A Fearful Truth

Shadow Academy: The Secret of Birth

The sound of birds chipping reach the ear of Haneul, she stirred in her sleep and let out a groan. She opened her eyes and block out the sun beam by covering her eyes with her forearm. She sat up and held her head as the headache she experienced last night started to creep in. She looked over to Victoria who was still asleep, she smiled to herself and got out of the bed. Haneul looked out of the window with her mind far off from where she is, 



Haneul stood firmly on her ground as Hansol walked off last night. She bit onto her lower lip and decided to follow her bother, who seem weird on that day. She followed him into the boys dorm with worries of the reason why Hansol is behaving in such way. He entered into someone's room and she stood outside with her ear pressed against the door.  


"Sup, where have you been to?" Xero spoke in a lazy tone. Hansol sighed and sat down onto Xero's bed, "I went to meet Haneul,"  


"Does she know?" Xero asked, "You know what I'm talking about." Haneul pressed her ear closer to the door, she frowned and tried to listen to what they're talking about. 


Hansol chuckled sadly and shook his head, "Of course.. no. I won't let her know my feeling toward her because she is my sister and this isn't right. Something must be wrong with me."  


Xero headlock Hansol and scolded, "That's right! You know that this isn't right but..." Hansol asked, "But?"  


Xero frowned and says, "Something just doesn't felt right. I felt as if Haneul isn't your sister. I mean your REAL sister."  Haneul gasped and stepped back with her hand over and ran back to her own dorm.  



Victoria placed her hand on Haneul's shoulder, she turned around to see a sleepy Victoria and chuckled, "I'm fine. Don't worry," Victoria gave her a worry look and asked, "Are you sure? What happened last night? You came back with a confusion look on your face."  


Haneul grinned and punch her fist into the air, "I'm fine! See." Victoria smiled even though she know that her sister is not fine at all. 



"Yah!" Someone knock on the door of Subin's room. She groaned and covered her face with the blanket. The knock came louder on this time round, "SUBIN!". She sat up in anger and walked over to the door with a pillow in her hand. She opened the door and threw the pillow hard at that person face without knowing who it was.  


"What the ," A-Tom cursed and held onto his face, Ho Joon held onto his stomach as his laugh at his friend's reaction. Subin froze on her position and says, "Oh my gosh.." She ran over to him and pulled his hand away from his face, "Are you okay?"  


A-Tom frowned and place his hand on his hip, "What do you think?" Subin rolled her eyes and crossed her arm, "You look FINE to me."   


A-Tom shook his head and says, "What must you say?" Subin sighed and says, "Okay, I'm sorry." He smiled to himself and nodded his head.


Ho Joon wiped his tears off and asked Subin, "Where is JinAh?"  Subin blinked in confusion and say with a yawn, "She's still in the ward. Why are you finding her?"  


"Really? I thought she's back. Alright! I will be going!" Ho Joon waved to both of them and ran toward the ward.  Subin looked at the direction that Ho Joon went to and asked A-Tom, "What's happening?" A-Tom threw his hand up into the air and cheered, "We're all going for a mission!"  


Subin frowned and asked, "Mission? What is it about? I'm not well trained yet." A-Tom place his arm around her shoulder and says, "No worries. This is just a simple mission. All of us will be going together. Now, you need to prepare for it."  


Subin moved away from him and says, "Give me a few second," and she walked back into her room. A-Tom laughed out loud and says, "Wow so you're not going to bath?" Subin rolled her eye and says, "Who says that I am not?"  


A-Tom shrugged and says, "Just because you says to give you a few second?" Subin sighed and threw her shirt to him, "Shut the hell up. Give me 30 minute." A-Tom whinned and sat on Jinah's bed, "That's too long."  


Subin pointed to the door with one hand as she look at A-Tom. He raised his eyebrow and asked, "What?" He turned toward where she's pointing and turn back to her with an unbelievable face, "You want me to wait for you outside for freaking 30 minute?!"  


Subin walked to him and took her shirt back from his hand, "Is there anything wrong?" He groaned in frustration, "Fine. You owe me ones." He walked out of the door and lean against the wall and fell asleep. Subin chuckled lowly and says, "That silly best friend of mine," 



Ho Joon opened the ward's door with excitement, he can't wait to be on a mission with Jin Ah. He smiled to himself as he saw Jin Ah was eating her breakfast, he couldn't deny that he had an interest in her since he first saw her. He know what he want and he will get it no matter what. He isn't someone that will delay any times.  


He cleared his throat in order to have Jin Ah's attention, she looked up from her breakfast and smiled to him. He felt his cheek rose up as he look away and clenched his fist, he had always experience a heart race whenever he was near to her. She laughed and say, "Are you having ferver? Your face are all red!"  


