He what?

The Recognition

"The Recognition"

He what?

"How could he do that? He did all of it on purpose? Just for plain business? That's unfair! That's so unfair." Then she started sobbing again. Jandi could never imagine how her beloved best friend suffered for a nonsense purpose. And after all the hatred she had granted Yi Jeong from the things they thought he did, all that Jandi felt were mixture of guilt and sympathy.


"Yi Jeong Sunbae… It must have been too difficult for him all those years. But how can we tell him about Gaeul. He might feel guilty and might even blame himself?" Junpyo patted her shoulder, consoling her. "Don't worry. That's why we are here. We'll do everything we can to make things go on as smoothly as before."


But in Jandi's head, there was another thing that bothered her and what if another conflict may arise after or within the course their current problem. It was an impending conflict that might stain something that was founded by trust and loyalty. And in her mind she knew who's going to be wounded more.


"But if Yi Jeong Sunbae wants her back, what will happen to... to... Wo"

"Jandi!" Jiho called to stop her from saying what's on her mind. Jandi looked back at him with all her concerns showing on her face. She noticed. He thought.


"I'll be the one to see it." That was the only thing he said to her for he still has to confirm it himself.



His heart sunk inch by inch every time her eyes would spill out another set of tears that came rushing down her cheeks. He badly wanted to put his hand on that So Woo Seong's neck and slowly beat him until he pleaded for his life. Because of that man he could have lost the very person in front of him. The very person he started to care the most.


"So that is what I am always... a burden. Yi... Jeong ...Sunbae. He suffered too much being far from here, his family... friends... because of me... he left because of me..."


She paused in between her sobs. Gaeul was all perplexed at the sudden revelation. She kept on processing all the details Woobin had told her. And she knew what he said were just fragments from the whole things that had happened before. With that she remained unclear of why she became the reason of Yi Jeong four years of absence. Why was it that he had to follow his own grandfather's deal just because of her?


"Why? Why didn't he refuse? Why because of me? Oppa?"


"No. You are never a burden to anybody. His grandfather threatened him about your safety, our safety. He knows you're important to Yi Jeong and all of us are. He left because he doesn't want you to get involved. He doesn't want us all to get involved. You are... especial to Yi Jeong... he hates you getting hurt… us getting harm because him."


"But still Oppa! I'm still the reason. He could have been here with everybody for those long years of being away. He could have been happy..."

"He will still suffer even if he did refuse, he will still face the same faith even if the reason was not you." And it could have been a little better for him if the reason was not you. He won't suffer too much like he did. He said and thought but just gave a deep sigh in the end.


"But Woobin Oppa..."


"Yi Jeong won't risk your life in behalf of his. He cares for you... He... He... loves you."


Her head turned to Woobin in a swift and caught his eyes looking directly to her. She might just heard him said something else but the thought that registered into her brain was different.


"He... what?"


She looked so confused and her expression was never seen by Woobin before. All concerns and confusions were written on her face but her eyes showed no doubts of what she just heard. Maybe she knew it but just couldn't bring to mind. With another deep sigh, Woobin fixed his posture and slid his hand to get something inside his pocket. He held both of her hands with his free hand and placed the tiny black box on top of it.


It was a beautiful black box adorned with a silver chain ribbon studded with diamonds looped around it. The ribbon was placed in it to secure the box from opening. She was mesmerized by the site of the tiny box on her hand; she couldn't even say a word.


"He was about to give that to you but he failed to do so, since things happened already. I was asked by his father to give that to him. But I think it's better if I give that to you to show him."


Silence engulfed the whole place.


"Princess. He... Yi Jeong... loves you and that's enough reason for him to comeback. I know you are all confused at the moment but... just give him a chance to show you how much... you mean to him. Just like you did before… opening your doors to us again."


"Will I be able to do that again? I can't even..."


"Of course. Trust me when I say so. You also need to trust Yi Jeong because I trust him too. Okay?"


She nodded earnestly and smiled at him for reassurance. Then he reached her face and started wiping her tears with his hands. Her eyes we're all puffy and her nose was red from crying. How he dislike seeing her this way but it was a process that all of them had to undergo.


