
The Recognition



It has been a great success for the HJK Co. to have the got the multimillion deal dangling around the balcony of Shinwa Co. Both companies are now team up to show people with great innovations for better future. Though two companies had conflicts before with the cut off engagement of the HJK heiress Ha Jae Kyung and Shinwa's new Leader Gu Junpyo, they still remained good business partners until now. They are tying up again for new projects...


"Omo! Omo!"


The sound of the television and a voice took him out of his slumber. "She's really pretty on tv!" He heard the voice again. Little by little he opened his eyes and saw someone sitting on top of the bed's foot, facing its back at him or more like facing the television.


"Yah! What are you doing here?" He asked while scratching his eyes and sitting up on the bed.


"Oh! Oppa." She said smiling at him with her head whip at her side. "Sunbae, Oppa is awake now. What do we do then?" She tilted her head sideward looking down at someone settled on the floor.

"Let's just finish the news and finish your drink so we can go down stairs." He heard a voice coming from Jiho.


He bended down and crawled towards the bed's foot and settled beside Gaeul. "Yah! You two, since when were you here? And why are you eating inside the bedroom?"


"We've been here for hours already. We went in because this room got nicer TV. And Jiho Sunbae said we can eat breakfast here. You can't argue with him this is his house by the way."


Jiho chuckled at her answer. "That's very true!" He commented leading Woobin to make a face to them which they both laughed out until Gaeul diverted their attention while pointing on the television.


"Look Oppa, Jae Kyung unnie is really pretty on TV. But she's prettier in person, right?"


"Yeah yeah... She is but she's far too different with her personality. That monkey is a man in her past life." The way he said the words sounds speaking for the fact.


"That's not very nice of you... Unnie is pretty and nice too. Take back what you said."


"Fine. She's pretty." But still shaking his head, then he saw Jiho smiling at him weirdly. He raised his left brow and stirred him with his foot. "What's so funny Yoon Jiho?"


"Prince Song just said Ha Jae Kyung is pretty. It sounds so..."


"Beats me Jiho!"


"Young Master, Master So sent me here to inform you about the upcoming exhibit. He wanted you to look at these files for approval. And also to tell you that all the accounts you have under the So's Museums and Industries are emptied. Everything was transferred on your accounts at the Lee's Sir."


Yi Jeong's eyes widened as he caught up with the info his butler just said to him. "What? Why?"


"All the associates under the lead of Master So diverted their investments to the Lee's including your accounts, Sir. It was ordered by your father, it also include all the investments from the Yoon's, Song's and the Gu's. You are prohibited to make any transaction or deals under Senior So Woo Seong, those were also enforced by your father, Young Master."


"Oh!? But how about the museums? Why is this not consulted to me?"


"I'm afraid Sir, that it was Master So's and the major investors' decision. But all details will be discussed on the general meeting set when Master So arrive within the end of this week. Is there anything else you need to clarify, Sir?"


"Oh? Why so sudden? Don't mind me. You can leave now. Thank you for the info." He said then fished his phone to dial a number.




"Oh!? Yi Jeong-ah, I can say you were informed already. Everything is still on the process, don't worry your grandfather cannot intervene since the control over investment goes to me independently. That was the newly approved agreement I and the investors had last two years. I will settle everything first and we'll have our meeting as soon as I'm back."


"Oh? I was not able to ask yet. But I do understand, Abojie. See you soon then?"

A soft chuckle came out of the other line. "I have to tell it abruptly since I'm running for a meeting. See you soon then. Bye." Then the call ended.


"Jae Kyung Unnie is just mean to you Sunbae since you tried to flirt with her before, you know?" Jandi argued.


"Really? Is that true?" With amused expression and furrowed brows, Gaeul inquired.


"No. That's never true. Ask Jiho." Woobin countered. But Jiho shrugged in response when all eyes turned his way. "Yah! Yoon Jiho!" He stirred his friend's legs under the table but Jiho was fast enough to lift his long legs.


"See, I tell you Gaeul. Both Yi Jeong and Woobin Sunbae tried to flirt with Unnie before but she turned both of them down"


"Really? Even Yi Jeong Sunbae flirted with Unnie? Why didn't you tell me that, Oppa?" Gaeul might not noticed how carefree she was when she spoke of Yi Jeong's name like it was the usual Gaeul speaking, but the rest of them noticed it and took it into consideration.


"Why would I tell you such nonsense thing? The truth is I and Yi… Jeong did that to sweep her off her feet so she would just dismiss the engagement with Junpyo. And for the record Jandi, Ha Jae Kyung did not turn me and Yi Jeong down. That monkey turned us off." Woobin tried to salvage his and Yi Jeong name and what he said was by far the truth.


