Final Stretch

Last Breath

"Yi fan, this one doesn't have a Kim Saehee as their patient," Luhan disappointingly said as he disconnected the call. He walked over to where Kris sat and crossed off the hospital that he had called, which was one amongst about twenty hospitals on the list. Though the list was halfway done, there was still a long way to go.

Kris let out a sigh, closing his eyes and pressing his fingers softly onto the covering skin to relieve some pressure that built up. Avoiding conflicts with their own schedules, Kris managed to find a list of hospitals that were in business with the help of Xiumin and Luhan. Keeping this undercover from their managers and their younger members was not an easy task as they had to give up sleep to hide this situation from their members and managers. He had thought of asking them for help in the past, but immediately dismissed the idea. Assuming their personalities and practicalities as managers, they would simply brush it off their shoulders, saying that he and EXO had millions of fans other than her. There was no need to cater down to the fan's level to have her enjoy the oh-so-amazing Kris. But Kris wasn't able to let this go. He knew that what his managers would have stated were not lies. One fan dying or becoming nonexistent wouldn't make a difference in his career. But it would make a difference in him


Kris flinched at the thought of being too late. There was the possibility that the girl, this Kim SaeHee, had already passed away. 


There was too much time that passed since he had received the last letter.

"Kris! Yah! Freaking A...dude. They have her.." Xiumin burst out after trying to catch the leader's attention, only to have it drowned out by his own thoughts. 

Kris snapped out of it before he turned his attention to Xiumin, who held the phone on hold. Not even knowing the older's sister's name was an issue. All they knew was her initials, K.Y. However, Xiumin was able to retreive it after much questioning and bypassing the confidentiality that the hospital needed to take account for... Kim Yuri. 

Grabbing hold of the phone, Kris spoke to the receptionist, "Uhh, hi. I was hoping to speak to Kim Yuri. Her sister, Kim Saehee, is a patient residing under the hospital's care."

"Sir, visiting and calling hours have passed a long while back. Please call again tom--"

The receptionist was interrupted by Kris' fading voice, "Please...I apologize for the late call, but Yuri and Saehee mean a lot to me..." 

There was some silence before a sigh on the other line was heard, "Who am I speaking to and what is your relation with Kim Saehee?"

Kris froze at this statement. Knowing that the nurse would transfer his name to either Yuri or Saehee, having his name just right on the spot would make them suspiscious. But also having a different name that they have never heard of would also make it suspiscious, "I-I'm her rolemodel...she knows me well," Kris lied through his teeth, but hoped that the other party would understand..."My name is Kevin Li." Using his birth surname, and the name he used throughout high school in Canada, Kris just hoped that the other party would not reject the call.

"Please hold for a moment.." 

With that, there was a click with some soft music. It wasn't long before he realized that this song was their 2013 Christmas album song. A soft smile played his lips as he remembered the good old days of 2013. The hard work him and s all went through, the struggles they all pushed through, the rewards that followed the struggles; it was their year, EXO's year, back then. As these memories played, a click interrupted his train of thoughts before a voice followed, "Hello?"

Kris was silenced by the sound of the different voice that quietly crept through his ears. "Uh-uh-ahem," Kris mentally face palmed himself for freezing up like that, "Hi...Kim Yuri-sshi?"

The other line stayed quiet for a bit, to the point where Kris thought the line disconnected, but steady breaths were heard before the same voice followed up, "This is she...who is this?" Her voice was mellow and calm as she politely asked the stranger by the name of Kevin Li, someone whom she had never heard of..

"Uh...this is Kevin Li. I...I'm sorry, I couldn't do much the past two years..." Kris let his mind go after stating his alias. 

Being 1am in the morning, the members were strictly limited to the confines of their dormitory, but with the help of Luhan and Xiumin, Kris managed to sneak out with them. Passing the long hallway before the entrance door was the hardest. Luhan and Xiumin had small, petite features that allowed them to pass the manager hyungs' rooms with ease.