Woobin couldn't hold himself anymore when he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his embrace, which she was unable to refuse due to how sudden it was. He felt her stiffen a bit but then relaxed after. She rested her head in his shoulder as he patted her head with his right hand.


"Everything will turn out fine. Do you trust me?" He asked and was answered with a slight nod of her head.


The sound of the opening door caused him to stir from his slumber. He turned his head sideways to see who were coming since he cannot stand to check for it because on his lap was the serenely sleeping Gaeul. After the conversation they had hours ago, Woobin went at the porch area to talk to someone on the phone. And when he went back at the living room, Gaeul was already asleep.


He couldn't think of any reason to wake her up, so Woobin chose to look after her before Jandi came home. Woobin settled himself beside her, he placed a pillow on his lap and shifted her position carefully.

"Oh... Sunbae. Sorry we came a little late. Junpyo was called for a sudden meeting." Jandi said when she emerged at the living room.


"Did you tell her already?" It was Jiho's turn to ask. He was at trailing behind Jandi.


"Yeah. I already told her but she remained confused and all. I didn't tell her all in details because it involves Yi Jeong a lot. I guess it's better if it is him to tell her all."


Jiho saw how much stress the situation brought to everybody, especially to Woobin. As he looked at his friend, Jiho could tell how much Woobin had endured in telling Gaeul some of the things that had happen. It had always been his task ever since, he’s good at explaining things to her better than anyone else, and she too trust him so much.


Gaeul had become an important person to them from the time Jandi brought her in. To Jiho it pained him to see Gaeul suffer more, she had become a sister to him. A sister he never had by blood; and all of them had become overly protective of her, the more would be Woobin. Ever since Yi Jeong was nowhere to be found, Woobin had been there to look after Gaeul. He would never be settled and calm if it was not Jiho, Jandi or Junpyo who's with her. He worries for her like how Jandi does. And that's why Jiho had been keeping on track until now.


"Did she cry?"


"A lot. She's drained. Us too. Let's just have everything set tomorrow. I'll be staying here for the night, is it okay?"


"Sure Sunbae. No problem. It would be nice to have you here tonight. How about you, Jiho Sunbae?"


"I'll stay at the attic it's a little late for everybody to go home. Let's just stay here for tonight. "


"That would be grate. I'll go get her settled inside her room. Will you help on her clothes, Jandi?"


"Of course, Sunbae."


With that Woobin carefully lifted Gaeul from the sofa towards her room with Jandi trailing behind. When it was only Jiho left at the living room, he flopped down at the sofa where Gaeul previously was. He lifted his hand and massages his temple to ease out his worries on the impending dilemma that they will be facing soon.



"I'll go get some basin and water, Sunbae." Jandi suggested as she dashed inside the bathroom door.


"Hmm." He nodded and carefully laid Gaeul on her bed. Her sleeping form always made him recall the times when she was still in the hospital. The fear of her not waking up would always hunts him but now she that was sleeping calmly with her eyebrows furrow a little. He pulled her blanket up and covered her snugly. He bent a little towards and gave her a peck on the forehead. Then he turned and walked towards the door when she suddenly grabbed his hand, enough to make Woobin whip his head.


"Sorry... Yi Jeong Sunbae. I'm sorry." She mumbled in her sleep but remained clinging into Woobin's hand.


The words she said was clear and precise, it was enough to make Woobin stood rooted on the ground and making Jandi stop on her track. Woobin couldn't explain the feeling he had at the moment, the only thing he could do was to swallow the lump forming on his throat blocking his air.


By the way he looked, Jandi was sure that Woobin was affected. Everything that Gaeul do or say had an effect him, a lot more than he would allow. And Jandi felt a tinged of guilt slowly piercing her heart. Her friend was getting hurt but she was powerless to do anything about it.


"I'll go get some towels, Sunbae." Then she dashed out of the room.


Jandi's action pulled Woobin into his current pace. He gave off a slow and deep sigh before he untangled Gaeul's hand into his. He placed her hand back under her covers, turned the lights off and left the room.

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2479 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!