Isit him?

A Cursed Life, A Cursed Destiny, A Cursed Past

Jay and I walked to the park in the school. We sat on a bench that located at a quiet place in the park.


“Woohoo! So happy after revenging to that annoying woman!” I inhale deeply.


“Why must you argue with her?” Jay looked at me curiously.


“Not my fault! She started it first!” I looked at him with my innocent face.


“Stop copying me!” Jay pushed my head.


“Merong~!”I stick out my tongue towards him.


Then, immediately the surrounding starts to become quiet.


“Just now… Something happened? Someone confess to you right?” He breaks the silence.


“Yeah…Mir did it…” I softly answered.


“I think…. I need to scratch your face! Then nobody will fall in love with you!” He jokingly said.


“Hmph! “ I crossed my hand and look away, acting angry.


“Wanna eat ice cream?” Jay poked my arm.


“Your treat?” My eyes blinking while looking at him.


“If not? You want to treat me?” He show his devilish grin to me.


“In your dream! Haha! Mango ice cream!” I pulled him up and dragged him to the ice cream stall.


----*One day : In the class *----


“Attention class!” Our class teacher, Miss Park, shouted.


I wake up from sleeping after Miss Park shouted.


“Okay! Now I would like to introduce a new transfer student! Come in please.” Miss Park motioned the new student to come in.


As soon as the new students come, all the girls screamed excitedly.


“Awww! He is so hot!” The girl at the next desk say.


“Yes yes! And cute too!” The girl beside her said.


I look up the guy and couldn’t really grasp the image because I still blur after waking up.


“Hello everybody! My name is Nichkhun! Nice to meet you all. Hope you all can take care of me!” He bowed and smiled to the class.


All the girl had melted at that spot.


Nichkhun…. Same name with him but doesn’t really look like him…. Ahhh… Whatever!


I shake my head to forget the thought.


“Okay, Nichkhun, go and find your seat. We will start our class now.” Miss Park said.


Most of the girls started to clear their side place for him to sit. But he keep on walk pass all the desk until the corner and sit down at my left side desk. I can see many jealous eyes looking at me.


“Now, open your text book page…….” Miss Park started her lesson.


I couldn’t concentrate because yesterday night I didn’t have enough sleep. Every Sunday night, I wil dream of that dream.


There’s a guy standing quite a distance in front of me, giving me his hand. When I tried to reach, it always went further. A sentence always rings around my ear.


I Love You… Nobody can have you…


“Jang Shin Rae!” Miss Park’s voice snap me back from the dream.


“Yes?” I answered her.


“Who is the inventor of plastic?” Miss Park questioned me.


“Err… Einstein?” I scratched my head.


The whole class burst into laughter.


“Jang Shin Rae! Please concentrate in class! Now quiet and sit down” she turned around to the white board and started to write her notes.


I embarrassingly sat down and sigh.


----*After class *----


I walked at the balcony without energy. Then, a hand wrapped my neck.


“Yah! Why you look so tired?? “ Jay asked.


“Don’t mess with me. I want to sleep” I pushed him away.


I slowly walked to our favorite place, which is the park. I sit on the bench while Jay sit beside me too.


“There’s a new guy in our class…”I started the topic.


“Really? A hot guy?” Jay looked at me.


“His name is Nichkhun…” I looked straight to Jay’s eyes. I can see that his eyes widen up.


It's seems bored at starting but soon will have some sequel XD

Hope you all like it ^^


Enjoy reading :D

And comments are most welcomed <3

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readingglass #1
love chapter 3
Update soon!
@BigDreameR THANKS FOR BEING FIRST COMMENTER AND FIRST SUBSCRIBER XD Oh my god i am crazy XD Lol! And yeah i am evil .___. For hurting people XD BTW SUPER DUPER THANKS :DDDD
BigDreameR #4
Wow that's sad....being told that plastic surgery wouldn't make her look pretty... :(