Being there pt. 2

Dance On (HIATUS)

Hi guys! Here's  the new chapter . I'm  not even gonna come up with any excuse for the delay, but it's  finally here so hope you like it and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Happy readings!!!



"So what are you up to?"I asked Bona who was sitting beside the bed holding Ms Lee hand. It took her some time to move her eyes from her mother and  focus on what I was saying.

"Mhmm, nothing really." she said with a melancholic look and her attention went back to her mum.

A small silent pause followed before she turned to face me again. On that short pause I could feel how dreadful the atmosphere was, you could almost breath Bonas desperation and sadness, no sound was heard beside the constant beeps of the machines that ensured Ms Lee received water, oxygen and so on. Her cardiac rhythm was slow and unstable making the line that appeared on the monitor shaky.The situation was not good.

"I'm sorry to have spoken to you like that. You shouldn't have came really, you probably have one hundred better things to do than to put up with my grumpy self." she added

"No way! What is there in life that can possibly be better than putting up with a grumpy Lee Bona?!" I joked happy to see that in return I got half a forced smile from her, we'll at least I had made her laugh.

"Thank you. Really." she replied seriously making me all of a sudden blush and feel really uncomfortable.

"Haha It's nothing really. So, I assume I won't be able to get you out of here so just tell me what to get you for dinner." I said changing the subject.

"Dinner..." she said with really long pause "You don't need to..." she was saying when a rumbling noise came from her stomach. She automatically wrapped her arms around her belly and smiled embarrassed.

I bursted laughing. "Oh my god! How long have you been without eating?!?!"

"Oh well... I only remember that the nurse brought me a loaf of bread in the morning and after that I don't recall having anything."

"YOU GOTTA EAT!!!!" I screamed at her. No wonder she looked so skinny!! "I'll go and get you some fried chicken, a king sized burger, a big Coca-Cola and those fries you like so much." I said enlisting all her favourite foods "Oh and I can't forget the frozen yogurt with caramel topping" I added looking at her glowing eyes

"Really?? Would you really get all those delicious foods?!?" She asked as I nodded "Yayyy.Thank youuuu" she said hugging me.

The hunger was clear on her eyes and the expectation on her voice made me hurry to get her dinner the fastest I could.

When I was already on the car I realized how weird this girl I had fallen for was as I pictured again her smile growing as I mentioned each food. If I knew that what it took to make her smile a bit was as simple as food I would buy an entire restaurant just for her. I was also a bit frustrated that the only thing I could do for her in a moment of such pain was getting her dinner. I really wish there was something else I could do for her but Ms. Lees cancer was already too advanced. The only thing that was within our possibilities was to minimize her pain and give her rest and peace.

I went to the different restaurants that served the dishes she liked so much and I was already getting the frozen yogurt when my phone rang. I saw Bonas number and I picked up straight away. At first no one spoke and I could only hear a distant cry. Finally she spoke. "Mhmm Lay do you think you can come here. Please..." she said with a shaky voice that couldn't almost be heard.

"I'm on my way. Hang in there Bona, I'm almost there, I'm almost there." I said before hanging up.

I dropped the bags I was holding on the floor and stormed out of the store.

It had already started and whatever happened I wanted Bona to know that I would endure it by her side. No matter what.

Bona POV

After he left the room went back to its lurid atmosphere and deadly silence.But now, unlike before, there was a tiny layer of hope and joy he had left in the air that somehow made me smile.

I grabbed my mum's hand, as soon as I did I noticed how cold it was and that remind me how real the situation was. Involuntarily tears came streaming down my face."You´re so stupid Bona! Not in front of her!" I kept repeating in my head and then I forced a smile and started talking to her:

"You know... You would have really liked him if you knew each other. Remember that gala I told you about..." and just like that I started telling her about my adventures with Lay. I spoke and spoke and she just stood there quietly listening like she would normally do, like there was nothing wrong. I talked for ages until my throat dried up and I had to stop, when the silent returned I felt a small grasp from the hand I was holding.

I would have never noticed it in a normal situation since it was so weak and fragile but, well, the situation was anything but normal.

I held my breath and widened my eyes at her expressionless face.

She took a deep breath... no other sounds were heard, and then another...

Then she slowly opened her eyes as she gained conscience.

I started trembling and my breathing got irregular, not sure about whether to cry or laugh so I just held her hand tighter, not wanting to let it go.

One more deep breath and then she spoke with a tired voice"I know. If you think he is amazing  must really be. But then you yourself are amazing so that's the minimum he can be..." her voice vanished and she had to inhale once again really slowly.

I started crying and I hugged her, she did what she could to retrieve the hug and wrapped her bony arms around me.

"Sshhhh, it's alright...Everything is alright." she tried to calm me down.

"How...How can YOU say that?!" I asked in between the hiccups.

