
The Recognition


Things had gone the way they had expected, after the gathered data taken cared by the Song's, it was clear that Woo Seong was just bouncing on top of Cronos' palm. And knowing that the Museums were in trouble being under the Cronos management, Yi Jeong just kept his chagrin inwardly. In defiance of their positions, hammering Cronos was quite a handful. Cronos was as influential as them, and it also had strong backups from international dignitaries. There were only two options for Yi Jeong; let the whole thing be swept away or put his hand over it and fight. And at that point of it, Yi Jeong was clearly not backing up without a fight, and he would never let such an important part of his life be tainted with Cronos' dirty hands.

The plan they had formulated for the past few days were now ready to be taken into action, they're just waiting for the right timing.

"We’ll just wait until Cronos starts playing their final pitch and there we'll intervene. We need to warn the Board of National Treasury and Historical Heritage about this. They will fume out if they'll discover a foreign country overtaking a National Property." Yi Jeong spoke garnering agreeable nod from everyone.

"I had arranged a meeting for that will be seeing the board this afternoon." Jiho declared.

"I can't be in it for the moment, I am seeing the Ha's for the real estate deals."

"It’s okay Junpyo, Father and I, can handle this meeting. Besides, you've done a lot of help already. Thanks." Yi Jeong assured Junpyo.

"Were not done yet, Yi Jeong-ha, we will never settle with this one unless it's all clear and done." Jiho pointed out.

"And dealing with Cronos is a little bit complicated. Grandma Heajin had extended her hand for this matter." Yi Jeong was hard-pressed about the statement that Woobin had just said.

"Is Grandma getting involved up until here?" He asked and his friends replied him with a face reflecting an 'of-course-what-do-you-expect'. Yi Jeong could only cringe at how stupid his question was.

Just at that moment a voice resounded around the conference room. "Are you questioning the way I am professing my help to you, So Yi Jeong?"


All four stood up from their respective seats and bowed at the elderly woman standing in front of them. At her age, never did she fail to make all of them scramble and fold to her presence.

"Long time no see, Grandma Heajin." It was Woobin who said the greetings out loud while the rest, including her grandson, just bowed at her.

"What's with the lame greeting Gentlemen? Aren't you going to give me a hug?" She said sounding an order than a question.

The four young men looked at each other, seemingly asking if what they would do next. And then Jiho stepped forward, and led the rest to hug the elder woman. For Yi Jeong, it's a little off for him seeing her grandmother now, where in half his life he had hid himself from her, fearing that she might blame him of what his mother had become. He became distant to her after her mother became unstable. Yi Jeong stayed away from the Lee’s, most especially his mother, when she started threatening him with her life. That was her way so that Yi Jeong would get his father and brought him home.

But then, his current situation was something he had to deal with. She’s his grandmother and he didn't need to hide from her, because he’d surely regret it.

"Aigoo! You kids aren’t kids anymore. Getting more handsome, eh? I just wonder how many female cried rivers of tears caused by all of you."

"Just with Woobin and Yi Jeong, Grandma", Junpyo proudly uttered as he widely grinned at President Lee.

Both Don Juan and The Casanova looked back at him and glared, as Jiho stippled a laugh.

"Is that so? You two, better be ready, 'karma' strikes the worst. And you So Yi Jeong you better prepare yourself. You have a lot of explaining to do."


"Woobin-ah... Gaeul-yang, she hasn't seen you for days now. Give her a visit. She's worried about you..."

Woobin recalled what Yi Jeong said to him right after they finished the meeting about Cronos. He sighed deep and stared blankly at the road ahead. Obviously, he had nothing to do. He was only driving around town without purpose and reason. Woobin was all debating against himself on whether to listen on what Yi Jeong had told him, or just keep his distance farther from her.

Now that Yi Jeong and Gaeul were getting closer like they used to be, and that maybe she would eventually recall the rest of her memory with Yi Jeong's help, Woobin had to keep his actions and feelings always on check. But no matter how he drifted himself away from her, he couldn't get too far, because it would mean ignoring the rest of his friends, and also he might hurt her in the process. It would never be one of his options. He badly wanted to see her now and just spend the rest of his free time with her. She also might get worried about him and his absence.

Woobin would never forgive himself if Gaeul ended up being upset because of him, accepting his defeat Woobin turned his car and went straight to her photography school.


