We Can't Be Together.

Junhongie and Me.

The two of you are silent the whole time on the way to the dorm; you walk slightly ahead of him and he lingers behind you meekly.

By the time you arrive, you've made up your mind. It's definitely not what you want—not something you'd ever want—but you tell yourself that it's what's best. Both for you and for him. You just don't think the both of you can handle the many complications that loom ahead, if this relationship is to continue. It's the hardest choice you've ever made, and you're not sure you can do it. But just like all the other times in your life, your sound mind wins over your heart, and you feel like there's no longer an option.

Standing just outside the dorm door, Junhong fumbles in his pocket for the keys, making a jingling sound.


"Yes..?" he turns to you brightly, glad that you've stopped giving him the cold shoulder.

You take in a deep breath, willing all the courage to come to you, crossing your fingers that this will turn out okay, and look at the maroon-carpeted floor of the hallway—probably for the last time.

"...Let's break up."

The words seem strange and foreign in your mouth, like it's not you who's just spoken them. Dry. And you had said it so softly you're not sure if he's heard you. You half-hope he hasn't. The sound of jingling keys stop.

You feel your heart throb anxiously as you fix your eyes on him to face his reaction.

He has heard you. He's looking right at you, eyes widened in shock—and something else. The color is drained from his face. But two seconds later he stifles a nervous laughter, "I– Sorry jagi, what was that..? I wasn't listening. For a second I actually thought you were suggesting we break up. Haha, ahh my head's really in space today."

You grimace and bite your lip. He's only making this harder.

You try again, louder and clearer this time, trying to control your voice which is already starting to shake. "That's...You heard me right, Let's break up, Junhong."

Maybe a little too loud. You catch the sound of tiny gasps behind the other side of the door, and realize with regret that there's an eavesdropping session going on. Aish, as if this can get any more difficult.

Still shock and disbelief is splashed all over Junhong's face. "...Mwo?" he utters a single word and takes a small step back, like he's just been slapped. You heart sinks to your stomach. You know he's hurt and you just hate it, but you've resolved to stay true to your decision.

Heavy silence hangs in the air, hammering against your ears. You try your best to push back down your tears that are starting to build up in the small of your stomach. You refuse to look at him, not wanting to see his pained expression.

Unable to stand it any longer, you mumble "Mian..." and turn to leave before you really break down in front of him.

Junhong's hand flies out to grab your arm from behind. "Wait..!"

You turn to look at him. "Let go, Junhong," you plead, your voice cracking. You see what that 'something' in his eyes besides shock is now: Fear.

"Geundae...wae?" he tightens his grip, "I don't understand. If this is about earlier..well I told you it was just a joke, right? I really was just  playing around..I didn't know you'd take it so seriously. ...Cheongmal mianhae," his words tumble out desperately.

"It's more than that," a sad look crosses your face, "But why play such a joke then?"

At this he averts his gaze elsewhere, "It was just to make you jealous," then pauses before saying, "That boy, Jungkook..–"

"What? Him again?" you stare at him feeling annoyed now, "Omo, he's just a friend! Grow up a little." You regret as soon as the words slip out.

He reels back immediately, releases your arm. "Are you saying I'm childish?" he asks in a quieter, changed tone.

"If leaving your girlfriend for a dance battle just when you're about to kiss her isn't childish then I don't know what is!" you retort.

"Are you serious? You're still upset over that? I can't believe you!" he nearly scowls.

Both of you begin to raise voices at each other.

"I can't believe you either! You know how insecure I get. That 'joke' was ridiculous!"

"Well I said I was sor-ry!" he crosses his toned arms, "Put that aside for now. You said just now it's 'more than that'. What's that supposed to mean? What more is there?" he says exasperatedly.

Looking at him now, you can't say you're not surpsied. It's almost like he's a different person. You've never actually known he's capable of being angry. Never in your wildest dreams have you imagined arguing with him. There's definitely more to this boy than meets the eye. But then you realize; just as you're discovering his other side now, he's seeing your's for the first time too.

You sigh, "I meant you and I. We...We don't fit. Haven't you ever thought about it? Let's put it simply: you're an idol, and I'm– well, no one. We crossed a line we weren't supposed to. Think of the future, Junhong. Think of everything if we go on like this," you pause before adding, painfully, "We can't be together."

He drops his arms, "_______....," his expression is blank as he ponders over your words, "I thought you saw me as more than just an idol."

"I see you as you, and that's exactly who I've fallen for. But nothing changes the fact that you're a celebrity, someone way up there."

"But that 'line' you mentioned—there's no such thing! You made up that barrier yourself! What's wrong with us dating? Look at us, we're perfectly fine!"

"There'll be problems for both of us in the future," you say firmly.

His expression softens, "Can't we overcome those problems together..? I mean, why not?"

You look away and don't answer.

"Arasseo," his cold tone returns, "If this really means so little to you."

You're taken aback, "It's not that...It's just for the best I guess."

"If you say so."

You turn and start walking hurriedly to the elevator, wanting to get out of there so Junhong doesn't see the tears welling in your eyes. They'd fall any second. You just want to leave before your emotions or Junhong's get the better of you, afraid you might get second thoughts. You've made the choice you think is right and you're not backing down.

"I really thought you were willing to take the chance, _______. I didn't think you'd give up on us so easily. I know you're my first but, I just..." his voice from behind, now sad and heavy, trails unfinished.

"Mianhae, Junhong," the first tear rolls down your cheek. You can't bear to listen anymore, "It's okay. We'll get over it soon, you'll see."


Have you guys been expecting this not-so-happy chapter? ;; 

I'm seriously grateful for all my recent subscribers and all your comments just thank you so much you guys really keep me motivated! :')

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skkyyul #1
Chapter 14: new reader. i hate you junhong aaaaahhhhh ;;;; thankyou for beautiful story author;;;
Chapter 14: Asdfghjkl My brain has turned to mash after reading this master piece! *0*
oh gosh... If only I have a boyfriend like Zelo...
Daelo13 #3
Chapter 14: Omg! THat was so sweet, cute,adorable...ect. Haha I love it!
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 14: Himchanie.....
Good job ^^V
Chapter 14: OHHHmhHMMHMAAAAIIII AsglaskdlkgakSDGK:ASDG
PERFECTION! I just want to cry over this omg (maybe im in one of my more emotional moods) asdkjgkjaasdsa HIMCHAN IS GOOD IN TUX. THEYRE ALL GOOD IN TUXES Q A Q jello baby why are you so cute and adorable omg ; A ; /rolls away/ btw yj is best for couple reuniting > W < <3
Chapter 14: This was so adorable~
The ending was just so cute! Ugh! Hehe~ ^^
I'm probably going to go back and read the entire story again~ xD
Parson #7
Chapter 14: This was such an adorable story to read omg
Bapbaby07 #8
Chapter 13: I loved this and bap 1004 is amazinggggg! I feel like I am the only or who was jealous of that girl with zelo haha! I am a zelo bias. So I was like omo he's gonna kiss her!!! Noo!!! Luckily they didn't kiss for real. But bap worked so hard ad the song and music video is so great. They really deserve to win awards for their song! FIGHTING
Nanairu #9
Chapter 13: I love it!! Also the epilogue, I'm excited!!! ^^
Chapter 13: That was cute. :)
I definitely did not think that this story would end so soon! :O
But it was great either way~~ ^^

Omg. I sobbed when 1004 came out!!!
I haven't listened to the entire album yet (just those little sneak peeks of them xD)
because I want to wait until I have the physical album. T.T