
The Recognition



TV stations, publishing company, internet portals and even tongues of common people were shouting the greatest news that broke into the entire South Korean empire. Pictures had multiply immensely in the cyber world, tabloids, magazines and other prints like viral infection.


Marriage: The Next 'Big Thing' for F4

The Giants Downfall

Breaking the Marriage of Convenience: F4's New Trend

They are still human: Korea's Big Four


What a great good morning greeting, most especially for those who were involve. News swoon over and the media channels were flooded with the same and overly blow out of proportion information. Even foreign news stations were on the run of the redundant made-to-fact rumor.

"Neh, Appa, don't worry too much. I and Yi Jeong are doing fine. Neh... I will, Appa. Hmm Appa. Bye!"

That was the 5th call Gaeul had within the course of one hour as it was the nth time for Yi Jeong. Both were overwhelmed with the whole rush of talk, gossip and news. "I don't know what to say about this." Gaeul looked at her plate losing the appetite to eat.

Her father had called her twice in an hour, Woobin had phoned her and gave them reassurance, Jandi and Junpyo called to check the both of them, Jiho told them that everything is taken care of and then Junho left some sensible advise. But the thing that bothered her the most is to what Yi Jeong would have the moment he step back to Korea.

"It's okay. Don't have to worry about it. Issues will die soon and they'll get tired of the entire thing." Reaching for her chin, Yi Jeong lifted it up so she could look straight to him.

"Just do your best on this one and everything will turn out great, okay?” He pointed out to her plate, “better eat your food now because you only got five hours to prepare before the Display."

Gaeul was brought back at the time being after what Yi Jeong said. Five hours to go and the open display for Paris Photography Prix would be rolling. Suddenly all her concerns were dissolved and were replaced by anxiety and excitement. In just a few hours she’d be able to see her own creations being displayed at the Prix and critiques and professionals would be there to give some say about the display.

Oh my God! She tried to steady her weakened knees and a blow of air escaped from her cherry colored lips.



The slender hands of the torques aqua glass clock had struck exactly at two in the afternoon. She heard a light knock on the door. "Gaeul-yang, I'll be waiting for you at the lounge. I just have to talk to someone. Okay?" An echo of agreement was heard on the other side of the door, a cue for him to left the suite.

Done with her simple makeup, she decided to pull her hair up in a neat and loose ponytail. Gaeul slipped through a white mini tube dress which was anchored by two soft butterfly lace straps. The dress also has an eye teasing mid posterior cut, enough to show a part of her flawless back. Its length fall half her thigh and the dress comfortably hugs her figure, exuding a regal yet still innocent vibe from her. She winded a silver cord around her waist, matching the modest jewelry she's wearing – the sapphire ring pendant and a pair of diamond earrings.

Anxiety was getting under her skin, it was a bit abrupt and she simply hoped that things would turn out just fine. She looked at her reflection on the mirror as if checking how the dress looks on her. The mirror had given her the vision of a simple elegant woman that she exudes and she smile for contentment. Indeed, Yi Jeong really knows how to pick dresses for her that never go overboard her taste. The only thing that she dislikes about his choices was the fact that he buys everything for her and sometimes that man tends to buy things without her knowledge, so she would just end up using them minus the argument. As an example was the dress that she was wearing, the moment she woke up that morning, her eyes widened when Yi Jeong placed a huge box beside her. "Wear that later." That's what he said to her before he dragged and pushed her in the bathroom.

Giving off a sigh to shake her nerves, Gaeul took one last look on her reflection before going out of the room. She took her clutch bag and slipped her feet into peep toe crystal white pumps.




Yi Jeong watched Gaeul as she walked towards him. He had trailed his eyes from the time she emerged out of the lounge elevator, seemingly nescient on how much attention she was getting from the people around her. She was walking in a flawless fashion not minding the stares of admiration that were thrown her way from the vast of people around the hotel lounge. Her eyes were fixated on him with a warm smile perfectly painted on her lips. Then by some bitter luck, his brow raised because all of a sudden Gaeul was halted by someone and as if in reflex he found his legs stepping forward to her direction.

"Excusez-moi? Puis-je connaître le nom des beaux veuillez dame?" (Excuse me? May I know the name of the lovely lady please?) Gaeul was taken aback when a foreign man stepped in front of her.