Meanwhile, after the meeting they had, Yi Jeong was asked by his grandmother to stay and have a talk with her. He was seated nervously on his seat, timidly sneaking a glance at President Lee.

"It was never your fault. I had never blamed you with what happen to your mother. You are just a victim of chances, Yi Jeong." Heajin broke the long hanging silence between them.

"But Grandma, I chose to leave and flee from you and mother. I became neglectful... Because of that, mother became more unstable... I am also at fault." His eyes were getting haze with tears and it took all his effort to keep himself steady and to choke back his emotions.

"If you stayed with her longer, she would never realize what she actually has. That she has someone who care and love her, someone way more important than anything or anybody in her life.” Haejin reached for her grandson’s hand and pat it lightly. “So Yi Jeong, it was regret that pulled your mother back to her senses. When you left her side and go on your own, Haneul had realized that you're the most important person in her life and that’s when she sent herself to Russia for treatment."

Yi Jeong looked at his Grandmother like he had just heard someone spoke in her behalf.

"Regret", He uttered after the comprehension.

That was the same thing he had once felt before. The feeling, that certain someone let him experience, that same feeling he didn't even want to feel again, and that’s one reason why he’s doing all his best 'not' to let anything pass his chance. His mother had spent so much time hurting inside before she was able to realize and learn what regret was all about. And Yi Jeong could not imagine himself being that person he was once before. If he had never felt regret that time, he would obviously be that same old person he was. The Yi Jeong with the persona he had created to mask the broken 'him' inside.

"That thing felt too awful that I will truly regret it if it'll happen to me again." Yi Jeong uttered to himself.

Heajin was just quiet, looking intently at her grandson. He had changed a lot from the last time she had seen him. Yi Jeong had grown up into a fine young man, but that was not what's prominent in her eyes now. Her grandson had become a man with bearing; an intelligent and mature man way too far from the person Yi Jeong had flashed to the public eye. Although the public had known and adore him being a prodigy, a genius, a fine and rich bachelor, he’s also deemed as an impeccable Casanova - a great Philanderer. But now as she looked at him, her grandson So Yi Jeong was undeniably a different person; an even greater man.

"How is that person doing?" He caught his Grandmother asked him.

"Person? Who?"

"The person who doffed the personality you have created. The person who showed you how regret felt. The most important person to you, now or even for the rest of your life... I guess. How is she?"

He chose to close his mouth after he had make out from his bewilderment, and drew a slight smile on his lips, but his eyes unquestionably reflects how truly relieve and happy he was inside.

 "She's doing really fine."

"When will I meet her? Your mother is rooting to see her too."


"Of course she knows. She is definitely intrigued on whom that certain person, the one his son is very much smitten with."

"Grandma! Gaeul-yang... She still doesn't remember me fully. I'm still working on it and the thing is… I still have to deal with this."

"Yeah. I better see her after things get settled. Don't worry I'll make sure it won't take long. So, how was the 'working on' doing?"

Yi Jeong chuckled at the old woman's remark. "It is uhm... How would I say it...? Slow? Yeah I'm some kind of slow but I promise Grandma it is working."

"Since things are slow, what if you make a little step further before you leave again... you need to have an assurance before that."

"Of course I'm on that, Grandma."

There she was busily clicking on the mouse probably doing last checking on the photos she had taken. Beside her was Lee Junho, her university classmate and coincidentally a workshop classmate too. He knocked on the opened door and waited to be recognized by her. Gaeul tilted her head and gave him her wide and pretty smile the time she saw him.


"Miss me?"

She laughed aloud and went to him. Gaeul was beaming, but also manage to stick her tongue to him. "Too fool of yourself again." She said as she hooked her hand to his arm.

"I guess not. Do you still have something else to do?" Woobin asked and she shook her head.

"You just came at the exact time. Are we going to the lounge? Am I needed there?"

"Yeah. We’re going somewhere but not to the lounge."

"Oh? Where?"

"Just somewhere. Aren't you going to get you stuffs now?"

"Ah! Yeah. Doing that", Gaeul let go of his arm and went towards her table. She addressed her friend and fixed her things before clutching her bag. "Junho-yah, I'll just see you tomorrow. Bye!"

