Letter #1

To My One And Only

Morning sun shines, warmth embraces Luhan as he walked out light-stepped, anticipating the mailman's routined arrival. Today is the day of the week where Luhan will receive a special letter from a special someone who is too far for him to reach out to, yet is so close to his heart.

Luhan hears the familiar noise of the motor as it recedes, a man wearing a helmet holds a letter in his hand. "Here's your long-awaited letter, Luhan." The man teased. Luhan had waited for him (or more accurately, the letter) two hours ago outside of the house, too excited to station in his room.

"Thanks so much. I'll see you next week!" Luhan broke into a wide grin as he reached out for the letter. The mailman waved goodbye as he starts the motor again and drove down the streets.

Luhan rushed into his room, eager to read what his lover had written for him. He smiled at the first sentence of the letter.

To my one and only love, Luhan

How have you been this past week? I've finally passed the audition and am now waiting to start my trainee life.
I am so excited for it! Winter is nearing, the weather is turning cold. Wear lots of thick clothings and cover yourself
well. I don't want my baby falling ill. You know how much it hurts me to see you in pain, right? Don't lose that
beautiful smile of yours. I love you.

From your one and only love,


You fold the paper carefully and slot it back into its envelope before placing it in a box with the other letters.

It has been two months since Sehun had left to audition in South Korea. He had made a promise to write back every week so that Luhan knows that he's safe and well there. It took all of his efforts to hold himself back from begging Sehun to stay and not leave him alone behind. But he knew exactly how much that audition meant to Sehun. Sehun had always dreamed of standing on the stage and performing.

Luhan took out a piece of paper, the color of the sky, decorated with prints of snowflakes. Sehun loved winter. He liked the cold weather and the beautiful, white snow that covers the world with its soft touches.

Luhan found a pen lying between the pages of his diary and started the letter:

To my baby, Sehun ♥

I am very happy to hear that you made it through the auditions! I knew you had the talent! Are you going
to debut soon? I'm really excited to see you on television broadcasts and listen to your albums! Is the
weather cold in Korea just as it is in China here? Take good care of yourself and don't catch a cold alright?
I love you! ♥

From your baby,


Luhan put down the pen and folded the paper before slipping it into a blue envelope. He smiled and held onto the letter on one hand, the other reaching for his coat. Luhan wrapped the coat around himself and stepped out of the house before turning to walk to the direction of the post office.

I'm so glad Sehun made it! Luhan thought to himself. I wonder when I will be able to see him again. I miss him so much...

Luhan looked down at the letter, smiling as he tries to imagine Sehun reading his letter.

Sehun would be lying stomach flat on the surface of his bed, his elbows resting on the pillow as he unfolds the letter and reads it. He would smile softly at the first sentence, mouthing "my baby" before he goes on to read the next few sentences.

Luhan giggles at the imagination as he slips the letter into the postbox.

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Chapter 2: Nice story, especially the end of the second chapter ^^