He has striking features and almond colored deep set eye. He stood a foot or more, taller than her and was wearing an all slick black business suit. "I'm sorry but I don't speak French and I don't give introductions to anyone I am not familiar with."

A man in front of her flashed a sugary coated smile, obviously unable to keep his amusement on the pretty lady in front of him. "I'm sorry to converse with you in French. By the way I'm Hansen Hanagawa. How about you, gorgeous lady? May I know your name?" The guy raised his hand in front of her, offering a handshake.

"Je vous remercie de dire que ma copine est magnifique, M. Hanagawa" (Thank you for telling that my girlfriend is gorgeous, Mr. Hanagawa.) Gaeul was a bit frightened when Yi Jeong abruptly wound his arm around her waist, took the hand offered by the man named Hansen and shook it firmly.

"Mon nom est So Yi Jeong. Il est agréable de vous rencontrer, M. Hanagawa" (My name is So Yi Jeong. It is nice to meet you, Mr. Hanagawa.) There was a look of astonishment on the stranger's face before he broke into another smile.

"Il est agréable de vous rencontrer aussi, M. So. Oui, en effet, votre copine est vraiment belle. Vous êtes tellement chanceux d'avoir une si belle dame." (Nice to meet you too, Mr. So. Yes indeed, your girlfriend is really beautiful. You're so lucky to have such a gorgeous lady on your side.)

Gaeul remained to give her bright expression, though she couldn't fully understand the conversation both men were having. "What is he saying?" She asked Yi Jeong in Korean, but she was just responded by a slight smile.

"Votre nom est si familier. Êtes-vous un cotisant au Prix?" (Your name sound so familiar. Are you a contributor at the Prix?)

"Je ne suis pas mais je serai là pour accompagner cette copine. Les œuvres de mon copine sont inclus à l'écran" (I'm not, but I'll be there to accompany this girlfriend of mine. Her works are included on the display.)

"C'est vraiment génial! Je vais aussi au Prix et me joins aux enchères s'il m'arrive de trouver une pièce intéressante. Par la façon dont, je ne vais pas vous garder aussi longtemps que je ramasser à ma sœur. Au plaisir de vous voir deux plus tard." (That's really great! I am also going at the prix and would join the auction if I happen to find an interesting piece. By the way, I won't be holding you both for long since I'll be fetching my sister. Hope to see you two again later.) "Also... Good luck to you lovely lady. I hope your work would get a great recognition."

"Thank you, Mr. Hanagawa." Gaeul made a slight bow and shyly smiled at him. She noted to ask Yi Jeong on what was the whole conversation about because she heard the word Prix that perks her interest.

"Yeah! Thanks." Yi Jeong held his hand out and both guys made a shake. The couple watched the unusual acquaintance leave before they look at each other with shrugging shoulders. "Jongie, what did that man tell you?" Her curiosity towers her.

"He said he'll also be at the Prix." He answered her shortly not wanting to give further details because he didn't like to let her know that Mr. Hanagawa was somewhat hitting on her.


"Nothing more."

"What do you mean? The conversation was long and..."

"The translation of the whole conversation sums up to that, Gaeul-yang."

For a few seconds, Gaeul watched Yi Jeong as he casted his eyes anywhere but her. It gave a hint that the man with her was hiding something and that she's rooting to know what the talk was all about. But judging to how Yi Jeong was not interested on telling her things in details, Gaeul noted to ask him after the event.

"Arasso..." He could sense her reluctance, but either way she chose not to press the issues which loosen the tight knot on his throat. "We better leave before another stranger come barging in."

Time seemed to drag immensely that it's strangling her in the cage of anxiety, and the silent car ride was not helping in any way. There was just a simple orientation given to all nonprofessional representatives, it was to allow the Prix to display the pieces and everything would be carried on by the critiques. All representatives were invited to see the display, but no introduction would be given to provide fair and equal treatments. Though the arrangements were a bit bizarre, it could be more interesting and comforting to stay anonymous as the contributor. No pressure or thrown expectations for the contributor and all that they have to do was wait for the result from the critiques which would be announce after the festival week. The pieces that would get the highest regards from the professionals were to be set as the cover picture of the official spread of Paris Prix. And also during the opening display, a grand auction was also running for those professionally taken pieces at the grand ball room with only selected individuals to join.