"Wow. Jandi, you should at least be grateful to Yi Jeong Sunbae and Woobin Oppa. They brought you and Junpyo together, right Jiho sunbae?" Her conclusion was rewarded by nod from the quiet doctor. "Too bad I missed that event. I should have helped also. But Oppa, seriously I believe what you said. Jandi might be fooling around. Right?" She directed the question to Jandi who couldn't even defend herself and just nodded to Gaeul.

With the not-so-childish act Woobin then stuck his tongue out to Jandi and smirked at her. Jandi then gave him a deadly glare but laughed after. With Jandi laughing and Woobin acting like a 10 year old Gaeul was left bewildered by the sight of her friend. She looked too adorable when she's confused which made Jiho join the laughter and her dumbfounded.



A week after they knew that the plan they had was in a way positively on their side, the gang had decided to pursue the next step.


"It's time. We can't prolong this anymore."


Though it's sure difficult for all of them but they have to undergo through it. The current situation may cause reopening of wounds, but for things to run again smoothly as before they needed to be under the kiln for another time. Enduring heat and pain wouldn't be that bad if you got all you friends with you. Sure it's hard but worthy to go through.


"How are you?"


Both of them settled themselves on the couch. It has been so silent since the guys left the patio. Gaeul was seated with her legs curled up on her chest. She was lost in her own world and staring blankly to nowhere. Jandi had been looking at her friend for a while now. She could see that Gaeul was thinking of things that had just been told to her. Even if she looked calm and fine, her friend might be hurting without even knowing it.


Gaeul thought too much about this and that. She's always been like that, trying to see anything good behind the problems in front of her. Running away from it was never in her choices, she might be too vulnerable to look at but her character put her up to how weak others see her.

"I'm fine, Jandi-ah. It maybe a little strange to me but at least Yi Jeong Sunbae is here again. I seriously didn't expect things to be this worsts much for me being the reason why everybody is having a hard time now."


She held Gaeul's hand and placed comforting pressure on it. "It was meant to happen and though you are his reason it will never be your fault. And rest of us will stay no matter what."


She gave off a slight sigh and smiled at her. "You never gave up on me while things between me and Junpyo gone worst. Even though Uncle lost his job because of me and Junpyo, your support on us never faltered. That's why no matter what happen we'll face this together." Jandi had been trying her best to look bright on her but her tears were clouding up her eyes, ready to spill out.


"I don't know if a ‘thank you’ could justify how much glad I am to all of you. Really... thank you Jandi." She paused. "But how am I supposed to face him? I don't even r..."


"Yi Jeong Sunbae... you are very precious to him, Gaeul. It will never be that hard to have him back. He's one great friend, loyal and honest. And he loves you, that is why."


Upon hearing what she said, Gaeul looked down on her toes. She bore her chin on top of her knees and closed her eyes for a few seconds.


"Woobin Oppa told me the same thing last night. I don't know but it bothers me more. Really, Jandi... I don't know what to feel."


Truth to be told Jandi had been contemplating about Woobin's situation. Yes, she knew nothing had been confirmed but it can't be denied how much affected he was with everything that Gaeul do, feel and think. He cared for her friend a lot and with that she didn't know what Gaeul felt about it.


"Gaeul, what... what do you think of Woobin Sunbae? I'm just curious because you too became really close since then."


Gaeul adorably tilted her head and she thought over what Jandi had asked her. It's not that she couldn't think of anything but actually she got a lot to say about him. Too many, that it's hard to choose what to say.


"Woobin Oppa is great person..." She paused and shook her head. "No... He's the best of the best... like you, Jandi he's very important to me. I swear to God that no matter what happen I'll do anything he would ask me. I will forever trust him. I love him like how much I love you, umma, appa, Junpyo Sunbae and Jiho Sunbae. I can't be here again without him, without all of you actually. "


The silent and heavy atmosphere brightens up the moment she heard what Gaeul said. Though she's not sure what to feel after that, her knowing that Gaeul remained grateful and love Woobin the way she loves everybody made Jandi felt bright and happy.


"So who do you love more? Me or Woobin Sunbae?" Jandi playfully inquired but with sincerity.


"Oppppaaah." Gaeul dragged her words to emphasize her answer with the hint of teasing.


"YAH! CHU GAEUL! How could you?" Her question was out from a joke but she didn't expect her to answer that way, so Jandi was hurt.


Gaeul gave a heartily laugh on how shock her friend was. "How childish of you Jandi? Of course I love all of you. No comparison needed."


