Breaking News!

The Recognition

Breaking News

For numerous times already, she had asked herself to why the person sitting in their living room even there. And having her foster parents at home also didn't help, especially her mother who obviously fawning over the unexpected visitor. She wanted to think that it was a mere friendly visit, but something inside her was whispering that it does mean something else. Having a semester in Psychology during her college days gave her sort of ideas that this visitor, apparently is hitting on her. Well a person didn't need a few units in Psychology to even notice. Maybe she's in denial or trying to ignore the thing, but in a not-so-obvious way, he's some kind of persistent, that’s if she's allowed to tell.

"We'll leave you two behind since we have to buy goods at the grocery. If you happen to leave and have a date just send my daughter back before 10 pm, okay? It's really nice to meet you, Jiho-ssi."

Minsoe could only cringe at her mother's statement. "We better leave now. I hope not to see you two here when we get back." Her father said grinning widely at them.

 She had never wished to be swallowed by the floor, yet at the moment she's very much willing to be devoured by it. Minsoe looked down at the floor, trying to avoid the inexplicable gladness on her parents face. She thanked God that after the awkward atmosphere, they left them and head to the grocery. Then after, she sighed hard and slumped down the sofa.

"That was so embarrassing! Aish!"

She stumped her feet several times on the floor before diverting her attention to the man who looked so entertained of her situation. "Yah! Dr. Yoon, what has come into you head to even give me a visit? Huh?"

Her patience almost snapped out when Jiho answered her with a shrug. Impossible. The only thing she wanted to do was to kick Jiho's and push him out of the house. Her imagination was too active and it made her feel like a badass chic.

 I think that's too mean. Erase erase erase.

"Are you imagining that you're kicking me out of your house?"

Her eyes popped out from its sockets, thus confirming his observation. Jiho wanted to laugh, yet he chose to bit his tongue instead, preventing her for getting more embarrassed. The purpose of his visit was just to check up on her after what had happen at the yacht club. Though they spent their days with each other in the hospital, he chose not pry about the matter during work. He thought that it's better to see how she's doing in person and what he had seen at the moment made him feel at ease.

He's glad to know that even with her complicated identity Minsoe was blessed to have a jolly adaptive family. Being with them in a short period, reminded him of Jandi's unique parents. They've been warm and entertaining at the same time. It also did not fail to notice the obvious that Minsoe's parents were playing cupid for them which made his visit more interesting.

"How did you know what's running in my head?"

"So I was right indeed."

Minsoe straightened in her seat and folded her arms in front of her. "Tell me Dr. Yoon Jiho, are you some kind of..." She swallowed hard. 

"Hitting on you?" He finished her sentence and her jaw to drop from shock. Jiho then gave her his heart melting smile which caused a blast of red shade on her cheeks.

In a reflex, Minsoe blew some air out from her nose, trying to relax a bit. She needed to give him some dust to eat. "Are you? Are you hitting on me, Yoon Jiho?"

Just then, the formality was dropped, dragging his status down to her level. Jiho looked at her with amusement, but manage to front a stoic expression. Jiho thought that teasing and taunting were too childish to do, since its Yi Jeong’s and Woobin’s habit. However, he's enjoying it immensely, especially when it comes to Minsoe. He stretched his arms at the side and settled them on the back rest of the sofa.

"Isn't it obvious yet?" He asked her in a mundane manner.

Damn! This man!

Never in her life had she cursed mentally for a person who did nothing, but be straight forward. Why does he have that kind of effect on her? Naturally she would either retort back or without a warning punch anybody that caused her annoyance. It may not be evident in her nature since she looks gentle and calm, but boy she can kick Richard Simmons better than anybody else in her family, even her dad.

Minsoe was holding up to the last thread of her patience, preventing herself to grab and drag Jiho out of the house. She hated how he could act so nonchalant about his actions and treatment to her. Did he ever know how a simple smile could turn her knees like jellies? Yeah. Maybe he’s too much used to have that effect on other girls, but heck it's a little worst on her part.

"Jiho-ssi, let's not beat around the bush. Will you tell me your true reason? You're making it hard for me, just so you know." 

Frank. Jiho thought. That's the trait that he's most amused of and he finds people like that as honest and unpretentious.

"I like you."


"Let me talk to her." Junpyo's voice sound a bit unsteady.

"What? If it's her you want to talk to, you should have called her phone instead." Yi Jeong rolled his eyes at his best friend’s request. What is it that he wants with Gaeul-yang?