"Okay. See you tomorrow, take care." Junho earnestly replied. He saw them walked out of the room and he was curious him to how would an ordinary girl like Gaeul befriends with such prominent people. They've been friends for more than a year, but he never dare ask why she's that close to those Conglomerate heirs. She was close to them, but remained out from the public eye. Maybe she's too important that they had managed to maintain her privacy as is.

Five hours after both Woobin and Gaeul left the workshop; they headed back to the patio.

"Did you have fun?"

"Of course Oppa! But I just did not expect us to be on a ski resort a while ago. We should have brought the gang with us. You know, Jandi might get furious again like the last time." Gaeul said while getting her things on the back of the Woobin's pickup truck. They just arrived at the gates of the patio after they spent the whole afternoon skiing.

"Are you coming to Junpyo Sunbae's Charity fair next Sunday?"

"Yeah. I'll give some time for that."

"Is Sunbae going too?"

"Yi Jeong?"


"Why? You miss him already?"


Woobin was too stunned on himself. He was able to laugh aloud wherein he should feel something off inside. But he just laughed like its normal for him. "You do realize how loud was your denial is, Princess. But I'm afraid he can't come. He’s got a lot of work to do. Should I tell him to see you later?"

"Why are you doing that?"

"Because our Princess seems to miss her Prince so much."

"Oppa! No I'm not."

"Yah! You just can't deny and lie to me, Chu Gaeul. I can read you."

 Yes. Woobin can clearly see how much Gaeul had loosen her guards for Yi Jeong, and even if it triggered a negative feeling inside him, he’s really glad that she had open up to his friend. Definitely, Gaeul could not gainsay the mixture of feelings she have whenever Yi Jeong’s around. She hadn’t accepted those feelings yet, but had already acknowledged that it does occur often times. Maybe she's still confused and unsure.

"Oppa, can I ask you something?"


"How will you tell if you like someone?"

He’s getting the idea as clear as a glass. Gaeul was staring to acknowledge the familiarity she have with Yi Jeong and maybe the memory will come next. Woobin was absolutely thrilled for Gaeul to finally recall everything, and also it would be the time where she could probably absorb all those confusing thoughts into clarity. The question she had asked him could only be answered with an unmitigated reality.

"Princess, you said you trust me right?" She was nodding her head earnestly. He let out a deep sigh before he went on.

"All you feel every time Yi Jeong is around answers your question." Just like what he had expected, his statement was rewarded with a jaw drop and saucepan sized eyes. "I'll state things that are usually obvious: blushing by  just a mere presence, unstable heart caused by a simple sight and smile, that feeling which is like - you just saw each other but later missing each other after a minute of separation, and the extreme emotion of happiness when you're together."

Gaeul was quietly taking Woobin's enumeration into her brain, and one by one checking her feelings. 

Do I like Yi Jeong Sunbae? 

"But that isn't exactly 'liking' someone feels. It's how you feel when you’re in love with that someone, Gaeul."

If it's possible to have her eyes wider, it clearly looked like that to him and Woobin was damn serious about what he said to her. Gaeul was just silent and it sent Woobin the idea that she needed time with herself alone. Although he was feeling reluctant, leaving her alone at the patio, enough time to think, was what she needed.

I don't only like him but also love him?



Her week was washed and flushed like waves. It's too overwhelming for her, spending each and every day with Yi Jeong who would suddenly pop out of nowhere, and for the fact that she’s quite busy about the current Charity fair of Junpyo and some school activities, Gaeul was overwhelmed. 

Having a gorgeous devil always showing anywhere she was, caused her to stretch her time, and flex it more to fit her schedule. Gaeul couldn't explain how Yi Jeong would find her on the streets of random places. He would show up with flowers, gifts and bring her on different places. Don't misunderstand her; she's actually glad to have a companion every now and then. But when it comes to Yi Jeong, her plans would always be thrown away, at the corners. That man liked dragging her to anywhere he wanted to. And Gaeul could not even refuse him since he would look upset and sulk over the matter.

It's almost a month and a few weeks already since they had talked for the very first time in years, and weeks already since he kissed her. That was the very first time she had met him as someone she knew, not some stranger at the F4 lounge, but then he just kissed her. As the memories of their continuous meetings flooded down on her, she couldn't help but recall what Woobin had said to her, breaking a small smile in her lips.

Aish! Stop it. Do not be one assuming kitten, Gaeul. She thought and smacked her head a little hard.