"I can't wait to see your work on display." His voice broke the silent walls between them and her attention was all at him. "Though I feel like I'm the one having it... butterflies are swarming on my belly. It's a bit weird, really." Yi Jeong chuckled to himself.

Gaeul remained quiet beside him even if he already got her attention. "I haven't seen the work you got for the display, but I know it's great, so there's nothing to worry about. Remember, it was them who invited you and that only means that they saw the potential in you."

He cupped her face and locked her in his gaze. "Can I be the first to say? That I'm so proud of you." Surprisingly, she had loosened up on her nerves from what he said and with a heart full of gratitude, Gaeul smiled at him.

"Komawo Jongie-yah." Yi Jeong smiled back at her. And as if in trance, as if time had call for it, he leaned down for a kiss and she was at the brink of closing her eyes.

"Ahemm...! Excuse me, Young Master. We are here."

Gaeul abruptly shift on her seat and chuckled uncomfortably while Yi Jeong scratched his brows frustrated because of the interruption.

"Yeah... Nice timing, Mr. Kim."




Befuddlement was an understatement when all so suddenly, they were crowded by random people ardent to get their attention, his attention. The kind of crowd they were with implied people convivial with arts. Questions were thrown to them from here and there, but his protective arms shielded her to assurance of safety, down to their way inside the building.

"I did not expect that to happen." Gaeul was far more amazed than annoyed.

At no time she had thought of Yi Jeong, being that eminent even overseas. Apart from seeing the reality, it had struck her how much Yi Jeong had contributed in the art world that almost everyone knows him. Yet for her, he's simply the charming little boy who loves to tease and impose things he likes her to do.

"I'm sorry about that. I did not expect for it to be this crazy." A look of contrite engrossed in his features.

"It's okay at least they're not like your crazy fan girls back home." She giggled.

"Enough of that Gaeul-yang." Yi Jeong reprimanded.

"All of a sudden you hate your fandom wherein you used to enjoy it formerly."

Yi Jeong found Gaeul's statement a bit odd. The way she delivered her thought was peculiar to the point that it made him think she was back being the spunky eighteen year old Gaeul, that he almost forgot that she had some problem recalling the past.

"I never enjoy public spotlight. We never did." He whirled aside his notion and held his hand out for her. "Shall we?" She accepted his offer and both of them head at the huge receiving area which leads to five different galleries.

"Welcome to the 7th Annual PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris Photo Competition. May I have the name of the guests, please?" The lobby receptionist beamed at them, or more like beamed at Gaeul.

"So Yi Jeong and Chu Gaeul" He answered the male receptionist coldly when he noticed him smiling widely at Gaeul.

"Oh!? Sorry Sir but your name isn't in the list of the invitees …"

"My name is listed at the VIP's. You can scan my card. Here."

Gaeul was about to get worried not because Yi Jeong wasn't in the list, but because of how he suddenly act cold towards the French receptionist. She saw him hand a card to the attendant before it was scanned for confirmation.

"Oh!? Yes Young Master So for the VIP." The receptionist looked back to them with apologetic smile and continued. "We can provide you an Assistant personnel to tour you around the gallery, Sir. Do you want to request for one?"

"We can manage, thank you so much!" It was Gaeul who answered. She somewhat noticed the weird look that Yi Jeong was giving to the receptionist guy. She had sworn that she saw him glare at the poor man and that she felt she has to intervene and dragged Yi Jeong with her.

"That wasn't so nice of you."

But Yi Jeong poked her side and ignored her comment. "Mind to tell me where your photos are displayed?"

A grin plastered on her face. "It's for you to find... You just have to be observant."

There was a beep coming from his pocket that took his attention away from Gaeul. He fished his phone out and saw his father's name on the registry. "I'll just take this one."

Gaeul nodded and said, "Just be in the alley to wait."

When she saw Yi Jeong nod her way, Gaeul turned her back and proceeded, watching the rows of photos along other visitors inside the gallery. She stood frozen at one certain corner and was dazzled by a certain piece. It was a reflection of a child looking directly at the pool of water while the sun was shining bright behind, with rays of light gleaming around her, as if bringing her out from the dark shades of shadow.

"Forgotten Child." She read the inscription below the photo.