"Just put her on the phone!"

There was an incoherent conversation on the other line before he was able to hear her voice. "Hello?" Finally the phone was given to her. "Sunbae?" Junpyo heard her speak again.

"Gaeul-ah, will you keep Yi Jeong away first? I really need to ask you something important." Unknown to him the couple on the other side of the world kept the phone on loud speaker and that Gaeul was held still by Yi Jeong who's sitting beside her.

"Neh, Sunbae." Gaeul was forced to lie when Yi Jeong didn't let go of her hand.

"Yah! Chu Gaeul, tell me... Don't hesitate to tell me anything. I'm your Junpyo Sunbae, you can trust me. Did... did Yi Jeong do something to you? Like kiss... clothes remove... bed?"


That was the last word Junpyo heard from Gaeul before his ears went almost bleeding from Yi Jeong's outburst. Never in his life had he heard Yi Jeong cursed him like no tomorrow that he almost cried from shock. It also didn't help that he placed his phone on loud speaker, letting everyone in the lounge hear the entire talk, making them almost die of laughter.

Woobin was rolling on the floor clutching his stomach, Jiho who just arrived, collapsed on the couch slamming the throw pillow beside him while Jeakyung was already crying and laughing at the same time. Junpyo was left speechless and catatonic making the rest of the gang to erupt into another set of laughter.

"I... I told you not… Not to do it." Woobin was still trying to stop himself from laughing and then again collapse on the floor.

The three of them has been trying to stop Junpyo from calling the couple in Paris just to ask something nonsense, yet the stubborn Junpyo insisted.

"What's happening here?" Asked Jandi who just emerged from the door.

She saw the rest of her friends laughing carelessly while her boyfriend was seated on the couch with a blank look on his face. Jandi went towards them and sat beside Junpyo who did not even notice her.

"Yah! Jiho Sunbae, what happen to all of you?"

Jiho fixed himself and sat straight on his seat. Jaekyung stood up from her seat obviously trying to kill her laugh and gesturing Jandi that she's heading to the bathroom as Woobin sat on the floor wiping his sweat with his handkerchief.

"He did it. Junpyo asked Gaeul and Yi Jeong heard the whole thing."


"Yi Jeong cursed him to death..." Woobin chuckled again a little more discrete than his laugh a while ago.

"What?!" Jandi turned to Junpyo and smacked his head making Woobin to burst again. "Yah! Have you gone insane? How could you ask my best friend that type of question?"

The hitting of his head pulled him out from his catatonic phase. He swiftly turned his head sideways and saw Jandi looking back at him with furrowed eye brows.

"Jandi-yah! You're here!" He exclaimed with tone of excitement.

Almost like a lightning bolt, Jandi pulled him out of the living room and out of the house. "Gu Junpyo, what the hell did you ask Gaeul? Huh? Tell me the exact statement you asked her."

"Uhhh... Yah! Chu Gaeul, tell me... Don't hesitate to tell me anything. I'm your Junpyo Sunbae, you can trust me. Did... did Yi Jeong do something to you? Like kiss... clothes remove... bed?" Junpyo never missed any detail, saying the entire conversation with a proud grin on his face.

Jandi was in the verge of laughing and crying at the same time. She couldn't believe that even after years of birthdays, Junpyo hasn't age mentally. Feeling defeated, she ended giving him a hug or more like consoling herself in marrying such a man.

"That was stupid."

"I know. I just didn't expect that Yi Jeong could curse that well."



They're about to sleep when they received a call from back home. At first Yi Jeong was reluctant to answer it, but knowing the caller might get upset, he picked it up. He took the call never knowing how things would end up.

Gaeul wanted to help Yi Jeong cool down, however she also couldn't help but laugh at the scenario. It never came to her that Junpyo would be calling them and would ask such sensitive topic which somehow reflecting on Yi Jeong's explosion.

Shock was an understatement, if she would use to describe what she felt about the question. Her mind almost scream of a curse word, but she ended up uttering an 'eh?' to Junpyo. After that everything went to explosion. For the entire time that she’s with Yi Jeong, Gaeul had never heard him erupt to the extent that he said all the curse words she know and never know in one blow. It amazed her on how best friends could curse each other to that bound, but it's not like she wanted to try it with Jandi.

After composing herself, Gaeul stood up from the bed and went to sit beside the drained So Yi Jeong. He was seated on the convertible couch wearing a sweat pants and a white shirt with stretched out legs, scratching his brow.

