
The Recognition



Gaeul's mind skimmed to anything but Yi Jeong. She's in the airport, about to leave for Paris, yet the fact of flying right there and then, felt confusing. Recalling the conversation they had that drifted down to another argument which both of them wasn't able to connect and fix. He was cold and her tears were the only thing that consoled her.

"Excuse me Miss? May I check your ticket and boarding pass please?"

Hearing the request, she looked back at the attendant and with a shaking hand Gaeul gave her ticket and boarding pass. She could see the attendant gazing at her with curiosity and concern. Maybe she looked ridiculous that's why the attendant was looking at her a bit skeptical.

"Miss, are you okay?" The attendant inquired and she smiled and accepted her passport.

"Here you go. Please enjoy your trip." It was statement delivered in a gleeful tone, but it sounded so off in her ears, it was as if she's hearing her clock ticking slowly, almost halting on its track.

"Wait!" Gaeul almost exclaimed. "I'm so sorry. I can't go..." The words came rushing out before she could even stop herself.

"No! Take this back. She's leaving."

That voice!

She whipped her head to the sound and her eyes went so wide in surprise. She did not even notice that her arm was being held delicately. Everything was forgotten, like things and concern burst into air. All that Gaeul could hear was her heart, doing a stupid summersault and her eyes were as wide as a saucer, gazing at the person in front of her. Impossible! That was the only idea that had rushed inside her head. Gaeul was nothing but speechless, she could not believe what was happening at that moment.

However, her eyes though with low grade vision were never deceiving her.

"So Yi Jeong?!"

That was the only thing she could utter as she stood still and rooted on her place. She saw him gave the secondary slip to the attendant and tugged her towards the boarding area. It took her some time to process the whole event and when the thought hit her, she pulled him back, stopping him from his track.

"Wait! So Yi Jeong, what are you doing here?"

They're in the mobile passenger stairs and the attendant in-charge was only standing a few meters away waiting for them. Yi Jeong turned back to her, but he was gazing at the floor. "Sending you off?" He stated sounding unsure of what he was actually doing.

Gaeul sported a confused look, trying to figure out the reason behind the sudden event.

"Sending me off? But why up until here?"

Almost reluctant to look straight at her, Yi Jeong tried his best to return her gaze. He gulped hard at the impact of her stare and her questioning doe eyes. Damn those eyes! Without any choice left, he locked her, taking her gaze before scratching his nape. He smiled awkwardly at her.

"I'll be sending you off, uhm... until Paris?"

Gaeul's jaw dropped from what he revealed to her. She tried to speak, to open yet she was robbed for words to utter. She looked so confused and obviously shock on what he said, nevertheless he didn't want to explain the entire thing in the alley having people looking at them as if they're watching a Sunday drama on TV. And so, without a word, Yi Jeong tugged the speechless Gaeul and board the plane.


The rest of the gang was heading to the airport parking lot after they had confirmed that Gaeul's flight already took off. All of a sudden, Woobin, Jiho and Junpyo's phone rang at the same time.

They all look at each other before checking their phone.

"Aish! That rascal! Ahh!" Woobin let out a sound of frustration and relief at the same time, while Jiho and Junpyo just chuckled together.

"What's wrong?" Jandi and Jaekyung inquired and Woobin flashed his phone screen to let them read the message.

Hey Guys! Sorry for not calling back. Can't answer at the moment. With Gaeul-yang heading to Paris. I'll just see you soon y^o^y - SYJ

"Is Yi Jeong Sunbae really with Gaeul now? I mean seriously?" Jandi couldn't help but ask for confirmation.

"Wow! I think that's awesome." Jaekyung commented, gaining quizzical look from the rest of the gang except from Jiho who abruptly answered her.

"Yeah! I do think it's really awesome." Then everyone collapse from laughter.

"I think Yi Jeong just escape from your beating, Woobin-ah." Junpyo stated making another round of laughter.

In the middle of their laughter something struck into Jandi head which abruptly changed her demeanor. Just then, she started talking to herself. "So Yi Jeong is with Gaeul, in Paris. That means... they'll be staying together for how long...? No. No no no. ANDWE!"

Junpyo almost trip with Jandi's sudden yelling, and then everybody turned to her. "Yah! Jandi, what's the matter with you?" Woobin's concerned inquiry.

"Chu Gaeul is with So Yi Jeong, in Paris."


"Gaeul is with Yi Jeong Sunbae. Can't you get my point? It's just them in Paris."

"I don't see anything wrong with that."