"What do you think about the piece?"

Gaeul skip-frightened with the unfamiliar voice that happened to spoke in the same language as hers. She whipped her head and saw a man about her age looking expectant to hear her answer. His eyes were round, the best feature one can notice immediately before a smile broke into his charming face.


She was puzzled by the question; nevertheless the urge to answer was tempting. The interest to share her interpretation was like tickling her. After a moment of contemplation, Gaeul's threw her gazed back at the photo.

"Carefree, innocence, pure, honest and bright... The traits every child possess before the influence of the outside world taint and feign, only to leave the memory of what they were, once in their life. The forgotten child of those people who had grown up in violence, abuse and chaos…"

Gaeul looked back at the man beside her and smiled.

"But that child isn't really forgotten... She's only covered by a hard steel mask. Because as human as we are, admit it or not, we're afraid to display our weakness and fragility. It's one unique trait that makes us all humane."

The moment she finished her statement, Gaeul caught her companion giving off a deep sigh, and he shook his head slowly before smiling back at. "What a beautiful thought from a beautiful lady." Admiration couldn't surpass what he felt about her proposition. Surprisingly, she had uncovered the message he placed behind the photo.

"Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts." He said, fighting the urge to tell her that it was his creation, that he was the artist behind the picture.

At the other end of the hallway, there stood Yi Jeong who just ended the call he had with his father. And when he whipped his head to where Gaeul was, he saw her having a talk with someone. It was a man, and by how he stood, Yi Jeong could only guess that it was one fine man. And just that, his jealousy spiked up.

"Aish! This lady… Seriously!" He muttered under his breath as he paced fast towards her.

Gaeul tilted her head a little and caught a glance of Yi Jeong heading towards their spot. "Oh? Jongie!"

The stranger heard her call and he twisted to meet who Gaeul was referring to.

Yi Jeong's eyes widen in surprise, seeing such a familiar face looking back at him with a similar surprise features. And as if in reflex, the man across him flashed a grin of sardonic countenance.


"So Yi Jeong!"

Both men shook hands flashing smiles like meeting a long acquaintance, in any case the other man was a bit distant and aloof than Yi Jeong. "Yah! Haven't seen you in a while. Where on earth are you hiding?"

Gaeul heard Seungheun ask Yi Jeong who's then standing beside her. "Back home. By the way, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Chu Gaeul."

The stranger named Seungheun watched how Yi Jeong wound his arm around the shoulder of the person who caught his admiration. Girlfriend? An inward sense of disagreement rushed to Seunghyun's head, save for a mask of acknowledgment.

"Yeah! We've made a short introduction a while ago. And she told me she's with someone, but I did think it was neither a boyfriend nor you." Seunghyun stifled a chuckle which Yi Jeong didn't bother to react.

"It's really nice to see you again for such a long time Yi Jeong. I would really love to stay more and have some chats with you two, but I need to leave for the auction is starting any minute soon. Are you two going there?"

"No. We'll be staying around the galleries, probably looking for great pieces. And I'm up for a search this time." He saw Yi Jeong gaze at Gaeul who smiled back at the former and he couldn't help the twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"I see, well I'll leave you two behind. It's really nice to meet you Gaeul-ssi." He gave her a heart melting smile which was rewarded by slight smile and a nod from Gaeul.

"Nice to meet you too, Seungheun-ssi."

"I'll go visit your Grand Auction and Display soon, Yi Jeong."

"Of course."

Seungheun turned back to them after and vanish around the corridor. That was the time when Yi Jeong had loosened up with his facade. "Never go near him. Promise me that you'll never talk to him again."

Gaeul nodded to him in agreement. "His eyes pierced hard on you and his tongue was a bit sharp if I may say. I don't like him." Her frank and smart observation made Yi Jeong laugh discretely.

"You're really something, Gaeul-yang." He said and they both chuckled.

"Ready to find my photos?"

"You bet! But..." Yi Jeong tilted his head and asked, "what's my reward?"

"Is it really necessary...?"

"Ahhh... I know. How about a kiss? Mr. Kim was a bit wrong timing a while ago. You know?" A cheeky grin plastered on his handsome face making his dimples more prominent.


"What? It's a mutual benefit, Gaeul-yang."