The feeling of being lost in his own world gave him the feeling of being free of any worries but he knew that it will not last that long. As long as the time allowed him to be lost in his own world, he would grab each and every opportunity to make it constructive and tangible.


The sound of rotating wheel and tapping of pedal was=s his own kind of music. With a mound of dirt slowly dancing along the forgotten song its master artisan was playing. The rebirth of it into a precious product of the gift and the heart. It danced and danced to the rhythm of emotions as it glide on it shape. After enduring the flame and the beating, the dirt which once dreamed of being high as the wind would become as important as the water.


All the emotions he had clustered together as he felt his time had exceeded its limit. The thing he created from the mound of dirt had become a piece of art he had never thought he could ever do. One could never appreciate a thing as a product of art until it's done and presented but the way he created it was far more different from just making some sort of project.


Although it was not yet done, his mind had created a visual of how it should look once it's done. A satisfied smile broke into his lips as the realization came into him. He would do his best to get his vision to reality and each detail he imagined would soon become tangible into his creation.



Mist and heat diffused out from the kiln. The fire woods that was thrown in added to the already burning flames. There he was waiting for his piece with his feeling never beyond anxiety mixed with excitement. The time had passed before him but he remained seated and bided. Being still, to hang on for something was a fact that never bothers him anymore.


Hours and days were not as long as years and patience was not as powerful as love. Because no matter how patient you were in waiting if you grew tired of loving, one would just end up letting go, and walk forward. But him, he never did let go even if the waiting itself was imperceptibly killing him.


His piece would stay inside the kiln until the early tomorrow. With the last set of fire woods added, he took and note adjusting its temperature. Before he took his leave, he bent down to check how everything inside the huge aged kiln was. With a satisfied smile he stood up, took his coat and left the place.


Before heading back to his studio, he went to check his home first and brought few things with him. It was such a shame to have a home as big as a descent museum with valuables that could drain a millionaires pocket in one shot. Rare art pieces were placed from the entrance door, the walls, along the elegant staircase and up to last part of the house; the attic. But no one had gone in it to stay for long.


Ever since his wonderful family shattered into pieces because of his Grandfather, the house he was in became merely a place where their personal belongings were kept. Yi Jeong had always dreamt to make it alive and bright as before. But he didn't even know if it would ever happen.



The drive was quite exhausting; traffic was bad that it was almost evening when he arrived at his studio. He went straight to his room and took a quick shower. His mind was running of thoughts about her. Like the years he had spent back in Sweden, everything that he saw reminded him of her. She was too close to him now, but their current situation hindered him from seeing her. He missed her so much.


He emerged from the shower room and went to his mini walk-in closet to get clothe. Hot tea is something he wanted to try again; he hasn't had any since he was overseas. He went on his kitchen, opens his stock cabinets and took the container of dried tea leaves then placed some water on a mini kettle to boil. The mere practice of having tea during evening still reminded him of her. He was too engrossed with his musing when suddenly; a knock was heard from the door.


Yi Jeong walked to the entrance door to check who had come to visit. A visitors? He was a few meters from the door when it flung open. And the sight that welcomed him made his breathing caught up to his throat.


"Yo! Yi Jeong!"


"Wo.. Woobin-ah!"


"Yah! So Yi Jeong close your mouth!"


"Gu Junpyo!"


"You don't have to call my name, Yi Jeong


I know it's me." Jiho stated.


Everybody went in and settled themselves on the couch except from him. "Yi Jeong-ah! Aren't you going to sit or offer us something?" Woobin pulled him from his catatonic phase when it has been seconds that Yi Jeong stayed standing on his spot like an idiot.


"You... all of you went to visit me?"


"Something like that. But more to talk about things." Woobin pointed at the empty couch while looking straight at him with his left brow raised. "It's quite long, you wouldn't like standing there the whole time.'' With a deep sigh he composed his self and went to the seat offered by his friend.


"Your studio looks great! But it doesn't suit your current state, So Yi Jeong." It was a clear and objective observation coming from the Shinwa Heir.

"Definitely true." He agreed with a faltered smile. Yi Jeong was still adapting himself to his present position. He was never been this awkward with his best friends before. Not until now. His anxiety was all written in his face, he couldn't even mask his feeling anymore just like before. Yi Jeong had become open and easy to read and his friends never failed to notice.


"Gaeul did really expose you. Amusing." The rest of them turned their heads to Jiho who uttered his thoughts rather loudly. For Woobin, he clearly knew why Yi Jeong got to be read easily like an open book, but he stayed mum about it and what Jiho mentioned proved that his right.

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!