
The Recognition


The Charity fair that Junpyo had sponsored was a success and everyone was rewarded with genuine smiles and gratitude from children and parents, who went and became the recipient of the proceeds. The celebration of the success had come shortly. It wasn't something grand, because Jandi wanted it to be humble and intimate. The rest of the gang had crowded themselves at the receiving area of the lounge having heartily talks and laughs. Woobin chose to entertain himself at the recreation area and played billiards, he was followed by Jiho afterwards.

"Yo!" Woobin throws the billiard stick to Jiho who caught it right away. "Got a nice chick with you there, huh? Your new apple of the eye?" Jiho just gave him a shrug and did not bother to retort back at Woobin's teasing.

"She's a pretty and quiet match made in heaven?" Woobin continued.

"Yah! Woobin-ah, I did not come here to talk about Minseo with you. I came here to say that you are unmistakably failing on you 'moving on' state." There he caught the full attention of the now serious Woobin. He saw how fast the transition of expression that crossed into his friend's face. Woobin had not expected Jiho to notice his actions and plans, but with the looks of it, he clearly couldn't deny the accuracy of Jiho's observations.

"What are you going to do now? You are absolutely circumscribed to how much Yi Jeong had gone thus far. And by all odds, your decision isn't bound about selfishness. Am I right, Song Woobin?"

"Am I as vivid as a glass to you, Yoon Jiho? I can't even hold a secret to you. Why?” He sighed inwardly. “Anyways, Yi Jeong and Gael are not responsible for what I feel nowadays. Though Princess is involve it was never her fault... It just happened... And I don't even know when."

"So? You're in love with her that much?"

"I don't know... I guess..."


"You're impatient sometimes, Jiho-yah. All right. I'm in love with Gaeul. There... Happy?"

"Are you sure with your plans?"

"What plans? Don't tell me...?"

"I just heard about it a while ago. You are seriously leaving?"

"You're such a stalker!” Woobin exclaimed. His eyes all wide and he took some times to recover. “I guess I'll just spill the beans out. Yes. I'm leaving... I have to. I need some reality check about myself and I'm badly needed there."

Jiho went towards Woobin who’s leaning on the edge of the billiard table.  He tapped his shoulders and smiled to him. "You have my full support on that. Trust me; you'll never regret your decision."

"Jandi-ah, I'm so sorry... I need to go back to the patio. I forgot my portfolio there and I still need to hand it to Teacher Jung. He is leaving by tomorrow and I might not be able to see him if I will stick around any longer."

"Is that so? Cause you require me to tell Woobin to send you back?"

"No! I mean… It's okay Sunbae. Oppa is having... said... I don't want to bother him right now. Really, it's okay. Just tell Jiho Sunbae and Woobin Oppa that I have to leave early." Gaeul turned to their new visitor, "Minseo-ssi, I'm sorry that I have to leave early. It's really nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to seeing you again."

"Thank you so much, Gaeul-ssi. Nice meeting you too." Minseo replied.

"Are you sure you're okay to leave?" Still, Jandi’s reluctant in letting Gael go.

"I'm fine Jandi. You don't have to worry. I'll be calling you. Ok, now I really have to go. Bye!" Gael dashed out of the doorway and went out of the lounge premise to wave for a cab.

Gael was not actually lying to Jandi and Junpyo about the errand she needed to pay heed to, but the reason why she fled earlier was another question. Within an hour she was able to finish the task of handing the portfolio to Teacher Jung, yet all the while, her mind kept on replaying the secret she had accidentally known.

Time had passed so fast that she had not noticed it's already late afternoon. She was still contemplating on what to say and think after what she heard a while ago, she swallowed all her worries and proceeded to what she believe as the right thing to do. Gaeul hated holding grudges against people. No matter how hard a situation is, she would always hope to clear things out sooner or later. Woobin is such an important person for her to even set aside.

All through her hardships, from doubting people around her to opening her heart to her friends again after forgetting everything about them. And up to what she has become now, it was Woobin all the way, always at her side. He never did leave her all throughout her darkest state; aside from Jiho and Jandi looking after her, Woobin had been constantly with her. He's a busy man and holds a set of responsibilities, but he never once failed on taking care of her - on her therapies, checkups and until the very moment. And during the time when she became well and acquainted with everything, even if she stubbornly demanded him to let her do things on her own, Woobin being nice and caring, obliged.

In her total life, she had vowed to be eternally grateful to him. Helping a girl with amnesia to resume her normal life was never been easy. And she didn't know how she would thank him for that. She had promised herself to be constantly there for him when he called for her and even willing bet her life in exchange of his. That's how important Woobin is to her.