She was standing at the very end of the fourth gallery waiting for him to reach her spot. "I'll give you a clue 'Yi Jeong'." That was what she said and that's the reason why he chose to drag her straight at the forth gallery. He didn't know why he decided to skip the other three galleries, but his gut feeling had told him it's at the fourth. Maybe because 정 'Jeong' means fourth. He looked at her then after, but she did not show any sign of affirmation, so he asked her to stay at the very end of the corridor as he make his way to her.

Without any question, Gaeul walked her way and left him at the entry part. He surveyed all the photos placed on the walls and stands as he walked forward. Yi Jeong was then ten meters away from her and a few meters away from the other entrance door of the fifth gallery adjacent to him. All the photos were pretty and nicely done, but he couldn't get the 'Gaeul vibe' in them as everything was photos of random people. Gaeul was not into taking photos of random individuals, and as he realized it, he felt a bit disappointed since the entire gallery screams of them.

Frowning, he reached her side with a crestfallen heart. He shrugged at her with a sorry pout. "I think I was wrong, Gaeul-yang. I'm so sorry, maybe it's at the other gallery."

Gaeul just smiled at him and nod. She laced her fingers with him and let him tug her towards the entrance door of the fifth gallery. She was trailing behind him when all of a sudden he stopped on his track.

There was a piece that lay unassuming on a wooden frame, standing just in front of him. It was a photo of a wooden stairs bathe with orange shades of fallen maple leaves that had streamed down, leading to the view of a hollow wooden photo frame that allows one's eyes to see a glimpse of a female child's silhouette who seemed to be gazing back at the stairs. The photo was mysterious for it own worth and he couldn't describe it with a single word.

It was detailed with hidden meaning lying behind each subject. And below was an intricate inscription that had caught his attention and he immediately traveled his fingers on it. "일생에 한번 회외" ilsaeng-e hanbeon hoeui (Once in a lifetime meeting 'Il gi il hwe') He stood frozen on his spot, with mind all jumbled, unable to process anything. Gaeul was expectant of his reaction, but was a bit stunned on how Yi Jeong looked back at her with unreadable expression.

"This is yours." The voice was almost a whisper that had cracked in his throat. He saw her nod with a countenance notably between gladness and confusion.

"How? How did you know that excerpt?" He asked, hopeful that his prayers were then answered.

Gaeul signed, relief had washed over her. "You scared me! I thought you were thinking its garbage... with regards on the excerpt... I had that one in my frequent dream."

Dream? He thought and all the tension and rampage heart beat went relaxed. There was a certain notion he wanted to ask her, but he chose to cast off the idea. Maybe I was just overly expectant about her memory. Maybe... just maybe.

Yi Jeong exhaled and composed himself in front of her. "You seriously did a great job. It caught me by surprise. I'm so proud of you!" He cupped her face and kisses her forehead.

"Mianhae, there were three other photos available, but they decided to just display one for each representative. It's a pain not to show them all to you at this moment. But I'm glad you were able to see my work. That was really amazing! Thank you!" She giggled and hugged him tight. Her earlier concerns were brushed off.

"I'm expecting to see a similar photo on the front covers of Paris Prix official spread."

Gaeul loosened her arms around him and tilted her head. "Don't be so sure and confident about that." She said to which Yi Jeong just shrug. And then all of a sudden, a light bulb popped out from his head. His hand shove into his pocket, he took his phone out and gave it to Gaeul.

"Take a picture of me with your piece."


"Come on. I need a proof to brag at Jiho, Junpyo and Woobin."

"Aish! What is there to brag about? Your face beside my piece?"

"Of course! If your piece would make it to the covers it will be priced high and then when people know that there is a photo of 'me' with your piece taken by the photo artist herself... that would be really awesome, right?"

Gaeul bit her tongue to stifle a laugh as she stared at Yi Jeong's epic expression. He looked like a seven year old kid who just came out of the theatre after watching an awesome iron man movie, like what he said was truly amazing, although it's not.

"You sound so much like Junpyo Sunbae." She cracked a sound full of laughter and now he had joined her, nonchalant on how other people were gazing at them, just the both of them in their own world.

"Yah! Gaeul-yang, just take the picture already."

"Arasso! Arasso!" A click sound was heard before she went beside him. "Me too! Me too!" She handed the phone to him which he accepted with a baffled face.

