What I Fear the Most

The Recognition

"The Recognition"

What I fear the most


The mentioning of Gaeul's name coming from So Woo Seong was enough to turn Yi Jeong's world upside down. Threat. It could not be. How he badly wanted his grandfather to disappear into thin air. All the harsh statements and orders he had for him, Yi Jeong had endured them all. And even though his grandfather was firm as a dictator he had never been this afraid of him, never until he mentioned her name. The way he said her name, it sent pretty harsh shock running through his spine and chills up into his very soul.


"Have you thought about it now?” The old man prodded. “I guess from the looks of yours, the decision is all but final." The sound of triumph was evident to him as he plastered another menacing smirk on his lips.


"Don't ever lay a hand on her, or else..."


"Unless you'd do what I say. And come on! No matter how you tried to backfire you know you can't keep up with me, So Yi Jeong."


"Why Sweden? How long?"


"You can't ask me that child. You have to do what I say. And just for you to know, what I require from you is your skills and time."


He was afraid to know but he had to ask. "What if I won't..?"


"You’d never dare to have chosen that if I were you."


That's it. The final string of his patience had snapped away as he glided towards the old man and tried to grasp his collars. But his men were frozen by the guards in a flash. "HOW DARE YOU! ARE YOU EVEN MY GRANDFATHER? WHERE IN HELL DID YOU COME FROM SO I COULD GET YOU BACK THERE?" Yi Jeong yelled with all his might to release all his frustration towards the old menacing man. Yet, no matter how he pushed himself to get near him, to feel his anger, Yi Jeong was already pinned down defenseless.


"Not so fast child. I tell you not to dare refuse me. You won't risk it if you do. So, shall we?"


So Woo Seong gestured towards the car, which door was opened by the chauffeur. No matter how he disliked getting in, he was literally shoved in by the guards.


In his mind all he could see his Gaeul-yang being upset of him for not being around at the kiln, where in fact it was him who asked her to be there. He badly wanted to call her but the presence of his grandfather around prevented him from doing so. A mere reckless move could cause him her safety. All the feeling of happiness and hope were swept away, replaced by fear and hatred. He's afraid that she might look for him. He's afraid that she might end up despising him of his absence. And much to her being hurt because of him.


The car had slowly made its way out of the place. To Yi Jeong, it was barely making him see that the dream he had for himself has shattered into pieces of nightmares. Nightmares that would be haunting him to where he didn't know.


He badly wanted to cry his heart out by not being able to see her face before he vanished into his impending exile. His impending exile that he didn't even know if he could escape alive. Unnoticed to Yi Jeong, his grandfather had planned for the whole drama until to the slightest detail. He wouldn't like anybody hindering him with his plans for Yi Jeong or more likely for his life. Unknown to him his grandfather had already decided what to do. And before the whole convoy left a while ago, So Woo Seong had already ordered his attendant.


"Do it right and clean."



Blood drained from his face, his knuckles turned white from the effort being exerted on curling his fingers along his palm. He had been gritting his teeth all along as his jaw tightly closed. Such revelation made his blood boiling like turmoil. All the sufferings they had endured, was far to be compared to what Yi Jeong and Gaeul had. Woobin was too determined to trip the word beyond his time, to be at the very moment it happened because he will do everything just to get his friends out of that predicament. He is ever willing to do it with an underhand.


He vowed to be his friends' protector but all these things passed beyond his bound and power. Gaeul's hardship from what they had thought as accident, the incident that they had hated was actually a part of the drama Yi Jeong's bastard-lousy of a grandfather, So Woo Seong had created.


"He's a ing old bastard." In an almost whispering voice he muttered, but the intensity was never faltered from how it sounded.


The man sitting across his table remained eying Woobin's every action. In his mind he had confirmed how calm he had been in acting insignificant to his son because of the kind of friends he have. They may be immature and brats but everybody was willing to fight without order if one was in danger. How he had wished that he could have spent same ample time with his son like how his friends had. And now that he was given a chance to at least show him that he cared, he would definitely do it with all his power even if he would go against his own father. Hyun Sub knew that at any moment his father could move his plan unnoticed, that’s the mere reason he had come and talk to Woobin first.


"This..." Hyun Sub took a small black box adorned with a silver chain ribbon studded with diamonds looped around it. He placed it on top the table then slid it towards Woobin. "Hand this to him, will you?"


Reluctantly Woobin placed his hand on it but shoved it back to Hyun Sub. "Uncle, I guess it is better if it's you who will give this to him."


"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't." He gave him an inadequate and unclear answer.


With a furrow brow and the look emitting confusion "Why can't you?" He asked.


"You kids know Yi Jeong more than I do. And if it is me giving it to him, I will never be able to relay anything to him. You know how much conflict we have. And I know we have to settle those first before he could talk to me comfortably, that goes the same for me."


"I do understand Uncle."