Ho Joon chuckled and walked over to her, "Are you feeling better?" She nodded and show him the so-call muscle of her arm, "I'm fine! All ready for mission!"  


"How do you know about it?" Ho Joon asked in shock. She grinned and says, "I have my way. It is about getting back the books of symbol from Hades isn't it?"   


Ho Joon chuckled and shook his head, "You all are not ready for that mission yet. We always have a pre-exam mission toward the forest to hunt for demons and capture them."  Jin Ah smirked and says, "Sound fun! Let's go!" She got out of the bed instantly and says, "I need to pack my stuff!"  


Ho Joon shook his head and says, "Your sister will be packing for you with the help of A-Tom. We will be going for 3 days. You're not afraid of ghost right?"  She went sweat dropped and says, "I'm afraid. Is there any inside the forest?" He frowned and nodded his head, "There is. A lot."  



Mr Kim stood on the stage and overlook at all the student of Year 1 and some out standing senior of Year 2, he looked over to about 40 student in the hall. His attention drifted off to Victoria, his daughter, and says, "Is everyone here?". Everyone look around them to double check whether is their friend there with them.  


Mr Kim smiled and says, "Alright. Everyone know the reason why you're gathered here with your suitcase right? I bet some Year 2 had went over to some of your room to guide you over here. For those who doesn't know, every Year 1 will be given a pre-exam mission to the forest for 3 days to hunt for demon in order to improve your hunting skill as a hunter. Each of you will be pair up with Year 2, who will guide you along the way."  


Jessica raised her hand and asked, "Do we have the right to choose which Year 2 student will be paired up with us?" Mr Kim frowned and shook his head, "I'm sorry, Ms Jessica. But you won't be able to choose that."  


Jessica pouted and shouted, "But I want to be pair up with P-Goon oppa!" Yano chuckled and gave a pat to P-Goon, "Yah, that girl just call you oppa. You're so dead," he gave Yano a look and says, "Please.. She make me want to vomit all the blood that I have."  Mr Kim cleared his throat and says, "Be quiet everyone."  


Haneul raised her hand and asked, "Where will we be staying for the next 3 day?" 


"There will be a two villa inside the forest for the 40 of you. 20 student in each villa. There is 10 bedroom inside the villa, and I will leave the deciding of the room to the 20 of you." Mr Kim explained and says, "Year 1 student please step forward and stand in one straight row. Year 2 student will be the one choosing who they will want to be pair with."  



Haneul heart skipped a beat and thought, 'Please don't let it be Hansol,' as she saw Hansol walking towards her.  Ho Joon walked toward Jin Ah and grinned, 'I'm so going to choose you,' Jin Ah smiled at him but her smile faded away when she saw B-Joo looking at them with a frown before walking to Rose.  


Seogoong ran toward Rion and hugged her, "Of course that will be you!" Rion laughed and hugged him back, "Please take good care of me."   


Hansol stopped in front of Haneul and says, "So..?" Haneul looked at Jae In who was looking at her, she smirked and says, "I'm sorry oppa but could you please pair up with Jae In? I'm too worry for her and you're the only one that I trust so..."  


Hansol frowned and says, "B-But what about you?" Before Haneul could reply, Kidoh put his arm around her shoulder and says, "Don't worry Hansol. I will guide your sister for the next 3 day."  


Hansol sighed and says, "Fine. I will be less worry if you're the one that guide her along," he walked over to Jae In with a heavy heart. He rolled his eyes as he saw Jae In grinned from ear to ear. Hansol cover his face with his hand and says, "Please don't make the next 3 day hard for me," Jae In chuckled and says, "I won't."  


Jessica turned to Isabella and say softly, "Ain't you upset over the fact that Hansol didn't choose you but Jae In instead?" Isabella looked down and says, "It is okay.."


Cherry smirked and says, "Are you sure that it is okay? Why don't you ask Yu Han for help during the mission?"  Isabella frowned and clenched her fist in anger, "I will."  


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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 12: Please update i miss this story :(
sandrafilipamm #2
Chapter 13: update ? :c
Chapter 12: Love love love, can't wait for next update!
I love this!
Chapter 11: I really can't wait for the next chapter! This is soooooooo good! I really love this story author-nim! :)
i love this story !
chunjoe1004 #7
Chapter 8: nice story !
xXrainbowloverXx #8
Chapter 8: OMG THIS CHAPTER IS AWESOME!! Please update soon author-nim i can't wait to see what will happen next!! ^^
adlinriz #9
oh! I just watch mortal instrument and it was daebak though I did thought the symbol in the movie was quiet familiar and then I remember this story ^^ it was daebak
exobeak #10
great plot ^^