"But Unnie, she's with So Yi Jeong. So. Yi. Jeong!"


"Then... If things went off the road, we'll be Uncle and Aunt earlier." Jiho amusedly uttered, easily reading what's running inside Jandi's mind.

"Ahh..." Jaekyung and Junpyo uttered.

"ANDWE!" At the same time, Jandi and Woobin exclaimed.

"That's definitely not going to happen." Woobin retorted, earning a vigorous nod from Jandi.




She had demanded an explanation about why he's there with her, but she was left staring at his uncomfortable sleeping form, cramped beside her. Gaeul kept looking at Yi Jeong who looked exhausted, awkwardly seated with head tilted a little towards her. His legs were folded a bit forced to keep his knees from rubbing against the front passenger's seat, while trickles of sweat were cascading down the side of his face. Gaeul could only sigh looking at him like someone who didn't fit in the group. Though they were inside an international aircraft, being in the economy class isn't something Yi Jeong was used of having when leaving overseas.

The economy class was actually descent and comfortable, yet for someone like So Yi Jeong, it would always be uncomfortable. He was used on boarding either in a business class or a private plane. However, it was not her only concern, because at that moment, Gaeul feelings were all jumbled together making it hard for her on where to focus. Confusion, surprise, irritation, concern, gladness and more confusion to sum up the whole thing. Her mind formulated a lot of things to temporarily answer some of her inquiry and that was because the subject of her questions was sleeping uncomfortably next to her.

What's wrong with this person? What has come into him to even be here?

Gaeul was so surprised to see him dragging her and boarding the plane. Not only that, his ticket was unusually assigned at the seat just next to hers. She had concluded that maybe he had done something about the seat number to the extent that he could have bought it with sums of money and by that, Gaeul just shook her head. She promised herself to interrogate him when he wakes up.

Not a second she left looking at his face and notice how different he looked form the usual clean and suave looking man she's used to be staring at all times. His face became thinner; his jaw line became prominent and sharper. The eyes that would always look bright, though as thin and as sharp as a slit become surrounded with dark circles - an obvious sign that he hadn't sleep for hours or maybe days. And that maybe was the reason why he easily drifted down to slumber right after they settled on their respected seats.

Gaeul was so frustrated, seeing Yi Jeong sleeping at times when she wanted to ask him tons of questions and clarifications. She really wanted to put him into a 'hot seat' like a suspect under investigation, but then Yi Jeong was spending his time in a deep slumber while holding unto her hand so tight.

"Mianhea Sunbae. I'm so sorry for making it hard for you. I'm so sorry for being so stubborn." She held his face with her free hand and stretched his furrowed brows until it relaxed. She then dried his sweat with her handkerchief before slowly placing his head on her shoulder.

"So impulsive, So Yi Jeong." She uttered before giving him a soft chaste on the forehead, set herself and drifted to slumber with him.


"Gu Junpyo, give me your phone!"

"Battery empty? Here."

Almost like a lightning, Jandi grabbed the phone from Junpyo and started tapping the screen. And Jandi's unusual behavior caught Junpyo's curious attention. After getting into what she intended to do, Jandi return the phone to the baffled looking Junpyo.

"Yah! What did you do?"

"I texted Yi Jeong Sunbae."

"Why? What did you tell him?"

"That I will kick his face if he'll do anything to my best friend!"

Junpyo become silent for a while. His brain, in an odd instance worked it cells up. It took him a few minutes to say something to Jandi, who had diverted her attention on the road ahead after he became silent.

"But Yi Jeong is Yi Jeong, you know?" He started and for that Jandi whipped her head almost breaking it as she turned.

"What?! What do you mean by that?!"

"He's a deprived alpha male who spent years retired from the hobby he had been used to. And now that he got enough time to spend with his girlfriend, we can't say nothing will happen."

A wide eyed Jandi locked her gaze to him, speechless. He saw her opening trying to say a word, but not a sound was heard.

No no no. That's not going to happen. Jandi's head screamed a thousand decibels, but the usual loud mouth was all shut.

Seeing her as such made Junpyo take back his words, because Jandi looked like she's going to spin kick him anytime soon. "Take back what you said or I'll kick you in place of Yi Jeong this time." Her threat wasn't something you would just brush off once said, due to the fact that she's really not kidding about it.

"Look Jandi… at times, it's really hard to control things especially when it slips down your hands. And don't look at me like I just said something genius, okay?" Had time molded his brain into something with the average IQ that he was able to say such a statement or did he just mature over time? It could also be the effect of frequently mingling with Jiho and Woobin. Anything that rushed into her head was not about her concern of Gaeul anymore, but because Junpyo's remarks swept everything in one blow.