The idea of him being overly courteous to her made her conclude how great a person and a friend he really is. And later she experienced the whole thing from those forgotten years, she had believed that he was more compelled to take guardianship of her because of Yi Jeong. Woobin had always been protective of Yi Jeong ever since they were kids so maybe, he took over his responsibility in looking after her when Yi Jeong was away.

But after what she heard this early afternoon... 


I'm in love with Gaeul”


Gaeul didn't know what she should do. Or feel. She acknowledged that she felt happy and secure whenever he's about. He knows how to get to her laugh and how to brighten her almost failing days. And now she’s confused and her mind could not formulate anything to aid her current predicament. Both her Oppa and Yi Jeong, they’re both in love with her? She didn't know how possible it could be that both of them like her. For her, Woobin’s like a brother, that would remain as always, and knowing that he’s in love with her was something she couldn't understand. Is she too blind? Too naive?

"Is it my fault why it had come this far?" She asked herself for several times, and then there’s Yi Jeong.

For a few days since Yi Jeong ordered her to allow him to court her, it had been her refuge to be patient with him and to let him do what he wished to do. To append to that, Gael had been consoling herself from the prying eyes of the crowd everything time Yi Jeong was with her. Honestly speaking, she's happy and uncomfortable at same time, maybe because of how Yi Jeong treated her and how much attention he was giving her.

The moment Yi Jeong stepped back into her life, everyday became overwhelming. Yes, overwhelming, but in a positive way. She was not yet sure, but the feeling she was having inside of him was definitely undeniable and she acknowledged that. Perhaps, it's her heart that remembers him to the extent that it would race mile per minute whenever he's around. In her most unexpected day, Yi Jeong would just show up to see her. And for how he could make her feel a lot of emotions at the same time, Gaeul couldn't explain. The possibility that she might be in love with him was greatly high. Yi Jeong can undeniably make her world stood still with his mere presence.


And after few more grueling hours, Gaeul found herself at home, sitting on a couch, with Woobin.

"You didn't tell me you're going home early this afternoon. I just found out from Junpyo."

"I went to Teacher Jung for my portfolio. He is leaving tomorrow, that's why I have to leave early a while ago. He said I did great!" Gaeul managed to calmly speak to him, although she was a little frightened a while ago when she suddenly saw him seated on the living room waiting for her.

"That's really good to hear", looking down, Woobin tried to sound bright in front of her.

"Oppa... Is there something you want to say?" Gaeul asked after such a long silence between them.

"Huh?" Woobin murmured, unsure. He was caught off guard from what she had asked. Woobin, became a little panicky in his seat.

"I... I'm..." He sighed again, deeply. WHAT? Is she somewhat reading my mind, again? He thought so.

"Princess, I... I'm. What? Are you becoming a stuttering idiot? I have something to tell you. Yes."

Gaeul knew what it was that he’s going to tell her. However, she preferred to hear it straight from him. She had to let him open up to her the way she’s to him. Even if their current situation was far more different from the usual, she believed that they still have to settle it once and for all.

"What is it?"

"Tomorrow, I'm... leave... Leaving for Prague."

"Mmm… Why?"

"I have to settle something there."

"Hmm… Business?"


"How long?"

"A month or more." He replied shortly.

Silence engulfed the whole place and Gaeul had to blink her eyes to somewhat wake her brain from dormancy.

Huh! That was close, Song Woobin. No matter what happen, she doesn't have to know.  Woobin thought, unaware of what was running inside Gaeul’s head.

"Anything else?" Gaeul pressed.

Lying would forever be Woobin's weakness. No matter how hard he tried to keep things to her, she would get into her things to make him spit everything out. Apparently, Gaeul could read him. He and Yi Jeong became as clear as a paper to her. She might not remember it, but she's the first person to divulge Yi Jeong secrets right in front of his own eyes. And now she's doing it again to Woobin.

"Oppa, I said is there anything else?"

Woobin's hands were sweating, his heart racing like no tomorrow and he badly wanted to swallow the lump forming in his throat, but it's too hard for him to do so.

NO! No she's not. She just did not.  "Nothing else." He managed to say before he composed his appearance again.

If it's nice to even wish to be swallowed by the sofa, he would gladly offer himself. Their current situation was getting into his nerves. However, he couldn't do any intervention for it.

As expected, he won't say it.

"Liar!" Almost breaking down, Gaeul willed herself to utter the word.

A drum of ice had been poured on Woobin's head the moment he heard her accusation. WHAT? He badly wanted to shout. "What?" A controlled voice came from him. But the question sounded like a scream in his head. "You are lying Oppa. You said you're leaving because of business. That's a total lie."