"I... I just know." she replied with tone everything but secure, she closed her eyes and sighted for a moment. Eventhough she was trying to appear well she couldn't control the expression in her eyes that looked at me with haunting weakness and pain. "Bona, listen to me, ok?" she asked and I nodded."As you know I'm not so well. I won't last more than tonight..."

"NO, NO, NO!!!!" I screamed as I covered my ears "Don't say such nonsense! You'll be fine, I'll take care of you, you'll see, you'll be fine" I cried uncontrollably.

She gathered all the strength she had left and pulled me closer.

"Oh my dear. I'm so sorry to be doing this to you. You have made everything you could: I couldn't have wished for a better daughter." She comforted me.

"Mummy please don't say such things..." I whispered in an almost inaudible voice as scared as a child.

"Oh sweetie I wished this wasn't happening, but it is. And we have to face it. Call Myungsoo and let her know what I told you. She's a good girl, you are lucky to have her, friends are the most important thing in life Lee Bona, never forget that."

"Yeah." I replied and turned around trying to phone her. "Pick up, pick up pick up..." I thought "Come on Myung, I really need you" she didn't pick up, instead I got a message: " Sorry I can't take your call at the moment I'll contact you later" it said.I felt my eyes getting wet "God Myung I NEED you now. I can't take it all myself, please come" I thought trying to pull myself together, she couldn't see me like that.

"I'm afraid she can't come right know." I said.

"Oh...That's ok too" she tried to sound fine but you could tell she was disappointed. I got it that Myung was with Kai and all that but she should be here... or at least pick her phone.

" If I don't get to say it you make sure to tell her she's just as much of a daughter to me as you, you are both my little girls and I love you so much."

"You'll tell her yourself so don't worry." I kept repeating not sure anymore whether I was comforting her or myself.

"Bona, my lungs might be failing but my brain is fine and yours is too. We both know how serious the situation is..." She was saying when I gave up to my tears and started crying my eyes out " Shh, shhh, don't cry Bona... Listen: when we are born the only thing we can take for granted is that we'll die so there is nothing wrong with my situation. You can live a hundred years and never have a life. It's not about how much time you have but how you choose to spend it. Luckily and thanks to you I can say I have lived a truly wonderful life. And when I say that I'm not talking just about the good moments, hatred, disappointment and regret are also essential because hatred is the lack of love so in order to feel hate you have to previously have known love. Bad things only happen to remind us of every good one there is in our life and how lucky we are." She wisely said.

"Then I must be a hell of a lucky person." I said sarcastically, only she could turn this situation into a life lesson.

"We both are dear." she said pulling me close "Never be afraid of being who you are or let others look you down because you are Lee Bona the best ballerina and daughter in the entire world." She kissed my forehead and let a single tear stream down her cheek "I'll always be looking after you from above, goodbye my love." she whispered and then her hand stopped holding mine and fell lifeless on the mattress.

"What... what... is happening?" I asked confused and then all the machines around us started beeping and the monitors started showing a single line instead of the graphics from before.

"NO NO NO!!!!!!!! NURSE, SOMEONE, PLEASE!!!!!!" I shouted desperately.

A bunch of doctors and nurses came into the room and surrounded the bed she was lying in. I grabbed and pulled the sea of white cloaks bawling my eyes out.

"Nurse take her out of here."said the tallest of the doctors as he commanded the petit nurse that guided me out of the room "She's having heart failure inject 100mg of morphine " I eavesdrop him commanding

When we were outside in the hallway the nurse made me sit down and made me a cup of tea.

"Miss please try to be calm, we'll make our best to keep her alive. It's not good for you to be here alone, isn't  there anyone you can call?"

I thought about it and the only persons I trusted enough that came to my mind(Hilyuk and Myungsoo) were unavailable but then I remembered there was someone else. I nodded "There is."

"Then ask them to come over, you could use some company."

I took out my phone and tried to dial Lays number with my shaky hands.

After the second ring he picked up immediately:

"Yoboseo?"he asked, I couldn't even reply so I just stood there, as soon as I had strength enough I spoke "Mhmm Lay do you think you can come here.Please..." a small pause followed and then he answered immediately with a firm tone than made me feel somehow secure "I'm on my way.Hang in there Bona, I'm almost there, I'm almost there." And then he hung up.

I put my knees on top of the chair and hugged them tightly, Myungsoo was unreachable and so were Ms. Yoon and Hilyuk, I was so glad I had Lay.I kind of got Myungsoo reason for not picking up, but she should also know I wouldn't call her so many times if it wasn't for a good reason. She was probably not that guilty but, right now, feeling all the pain and despair I was feeling I got really mad at her and I kept repeating the idea that she should be there, she owed me that at the very least.

While I was immersed in my thoughts a message came up.

"Me and Taemin are coming. Hang in there.- Hyorin " it said and I made my best to try and smile - which was not very easy taking under account the circumstances.