"Just brush it off. Maybe Junpyo Sunbae is just worried about us." There was an evident chuckle on her voice which only turned Yi Jeong more embarrassed.

"It's okay. I promise I will never mind what Junpyo Sunbae said because I trust you. And I know that's more important, right?"

He felt her arms wound around him as she rested her head on his shoulder. And that's what he called the bonus. Indeed, Yi Jeong was upset about how stupid Junpyo had gone to even ask such a question. But more than being upset with his best friend, Yi Jeong wanted to know how Gaeul would react about the matter and how would she see him after that awkward scenario. He was grinning so wide feeling so confident about himself because Gaeul just said that she trust him so much and that's enough to make him feel assured. He wanted to laugh at himself for being cheesy to point where others might vomit, but he didn't care and that's because he's happy.

"Gaeul-yang, are you sure you're fine living in the dorm? We can have an apartment for..."

"I'm fine with the dorm and in fact I will be able to make new acquaintances if I'll stay there."

"Just make sure it will all be female acquaintances. You need to promise me that."

"I can't promise you that because it is inevitable."

"Yah!" Yi Jeong pushed his shoulder forward making Gaeul's head slide down. She laughed at that action.

Tilting her head back as she gazed at him Gaeul, she reached and pinched his nose. "Arasso! Arasso!"

A lazy sound came out from her before she rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn. With her heavy eyes and drained body, she tried to pull herself up only to be halted by Yi Jeong. She fell down to her previous spot locked in his embrace.

"Just stay for a while." He murmured against her hair.

In two days’ time, both of them will be in a different side of the world, physically apart from each other. He asked the person inside him if he's ready for the dreadful separation, but not a single confirmation given. Being ready about it has never been an option; maybe he'd just face it when it's right in front of his eyes.

It's her journey to take and he's willing to wait, let her do tose things she wanted, so after she'd come running back in his arms and tell to him the tail she had as they would spend time together back home. How great would it be to imagine a future full of chats and laughter with her beside him, spending the rainy days under the covers of their bed or walk around the neighborhood on spring where gardens are filled with bunch of blooming flowers.

There was a warm air that had escape from his mouth and he never realized the pair of gloomy eyes that was observing him for a while. The things running inside his head were set hidden away from anybody else, but that didn't mean she that couldn't feel how downcast he's feeling about her three months of stay. Without a word to spin him out from his own world Gaeul buried closer to him, filling her nostrils with the scent she'd be missing for a while - the smell that could bring you in the vast of a pinewood forest glittering from the rays of sunlight that was bouncing playfully on the resting dew of the morning spring.

"Let's work things out like partners, okay?" Yi Jeong slid his hand on the edge of her jaw, lifting her chin up to make her look back to him as he continue. "I can't promise you that this will go smoothly, but I will definitely not become dense anymore on rough times."

A warm smile painted at her delicate features, her eyes conveying an inner thought of gladness. He simply understood that she would try her best as much as he will. Yi Jeong felt lost again as he gazed at her brown round eyes. He couldn't help but be drowned at memories they had this morning...

They had spent the whole day strolling around Paris after they settled all the necessary things that Gaeul might need for the grand display the next day at Espace Dupon and also for her three months of stay. Gaeul opted to stay at the dormitory offered by the Paris Photographic Studio which was owned by Randy Harris - an internationally acclaimed photographer who's residing in the heart city of France.

The workshop she's in, included entirely of outdoor activities, roaming around the whole country of France while techniques and evaluations would be discuss inside the workshop hall lead by Randy Harris himself. She would also attend various seminars conducted by the organizers of the Prix thereafter.

Done with the settlement, they went on random places Yi Jeong wanted to visit personally. He had been to France for several times, but sightseeing and walking around like a tourist was never been one of the activities; business as usual, was his main purpose.

Gaeul was all, but mesmerized and amazed by how modernity and history had met at the end, displaying the magnificent scenery of Paris. During the first night, skyscrapers, traffic, houses, cathedrals and even the light coming from the ever beautiful satellite above the indigo sky flooded her eyes without the strain of being overwhelmed, just pure beauty and perfection. 'The City of Lights' as they deem the place, truth to be told it does scream its glory as to how they call it, even if shadowed with the bright light from the sun.