"Are you Gu Junpyo or are you somebody possessing his body? Because if you're not him, I'm not going to marry you."

"Yah! It's me and I'm not being possessed, Babo!"

"You do look like him, but you absolutely don’t sound like him."

Junpyo gritted his teeth together, although knowing that his fiancée was just playing coy with him. "I'm really serious with what I said Jandi." He tried to push through the subject once again. It's an unusual response, but Jandi relaxed on her seat and flashed a confident smirk at him.

"I trust the both of them. Though what you said is possible, it's beyond my capacity to intervene and if it does happen maybe those two will get married first and that means… ahead of us. What can you say about that?"

The idea of Yi Jeong getting married ahead of him wasn't really welcome, since he's the Great Gu Junpyo - leader of F4 and nobody in the group will marry before him. He needed to set the standards and he had to bare a child first before them.

Jandi had known how stupid her boyfriend could be, making and setting rules on his own then after impose it to everyone. And what she said might just knock Junpyo some sense and undoubtly get him back to the goofy personality of him.

"Nothing is going to happen to them. No not yet!" Junpyo stuttered on his sentence. "I'll be calling that rascal once they arrived in Paris."

That statement earned a wide grin from Jandi. Manipulation is the only thing he would never notice until the very end of the day and maybe even for years. "I think I was able to exorcise him successfully." Jandi uttered inwardly.

After a long catatonic phase, Junpyo took his phone and dialed a number and the next thing he said made Jandi bolt up and hit her head against the convertible cover.

"Yah! Song Woobin, provide me men manning for Yi Jeong and Gaeul in Paris. I want to make sure nothing weird is going to happen the whole time they're there. Do you understand what I said?" After a long pause Junpyo held his phone far from his ears and ended the call instead.

"What did Woobin Sunbae said?"

"He yelled at me and said he won't be doing that even if I retract the entire shares I gave him."

"Because that's just stupid, Gu Junpyo."

"I just want to make sure. I should be the first in everything!" He threw his tantrums like a three year old again.

"Aish! How much stupidity are you getting every day? What IQ percentage do you have?"

"Ahhh… 70% it's by 100 in percentage right? I'm just above average."

"That's extremely low! Only 2% of the world population got that IQ. Stupid!"


He was staring blankly on his phone after the call he had with his friend, Woobin could only shook his head out of disbelief. Immediately, right after he had recovered, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and went back into his car.

Seeing him slump back on the driver seat after a short talk, Jaekyung could tell that Woobin was absolutely irritated. She didn't want to pry, but curiosity won over her. "What was that about?"

A sigh came out as an answer. "That Gu Junpyo simply asked me to spy on Yi Jeong and Gaeul while they're in Paris. He said he wanted to make sure 'nothing’s going to happen between them'. Isn't it stupid? If this thing will reach Yi Jeong he will make me and that Stupid into a shattered piece of ceramic. I can't believe him!"

Jaekyung raised his eyebrows at him. "But you certainly are against the thought, right? I can't believe the Don Juan I know suddenly became conservative and descent."

She slumped on her seat and diverted her attention on the view outside the car. They're near the sea coast, just a half in an hour away from the airport. Woobin's car was parked along the sidewalk, with both of them enjoying the comfortable silence. Gingerly, Woobin stole a gaze at Jaekyung, with her face void and almost free from cosmetic applications, the lady beside him really is a beauty to admire of.

"Yeah. People change and I'm not an exception to that." Woobin said after some silent seconds, and Jeakyung nodded for comprehension, fixing her gaze on the view.

"I'm sorry for thinking that you're in love with Gaeul." Out of the blue she found herself saying her thought a loud.

Woobin choked on his own saliva. He cleared his throat after and spoke. "I did, actually."

Her head almost snapped break when she turned to him. "What?!" Jaekyung yelled, feeling lightheaded after Woobin's remark.

"I thought I was. And both of them knew it, but then in end I've realized how different it could be. Princess told me that I love her, and I agreed that I do, but she said that I am not 'in love' with her in a romantic way. Maybe I just misunderstood the feelings."


"Hmm. Maybe that time I was so used of having her with me every time… like we stick together. But then when Yi Jeong came back I suddenly became sensitive and a little jealous, if I may say."

"But how would you differentiate the two?"

"Princess told me everything. At first I was like 'what?' but then later on, I was able to realize she's indeed right."

"What made you realize that things really aren't the way you thought of it?"

