Maple book." She handed him the book with an intricate cover of dried Maple leaf playing with different colors of autumn from mahogany, ochre, fulvous and fawn.




"What's this?"




"You will never know unless you open it." Curious and intrigue with her scheme, Yi Jeong nodded. He was about to flip the book, having its front cover face him, but Gaeul shook her head.




"You need to start from the last page." He peered at her with slit sharp eyes. Gaeul was acting all weird and giddy when she gave him the book and he felt like she's excited for him to have the book open.




"I just hope this wouldn't take too long, because the waiting is killing me."




"Just start it already!"




"Arasso! Arasso! By the way”, he smiled at her, “ it’s really beautiful."








Although he felt a little weird to why she wanted him to have the book read from the back, he was left no choice but follow. He brushed his fingers on the message embossed on the covers.






Fragments of Life




Yi Jeong appeared to flip the cover. A written message welcomed him at the first or maybe the last page to be precise.




See you until the end




As he went through the pages he had felt an undying admiration on how Gaeul had been so dedicated to her craft. How she had presented the second page with her parents photos, were beyond his expectation. She had made paper carvings on the edges making an abstract design as its borders. The third page was a collage of her childhood photos and some were with her parents. She had placed some written captions in scrip.




"The time everybody will miss when they grow old."




A series of diagonally arranged photos of Jandi were adorned with dried lotus leaves that was made as a foundation of soft brush painted grass.




"My lotus and sturdy wild grass, Jandi."




The following pages were all dedicated to what she had noted as - The brats and the commoners." Dewy-eyed, he traveled to each page, flooded with photos of random vacations to New Caledonia, gang dinners, Christmas party, New Years Eve and Junpyo and Jandi's engagement.




"My friends. My extraordinaire friends." He read the inscription written below the page.




It was enigmatic to why his heart had raced like he just finished a marathon. He felt like he had drunk a cup of black coffee that his heart had reacted, slowly changing into a fast pace before bursting into a wild and dangerous palpitation. On a spur of a moment, Yi Jeong's hands went diaphoretic and cold. Unsure of what would the following pages will reveal. He stopped and looked back at Gaeul.




"I felt weird, Gaeul-yang. I can't explain it, but it does feel weird and nostalgic."




"It does. I intended to make something that brings nostalgia and deja-vu."




"I'm scared to continue... I don't know what the following folio will reveal to me."




"Don't be. Because if you'll stop, we both won't meet our purpose."








Gaeul seriously caught him off guard when he scanned for the next page and saw a note.




"The certain someone who..."




Then the next page brought about flabbergast in him that had flushed the colors in his face. Yi Jeong's heart thudded even more when he saw the photo of his piece which he made in Morocco two years ago. It was one of his treasured creations, because it was a pot made with intricate carvings of autumn leaves which he had dedicated to Gaeul. He had named it as 'Autumn' and kept it in his gallery which is all made for his pieces.




" a Great pottery artist who made a pot and named it 'Autumn'."




A maroon apron which was dropped on a wooden table beside a bowl of a pumpkin soup, was the next photo he laid eyes into.




"...dragged me out of the porridge shop and tricked me that Jandi was in trouble."




Then a photo of a boy and a girl who seemed to be in the middle of having an argument while on a paddle boat.




"...who kept following me everywhere I go. The one who thought I like Junpyo Sunbae."




Yi Jeong recalled that event and he swore that he could remember the exact words he told her - the words that had been slapped in his face for four years. "Soul mates, which is why I say women can't make it." Gaeul nodded her head as if agreeing to how precisely he had recalled it.




"Exactly." The realization was slowly growing along the grounds of his mind. His curiosity was at peak and he wanted to affirm his suspicion, making it impossible for him to stop on flipping the later pages.




"Orange?" He asked, confused, then his gaze drop to her note below and read it. "...likes anything orange and owns a stupid attention-seeking orange car, but ended up sticking to red and strawberries"




He grinned at her widely before chuckling aloud. "Yeah... I think I like strawberries more. Mmm... Strawberry lip gloss to be exact."




"Yah! Stop that!" She hit his shoulder, but Yi Jeong stuck his tongue to her. The first time she had given the book made him uncomfortable since he's been dreadful about her answer, but then everything the book had revealed made him enlivened and excited. He flipped another page just to see a picture of a saxophone with a scarf tied around its neck screw.




"...played a song for me in front of the crowd during our 'pretend date no.1"




There. Just at that right moment he had concluded that Gaeul seriously remembered some fragments of her past... their past. And that may also mean that she remembered the entire history of them. He wanted to hug and kissed her, but Yi Jeong managed to control himself.




"You. You have recalled the entire thing, huh? You have remembered your past, your childhood, your teenage years and me... Gaeul-yang, you did remember me. Us. Our past."