Being a lover of photos, Gaeul couldn't help herself, and took tons of images as Yi Jeong was simply amused following her wherever she goes. They've been to St. Sulpice – one of France's famous churches which made Gaeul gasp the moment she walked in, seeing the magnificent Delacroix painting that was shadowing everyone under it.

"Da Vinci code." An almost whisper sound that Gaeul uttered. Her expression was so priceless causing him to be more engrossed to her than the great view around him.

"Mind if we stay a bit and pray?" She asked.

He gazed at her mischievously. "Why? Are you planning to tie me today?"

She displayed a sly smirk and rolled eyes on him. "You wish, Mister!"


They spent their lunch at Place des Vosges and saunter at the Pavilion designed for the royalties. They stayed for a while, appreciating the exquisite design of elegance beside the sturdiness and history. The Pavilions were actually made for the Royalties, but neither one had stayed and occupied it.

Their early afternoon was spent at the Marché aux Puces St.- Ouen de Clignancourt, the Paris flea market where bargain hunters of unique and extraordinary items, starting form paintings, sculptures, furniture or anything one could think of were there. Shoppers go gaga from various designer bags and luggage on sale, but for people with distinctive taste like the both of them, the alley where rows of artworks and exceptional pieces of items were displayed was the best spot.

Like normal couples, they had strolled along the red pavements of the valley-like sets of stores, enjoying the afternoon as they walk hand in hand. The mere display of affection wasn't that open when they go out from the public back home, but now that they're away, both did make the most of it.

Her eyes drawn over stack of colorful beads, marbles and decorative glasses which were randomly placed on the wooden cabinet, Gaeul tugged Yi Jeong closer. "How did they make such pretty marbles?" She asked, looking intently on the box where uniquely designed marbles are placed, nothing similar to anything on the set.

"They made that by melting broken glasses until it become thick and liquid like. Using a metal tube, they will dip the end of it on the molten glass and blows at the other end to push some air inside as they contoured it shapes. Those colorful designs were semi hardened colored glass delicately placed on top of it after being covered with another coat of liquid glass. So basically is the art of layering things together." Yi Jeong explained.

"That's quite a hard job to do. Just like pottery, everything requires fire." Yi Jeong patted her head.

"It requires a lot of passion to do so." Gaeul nodded her head in agreement.

"I've learned how to make a traditional glass art in Morocco before. If you want I can make you one."

"Really? Can I?"

"Of course, I was planning to add some of those types at the museum as well."

"Will you let me see how you do it?"

"Just promise me you won't doze up like you always do at my workshop."

Sheepishly, she smiled at him and nod. It has been a hobby of her that every time Yi Jeong was there to make pots at his studio, she'd stay observing him work first then finding herself waking up at his room after, realizing that she had, again, slept while watching.


After the long strolling at the flea market, they decided to have the chauffeur drive them to where Yi Jeong wanted to visit last.

"Musée Rodin." There was a serine look in his face as he had said its name.

"This is the only place I come to visit whenever I'm in Paris." His eyes glittered in shade of hazel as the ray of the afternoon sun brush on his face.

"This might be very special to you." Never leaving her gaze, he turned and smiled at her.

He lifted his hand, asking for her to take it, "shall we?"

Gaeul took his offered hand and he led her inside the museum. Heading towards the display room, he ushered her giving small details on pieces they had seen.

"Is this the famous 'The Thinker'?" He stood beside her and watched as she placed her hand on the red cord surrounding the huge sculpture.

"Yes. One of the famous master pieces of Auguste Rodin. This place houses over six thousand sculptures, five thousand paintings, over a thousand ceramics and pots... but the most prized possession of this place was the creation of Rodin."

"Is this your favorite piece of his creation as well?"

"Ani. It's on the other room."



Absentmindedly, as they were both recalling the earlier events, Yi Jeong had been tracing circles on Gaeul's clavicle, playing his fingers on the ring pendant dangling on her neck. His thoughts were crowding over him that he did not even notice how Gaeul was looking at him with furrowed eye brows. The thing that he's doing on her, somewhat caused a knot on her belly, cracking an unknown sensation that turned her back to break goose bumps.

"So Yi Jeong…" She called his attention and as fast as a blink he looked back at her with baffled expression.

"Hmm?" His hand stopped on its deed.

Afraid to ask about why he was doing such an act, Gaeul shook her head instead. She kept a slight distance between them and tried to brush her thought. "What were you thinking?"