"What... What... What do you... mean?

Tears were threatening to break free from her eyes and she hated it so much. She dislikes him lying to her because he never had done that to her ever since.


"You're not leaving because of business but be..." She gulped hard. ''But because you... you are in love with... me" she finished.

The realization from what he heard from her drowned him into the deepest corner of his world. How did she...? All the blood from his head went down somewhere he did not know, he looks like a plain sheet of paper and his brain had temporarily shut down to process.

A long and ill-at-ease silence ate their time. Tears were now falling on her cheeks one after the other. He left her with no choice but to say it out loud, and so she did.

"Gaeul-ah... How?" Turning to her side he asked those words in a somber tone.

Never did he expect how she managed to know that he's in love with her. And seeing her cry it became harder for him to just pass the chance by. Maybe it was meant to happen, her knowing what he feels for her for a long time.

He held her shoulder with his right hand and while his left lifted her chin to face him. Tears went trailing down again, her eyes were puffy but still, she remained cute to him. How he hate to see her cry and for the more it’s because of him, because he chose to lie rather than to tell her the truth.

"This early afternoon, I heard you... with Jiho Sunbae." She managed to say between sobs.

Nodding his head for comprehension, he wiped her tears with his hand. "I'm sorry. But I never really plan to tell it to you. I'm so sorry... Maybe you probably know the reason why... why I did not tell you. But Jiho, you know how he see things that are not spoken. He pushed me towards the edge so I admitted." Woobin drew a sigh before he continued.

"Yes. Princess, I am in love with you..." He confesses. She knows it already so why hide?

Hands trembling, he stopped his hand halfway to open the door. Both of his hand formed into fist as he swallowed the hardened lump that's prodding his throat.


"Song Woobin how? Why? Why her?"

It was more like a whisper than how it was like screaming in his head. He was leaning on the steering wheel that he had slammed for how many times, he didn’t know. At the patio, he seriously wanted to kick the door open so he could confront Woobin right then and there but he knew, even for long, that it’s unfair.

She's neither his nor anybody else’s.

She's almost perfect to the fact that it’s inevitable for anybody not to like her. And being Woobin, who became too close to her, it's not impossible for him to fell for her. He too has been badly unimmunized with her charm, and no matter how he had denied it before, Yi Jeong had undeniably fallen head over heels to her.

Yi Jeong wanted to curse all his might and beat him to death. But it was Song Woobin and not just any random guy confessing to her, the one person who took the responsibility of taking care of Gaeul when he's never around. The one person he owes a lot, even his life - his best friend.

Maybe destiny likes repeating itself - like now. Gu Junpyo, Jandi and Yoon Jiho had been in an oh-so-similar situation before. And he’s scared to death to even know how it would end for them. But he needed to face it as calmly as possible.

With a heavy heart he left the patio without them knowing that he was there. And now he's inside his car abusing the steering wheel, reeling his own refuge.

"Yes. Gaeul-ah, I'm in love with you..."


"Please, don't be sorry or anything. Things just happen beyond our choices. Listen to me..." He held both of her shoulders and looked at her straight in the eyes. "I love you. Now you know it. And I'm sorry that I can't take it back anymore..." He paused.

"But I will just settle up until here..." he gestured his current position beside her. “But not here." Woobin pointed on her chest.

Gaeul didn't know what to say, so she chose to keep silent and let him do the talking. He told her to listen and she should follow.

"Promise me that you will listen to what I say. Promise me that you trust me. Will you?"

She earnestly nods her head and confirmed.

"I will always and forever trust you, Oppa"

Good God! Can I just take back what I said? The one with the settling thing?

(No, sorry what is said should be done.)

With a deep sigh he continued, "That punk. No… So Yi Jeong. He loves you so much and you should not doubt that. He's been through a lot lately, enough to make him go crazy. But because he loves you, he willed himself to remain sane just to be here with you."

This is seriously killing me. Will I have my own monument after this?

"And to tell you honestly, the Chu Gaeul from the eight years that I know did everything in her powers just to make So Yi Jeong the Yi Jeong we have with us now. She made him shed off his mask and be the carefree Yi Jeong once more. That was a lot of hard work not to include the hurt and the tears 'you' had endured just to make him 'him' again. If it's not love I don't know what to call it."

I guess I understand what you're saying, Oppa. And that's exactly what you are doing now. We're just the same

"The Chu Gaeul before loves So Yi Jeong and will continue to love him in the future even if she currently having difficulty remembering anything." He paused. "The mind forgets but the heart always remembers. Always trust your heart and it will sure remember. I told you that before didn't I?"

"Yes." She couldn’t agree more.

