
The Recognition


A/n: Forgive me for the error post I made days ago. :)



He's the type of guy that would care less if any of his girls went running out from him and be with another man, of course, because they would just end up to be one of his disposals, but Gaeul. Chu Gaeul, she's way too different from them. She's the one person he loves more than his life and Gaeul being other man's girl - it's something he wouldn't allow.


But how would he deal with such a scenario, if the other man happens to be his best friend?


Is he man enough to back off?


Yi Jeong had already confessed to her and was able to demand his right to court her. But he's not sure of how or what Gael was feeling or thinking.


Does she feel the same thing like I do?


He didn't know and having no single idea about what's running in Gaeul's head, only led Yi Jeong, to further confusion and anxiousness.


Solely in his dark room, he was once more seated in the far corner drilling his thoughts and sorting out the mixture of unwelcoming feelings he was experiencing. Yi Jeong needed this night for him to think things over before he will face it early tomorrow.


He had found out from experience that facing a complicated issue with prodding temper, surely isn't a honest estimate, it would only cause misunderstandings, and worse make the issue even bigger. There would also be that possibility, wherein both Gael and Woo Bin might ignore him till eternity if he goes irrationally accusing them of something very amiss. It was never in his intention to sustain a fight with Woobin, not his best chum. And most of all, Gaeul hating him was not in his plans.


As much as possible, he wanted to tackle the matter in full peace.




"Aren't we going to be late?"


"It's okay, Gaeul-ha. I made sure we're early. Don't worry we'll get there at the exact time."


"Hmm." She nodded to him.


"He did tell you he’s leaving, huh?"


"Apparently, I learned it first before he told me he is leaving." Gaeul uttered in a low and calm voice.


"You?" Seemingly, Jiho cut his own inquiry as the realization came to him.


Gaeul chuckled at Jiho's unusual surprised expression. She's always the first one to notice Jiho's change of countenance and Gaeul had never failed to laugh at him.


"It's okay Jiho Sunbae. Oppa and I have talked about it. Trust me, nothing changes." She assured Jiho, because even if it won't show in his actions she knew that he's badly concern for his friend.


"Thank you! You don't know how much relieved I am." He uttered while shuffling her hair every bit they both laughed.


Jiho acknowledged the certain understanding he has with Gaeul. Both of them could actually communicate just by their eyes, which he usually does with Woobin and Yi Jeong since Junpyo was always slow to pick up signals.


"How is the 'mandatory courtship' going?"


"Sunbae? You know!?" She had asked, wide-eyed.


Jiho bit his tongue to hold his laughter, but somewhat failing to hide that he's actually beaming.


"Yi Jeong Sunbae told you, did he?" Jiho's expression was so open, enough for Gaeul to confirm her conclusion.


"How could he? Aish! Jiho Sunbae, look, he did not give me any choice. Yi Jeong Sunbae demanded it to me, as in 'order' not even a question. I was enforced. Aish!" Jiho couldn't hold his laughter any longer and roared in amusement while Gaeul could only blush and faze, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration.




Meanwhile, there was Yi Jeong prancing in his studio with his phone plastered beside his ear.


"Woobin-ah, can we talk?" Yi Jeong uttered instantly the moment his call was picked up.


"I'm afraid I can't go in your studio, Yi Jeong-ha. Apparently, I am at the airport. How about you come here and send me off?" Woobin casually responded on the other line.


"You're leaving now?" He asked dumbly.


"What else would I do at the airport? Party?"


Woobin sat back at the waiting lounge after Yi Jeong's call ended. With his phone still in his hand, he scrolled down his contacts, tap some numbers to make another call before raising the handset beside his ear.


"Oppa! Calling me?"


He heard someone shouting and he thought his call was already answered, but then his phone was still ringing. He bolted his head towards the voice and was caught off guard by the sheepishly smiling Gaeul and the smirking Jiho beside her.


"Tell me you're surprised, Oppa." Gaeul teased as both she and Jiho came to him.


"Yah! You two are you trolling around again? Why are you two here?"