Gaeul never answered him, but just smiled sweetly before shrugging her shoulders twice. He could see the mischievous side of her that loves seeing him giddy, slowly snapping out of his patience. "Fine. You're not going to answer unless I'm done. Just wait and see how much price you're going to pay, Bumpkin."








The next page was a freshly molded chocolate on a tray, place on top of a chair where a black apron was neatly hanged.




"..took the chocolate I made and said..."




In a voice sounding like a whisper, Yi Jeong read the quoted lines she had written below the photo.




"This is why I dislike innocence... like you. Acting is just acting. If you take it seriously, then we have a problem... I'll hang onto this until you meet the one destined for you." He swallowed hard and scratched his brows trying to avoid her piercing gaze.




"I never thought you were such a jerk." He felt like being soaked in a cold rain after hearing her comment and then a second later, she was laughing. "I'm the annoying Bumpkin and you’re the assuming jerk." Her statement pulled the trigger and he laughed with her.




Midway to Yi Jeing's scanning, Gaeul suddenly felt anxious about how he would react on the photo she had placed on the next page. She stiffened in her seat when she saw Yi Jeong's jaw dropped down after flipping the previous page. Seeing him blink for several seconds turned her heart to sink, but then almost abruptly, Yi Jeong smiled at the photo then looked back at her. She sighed in relief.




It was a photo the rising sun reflecting on the edge of the carved and molded ceramic puzzle piece.




"...who cried a river because he was so stupid to let go of his first love."




Yi Jeong just smirked and shook his head, remembering that event had definitely taught him a lesson. "Talking about regret?" He uttered to which both laughed. He read the next inscription which was presented with a photo of a kiln. "...almost gave up his passion, but I did not let him."




Yi Jeong poked her cheek. "I did not give up because you were too stubborn and you kept on pestering me about it, so I was forced to continue."




"Yah! That certainly is a lie. I couldn't remember anything like that."




"Then what did you remember? The interrupted kiss?" The blush on her cheeks confirmed that she had remembered the event that he was talking about. And he couldn't help, but grin at her proudly.




"Yah!" Gaeul groaned in embarrassment, but Yi Jeong simply pinched her flushed cheeks.




"This is really refreshing and interesting, Gaeul-yang. It's like, I'm traveling back to the old times..."




"When you were stupid, crazy and a cold blooded Casanova?" Gaeul kept up with the teasing game, shamelessly dishing him with his colorful past.




"I'm a reformed one, Gaeul-yang!" He instantly sported a pout.




"Arasso! Arasso!"




There were only two more pages left and even if he felt the urge to skip the remaining pages so he could hear her answer, Yi Jeong's curiosity compelled him to continue until the entire thing is all done. Seeing how much hard work Gaeul had put into such a craft made him feel proud and confident for her. Gaeul's battle to remember her forgotten memory was way too amazing, most especially because she had done it by herself, maybe he's been there on the side as well as their friends, but in the end it was a battle against herself and he couldn't be more proud.




The second to the last picture is the infamous Namsan stairs.




"I was very glad to let go, because I've learned a lot of things in life from him. And letting go is one of those."




"Yah! Chu Gaeul, do you know that, that was the very first time I became so scared to be left alone? You just don't know how scared I was that time that my head couldn't even process a thing." Gaeul wanted to laugh at his furrowed and complaining expression, yet she chose to ask him instead.




"Why is that?"




She couldn't explain the mixture of feelings that had rushed into her when Yi Jeong made circles on the back of her hands before holding it warm and tight. "Because at that time... It was the time when I already acknowledged the thing I was denying all along. That I like you a lot. That I love you. I just thought of myself as stupid when I remember standing there and not running after you..."




"Hmm..." She nodded and uttered, "Now I'm glad I did that." Gaeul grinned at him, flashing a confident smile that caused Yi Jeong to blush immensely. He waved his hand between them to knock out the embarrassing atmosphere.




"This will be the last page." He said and flipped the folio.




The photo was something simply taken. Yi Jeong was so sure that she had taken it while she's holding the object on her palm. It was the necklace with a sapphire ring-pendant he gave her when he asked Gaeul to be his girlfriend. Yi Jeong's lips curled upwards as if on reflex after he read her note.




"You made it to the last page.안녕하세요! My name is Chu Gaeul, the soul mate of that certain someone..."




At that, he flipped the what should have been the front cover. He stared at Gaeul with eyes wide open then at the back of the book cover.




"My journey to recognition leads me back to you"




And there Yi Jeong saw his reflection in the tiny mirror, it was shaped like a pottery piece delicately placed below the scrip as an ornament.