"What? Can I not have a photo of my own piece?"

On a third person point of view, they look like teenagers lurking around a museum, busy entertaining themselves and definitely nonchalant on the surrounding environment. It was a sight that had caught a lot of attention from the on-lookers, most especially from someone who's been observing them from afar for a while.

Yi Jeong childishly grinned at her and wounded his arm around her shoulders, resting his hand just above her clavicle with a piece sign. Gaeul was still looking back at him with a perplexed face when a click sound was heard.

"Yah!" Gaeul hit him when she finally realized what he did.

"Look, you look like a puppy here." He expression plastered on his screen and with a few taps and crops; he made the photo his wallpaper.

Yi Jeong laughed.

"That's unfair! I wasn't looking at the camera!" There goes her whiny status.

"Okay! Okay! Let's take another one." He didn't want to make her upset and taking another photo was not a big trouble, so he gave in.




Time had flown fast, brushing in speed at the very moment you wanted it to stop ticking, to just pause. Gaeul watched Yi Jeong pack his things back in his luggage as she sat on the couch beside him. After they roamed around the museum premises, they dined at a modest French restaurant before both decided to take some walk around the street of Champ de Mars, 5th Avenue Anatole and spend some time watching the light display of the Eiffel Tower. It was also where Gaeul had pressed him to tell about that Mr. Hanagawa they had encountered earlier. Thereafter, both headed back to their hotel suit where the atmosphere became too silent and surprisingly, heavy.

It was their last night to spend together before they would spend the three months’ time apart and it was something both were dreading for.

For Gaeul, the current predicament was something she had been preparing for, ever since, but then the feeling of letting him leave made her regret some of her decisions. All of a sudden, she felt the need to hold herself from packing her things and go back with him to Korea. Howbeit, she understood that she couldn't do that. He had gone with her all the way to France to show his support, despite the fact of being against her idea; she simply couldn't let him down that way. And as bitter as she was feeling, the need to stand on her choice was the best for both of them. Gaeul had promised to herself to make the most of her time and become a better person like what Yi Jeong did for her.

Waiting and sacrifice makes the entire journey sweet and worth it. She's definitely going to hold on that stand.

Silence had engulfed the whole place, eating their time gradually. She was quiet the whole evening, even during the ride back to the hotel. It was so suffocating, so quiet, until the sound of the closing zipper echoed in the whole room. She watched as Yi Jeong stood up from the couch to settle his luggage inside the closet. Gaeul suddenly felt the need to clear . She got on her feet and went at the mini bar table to grab some cold water on the table-top fridge.

"Sleepy already?" Yi Jeong asked as he made his way beside her.

Gaeul drunk her liquid and settled the glass after. "Ani. Not yet... maybe a bit later."

She was trying to sound cheerful, although she wasn't anything, and he had noticed. The somber sound of her voice wasn't that hard to miss. It was a similar feeling that had been stirring him the very second he had opened his eyes early that morning. Waking up and having her in his arms was like a dream to him. The calm and childlike feature of her which was a few centimeters away from his eyes was a moment he wanted to have over and over again. Her warmth and her embrace, those were the things he'd be missing so much for months, but it didn't mean that he couldn't make it without those. Four years that is, he had spent the whole years without even hearing her voice and three months couldn't scratch that record, more to the fact that he could purposely visit her soon at any time he wants.

He badly wanted to kill the heavy atmosphere between them and so Yi Jeong tried to brighten up the almost failing night. "Oh?! I just happen to remember something."

Yi Jeong raised a brow while pulling the corner of his lips at the side to make his dimples prominent. His statement caused Gaeul's brows to arch so high. "What is it?" She asked and was answered with Yi Jeong's drop of shoulders as he looked at her with those innocent countenance, yet at the back of his mind the 'cheeky' him was up to something.

"I want to claim my price." He closed the distance between them. "Where is my kiss? I found your piece at the gallery, right?"

"Ani! I did not agree on that proposition, So Yi Jeong." Gaeul stepped back from him.

"Aish! You're not keeping your promise and you did agree on that at the gallery." He insisted.

"Stop being whinny, Jongie. I only said yes because you made me say so."