"Of course to send you off. Did you expect us to fetch you?" Gael retorted, simply with a glint of teasing in her step.


"You're learning, Princess." Woobin remarked and then turn to Jiho and smirked at him.


"Thanks!" He uttered and tapped Jiho's shoulder.


They were having some chats when his eyes caught a familiar figure just past through Gaeul's shoulder, so he tilted his head and adjusted his vision. After he had recognized the person, Woobin raised his left hand and waved a little. Jiho and Gaeul then follow their gaze to where Woobin was waving and saw Yi Jeong coming at the direction.




"Yah! You two, why didn't you tell me Woobin is leaving?" Yi Jeong said to Jiho and Gaeul in between panting, his hands resting on his knees.


"My flight is still in an hour. What's with all the running? Are you going to excitedly profess your love for me and tell me you can't hold out without me, So Yi Jeong?" Woobin taunted


Composing himself, he turned towards Jiho who's chuckling with Gaeul and gave him deadly glares, only to cause Jiho to burst once more.


"Enough with that, you two", he squeaked like a child.


"Woobin-ah, why didn't you tell me you're leaving?" Yi Jeong was serious with his words, but it looked like the three people with him weren't that affected. After a few more minutes of waiting, finally, Woobin spoke.


"I'm badly needed there. We're fixing the Prague project. I'll tell you the details next time. You have something to tell me, right?"




At the hospital.


"Doctor Geum, your new patient from room 304 is demanding for your presence. He is seemingly impatient to wait so better be there now."


"Oh...? Okay be right there. Thank you Ara."


"You’re welcome."


After the notice, Jandi went straight to the room that was said to her. She's obviously not informed about this new patient, but it had asked for her presence, she better give some assistance. Before opening the door, she had knocked first and slid inside.


"Good afternoon. I am Doctor Geum did you ask for me, Sir?" She said to the patient who was lying on the bed with sheets covering him. "Sir?" She uttered again and then the patient bolted up and pulled the sheets down.




"Yah! Gu Junpyo! What are you doing here?"


"Having a date with you."


"What did you say?"


Junpyo was smugly smiling at her and proudly stated, "We're going to have a day of the month here. Patient and doctor date... I'm a genius, right?"


Jandi was still gaping when he suddenly stood up from the bed and glide in from of her. He s his arms around her waist and grin at her brightly.


"Ehhhhh... Don't be shy. I know you're touched."


Jandi was confused onto what suddenly made Junpyo act weirdly. She had known him to be impulsive to certain ideas that would pop into his mind, but definitely Junpyo got something on his sleeves.


"Yah! Spit it out. What's on your mind?" She saw him shake his head.


"Nothing. I just want to spend some time with you since you can't make time for me. I'll be the one to make time for you." Still, Jandi was having some uncertainty.


"I'm sorry, but I can't spend some time in here. I have other patients to attend..."


"They are all temporarily transferred to another doctor, Jandi."




"Come on. I reserved the whole floor for this." He dragged her towards the small receiving area just adjacent to the bed and she was welcome by descent sized table overflowing with food.


"You did this?"


"Of course!"




At the airport.


They distanced themselves from Jiho and Gaeul who were now seated on the reserved seat at the waiting lounge. Woobin was impatiently waiting for Yi Jeong to finally say what he has to say, but it's been minutes already and all he was able to do was, open his mouth and close it again.


"So Yi Jeong, my feet hurt already, spit it out or I'll leave you here."


Damn! I can't even say anything. Yi Jeong thought.


"You... Gaeul-yang", but still, he couldn't continue.


Woobin was losing his last string of patience.


"Gaeul. You take care of her. I believe you can do that perfectly and will you please keep up with your status a little bit. You're losing it, do you know that? Obviously you love her so why get hesitant? It doesn't matter if she will recall the past or not, because now is what's significant. But be certain that when I get back, it's not anymore platonic, more I will be real proud if you'll be able to sustain her as you're fiancée or you'll never..."


"I will!" Yi Jeong uttered in an unusual squeaking tone, which made Jiho and Gaeul turn to their direction, and then went on with their own conversation seconds later.