He was robbed of words to say as he kept glancing at the book cover and back to Gaeul. Maybe it was too overwhelming, because his brain was temporarily blank, not until Gaeul poked his nose and asked.




"Do I still have to answer your proposal, So Yi Jeong?"




With pure amusement, Gaeul watched how Yi Jeong's expression changed. He had blinked several times before he swiftly pulled her in his arms and holding her tightly. Yi Jeong has noticed how strong his embrace was, so he loosen a bit allowing her to breathe. "No. You don't have to answer because I'm dead right that it's a 'Yes'."




She pulled away from him and scrunched her face. "How could you be so sure that I'm saying 'Yes'."




"You just said it."




"I did not say 'Yes'"




"You just said it twice, Gaeul-yang." The matter had sunk into her in a delayed manner, but then she really did say 'yes'.




"Fine. I'll ask you again just this once." He pulled her up in a smooth manner and held her face.




"Will you be my eternal soul mate, Chu Gaeul?"




"Yes, So Yi Jeong!" She nodded at him with a smile as bright as the sun.




The distance between them was near enough to be crossed in any second, but then Yi Jeong remember that Siwon was still with them, sitting quietly, sincerely observing. "Yah! Lee Siwon? Will you do Hyung a favor? Will you count to a hundred while closing your eyes?"




The kid might just get his point and immediately yelled his answer. "Make it a good one, Hyung!"




Gaeul was confused with what the two men were talking about, so she ended up asking."And why does Siwon have to close his eyes?"




"Because I've been dying to do this..." Yi Jeong pulled her in and sealed her lips, promising her that he would love her until forever.




He savored and drowned her with his sincere and gentle kisses. Yi Jeong didn't want to be demanding, and should only respond equally on how much she give and allow him. He needed to wait for the time that it would only be the two of them and there would be no eight year old around. Until then, he could kiss his Bumpkin to his heart’s content without feeding a kid with weird thoughts.




"사랑해. I love you!"



"나더 사랑해! I love you too."




They utter the spell of promise after breaking the sweet and gentle kiss they shared. Yi Jeong held her hand and took the ring from the box before slipping it on Gaeul's finger.




"It's really pretty."




"I know. And it fits you just enough."




"Thank you so much for being patient with me, Jongie."




"As to how much you have been patient with me, Gaeul-yang. Now tell me? When did you recall everything?"




"Hmm... the very first time I saw you? Maybe? I started to have random dreams about some man that I seem to know. His face was always blur, but not until the time you went up at the patio and stole my first kiss. You started to appear in all my dreams that it bothers me to see your face everyday. I told Jiho Sunbae about it and he said that I must keep a journal. And that is why I made my Maple book."




"I guess the kiss is effective." He smirked at her and she hit him in the shoulder. "But why didn't you tell Dr. Han about it?"




"At first I kept it with myself and Jiho Sunbae had allowed me to keep it as a secret, because I told him that I want to make things sure. And when I finally realized that my dreams were indeed my missing memory, I immediately rushed to Dr. Han and told him." Yi Jeong nodded at her.




Happy, surprise and totally elated about how his proposal had ventured to such a memorable one. He sure was positively overwhelmed at the sudden turn of events, extremely thrilled to scream to the world how happy and thankful he is for having such a woman in his life. Yi Jeong promised himself that no matter what comes in their way, he would not let go of her, not anymore. Not after all the hard times they had and not now that they both have each other to hold onto when rough times cross their path.




"I'm so proud of you."




He leaned down again and captured her lips. She responded to his kisses until the world swirled inside her head. His hand traveled up to her nape, keeping her head steady while his other hand went to brush at her sides before sliding down the curve of her back. She felt him pulling her even closer, not wanting to let her go as she boldly anchored her arms around his neck for support. They shared gentle kisses with hints of demand and dominace from Yi Jeong.




Gaeul was the first one to broke the kiss when she realized a pair of eyes was watching them with amusement. Yi Jeong was about to dive for another kiss when Gaeul stopped him with her finger. "Siwon is watching."




Damn! No! Yes. So Yi Jeong, you just let an eight year old see a live kissing scene, twice!




Yi Jeong scratched his brow before resting his forehead against hers. How did he forget about that giddy kid? Maybe they both had brushed away their concerns, including Siwon and got lost with the kiss, and he's so sure that Siwon had seen them kissing twice. Yi Jeong knew it and he's dead sure that Siwon had stop closing his eyes when he reach the count of ten. He hit himself mentally and sighed before looking at Gaeul. They smiled at each other then whipped their heads in unison to the then clapping Siwon.




"Yah! Didn't I tell you to close your eyes and count to a hundred, Lee Siwon?"




"I did count just until ten, because it's all boring to see nothing."






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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!