There was a long silence hanging in between them after the Jaekyung's question. She looked at him with the eagerness to know the answer. All of a sudden his entire senses were awakened, turning his palm cold and clammy. If anyone happened to touch his hand, one could say that he might be having mild dehydration due to how clammy his palms were.

Woobin's mental status was almost stupor and could not even process a single word. Maybe Jaekyung had noticed his bewilderment that her expression change form expectant to worried. She snapped her fingers in front of his eyes and that took him out from the inner most corner of his cabinet.

He drew a deep sigh before shaking his head rigorously. "Do you want to know my reason?"

He saw her nodding her head to the point that it might fall off her neck.

"My honest reason?" Woobin asked again which earned a face and a drop of shoulders from Jaekyung.

"What? Are you going to say it or…"



"Yes. You."

"What 'You'?"



"Aish!" He grabbed the arm of the all-so-confused Ha Jaekyung and pulled her near making their face just an inch away from each other.

"I realized the difference between the plane 'love for friends' and being 'in love' because of you. Ha Jaekyung, I'm in love you!" With that, the few inches distance became zero point millimeter overlapped.

Everything was so right for him. At last he was able to tell her how much he feel for her and that step one was done, he's then ready for step two, but at the moment, he let himself drown into the kiss they are sharing. He saw her eyes went wide in surprise, and then slowly, they shut close.

She's kissing him back; just enough to let him know he's allowed to receive what she would let him have. But then the hesitation was far more evident than the willingness. He had noted that in mind just at the moment she pulled back from the kiss. They were both in need of air and for him it was the sign in which he should lay down his cards and to let her know the intensions he have for her.

"Be my girlfriend."

That was the only coherent sound she heard from all the buzz and thud coming from where, she had no idea. Jaekyung took some time and steady her crazy heart, before mending on his statement. Why? Why now? Of all the time! Her eyes dropped from him, and down to her busy twirling fingers. She had swallowed the hard lump on as she searched for the right word to say.

"I'm engaged." Silence enveloped the entire crammed space where they were in. In any way possible, she was surprised to hear a snort from Woobin and saw his left brow raised when she looked back at him.

"Again? For the fifth time. Nothings new."

"What do you mean by that?" Feeling a bit insulted on what he said, she almost snapped out from her calm self and raised her voice a bit higher than the normal.

"Do you love him?"

Of course not! I'm in love with someone else! The brain of the infamous heiress almost broke a sarcastic image before she answered, looking pass through him. "Yes"

Woobin twitched on his seat. "How about me? Do you feel something for me?"

The sudden change in her expression was evident. In an instant Jeakyung looked straight to him with eyes b with tears. She willed herself and said, "No. Nothing, even a bit."

The somber expression was never missed by Woobin. He was amused to see a smirk painted on her lips. Either way, Woobin knew that Jeakyung's eyes would always tell otherwise. Bad liar. He thought. The kiss they shared just then, told him that she has feelings for him. Whether it's not as strong as what he's feeling for her, Woobin’s willing to take any chance just for her.

"I don't care. It doesn't matter to me" He bit his tongue to halt a chuckle which was about to escape his lips. The way different expressions crossed her face after what he said was priceless. "You said you'll be staying here for few months, right? I have enough time to prove my intentions to you."

"What made you say such things? Are you expecting me to still stay in your house after this...?"

"If you're planning to leave my place, then better make a good excuse to the rest of the gang. I would bet my life for this if they would allow you after what happen in Prague. You definitely have no choice my dear, but to either stay with me or fly back to NYC, which I assume you don't consider at the moment." He flashed his famous smirk, taunting her with her defeat.

"I'll put up to you with this for the moment, since you said my damned reasons perfectly." The witty heiress was back on her fighting mode that only caused Woobin to burst laughing.

"See? That's why I love you." He said in a matter of fact tone causing a red shade on her cheeks. One point. He noted and uttered in a cheeky attitude. "You don't feel anything for me, huh? ‘No. Nothing' you say? Then prove it to me, Ha Jeakyung."

The statement she caught from him stirred her strings, almost breaking to eruption, thus she knew that a retort would only cause her humiliation. She's getting the idea that Woobin might just read her mind if she'd insist on saying that her feeling isn't mutual and that would be more troublesome in her part. If she actually had a choice, she would be glad to burst in thin air like a bubble and vanished in front of him, but that's merely supernatural so instead of retaliating, she tossed her cards and played coy with him.

A y smirk and a raise of brow was her comeback. "Let's see how much you can do. Suit yourself."