He caught her curious eyes which were cleared from the dose of drowse. "The Kiss"

"Ahhh..." Yi Jeong saw her clearing . "Your favorite sculpture, but you didn't tell me why you like that piece so much. Is it because of what is it called?" Her elegant brows arched upwards and then surfaced the naive expression on her and Yi Jeong wanted to laugh.

"Sort of, but I am more drawn by it because of the story behind the piece."

"Willing to share?"

"It was formerly named as Francesca da Rimini, name of an Italian noble woman who fell in love with her husband's brother."


"I can't tell that she is, because she's been loyal to the person she really loves. Francesca fell in love with her lover as they were reading the story of Lancelot and Guinevere. Did you know that the sculpture wasn't really kissing?"

"They weren't? I haven't noticed though."

"Francesca never had a chance to touch her lips against her lover's. That is because they were killed right at the very moment they were about to kiss."

Gaeul gasp for air at his statement. Her head turned to him with full attention, she uttered. "That was so unfortunate."

Yi Jeong nodded in agreement. "Her husband learned about the infidelity and had caught them in act or should I say at the verge of trying to kiss each other. On the spot, he killed both of them."

For a person who always roots for happy endings, Gaeul obviously was disappointed about how things turned to tragedy. "That's way too brutal... a punishment they got just because they love each other. She wasn't able to kiss him, even for once."

"Yeah! It to be on their shoes. Who knows that would be the best they could ever have out of their love for each other, right?"

"But then... if you'll look at it on the bright side. Both of them can love each other without stepping on others feeling or hurting someone else anymore. They are free to love each other to their hearts content now."

For a while Yi Jeong gazed at Gaeul. Even if he offered her a tragic ending story, she was able to find a 'happy ending' behind the dark clouds. It caught him by surprise, though he acknowledged that she indeed got her point. "But that's way too different from living and loving at the same time."


"Feelings. To how they conveyed their feelings after their death... that is what we don't know. But conveying your feelings to someone you can touch and feel is way too different."

"I think I understand your standpoint."

"That is because we don't know if their souls can still kiss. Like this..."

Without a chance to escape, Gaeul was locked in his arms as he raised her chin and bent down to give her a chaste on her cheek.

"Or this." He kissed her on the forehead.

"This", he rained soft kisses on her eyes then her nose.

"And this", with a mischievous smirk, he delved his head down to her and caught her lips gently.

The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but as his mind caved in on their looming separation, Yi Jeong's kisses became more demanding and searching. He was robbing her of air, but then Gaeul couldn't help herself from responding. She too, wanted reassurance that things would run just fine in those three months of being away from each other. Gaeul prayed that they would be able to get through this and become even more trustful of each other.

Drowned by her response, Yi Jeong, out of instinct made his way on pushing Gaeul down the couch and under his frame without her knowing. Both were in total daze. Gaeul returned his kisses, oblivious of their compromising position, not until Yi Jeong bit her lower lip a little as if pleading for her to let him deepen the kiss.

"Yi Jeong!"

He froze. That was the voice he hadn't heard from her ever since he could remember. The low, lazy and husky voice she got, grilled him in the middle of losing control and snapping out. He stayed frozen on his spot, with closed eyes he tried to compose himself, beating the tiny little devil inside him, punishing it for almost letting the lion out of the cage. Yi Jeong inwardly sighed. He rested his head against hers and smiled at her sweetly before gazing back on those widened orbs of her.

The moment everything went clear from hazy, Gaeul could only cringe on what could have happen if she did not wake up from her senses. She was so frighten to see herself pinned on the couch under him and more to the fact that she did not even notice that she was indeed lying on the couch already, Yi Jeong’s hand touching her ... God! She almost loosed it.

Then later, she watched him smiled at her as he opened his eyes. With her hands on his chest, Gaeul could feel how loud his heart was beating. Gradually, like time had frozen with them, Yi Jeong's heart slowly returned to its pace against her palms.

"Good night Gaeul-yang." He bent down again and kissed her forehead.

Gaeul did not utter anything, but just nod her head and smiled sweetly in response. She was so thankful that Yi Jeong had kept his word and that he remained conscious of his actions.

"Good night Jongie." Finally she was able to speak when he helped her up from the couch. 

She was about to get to her bed when she felt being tugged by him. She turned around facing him. With an almost pleading expression, eyes so promising that he looked like a toddler begging for attention, Yi Jeong uttered a request that made Gaeul gasped.

"Gaeul-yang... can... Can I sleep beside you tonight?"