Suddenly  someone entered the hallway, I looked up and realised it was Lay he saw me and came running.As soon as he had gotten near I jumped to his arms and cried my eyes out tightly holding him as if he was gonna leave me as well . He held me just as tight like he was saying he was there.

"Shhh. It's fine, cry it all out, talk to me."

"It's so unfair, why her?!?!? WHY HER?!?!"

"I know it's hard, I know."

"Oh Lay, what am I supposed to do? I can't afford to lose her too I'm already all alone, my father left me and now my mum will die?! How is this supposed to be fair? ! How am I gonna endure it? I can't, I'm so afraid Lay, I'm so afraid. How am I gonna manage it on my own without her telling me what to do?"

"Bona, no matter what happens you will never be alone: you've got Hikyuk, Myungsoo, Ms Yoon, Kai,Taemin , Hyorin and... me. No matter what I'll be here for you, no matter what happens I'll endure it with you...."

Out of nowhere I felt the urge to kiss him, and I did. A first he looked confused but then he smiled.

"Yey our first kiss wasn´t supossed to be like this ! I'll make sure I charge you a decent one on a happier situation " he joked which made me feel a bit better.

To end up my momentary smile the small nurse came up again.

"Your mother has been gaining and losing conscience, we've managed to stabilise her for a few moments we can't keep her alive much longer but it should be enough for you to say goodbye. I'm really sorry."

I shivered hearing those words and my body frowned, then I felt a push: it was Lay grabbing my hand.

"I'm here with you baby."

We entered the white room and she stood there lying in the bed, her breathing was so irregular and the pain in her eyes hurted me more than I could describe.We got near her and she grabbed my hand.

"Bona I'm sorry to have been such a burden to you, I'm sorry me and your father couldn't take good care of you, we created something so beautiful yet we weren't able to take good care of you." she said crying.

It was the first time I had seen my mother crying in her entire life, like literally. She had a rough childhood and after my dad left she developed an even better ability to avoid showing how hurt she was, I might have inherited that from her. No matter how bad the situation was she always saw the good on it, that was how I was gonna remember her.

"Please tell Ms Yoon I'm unconditionally grateful for everything she did for us and for you, tell Hilyuk how much I love him and how he should never give up on his dream. Make sure you tell Myung that no matter what she was also my daughter and I'll forever look after her just as I'll do with you."she said and then called "Lay"

"Yes." he answered kindly.

"Thank you so much for everything. Please tell your parents they have a lovely hospital. Thank you for everything you did to me and Bona. She's... She's a good girl please take good care of her."

He looked really seriously at her and then said "I will."

"And now, Bona: thank you for being the amazing daughter you are, I couldn't have asked for anything better than to have you, my entire life was happy because you were part of it, every memory I have with you I'll cherish them forever. Don't give up on dance, you are great at it but don't over do yourself, make sure you have time or rest and dose well the number of part times, give your all and do yiur best in everything you do and never give up." She cried.

"Mummy I'm so scared I don't want to lose you, how will I be able to survive on my own?"

"Oh my baby don't be scared, I can't tell you it's gonna be fine because it will not, however I'm sure you'll do an amazing job without me but never ever say you are alone, if you have friends you are never alone . I'll always look after you, I love you Lee Bona." She whispered

"I love you too mum." I answered and then she took one to last breath to kiss me on the forehead before collapsing on the bed lifeless.

Tears came back more intensely and Lay pulled me into him turning me way from the dead body so that I couldn't see her.

I felt my head heavy and everything started to spin, images and sounds became blurred and started to fade away everything around me became black and I fainted.

When I woke up Taemin and Hyorin were already there, shortly after Kai and Myungsoo were there too. I hugged her and he both grieved together but deep inside I was twice as hurt as I could be.

My mother had died, and my best friend hadn't even been there. I was afraid, lost and mad at the person I had left in which I trusted the most.


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Hi there anyone how is reading this:DThank you for reading it. Sorry if sometimes it gets boring or confusing. Hope you like tough^^ Anything please tell me


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Omg when I first read the first line I laughed so hard. Well probably because L is my bias in Infinite so... hahahha.
Nice story! :)
Chapter 24: Aw, I like Hyorin's character in here lol. Female bias yoo! But this story is really good keep up the work! Btw.. Is hyorin supposed to be with Lay or something? Idk I just got that vibe lol. Anyways fighting! :)
Chapter 23: Aigoo,Kai is a really sweet gentlemen...
Minahbang93 #4
Hyorin is The Best I Like Her ( I Mean Super Ultimate Bias ^_- ) ♥
Chapter 20: awww i like the wishing tree idea, it was corny yet so sweet.
Chapter 19: Gosh i fan-girled this whole chapter. Love it.!
Chapter 16: IReally liked this chapter.even though it was short it was sweet and cute.
Chapter 8: waah really great story and updates :3 keep it up ^u^