To retreat was not a choice, but more like a demanded response. And because he was afraid to cause another heated argument, Yi Jeong turned his back to couch and displayed his tantrum instead.

Seriously! This man is so manipulative. But ending their night with bitter hearts and argument was not what she wanted. And with the fix decision in her head, Gaeul reached for Yi Jeong's arm pulling him enough for his body to turn back to face her. Her hands were now on her waist and then she exhaled deeply while closing her eyes.

"Arasso! Arasso! Just one. Okay?"

She did not give him a chance to demand more, and in a flash Gaeul had cupped his face and tiptoed for a soft and gentle chaste. It was too short that he found it frustrating. Heck he was even rob for the chance to close his eyes!

"What was that? A friendly kiss?"

"Your price. That was your own demanded price, be thankful for it."

"I won't!" Yi Jeong pouted.

Gaeul's unconscious mind alerted her to step back, to keep her distance from him. He's being a toddler again. Aish! She thought.

"You're so ma-ni-pu... manipulative." He made a step closer while as she took two steps back. It took her four steps before her body arched touching the edge of the bar table against her back.

"What are you planning to do?" Gaeul dared ask Yi Jeong, though she knew what it was that Yi Jeong was doing. Continuously, she arched against the table while he bent towards her.

"Claim my price..." Yi Jeong kissed her lips shortly then uttered, "And my three months installment of 'goodnight kisses'." A playful smirk flashed on his lips before he sealed her lock with his kisses.

Indeed, for so many times she's right. If she wouldn't let him have one, then he would just come and snatch some. At that moment, she again was left without a choice, but it didn't mean that she's against the thought of giving him a kiss. The thing was, she's simply making herself strong to be able to resist the urge of grabbing her suitcase and go home with him.

The other part of her brain was telling her to hold on to what Yi Jeong was showing her, because it wouldn't feel great regretting the chance to have him kiss her before their looming separation. Gaeul was sure that they'd be able to keep on even if he's seven hours ahead from her time zone.


~~ Here I am waiting; I'll have to leave soon

Why am I, holding on? We knew this day would come, we knew it all along

How did it, come so fast? This is our last night but it's late and I'm trying not to sleep

Cause I know, when I wake, I will have to slip away ~~


His hand made its way from her arms down to the arch of her back, drawing her closer to him while his other hand held her neck, pulling her head to steady her and to keep her near. Yi Jeong didn't want to let go of Gaeul at any moment, he kept her pressed against him, showering her with his warmth as he savor her lips more demandingly. He was tracing her lips with his, pulling it down to give him more space and she gasped and shivered in response. With a little space, he allowed her to catch her breath before he kept her lock again.

"That was my price." Gaeul eyes shot open hearing his statement, the sound coming from him brought a tingling sensation which traveled down her spine and suddenly, butterflies started to swarm her belly.

The eyes that were looking back at him was mirroring his soul, the soul which yearns for her. "Always expect my calls every day. Don't overwork yourself, find time to enjoy and roam around Paris. And always eat and sleep on time. Arasso?" Gaeul smiled and nodded at Yi Jeong earnestly.

"You! Just promise me you'll behave!" Yi Jeong chuckled at her clamorous statement.

"Aye aye Captain!" He grinned at her as he rested his forehead against her.

"And for my goodnight kisses..." Yi Jeong held Gaeul's face and kissed her on the forehead, then her eyes, her nose, her cheeks and finally her lips.

"I will surely miss you, Gaeul-yang."

"I'm already missing you now even if you're still with me." She remarked with an honest heart thus she was simply shushed by another passionate kiss.


~~ Here I am staring at your perfection

In my arms, so beautiful

The sky is getting bright the stars are burning out

Somebody slow it down

This is way too hard, cause I know when the sun comes up, i will leave... ~~


"It wouldn't be this hard if don't love you this much." He could only shake his head with his own statement. He still want to stay awake and watch her sleep soundly, but his eyes felt heavy. For the very last time before he surrender to slumber, Yi Jeong pulled Gaeul closer and rested her hand on his chest.

"Goodnight Bumpkin." He whispered.


~~ And when the daylight comes I'll have to go

But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close

Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own

But tonight I need to hold you so close ~~

A/N: please let me know how was it TT, reviews and comments makes me happy... hehehehe. Thanks Guys! God bless! <3

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!