He saw her gulped hard from his request. It wasn't anything like a vocation deem by his body, but just plain and innocent request. It's his last two nights with her before they'd head back to their respective life, away from each other. He simply wanted to spend it with her at least. Gaeul didn’t know what to answer and judging on how he looked, with those puppy pleading eyes, how can she say no?

"Okay..." Yi Jeong eyes widened. "But! But you have to promise me you'll behave. Do I make it clear?"

"Aye, aye, Captain!" Yi Jeong gave a salute and hugged her tightly. "You're the best, Gaeul-yang! I love you!"

He let go of her and jumped on top of the bed like a three year old. "Aren't we going to sleep yet?" He excitedly slumped down and buried himself inside the covers.

Gaeul laughed at his sudden childish behavior, she did not expect to have a child as a boyfriend.

"You behave! You promised!" She reminded him before she tucked herself under the sheets beside him.

Yi Jeong reached for the bedside table and tapped the lamp shade to off before moving himself in the middle just close enough from Gaeul. Without any warning he s his arms around her waist pulled her close to him.

"Yah! Didn't I tell you to behave, So Yi Jeong?" She was twisting away from him.

"What? I'm well behaving. Can't you see? And what's wrong with hugging my pillow?"

"Yah! I'm not your pillow, Mister. Let go of me!"

"Keep quiet pillow. You're not an alarm clock."

"Yah! So Yi Jeong!"

"Hey pillow! If you're not going to keep quiet and stop resisting I will kiss you." He threatened her and almost immediately, Gaeul shut .

If she'd continue being stubborn, things might not get better because if she argue more, he would end up kissing her in the middle of the night, on top of the King sized bed with no lights. How could she escape if she's locked in his arms? So instead of arguing Gaeul bit her tongue and did not bother to utter a single word, while hardly dismissing the rapid beating of her heart.

Just wait until tomorrow morning. You are going to pay for this. She evilly thought.

He waited for her to retort back, but she did not. Bumpkin, afraid of what I might do. He grinned at her defeat and stayed awake for a while before he felt her breathing evenly in his arms. Gaeul had drifted down to slumber.

"Good night my Bumpkin." He uttered as he kissed her forehead which caused her to stir a bit and shift position. With tired eyes, save for ever happy heart, Yi Jeong buried his head on the crook of her nape filling his nostrils with the sweet scent of her hair and finally surrendered to slumber.



Meanwhile in Seoul

"Woobin-ah! Your kid peed on my guitar." Jiho handed the fluffy stuff on Woobin's arms.

"Oh?" Without a choice Woobin held Chummy and took it from his friend. "Mian, I'll buy you a new one, Jiho-yah."

Waving his hand in front of Woobin, Jiho shook his head and spin drop down the couch then crossed his legs. He kept on eyeing the Don Juan who miraculously being affectionate on the little thing. It's an unusual and rare to catch a moment of his friend being like that, Jiho fondly observed. A smirk of amusement was breaking on his lips when out of blue Woobin uttered a statement as if talking to something that’s capable of answering him back.

"You little devil, didn't I told not to mess around and damage valuables? Monkey will kill me if she'll know about this."

Apparently, Woobin has been spending some times, replacing a lot of stuffs in his house because Chummy has the tendency to play and sharpen her teeth with objects that costs some zeroes on it. Last week, the fluffy thing torn Jaekyung's Channel pumps and made it her dog bone. Afraid to feel the wrath of the young heiress, Woobin bought another set of the pumps just to know the next day that Chummy broke its heel. Having no chance of replacing it on time, the issue reached Jaekyung's knowledge and then the long argument came after. She was so furious about why he never uttered the matter to her and that he even replaced the shoe without her knowing it. Woobin cringed just remembering the incident.

"You need to bring her to the doctor and ask some advice on training her."

"I already did that, but she wouldn't listen to me. Did you know she broke Yi Jeong's gift to me on my last birthday?"

"The purple clay? Woobin-ah, do you know how much it cost? It was a piece which was supposed to be displayed in London, but then Yi Jeong gave it to you as a gift. How could you be so careless?"

"I know. But I was too late. It was shattered into pieces the time I saw it. What else do you want me to do? Glue it together?" Jiho pursed his lips and sighed.

"I just hope Yi Jeong won't discover this. How about the sword I gave you?" He said and watched Woobin gulp hard.