With what he said, her memories of her hospitalization days had flood back into her senses once again. And she couldn’t help herself but plaster a sincere smile.

I'll take that smile as a consolation for openly tearing my heart out.

"As cheesy as it may sound. I believe that you and Yi Jeong are for each other, but don't just believe because I say so. You will know it so just be patient."

Yeah. Okay I believe in ‘soul mates’, but I will never say it out loud. Never. And that is why I'm doing this because just as I said 'you will know it', right?

"But Oppa..."

"You don't have to worry about me. I will always be here. Okay, maybe not physically all the time. You know what I mean, right?" What a pretty smile she gave him.

"Yes of course", she smiled again. Woobin’s getting a lot of consolation here. And he's never going to share it; he had to spoil himself for this.

"But Oppa, will you be leaving still?" Gaeul’s eyebrows were furrowed together with glint of expectation and worry.

"Yes." He saw her drop her gaze from him to the floor so again he lifted her chin. She refused to look at him, without a choice he continued. "It's not your fault that I'm leaving. I am leaving because I have to.”  I just think I need to.  “And who knows I might meet someone for me on the plane." That would be ridiculous.

"YAH!" She exclaimed together with a slap on his shoulder. Apparently, Gaeul’s not as serene as she looks. She has the habit of slapping with different intensity depending on her mood. And the slap now was a little above bearable.

A laugh erupted from Woobin's mouth. He actually laughed. After all that he felt and said, he actually laughed. And it did not bother him because that was genuine. After his laughter died down he glanced at her pouting face. How cute. Like a flash, he raised his hand and pinched her cheeks from both sides.

"Just so you know, no matter what happen you will always be Our Princess... My Princess and my baby sister"

You're in love with me a while ago and then now a sister? Oppa, I'm confused.

Gaeul wanted to utter but she chose to remain silent. She arched her eyebrows to him letting him clarify what he said.

"You'll know the reason soon." He mysteriously answered. "So, Princess are we good?"

She eyed him for a while, searching for any reluctance or misgivings, but there was none. Gaeul had to smile at that. Woobin would remain, as always the selfless, caring and loving brother and friend.

"Yes! Oppa, of course." She said or more likely exclaimed and he just chuckled. She’s recharged back to hyper active Gaeul.

Woobin never saw her acting like that before the accident but right after she regained back her strength and health she had become more bright and of course, hyper. Was it because of the accident or maybe Geum Jandi increased her infuence to her and adding up Junpyo's stubbornness?  Maybe having those two around during Gaeul's recovery was a bad idea and neither having Jiho too. He should just have done it alone.

"I think I have to leave. I still have to go to my office before my flight tomorrow. "

"Okay Oppa. Be sure to always call us about your whereabouts, arasso?"

"Of course!"

They headed out of the house and out of the gate. Before Woobin went inside his car, he glanced back at Gaeul.

"Good night, Princess."

"Good night, Oppa"

We're good already, right? So it's not too much to ask for it, right? I mean, I need some spoiling before I turn myself into a sulking idiot.

With a smirk on his lips, he stretched his arms wide open. "Don't I get a hug?" He asked raising his left eyebrow to her.

Smiling widely, Gaeul happily went towards him and gave him a heartily hug which he responded as much. Then suddenly she pulled out from the hug, smiled at him and brought her hand up above her making her fingers meet together on top of her head, having a shape of heart.

"Oppa Saranghae!" She said while playfully twirling side by side.

His heart was fluttering and almost pouring out. He tightened his jaw eyeing her with slit eyes. She's really making me crazy

"Yah! CHU GAEUL! Are you pushing me to take back all that I said?!"

"You will?!" Gaeul knew that it's not right to at the moment because he just went vulnerable in front her. Maybe she didn't know the feeling of how to let go of someone dear to her, but her heart just yearns to him because it was her he’s letting go off.

"Nah... Teasing. You little! "

"I just know you won't, Oppa. That's why I trust you so much." She hugged him back and they both laugh.

"Thank you so so so so much, Oppa. I hope that would be enough." she said while still hugging him.

"You will always be welcome." He replied her sincerely as he released her from the hug. He held her head down and gave her a peck on her forehead. He then mess her hair with his hand. "Don't wait too long for Jandi and sleep before it gets late, okay?"

He slid inside his car and signals her to go back to the house.

She fixed her hair from the mess, went behind the gates and waved him good bye. "Okay! Take care. Be safe!" Then he saw her went in.

Woobin stayed for some more minute recalling the whole thing that had happened. A small contented smile crossed his lips, as he slid the keys in.

"That felt nice" Woobin said before stepping on the gas.

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!