"I'm sorry...I'm trying to understand, but you are really not making any sense, Kevin-sshi..." There was a pause before she continued, "I don't think I even know you. B-before this night...I never even heard of a Kevin Li..."

With his back pressed against the wall, Kris looked over his shoulder, eyes peering into the manager's room. Luhan and Xiumin waved a hand to where their neck was to indicate that Kris doesn't move. The manager was changing, and with closet doors that have mirrors on them, he would be able to see what passes by his room. Kris felt like his heart beat was louder than a pair of banging drums. His breathing became uneven once more as he held it in here and there to reduce any signs of life. Xiumin finally gave Kris the signal to come across, after which the manager had turned around to tuck himself into bed. 

It wasn't long before Yuri asked the concerning question, "Are you sure you are talking to the right person?"

As they grabbed the keys and snuck out of their complex, they all let out the breath that they had been holding him. The breath of relief, but also worry. Getting caught was inevitable. The managers weren't oblivious and every time an EXO member thought they had successfully snuck out, they were in for a lot of trouble. Luhan started the engine to their Hyundai Sonata Hybrid. 

Kris let out another deep breath as he uttered, "How is Saehee doing? Is she okay?"

Talking to a stranger and having him concerned about something no one outside this hospital had ever even bothered, Yuri stood there with the other line waiting for an answer. "S-s-she's fine...please,'s getting late."

In an attempt to make her stay on the line a little bit longer as they tried their best to get to the nearby hospital, Kris emphasized, "The medal...the first place golden medal, East Asia International High School Track Summit...I would like to meet the girl that won it for me.."

The line fell silent. Yuri's eyes widened at the information presented. It's been about two years since the letter. Though she only hoped that it would reach the destined person, she had a lot of doubt.

"T-t-there's no way..." The faint whisper was heard on the line before a commotion was heard throughout. Her breathing became uneven as a series of beeping, frantic huffs and puffs, and different voices calling "Saehee-sshi, Saehee-sshi", "Please air in and" were all heard before the line disconnected. 

Kris mentally slapped himself again for doing that. The tires screeched as they approached the hospital building. "Go, Kris," Luhan instructed but Kris remained in his seat.

"Come on, you don't have time!" Xiumin called out as he turned behind his shoulder to see Kris in the backseat, sulked up.

"I-I can't..." Kris stuttered hesitantly before Luhan got out of the car to lightly slap his face to get him out of his trance.

"Look Kris, she's a fan. She's a special fan. She's your special fan. And if what you told us was true, there isn't much time. It's either now or never. Let's not regret later..." Luhan consolidated, as he tried to put some sense into their young leader. "Now, don't forget to take this with you." Luhan handed the golden medal, placing it into Kris' large palm.

After a short period of silence, his lips curled upward before he patted Luhan's back and nodded. Luhan flashed his cute smile and Xiumin raised his thumbs up as Kris left the car and ran into the hospital building.

"Sir, sir, sir, please. Visiting hours has long passed and --" One of the nurses interrupted his entrance.

"Please, I need to see Kim Saehee," Kris felt something was wrong, especially after how the phone conversation ended, "Please..."

The receptionist eyed him carefully and asked him to wait until she got confirmation from the floor, "Hi, there's a visitor for T3032, he says it's ur--where'd he go?"

Kris realized that the number mentioned by the receptionist was a room number. He ran through the stairs to the third floor, to see several doctors occupying T3032, performing CPR on what looked like a lifeless patient.

Looking around the vicinity, Kris noticed a girl in her early twenties, back against the wall with tear-stained cheeks as tears continued to flow down her pale face, just outside the room. He took cautious steps towards her, but instead of asking her any questions, he pulled her into an embrace.

The girl grew stiff as her body was pulled towards his chest. His arms enveloped her petite figure as her tears stained his clothes. Without any will or strength to fight back, or even check the person who pulled her into such embrace, Yuri just cried. Though Kris had no idea whether or not this person in his embrace was the older sister, he was able to feel her fear. Her fears, her worries, her concerns, the feeling of helplessness as it really was the final stretch.