"Jeakyung broke it. I'm sorry, Jiho-ah. You see... this thing here. I don't know how she did it, but Jeakyung found her on top of the display cabinet then Chummy fell down..."

"With the samurai." Jiho finished.

"Jaekyung was horrified when the samurai landed, standing from the stab it made on the wooden floor just a centimeter away from Chummy. So without thinking she pulled the sword and asked one of my men to break it in half which they did instantly. I'm so sorry."

With nothing to say, Jiho simply shrug his shoulders at his sorry looking best friend. "How are you coping with her?" He asked, but only to be dismissed when Jeakyung emerged and walked towards them.

"Hey! Why so serious, both of you?" She sat on the seat adjacent to both men. Noticing the exchange of eye conversation between Jiho and Woobin, she decided to push her question out and stoop a little to get Chummy from Woobin's lap. "Come here."

To kill the silence that had lingered after Jaekyung’s arrival, Jiho uttered, "Unmute, Channel 8." The lounge was then filled with the sound coming from the television as a reporter delivered the breaking news of the hour, cutting the documentary in the middle of its time slot.


'Hot from the pot scoop is making major headlines this morning after the online tabloid Dispatch broke the news that the three remaining sought after Bachelors from the Conglomerate Group F4 have been continually spotted hanging out with what the netizens deem as their 'Girlfriends'.'


Woobin let a snort, and made a face about the unusual type of breaking news. "When did TV stations classify our lives as breaking news? It's not something like were in danger or any national crisis. Impossible!"

Jaekyung immediately covered his mouth to keep him from talking. "Quiet!" And Jiho chuckled at how Woobin gave in from her demand.


'After the grand wedding announcement of Shinwa's CEO Gu Junpyo to Dr. Geum Jandi - a Pediatrician at Yoon Dong's Medical Center, rumors had sprang that the three remaining Bachelors are also in an 'Exclusively Dating' status.'


"Omo! It's...?" Jaekyung exclaimed as Woobin and Jiho's eyes went glued on the television when paparazzi photos flashed on the screen.


'Former President Yoon Dong Woon's Grandson and Yoon Dong's Medical Center's new CEO, Yoon Jiho had been spotted carrying a bouquet of red roses and hastily entering his hospital premises. Within the same day, a lovely nurse had been photographed, probably heading home and was carrying a bouquet of flowers. The netizens pointed out that the roses were seemingly identical to the one being brought by the CEO Doctor. The said lady had also been spotted being fetched by a chauffeur using the Doctor's luxury vehicle. Some photos also surfaced with them spending dinner dates at an exclusive Italian restaurant in Hong Dae near the K Yacht club.'


"How did they know that? I have to provide Minsoe some guards, Jiho."

Jiho remained quiet on his seat and he understood that his brain cells are on the brink of formulating a temporary solution, so Woobin decided to push the suggestion after the whole news is done.


'There are also sets of photos surfacing the internet portals, gaining a lot of attention from the netizens and the media as well. Apparently the infamous 'Chick Magnet' and the President of Song's International Business Group, Song Woobin has been photograph to everywhere he goes, teasing everyone with his most prized possession who is no other than the JK Group Heiress, Ha Jeakyung.'


"Me? Prized possession? What am I, a thing?" Jaekyung couldn't help, but gave a sarcastic expression.

"I don't find it offensive though." Jiho smirked at his best friend who responded with a two thumbs up.

"What an assuming group of brats." Her razor sharp tongue sliced her every word, but was simply rewarded by a chuckle from both guys.


'... wouldn't hard to notice the striking features of the always gorgeous and presentable Multi-Million Dollars Heiress most especially being the consistent companion of Mr. Song.'


A photo of them together was flashed on the screen. 


'This is the newly taken photo of them as they were both heading somewhere in Gangnam. If you were to notice Song Woobin-ssi is carrying a cute little dog which the netizen assumes as Ms. Ha's pet. They were walking along the alley with arms linked together as bunch of 'men in black' trailing behind them. Netizens are now referring them as 'The Power Couple' due to their extraordinary background.'


'And to top the beautiful cake, we need a sweet icing.' The announcer continued and a collage of photos were one by one enlarged and flashed on the screen, obviously taken in sequence shots.


'Here are numbers of photos, looking as if they were taken from a television drama, but I tell you, it isn't. It's the ever adored World Renowned Protégé, the Acting CEO of Lee's International Industries and the Vice President of Woosong Group, So Yi Jeong. The photos were taken at Incheon International Airport as the Famous Potter came to surprise what the media assumed as his fiancée.