"Everybody ready?"

The sound of hissing air being pumped form a cylinder in jive with the tiny beeping tune from the life support machine filled the entire room. The entire team addressed the inquiry with nods and yeses.

"Please go through." Making his way towards the center operating table, Jiho took note of the time from the clock displayed on the wall just across him.

"Identify vital signs." The nurse standing beside the anesthesiologist started to identify the patient and detailed the needed data.

"Patient RR: 16 PR: 75 BP: 110/70. Patient with Mitral valve stenosis due for repair."

Everyone remained quiet and offered a prayer before starting the surgery, right after, Dr. Lee stood beside Jiho and observed the way he made an incision. "The fourth intercostals space laterally incised beside the line can give you the perfect view of the mitral valves. I know you already know that, but what I want to know is how you are handling the fragile heart of my Assistant Nurse, Dr. Yoon."

Jiho made a soft chuckle enough to let the Senior Doctor that he got his attention. "Gently." He made a short reply as he position the soft tissue retractor in place to keep the incision open.

"Mind to give me details after this surgery?" Another ball thrown on his court.

"I'll think about that, Dr. Lee. Might as well instruct me on how do you do the retraction of the diaphragm instead?" He handed the other doctor with a 2.0 sutures which he gladly accepted.

"Don't fool me that you didn't know. I will score you with the femoral cannulation after this one." Both of them chuckled, knowing where things might get into, which was plain blackmail by the way. A nurse from the mayo table approached the two and handed Dr. Lee the venous canula they would need for the femoral line cannulation.

"Will you two stop talking non-sense as if I'm not here?" Minsoe reprimanded both Doctors who then looked at each other before focusing back on installing an atrial lift retractor on the opened pericardium.

After releasing the clamp on the aorta, Jiho started suturing the atrium with smooth and steady hands. One mistake would lead to a repeat and he's keen enough to brush any distraction. The procedure of closing a tiny heart valve is like stitching a wet tissue from edge to edge.

"That's great." Dr. Lee commented, observing him from across the OR table. "I'll guess you do not need my help anymore. You're quite good at repairing 'heart problems' Dr. Yoon. I'm proud of you." The entire team, including the old anesthesiologist who's often quiet and serious, chuckled at the same time. All of them were aware of the meaning behind the statement, which was too obvious.

"Dr. Lee, I'm a heart Surgeon. I should know." Jiho tried to cut the topic, but the amused Senior Doctor was up the hook.

"Nurse Kwon, what can you say about that?" He said, looking expectant for a reply. Minsoe just drew a sigh under her surgical mask and shrugged her shoulder.

"You better do well. That kid might not buy it. Will a medical mission do, Minsoe-ssi?" Dr. Lee diverted his gaze from Jiho to Minsoe who's giving deadly daggers of glare to Jiho.

"Patient's vital signs: All normal. Final counting of surgical instruments, all complete." She uttered not giving another chance for the senior collogue to continue with the teasing.

She wasn't angry about the issue, it was just that almost the entire hospital staff and even the other doctors were starting to get amused by the over friendly relationship she have with Yoon Jiho. And it made her feel conscious of herself. It was kind of uncomfortable. After the mirth shared by the OR team, Dr. Lee replaced Jiho's position and started to anchor the draining tube properly. Jiho made his way back and started the suture closing the incision he made on the patient's chest. The surgery lasted for almost an hour, all successful. The patient was now being transferred to the recovery room before sending him to the ICU. Jiho went out from the OR holding a patient post-surgical chart, heading towards the person who’s busy washing her hand.

"See you at the lobby. Out for lunch…"

"Still have a schedule after this." She tried to avoid his invitation.

But then she regretted her statement when he walked back to face her. "You're not refusing, aren't you?" Jiho raised his brows at her.

This man is damn so manipulative! She could see past through his shoulder that Dr. Lee was heading towards them, so she was left without a choice.

"Arasso!" She said, earning a wide smirk from Jiho. Oh damn! Her knees were shaking. Stop that! She's tempted to scream at him, but then she just chose to smile wearily in return.

"I'll fetch you at your station then. Bye!"

"Huh?! Wait! Aish!"



"Come on! Its evening already we have to take dinner before heading to the hotel."

Yi Jeong tugged her closer, keeping her pace with his. But then she pulled him back. All this time he knew what was running in her head and that was also why he's making a lot of diversion to keep the topic inside the closet.

"Yah! So Yi Jeong, are you playing tug of war with me?" There she started and he turned and looked at her with a pout.

