



Pairing: Kai/OC

Summary: Kai meets one girl who intrigues his mind

Words: 877 words



He sips his dry martini once again. Albeit looking so bored, the girls are all over him making friction on his smooth skin. Kai didn’t care; he is just hunting an easiest escape way for his hazy mind. There is only one sole reason why he is back to the club—after a whole month not visiting into one; Kim Yura, that one girl mightily takes everything he has in life with the beauty of her existence alone. That .


Kai never falls in love to anyone before but because of some random girl, he throws himself away to a deep hole of happiness—they say. Kim Yura is the first woman who makes him like this. She is the one who can break his heart into pieces also like this. She lets him cries, busts his heart, making him so weak, so frail and vulnerable.


Glass by glass he drank as his view went vaguer. He looks around the club; everyone is busy with themselves. But something chokes him from breathing—someone intrigues his sight. A lady in her 20s is sitting on a swivel chair looking so dainty and mighty. Mighty; a word that impeccably symbolizes Yura, he chuckles to himself.


He shoots straight from his sofa—earning disappointed glares from the girls around him. Again, he didn’t care. This one time, just this once, he wants to follow his instinct. He strides to where the girl’s seat at, walking tipsy as the alcohol is engulfing him in one mold of an uncontrollable beast.  As he steps closer, his vista of her figure goes clearer.


Finally, the intruding woman is in front of him. He leans closer to kiss her—every part of her existence, it with his ever-so-skilled tongue and makes her moan in delight. He can feel her hands on his chest; he smirks to himself. But as soon as his lips are about to touch the beautiful stranger’s neck, she pushes him softly to the back—earning a raw groan from him.


“Kim Kai,” she whispers seductively to his ear. At a state like this, her voice sounds so familiar. “Kim Kai.” His name rings melodiously from the pair of luscious lips once again. Never does he think his name can be so fancy to be heard. A sudden gesture makes him moan in pleasure—she kisses his earlobe. His brown orbs are clouded with lust, drowning in desire.


“Kim Kai,” she finally lands on the full lips of him. “What are you doing in here?”


His eyes widen in shock as he swears the owner of that swank tone is the one and only, “Kim Yura, what are you doing here?”


“I’m just following a certain man’s lead.”


“Whose? Tell me!” he trails off in a threatening voice.


“You,” she pecks his lips one more time before she slides from her chair to stand.


He grabs her hand, leads her whilst cutting through loads of drunk mass. His walk is limping yet he manages to keep his balance as he storms off delicately from people to people. Yura grunts; it’s difficult to walk with heels and her boyfriend doesn’t aware of her botheration. Although it’s troublesome, she maintains to keep her pace synchronized with him.


The fresh wind hit her face and brushes her brown locks to the back of her head. Even after they reach his car, he’s still stiff. He doesn’t let a word escaping his mouth. The ride is silent—the heated kind of silence. His car pierces through the dark of the night as fast as he can. He just can’t wait to get home, actually—punishing her, pounding on her fearlessly. Kai smirks, tonight is going to be a really long night.


She grows naughty as she catches the sight of his lips suddenly quirk up. Her hand moves down from his grip to his toned thigh. She squeezes it softly—she can sense him shuddering a little under her touch. A sly smile comes out from her lips in an instant. After an unexpected response from the other one, she runs her fingers to his zipper; tapping on it slowly. It’s always fun to play tricks when Kai is furious.


Beads of sweat start to form on his creased forehead. He couldn’t stand her temptation anymore. He’s sure he becomes harder towards her nudges. The fast-beating heart, the big lump in his throat he tries hard to ignore and the lip-nipping that makes him imagining things.


The car stops as the brake being stomped hard. Their house is already upfront, welcoming them with its splendor. Kai drags her to the inside.


“I’m going to punish you,” he glances at her for a second, revealing his burning eyes. “You don’t have any idea what I’m going to do with you.”


They start kissing passionately—heating the air as they undress each other. But then she stops abruptly. “I like it rough,” she breathes hard. “and raw.”


The eyes of lust are evident enough as they continue kissing each other enthusiastically. She jumps on his lap and he brings her bridal style. The night is indeed a very long night for the two as they’re insatiable of the other. Their bodies molding into one, making love.




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