After some time, the electrocardiogram stabilized as the doctors and nurses filed out of the room. Not yet even looking at the stranger that had been holding her as her focus was on her little sister, Yuri rushed over to the primary doctor, asking for the current condition. Kris could not hear nor make out what the doctor had told the concerned being, but from her reactions, he was able to tell it wasn't good news. Being cradled in the arms of the stranger, Yuri finally looked back to thank the person who was really just kind enough to provide the embrace that she could not get anywhere else. Her eyes widened at the sight of the person as she immediately retreated to the wall. She blinked once, twice, before her last couple breaths were quick. She looked away for a moment, stabilizing her breath before she turned back to see the idol in the flesh.

A smile formed on her lips as the once dried-tears now escaped once more and streamed down her cheeks. Yuri immediately wiped her tears before mouthing the words "thank you" and approaching him, first with uncertainty. However, Kris also hesitantly flashed a smile while scratching the back of his neck out of a nervous habit. Though Kris had met many fans in his life, this was one of those moments where he could not stand confidently as he normally would have. How could he when there was someone else who stood even more confidentally in this building...? 

"You...are Kevin Li?" Yuri asked tentatively as her eyes kept drifting towards her sister's room with concern.

Kris noticed her eye movements before he sighed, "Yes, I'm Kevin Li. But...I'm very well known as Kris..." His breaths of worry calmed down before he quietly uttered, "Is she okay?"

Yuri ripped her gaze from the door as she whispered, "She's in her final stretch. They say she...that she might not--"

Tears fell continuously as her sobs were choked. Kris laid a hand on her shoulder before he shook her head, telling her that she doesn't have to go further, that he already understood.

"She did want to meet you...I'm pretty sure she'll be excited to see you here...thank you...Kris..I never would have thought you'd actually come down here...after all, she's only one fan.." 

Kris squeezed her shoulders as he tried to reassure her that every one fan made that difference. Every fan counted. Though he could not tend to all of their needs, he still considered and tried his best to accomodate for his fans. Yuri quietly opened the door, ushering the tall male to follow her inside the dim room. 

At the sound of the door sliding, Saehee slowly rose her eyelids and turned to the door. She smiled when she saw her older sister before she raised up her hand ever-so-slowly. Yuri walked over to grasp the hand that wanted to hold the warmth. 

The scene was shocking for Kris. Her movements were very rigid. They were not fluid at all and there wasn't a thing anyone could really do except watch it get worst.

"Unnie..." a whisper, soft but loud enough to project the room, escaped her dried, chapped lips, "K-K-k-" She paused out of frustration before she tried again, "'s K-K-Kris-s' n--" Another huff of breath was exerted before she finally turned her head out of disappointment. 

Yuri presented a warm smile, as she catered to her sister's message, "Who would have thought, right? 

Saehee looked behind her older sister to see a figure there. She tentatively raised her index finger, pointing to the tall figure that lurked in the shadows. Yuri followed the index finger, a chuckle escaping her lips before Kris revealed himself.

Saehee's eyes widened, her breathing was once again uneven. "Saehee, breathe. It's okay. Breathe..." Yuri instructed on the side. Kris cautiously approached the bed-ridden patient and took a seat by her bed. Saehee remained silent, observing the features of her favorite idol on the flesh. Tears filled her eyes as she turned her head, crying.

"Saehee...what's wrong?" Yuri tried to reconcile but the little sister shook her head.

"I-I-it's n-n-not sup-p-pose t-t-t-o be l-like t-t-thi-i-i-s-s..." She let out a forced sigh before she tried to continue, "I-I-I'm not i-i-i-n m-my be-e-e-st st-t-ate, a-and--"

Kris let out a chuckle before he complimented her, "Saehee, you're beautiful. Please, don't ever think less of yourself. You. are. beautiful." Holding onto her stiff hand that lay by the bed, Kris observed her features, pulling the strand of her in front of her face behind her ears.