"No more Sunbae?" Gaeul raised her brow and drew her lips into a thin line before making a grunt.

"I know that you know what I'm talking about and I also know that you are avoiding this matter that's why you're dragging me like this." Gaeul drew a sigh and folded her arms on her chest. "I won't go anywhere unless you will explain why you are here. Now tell me!"

What a nice 'Welcome to Paris' greetings. He thought.

Scratching his nape, Yi Jeong looked down at the pavement. "I'm sorry." A lame start, but at least he was able to say it without stuttering.

"What's so interesting with the pavement? Something you dropped?"

The cold tone travelled through his ears down to his sacrum. He's not the type of person that prays whenever he's in trouble, but at that moment, Yi Jeong was praying hard for time to run and skip his predicament. Yet, Yi Jeong also acknowledged that he's not in a movie let alone somewhere in his dreamland. Left without a choice, he raised his head up and looked at her, smiling sheepishly.

"It's… because… I…" He let out a deep and heavy sigh.

"I'msosorrrybecauseIwasselfishandinconsiderateofyourfeelings." Yi Jeong uttered in one blow and breathing.

Gaeul's face scrunched. She obviously wasn't able to catch up on what he had said and that he knew she would ask for clarification.

"What? What did you say?"

Yi Jeong could only drop his shoulders, it was so hard for him to get another brave chance to say those words again, yet the situation demanded him to repeat what he said.  He was about to make a step towards her when he was held frozen because Gaeul raised her hand, a sign for him not to go nearer.

"Stop! Stay where you are and don't dare come near or I'll run away."

"Gaeul-yang?" Yi Jeong stumped his foot and whined discreetly.

"Aren't you going to say anything? My feet are getting soared, do you know that?"

She sounded so autocratic and demanding, but then he couldn't find the right word to say or even where to start. With another minute he was all silent. They were both standing across each other for how long he didn't even know. His brain was formulating something that could at least turn things into a not so complicated event for him. Yes. He needed to explain the whole 'stupidity' he had done, but heck not in such a place where people were passing, looking at them with inquisitive stares.

By chance, his peripheral view caught the sight of the car which was his by the way, with his driver patiently waiting for them. It was just a few meters from them and that it wouldn't be hard to reach it if he'd walk fast towards it. Without any warning, Yi Jeong stepped in front of Gaeul, lifted and hung her on his shoulder as he made his way to the vehicle. He chuckled at the surprise expression Gaeul had sported the moment he had lifted her up on his shoulder.

He was relieved a little because all he had to do was to get the violent-ever-hard-slapper Gaeul inside his car and then he's all cleared of public embarrassment.

"Yah! Put me down!" Gaeul yelled, catching the attention of some guards who saw how Yi Jeong had carried her towards the car.

His chauffeur noticed the two guards who were walking their way to them. Yi Jeong’s Chauffeur immediately and informed Yi Jeong who was busy restraining his retaliating girlfriend. The police knocked on the window, and it was lowered partially.


"Excusez-moi Monsieur? Il ya un problème avec la dame à côté de vous?" (Excuse me Sir? Is there any problem with your lady companion?)  One of the officers asked. Yi Jeong wound his arms around Gaeul's shoulder managing her movement while covering , and pulling her a bit backwards to keep the guards from noticing her.

"Ma copine est d'avoir des crampes d'estomac. Merci pour votre sollicitude mais je peux me débrouiller pour l'amener à l'hôpital moi-même." (My girlfriend is having stomach cramps. Thank you for your concern but I can manage to bring her to the hospital myself.) He said to them while his chauffeur handed them Yi Jeong's ID and a calling card.

"Si vous avez des questions vous pouvez avoir ma carte." (If you happen to have more questions, you can have my card then.) The officer checked Yi Jeong's ID. They made a fast identification scan on their tablet and immediately address him as an important individual.

"Désolé pour le désagrément Master So, vous êtes libre de partir." (Sorry for the inconvenience Master So you're free to go.) The officers bid an apology and left after they had known who he was.

"Le Burgundy Paris." He instructed his chauffeur before releasing Gaeul from his embrace.

"So Yi Jeong, what do you think are you doing?" Gaeul fumed.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" He smirked at her.

Gaeul's eyes were blazing and piercing deep into him. If stares could shoot laser, his dead. Yi Jeong lamented, earlier, before the plane descended, he was so happy to wake up leaning on her shoulder as she settled her head on his. But then when the pilot announced that the plane was for landing, Gaeul stirred and bolt wide awake. From then on, she had been pushing him to spit out the reason why he's with her.