"And also please be cautious of what my father could be having anytime soon. I know he is up to something, Woobin-ah."


"Just as I have thought. Don't worry Uncle I'll do what I can to keep him away from us. And for that, I need to talk to father… also to the rest of the gang. We have to have a plan."


"I too had alerted trusted men. And I'll be leaving to have a word to the Lee's."


Woobin gave him a reassuring nod of understanding.


"Though I feel useless, you don't know how much grateful I am that all of you are my son's friend."


Before Woobin's very eye, the one person who Yi Jeong had despised because of all the hurtful actions and treatment he had from his childhood. The only reason why Yi Jeong's mother suffered too much to the extent of trying to take her own life was that man. That person who turn Yi Jeong into a neglectful son and a Casanova. So Hyun Sub had changed, a change which had come from the other side of history.


Maybe, the things that had happened in the past have purpose in their present. Just maybe. Of course they do.




At present


The expectation he had in mind is currently happening right in front of him. Gu Junpyo has been ranting and cursing while Jiho remained seated. But with the looks of it Jiho seemed to be much scarier than the ranting Junpyo. Jiho was all the while quiet and it concerned Woobin on what's running in his friends mind. With a swift movement, Jiho fished his phone and dialed a number and the following statement turned Woobin's jaw to drop.


"Yes, it's me. Secretary Kim, I need you to work on this immediately. "


"Withdraw all the stocks and investments we have on the So Woo Seong. Transfer everything to Yi Jeong remaining accounts under the Lee's. Inform all the dignitaries and loyal donors to direct all there charity contribution to Mr. So Hyun Sub and inform them that we are not anymore acquainted or in business with So Woo Seong or any of his current companies. Is that all clear Mr. Kim?"


"That will be all. I ask you to give me feedback and the list of people who refuse to follow so I'll be the one to pick them up personally. You don't have to make an excuse for them for me. We have the 60% of the investment if you add it with the Song's and the Gu's, so just follow what I told you."


"All right. Thank you!" Pressed down the call button and diverted his gaze to Junpyo.


With a calm and stoic expression Jiho whipped his head to Junpyo and Woobin, he said. "Junpyo retract all your current contracts and withdraw all the investment you have with So Woo Seong. And that goes the same for you Woobin." And he gave them the trust-me-I-know-what-I'm-doing look.


As the plan drawn to both of them, they gave Jiho an affirmative nod and went calling their respected secretaries and associates. Maybe this thing was really what God had planned to happen. The time where in all the controls of the companies were already handed down to them so they can give such sweet revenge for a dear friend. Before, yes they are powerless but now they were very much capable of giving him a nice match that could give So Woo Seong the dose of his own bitterness.


"What if he too will withdraw his investments on each of our companies?"


"He can't do that. Remember, all transactions for the So's were done by their associates headed by Uncle Hyun Sub and under the new agreement we had the last two years the approval and required signatories would be by Uncle and Yi Jeong. Without the blessing of either of them, funds will not be transferred to Senior So. And with that we can withdraw everything just with Uncle's single signature. So if he withdraws the rest of his accounts on each of our companies he needed to file for bankruptcy on all 15 of his individual companies and the rest of his real states." Jiho explained


"With that he can't withdraw but this is just temporary, Junpyo. We all know he got contacts to fill in our spots. That's why we have to talk to Auntie for help. She has to persuade other investors to keep away from him" Woobin added.


"Don't worry I'll talk about it with mother. I'll ask Jandi to help me with it. Mom listens to her more than me now." Junpyo confirmed while scratching his nape. Thus Jandi became close and open to his mother even after what happen in the past. The family had changed a lot when they welcome Jandi in as Junpyo's girlfriend.


"We can do that later but now we need to tell the girls, especially Gaeul." Jiho uttered with the utmost concern written on his face. It was rarely seen on him but not when it's about his friends’ welfare.


"I'll be the one to tell Jandi." Junpyo volunteered, raising his left hand for them to get his attention.


"I'll go talk to Yi Jeong”, declared by Woobin.


"Not yet Woobin. You have to go and talk to Gauel first and we all go to Yi Jeong after things with the girls are settled." Trust it to Jiho, he knew what he was talking about. And his plans were calculated, if it was him that talked this way, everybody should follow not because it was imposed but because it was the right thing to do.


Looking down at his shoes, Woobin gave out a deep sigh and nodded his head in agreement. All the while, Jiho had been silently observing him like his young subject. Jiho feared about what their current situation might bring them, but apart from that there was another thing that concerned him the most and it involved the one and only Prince Song.


"Woobin I'll go with Jiho to meet Jandi at the hospital. We will be at the patio afterwards. Just be with Gaeul at the moment and tell her just enough." It sounded unusual to hear such a statement from Junpyo but it naturally came out of him in situations like this.


"So I guess let's all leave together then."


All three stood up from their respected seats and left the lounge.

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!