"Good! So is there anything else you have to say?" Woobin offered.


"I don't get it." He mumbled incoherently. "You don't... I mean you want me to propose to her? Like marrying her?"


Yi Jeong looked baffled and Woobin couldn't control his laughter any longer.


"Yah! So Yi Jeong... That was really epic. You look damn stupid with your question. Of course I am. But please not yet up to that... It's still... uhm a little early for both of you to marry." Woobin was honest and serious with what he said to Yi Jeong, who in return became more confused. 


But you said you love her.


Woobin watched how his friend battled with his inner conflicts and somewhat caught what's running on his head. Yi Jeong was clearly experiencing some trouble expressing his views, therefore Woobin had to step in.


"Chu Gaeul became a very important person to me, Yi Jeong-ha. It was her that I always am with for the past four years. She's every bit important as my buddies. To be honest, I love her... To the extent that I can fly in an instant and punch you in the face, Li'l bro if you make her cry. Do. You. Understand. Me. So Yi Jeong?"


The statement Woobin said to him kind of gave him a lift. He did not even realize that he was holding his breath the whole time, as he was hyperventilating now.


"Are you serious?" He asked again stupidly.


"I'm afraid I'll be the next victim of Junpyo's stupidity. He definitely is contagious and you were badly affected, Yi Jeong-ah." Woobin said with a totally horrified expression.


"Calling all passengers for flight Aseana 106 to Paris France, all gates are open for boarding. Please be at the passenger's counter within the next fifteen minutes. Thank you!"


"Hey, I have to leave now, if you still have something to tell, just call me or just tell it in Sweden. You're coming there, right? Wait, you haven't told her yet."




"I guess not yet", Woobin signed and scratched his no itchy head. "I'm warning you, there are a lot of guys eyeing for her and that include a close classmate of hers. Better move your , bro."


"Duly noted."


Yi Jeong was taken all the chance to speak his thoughts out but even though he wasn't able to relay his intention, Woobin's words gave him an assurance that he's not pursuing Gaeul with whatever feelings he has for her. He couldn't explain how grateful he was to Woobin for being such a sport and decent man. And what he heard at the patio didn't matter anymore, because it was somewhat cleared to him in an indirect manner.


Jiho and Gaeul stood up from their seat and went to them.


"Oppa, you're up for boarding already." Gaeul said with a pout, feeling a bit reluctant about letting Woobin leave.


"I'll get back before long, so stop that, Princess. I'll be calling you guys first. I promise."


"Don't overwork yourself." Jiho said patting Woobin's shoulder.


"Aye, aye Doctor Yoon."


"Oppa call us always and eat a lot, arasso?"


"As you wish, Princess."


Yi Jeong came and gave Woobin a brotherly hug before he said, "I'll see you in a week, Woobin-ah."


"Better tell me good news then."


"Of course. That's a deal." Yi Jeong said with a smirk and a thumbs up.


They bid Woobin goodbye and waited until his plane took off. As they were standing in the waiting lounge area where the three of them facing the runway, Jiho and Gaeul were talking about random things and both were laughing about it. While Yi Jeong just quietly stood beside them, still drifting into the conversation he had with Woobin.


All of a sudden, his peripheral view caught something that bent his attention back to the present. Jiho bent a little and whispered something to Gaeul, the latter broke into a chuckle and was almost tearing up. Jiho then placed his left arm at Gaeul's shoulder and whisper again. 


Yoon Jiho! Yi Jeong tightened his jaw.


And there the possessiveness and jealousy went soaring so high. In a swift, Yi Jeong grabbed Gaeul's hand and drew her away from Jiho. And Gaeul was too stunned by Yi Jeong's unforeseen action.


"Sunbae?!" She called to him, but he did not even halt from pulling her.


"Yah! Yi Jeong-ah, I'm still talking to Gaeul!" Jiho yelled from his place.


"Look for someone to talk with!" He stubbornly retorted without even glancing back at Jiho.


"You can't handle jealousy well, So Yi Jeong." Grinning inwardly, Jiho uttered in silence.



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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!