Is it really possible that I’m in love with that annoyingly-adorable-sweet-persistent-annoying F4, So Yi Jeong?

Her mind drifted down again on the event she was in for the last week.



He grabbed her wrist before she could even emerge out of the car's door. She looked back on him with a concern face.

"Wait! Gaeul-yang... I have something to ask you."

Yi Jeong knew that the slow pace and dragging development between the two of them was making him anxious and his patience wasn't getting any longer anymore. He loves her more than ever, but her walls were too high for him to climb through. Gaeul was still awkward and confuse around him. He was doing his every move in moderation because he didn't want to alarm her. He had confessed to her the first time they had talked, but it seemed like Gaeul wasn't into it yet. He was contemplating if he had to confess again, just for her to realize how honest he was with his feelings.

Their relationship remained civil and platonic, the assurance he wanted was, still, a mile away. And if he wasn't going to act faster this time, he might again, fall down to regret.

"Gaeul-yang, you are going to let me court you." He stated with full honesty and seriousness.

parted a little and she looked at him with visible shock and amusement. "Is that a question or an order, Sunbae?"

"I don't know. But how does it sound for you?"

"Of course, its sounds like an order!"

Yi Jeong smirked at her with triumph and smugness on his face. "So? I guess you don't have any choice then?" Her hand was with his; he raised them together and intertwined their fingers.

"You don't need to answer me, Gaeul-yang. You're going to be my girlfriend no matter what."

"Yah! How can you be so sure about that?" She argued.

"Because I'm going to do everything to make you fall in love with me again." He saw her eyes bulge out from its sockets.

"In love with me again?” She shook her head and tried to correct what she just said. “I mean... with you again?" Yi Jeong nodded to her. "I was in love with you before, Sunbae?" Her eyes stayed as round as it has been, she then saw Yi Jeong's face went nearer. He was looking straight into her eyes, and then shifted down her lips and back into her eyes again. He smugly smirked.

"Yes, head-over-heals and madly in love with me, Gaeul-yang."


"I am still not convinced with who fell in love head-over-heals on whom." She said inwardly.

After that day, everything that Yi Jeong does went a peak higher. She did not even imagine him being so childish and demanding on what he wanted. He would not talk to her until she would agree to his request, or even sulk and pout at her. Yi Jeong would bring her anywhere and not even letting her refuse, they would just talk and joke around each other. Surprisingly, Gaeul had enjoyed it, unquestionably swooning with his company and had open up to Yi Jeong without even noticing.

"What's with the smiling, Princess?"

"Oppa, were you there for a while?"

"Ani, I was there helping and just went here when I saw you zoning out. Are you tired already? You can take a rest, we’re almost done."

"I'm okay, Oppa. Don't worry I'm just happy, this Charity fair ended successfully"

Woobin studied her and notice that she had something in her mind, but he chose not to pry on that thing anymore. He’s now glad that he could act normal again around her. Maybe he was able to move on, and had set his feelings for her on check. Woobin thought he’s doing quite well on that. But in an instant, Gaeul looked at him and smiled sweetly causing his breath caught up in his throat.

 I think I have to do better next time. Another fail.

"I noticed you've been zoning out again for the nth time, Yi Jeong."

"Abojie, I... I was just..."

"Thinking of her"


Hyun Sub could only laugh at his son's mixed expression. He did not expected that a ladies man like his son would become a day dreamer school boy. Yi Jeong's age was a little off when it comes to day dreaming, but it didn't hurt though, because he’s obviously happy and beaming.

"I hope you will not be like this always. Once your grandmother and the Song's finish the case with Cronos, it will be us to set the business back on track."

"Of course father... But what are we going to do with Grandpa. He refuses to come here."

"We can't force him, if he doesn't want to be with us. That old man is worst when it comes to being stubborn. Don't worry I'll be the one to talk and temporarily provide for him. He is not that broke as you can see."

"About the WooSeong Museum, will the plan be still on for that?"

"Definitely, he had signed the transfer and it will be temporarily run by me and I'll be handling it to you the next year after the renovation and the planned Grand Auction. I just have to remind you about the disposition, you're going with me the week after next week."

"I understand father."

"Okay, that would be it. I will not hold you for long, you might be planning on going somewhere..."

"Abojie... let's halt the teasing. Okay?"

"I'm not teasing, Son. It's just too obvious."

A/N: thank you for reading :)

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2492 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!