And then, up to where they were, Gaeul was strongly insisting for him to spill his reasons. Unable to take how upset Gaeul is, Yi Jeong raised both of his arms up, surrendering to her.

"Gaeul-yang, look..." He shifted on his seat to properly face her. "I'm here because I want to make it up to you. I was stupid and selfish that I don't want you to get anywhere far... from me. I am too selfish that I was blinded and that I was not able to see that I'm hurting you already. I know that this is really important for you and that is why I'm here... I'm here to personally say sorry." He drew a sigh and bowed down at her.

"I'm so sorry, Gaeul-yang."

"Babo!" Those round orbs were starting to cloud while her lips were crumpled as she willed herself preventing herself not to cry.

"Gaeul-yang." Yi Jeong, for how long he had been with Gaeul, he’s still afraid to see her cry. Each tear she shed would send daggers deep into him.

"You should have told me that on the airport before I left so that it wouldn't be hard for you being here with me. Babo-yah!?" She pouted, and that took him out of focus.

It's something involuntary for Gaeul, to pout. She would display such expression without any intention, just pure and random display of disappointment.

"Stop that!" She reprimanded Yi Jeong when she noticed him staring somewhere not her eyes.

Yi Jeong abruptly looked back at her. Damn! Stupid Yi Jeong. He smiled at her apologetically. "Mianhae. So?"


"Am I forgiven already?"

"Not yet."

"Why? I already said sorry and heck that was honest."

"Not yet because you haven't told me why you decided to go and fly with me. I need to know what's in that head of yours."

"Ahh... That... I'm here to help you find a good place to stay while you spend your three months here. And also to spend a few days with you before I head back home for the auction." Gaeul pursed her lips into thin line perfectly against his decision.

"You barely got enough time to sleep, that there are dark circles around your eyes and here you are staying for few days, letting your work pile up back home? How are going to manage everything in the auction if you are here? If you wanted to apologize you should have told me at the airport. I will never have second thought of forgiving you and just so you know I can manage to look for a place to stay here. You shouldn't have sacrificed your time." She furrowed her eye brows when Yi Jeong grinned at her widely. 

What? Did I say something funny?

"Don't worry. Mother got my back. She said, I can take four days break and head back home after."

Her eyes formed into a slit and eyed him curiously. "What deal did you made for Aunt Haneul to allow you for coming here?"

Gaeul's intuition was holding its bars up to his actions and that was definitely noticeable. Yi Jeong could only chuckle. "Just something. You'll know in due time." He said in an uncanny way.

She hit him hard on the shoulder, but he just shrugged it off and stuck his tongue out to her. Gaeul was about to give some comeback, but the chauffeur cut her off telling that they had reached Les Burgundy.



Two hours later...


"Hey! Gaeul-yang, when will I be forgiven?"

Yi Jeong was hugging his knees together, seated on the couch and looking straight at his girlfriend with a pout. Gaeul was again, upset of him because he tricked her about the reservation of their room. Apparently, he booked a single room for them and even told the front desk attendant that they're newlyweds, spending a four days’ vacation around Paris. To add to that, Gaeul had found out that the place was indeed expensive and exclusive. She had noticed it from the beginning, but did not bother to push the idea. However, she happened to catch a glimpse on the hotel rate accommodation at the information desk. She couldn't believe that it would costs a lot zeros to even sleep in the hotel for a night, how much more if it's four nights.

But as usual, the person sitting across her did not even mind it. How could he act nonchalant of all these spending he is doing?

"Your wrong doings are piling up So Yi Jeong. Do you even care? You tricked me a while ago making me confirm that we're newlyweds without my knowledge. And you booked an expensive room with one bed. What the heck are you having in mind?" Gaeul tried very hard not to raise her voice, but failed controlling it until the end.

Too bad for Gaeul, because Yi Jeong had already formulated a reason to aid her outburst. With an innocent looking expression Yi Jeong answered. "I told the attendant that we're newlyweds because she looks at me weirdly. I booked a single room because I know you will never like if I'll book two rooms for each of us which you consider extravagant. And I chose this hotel because it has the best view of the Eiffel tower, which maybe you find interesting to look at for four days. I just hope you would understand."

He turned away from her showing her more that he was upset. "And to assure you... I'm sleeping on the convertible couch they have provided for us. Just so you know, I would bet my life not to do anything that will violate your values. I swear in Geum Jandi's name."

Yi Jeong stood up from the couch, avoiding her gaze then went out to the overlooking balcony.

