Letter #2

To My One And Only


Sneeze! Luhan rubs his nose out of irritation and wraps his parka tighter around him. The cold breeze brushes past his flushed cheeks, making Luhan shiver against the cold. Luhan crosses his arms near his chest, hoping this will keep him warmer but to no avail. Luhan rubs his palm against each other and blows warm air into it as he looks down the path, waiting for a certain motorbike to appear.


Luhan's eyes sparkle when he was certain he heard the sound of a motorbike. He hops lightly on the spot, partly to keep himself warmer and mostly out of excitement. His smile widen as the mailman drives towards him. He reached out for the letter with both hands as he thanked the mailman and handed him a bottle of warm milk he had kept in the inner pocket of his parka. The mailman smiled and thanked him before driving off to his next destination.


He skipped his way to his room with his parka still on and jumped onto his bed. Despite all the excitement he's feeling right now, he managed to open the envelope carefully and slowly, avoiding any unwanted tears. He flipped open the letter and read silently.


To my one and only love, Luhan

Silly boy, debut is going to take a few years to achieve. But I'm sure I'll get through it, with you supporting me from home. :) And baby, you don't know how much I'd give to have you sitting by my side right now, watching the first snow together. It is beautiful, just like you.

You are still well and healthy, aren't you? From the times I'm with you for the past few years you'd probably fall sick by now. Don't be lazy and go visit a doctor, alright? Take good care of yourself, don't make me worry about you (although it is quite impossible). Have a sweet dream tonight, baby. I love you.

From your one and only love,



Luhan's heart fluttered as he read the letter. It was rare for Sehun to be expressing his feelings other than writing an 'I love you'. Luhan finds himself giggling uncontrollably, rolling on the bed with the letter held to his chest as he held back the urge to squeal. But for a short moment, he felt a clench at his chest, and it didn't feel good. It made him feel unsecured, but he passes it off anyway.


Luhan moves to his seat and takes a paper from his drawer, this time the color of a sunrise, thinking that this may make Sehun feel warmer somehow. He couldn't help but sigh a little as he visualize himself sitting next to Sehun, his head leaning onto Sehun's broad shoulders. Sehun would, as he always did, rest his arms on Luhan's shoulders, gently caressing Luhan's smooth hair. Luhan would feel so safe in his arms, so comfortable that he dozes off unknowingly.


Luhan bites his lower lips in concentration and tries his best to pen neatly on a paper while he works to calm himself a little. The sweet feeling of love making it difficult for him to not scribble over the lines. But somehow, he manages to properly write a few sentences and ended his letter.


Luhan makes his way to the post office, all the while grinning. He drops the letter into the postbox and walks out into the bright sun. Luhan kept his hands in the side pockets of his parka and lightly kicks at the unwanted can drink at his feet as he waits for the traffic light to turn green. He then crosses the street and pushes the glass door, greeting and smiling politely at the people in white uniforms.


“I was beginning to wonder if you'd managed to avoid being sick this time round but here you are.” The doctor joked, making Luhan chuckle lightly. “Sehun made you come, didn't he?”


Luhan smiled softly at the mention of Sehun's name and nodded lightly.

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Chapter 2: Nice story, especially the end of the second chapter ^^