A Prince and His Flower

Tao sighed as he entered his psychology class, personally he found the subject very weird, but as a diplomat he needed to understand how people's minds worked. As the lecture began he pulled out the book he had been keeping his notes in and started writing. Uni life was starting to take affect on him, and he drifted off for a while. Images of his darling mother and brothers flashed in his head. Oh how he missed them, be he didn't want to go back just yet. He had just gained his new found indipensence from the customs of the monarchy and was finding them rather enjoyable, but to be honest, he was rather afriad. His fathers health was starting to be a little off in the past few weeks, but he was hoping this was just a fluke. If he were to be dying the royal court would ask who would be king, and now that only one son was technically under age, he could very well be declared king. His five siblings had given up their hierarchy for whatever reasons, and only four were now elegible to succeed the throne.

But as he had learned in this class, stress was very well a bad thing, and he did what he normally did to put it off, he threw himself into his school work.

In the middle of the lecture, the doors opened and a young lady ran in, apologizing about her being late and what not. She took the easiest seat she could get to, which was beside Tao. She smiled to him and he back to her, and she began taking notes. And he watched her for a moment, trying to think of how he knew her, he was bloody well sure he did.

And then it hit him.

She was practically the Hermione Granger of their uni, she currently ran a handful of student organizations and causes. She was also working on her third major this year, being psychology. He mainly knew her because guys like to pick at her, she didn't let it bother her though, she only went full blown creeper when they did, an odd part of her character however he found it rather amusing.

Time flew by, class was over and he looked over at her, gathering her things.

"Excuse me?" No answer, too busy. He tried again. "Excuse me, miss?" She turned to look at him, a rather wary look met his soft gaze. "Would you like to borrow my notes? So you can have them for the exam later?" He handed her the small book, and she took it, dipping her head a bit.

"Thank you, um, sir?" Her slight awkwardness was slightly amusing, far better than the pre planned titles and whatever he was familiar with.

"Tao, please. I remember you, I just can't place your name."

"Antheia, or Annie. Whichever is fine."

"Then Antheia, it is a please to meet you." He stood to excuse himself out of habit, but she was busy putting his book away to notice, so he stood there for a moment before awkwardly taking the other way out of the row.

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