Gaeul hit her head. She had realized that she went over board and had misunderstood his actions. Feeling guilty about the matter, she slowly made her way to the balcony and seeing him seriously staring on the city lights of France. It was a sight to cherish; the lights were like the sky studied with stars. Appreciating the whole city of was a bit too late for her since, she was too wrapped up interrogating Yi Jeong and she almost forgot she's indeed in France.

Gaeul stepped closer to him, brushing her concerns. "Thank you!"

Her voice a bit low, but gladness was very much heightened. "I haven't said 'thank you' to you after going this far just for me. I don't want to end this night with another 'sorry' statement, because we've had a lot of it for today." The statement caught his attention and swiftly building his heart off beating.

Yi Jeong shifted and faced her properly. He actually wanted to bear not talking to Gaeul, but he could not just do it. "So am I forgiven already?" He asked and she nodded her head earnestly.

"Thank you!" Exclaimed Yi Jeong who in reflex pulled her in for a tight embrace. "Komawo!" He whispered on her ear as he buried his chin on the back of her shoulder.

"Do you know how much I wanted to hug you like this for days? God I just miss you so much!"

"I'm buying the honesty." She wrapped her arm around his back and they both chuckled.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" He asked her, causing her to pull back and looked at him.


Yi Jeong pulled her back in, hugging her even tighter. "Nothing. It's just because it's warm. I like warm."

"But aren't we sleeping yet?"

"Ahh, later..."


"Because... I haven't got my good night kiss yet. Until then we'll remain like this."

Gaeul chuckled at his indirect request. Also thinking if she'd give him one or not. But then if she refused, he'd definitely sneak and got one.

"Hmm, just one, okay?" In an instant, Yi Jeong loosened his embrace, looked back at her searching for confirmation and nodded earnestly after.

"Close your eyes first" She instructed and he did abruptly.

Mischievously, Gaeul gathered her right fingers together and formed a kiss sign. Yi Jeong peered a little trying to figure out what's taking her long.

"No cheating!" She exclaimed when she caught him, and Yi Jeong was fast to close his eyes.

Yi Jeong closed his lids even tighter, anticipating what his girlfriend was up to. Gingerly, Gaeul placed her fingers on his lips causing the Casanova to frown and gazed back at her disappointedly. "That was your fingers." He pouted.

Gaeul just grinned at him widely. "Just kidding", she said before pulling his collar down and kissed him.

A sigh of contentment was the only thing that Yi Jeong could express the moment he felt her lips against his. It has been a while since he last hugged and kissed her. He then realized how much empty he had become when they had the conflict. It was so empty that he suddenly felt euphoric by the kiss they are currently sharing.

It's not like they're doing a French kiss in Paris France where French people live, but instead it was just a subtle, gentle and innocent kisses initiated by the stubborn Bumpkin in his arms. It was so innocent that it made him all relaxed and satisfied. He just took and responded as much as she gave him, because going a little further would excite all his senses and by that, the possibility for things to happen is overly high.

Jandi might kick his Richard Simmons until he becomes paraplegic.

Yi Jeong had never rooted to kiss somebody's lips before as much as he roots on Gaeul's. She's devastatingly his drug that he couldn't get enough even if they had kissed for so many times he had lost count. And take note, all those kisses they shared were all innocent and never beyond anything extreme. Miraculously, he finds it more endearing and honest than those breath- types of kisses he used to have with his strings of flings.

"I love you so much, Gaeul-yang." He uttered on her as he covered her into another embrace after the kiss and felt her burying her head in his chest, hugging him tightly.

"I love you too." She shyly replied and he bet she's blushing immensely, that's why she had buried her face in his chest. It's becoming a hobby of Gaeul every time she would say 'I love you' to him and he finds her cute and unique at the same time.

"I noticed that you're enjoying the freedom of not calling me 'Sunbae' anymore."

"Oh?! Ahh... that's because you’re always making me upset."

He laughed. "I like it."


"Why don't you start calling me 'Yi Jeong' from now on?"

"Umm. Can I call you 'Jongie' instead? Because I like the way Aunt Haneul call you that. It's cute."

"I think that's a great idea. Start calling me that tonight, arasso?"

"Hmm. So, Jongie can we sleep already? I'm sleepy." She whined.

"Maybe if you'll give me another installment of my good night kisses."

"Yah! So Yi Jeong"



"Still in Korea, Onisama?"

"Let her be. In due time she'll be mine."

"Onisama really likes her, huh?"

"Not really. She's a mere display for me. And Yuki, this is a business venture not love."

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!