According to Dispatch, the said fiancée of Mr. So was about to cancel her flight to Paris France, but to her surprise she was held back by the famous Potter who happened to book a ticket of the same flight without her knowledge. This adorable couple is now spending their time together in the romantic 'City of Lights'.'


Another set of photos were flashed on the screen.


'To confirm the rumors, Dispatch released photos of this couple spotted strolling around Place des Vosges and visiting the ever famous St. Sulpice walking hand in hand while taking random pictures like normal tourists.'


The announcer was discussing some other detailed information and had stated that no representatives from any of the group had confirmed or deny the issue.


'I'll leave it to everyone to give conclusions about this surprising news, but definitely this scoop filled the air with some romantic vibe. This is Kim Jaehee for KSB 8 Breaking News.'


"Wow! That was really something. Netizens, your avid fan girls and the media itself, they are all scary. How are we going to deal with this?" Jaekyung worriedly asked, looking expectant for an answer, but to her surprise, both Woobin and Jiho shrugged their shoulders, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"We better go home." Woobin invited, feeling nonchalant about the unexpected news.

"What? Aren't we doing anything to stop it from...?"

"We will not release any response about this matter because it will just add fire and worsen the issue. Let them do what they are expected to do and that we will just add security on our part. That's it." Jiho explained as he too, stood up on his seat.

"Jiho was right. It will eventually die in time, but I have to give them credit for being creative and detailed. And in fact, it had entered the net so we cannot do anything about that, so let's simply wait until the issue die on itself." He held her hand and pulled her up in a smooth manner.

"So to my 'Prized Possession'... Shall we go?"



Later that afternoon


She was all so quiet the whole time and it bugged him to what's running inside her head. "Bin-ah..." She called his attention.


"The news had probably reached my family... You know that I'm engaged, right?" Jaekyung's head was down cast as she let out a heavy sigh.

"In our world it is always the media that stirs us, however if your family will react about it, it will be their choice... Just let them be."

Jaekyung whipped her head sideways and searched for any hint of tease in his eyes, yet there was none. "Your name was brought in the scandal and it's because of me and what if my parents will deny the issue you will..."

"My name has been into dipsh*t for how long I can't even remember. And this issue isn't something that can surpass the others that I had before. No need to worry about me." A reassuring smile flashed on his face, somewhat masking an unwelcoming stir inside him.

"But..." He shook his head in a stiff manner.

"Let's just brush this matter and just enjoy what we have now. Will you trust me on that?"

Yes! Of course, I trust you so much to let you have my heart just like that. She wanted to answer him in an instant, but it was so hard for her to tell each words. Afraid to cause him disappointment, Jeakyung tried her best to smile with full gratitude and nod her head in agreement.

"Yes. I trust you." He caught her say after a long and dragging pause.

Jaekyung looked so surprise when she said those words as if she intended it for herself only. Woobin noticed it, but chose to brush it all aside. She was too shock of herself that she was able to utter such honest remark; nevertheless it was all in no pretense.

"Aren't we heading to your office?" The heiress said, trying to kill the awkwardness around.

"I'm sending you home first the..."

"I don't want to wait for you at home. Your servants are on off duty... There... There is no one to talk to."

"No one to talk to? Or are you trying to keep me away from heading to my cousin's newly opened bar?" Jaekyung was so ready to deny, yet Woobin raised his hand to cut her thought.

"Don't dare deny, because I know you heard his invitation yesterday and you also know I agreed. Are you being possessive of me now?" It brought him so much satisfaction when he saw her flustered, it gave him an idea that she's indeed, affected. Woobin confidently flashed his devilish smirk.

"Bring me home! Go anywhere you want and don't even try to eat the food I'm going to prepare for dinner. Enjoy yourself Prince Song." She snapped out from her cocoon of patience.

He wanted to laugh at her failing anger management; instead he chose to brush it all aside. What a unique relationship this is? Woobin asked himself amusedly.

"Hey! No need to yell... Just tell me not to go and I won't."

Silence was deafening, until Jaekyung broke it. "Don't go."

Her request was enough to make him feel elated and with a gentle pat on her head, Woobin grinned so wide. "Better behave. It's not an order for Chummy, but the both of you, arasso?"

"Neh!" Jeakyung exclaimed gleefully raising Chummy's front legs together.



a/n: That was long, wasn't it? :D

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!