Saehee felt herself blushing as her ears became really warm in the cold dark night. She felt something hard, something cold clasped into her grasp as she noticed the gold medal. Her eyes widened at the sight. Looking over at Kris who smiled so lightly, Saehee rigidly handed the medal back to him.

"I-I-It's f-f-for y-o-o-u...I'm s-s-sorry I c-c-an't g-give it to you l-like I want-t-ed t-t-t-o, b-b-b-b-ut t-t-hank y-y-y-ou..." With that, she presented her best smile under the pale face of hers.

Saehee looked over at her older sister, who stood at the corner, admiring the heartwarming scene that laid in front of her. She reached out her hand, in which Yuri approached gently and grasped it. Looking at both figures, her two favorite people right in front of her in the flesh, Saehee realized that this was more than anything she could have ever wanted. These two people really made all the difference in her life. Their care, their love, their simple acts of kindness all came out to make the biggest difference. 

It is a real story to tell, how the last breath is exhaled. People go through a journey of experiencing all kinds of things, all kinds of struggles, all kinds of love and romance. But they only tend to look at the big things, focus on the big things, leaving the little things that really matter, all behind. When it comes down to their last breath, it really shows how people spent their life. 

There is the last breath, filled with regret. With so many things to still see, so many things to look forward to, this breath will always leave the person longing and yearning for something they were never able to pursue in their living. There is the last breath of sorrow, leaving too many things behind. Perhaps death approached too soon or it was underestimated. 

For Saehee, her last breath was that of content. She started with her steady breaths, racing against time, trying to win as much as she could, and when she reached that final stretch, she realized she had everything.

A loving sister who stayed by her side until the end, something no one ever dared to do. The idol, the leader of EXO, Kris, her role model, who actually took the time out, taking the risk of getting into trouble to come out and see her. And the terminally ill patient, who never gave up but came to that of acceptance. With hope and determination so strong that it was hard to just overlook. It inspired others, how she fought this disease and came this far. How much she had to struggle to regulate her movements, to regulate her breathing, to come down to her last breath. These three people really made the difference in one another, showing that life isn't limitless, to enjoy, cherish, and love those around you. 

With that, Saehee closed her eyes slowly, her breathing becoming shorter, faster. The electrocardiogram (EKG) lowered its peak before it completely straightened out. 




A/N: This story was really meant to give an insight into life. Each breath really matters in us. Every human being is required to breathe in and out all the time, everyday. Forgetting to breathe is not an option of living and it's just an important factor that people tend to take for granted. In addition to that, this story was meant to bring hopes up, to make that difference. In my opinion, life is really a race against time. Live as long as you can. Get as far as you can with the time given, because you never know just how delicately fragile you really are. If you notice the titles, it follows a racer's mind set. Steady breaths: a racer must always maintain breathing, before, throughout, and after the race. Though the increasing adrenaline and heart rate limits your breathing, it's important to maintain steady breaths. Ready, Get really gotta start  your life preparing for the worst, making sure you got this, and when you're out there, it'll be hard. Time is ticking. Time is always ticking. Even as I'm writing this and as you're reading this, our life is being spent doing something. And whatever we do, time is of essence that will tick away. And the Final Stretch, the last couple meters to run for the finish line. The end is nearing, but have you really finished everything? Did you make a difference? Did someone make a difference in your life? How have you spent your life before you reach the inevitable end?

While you pursue your goals of obtaining a high school, college, graduate degree, while you work and struggle so hard to earn as much as you dream, and while you maintain your own image of yourself, please don't forget the smaller things. The smaller aspects that really make a difference. I can't say that I delineated it quite well in the story as it was rushed, but really, it is important focus on the smaller things as well as the big picture, for these simple acts of kindness could really make all the difference in someone's life as well as your life.

And I would just like to say, when you are stressing out over something, just don't forget to sit back for a moment (even for a moment), relax, and breathe. Take in the fact that you are still alive and well. You will be okay.


Thank you for reading this until the end :)


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lovday #1
Chapter 4: this is such a beautiful story...
Chapter 4: I am completely mindblown. This is a beautiful story.
Chapter 4: I really loved reading this. Kris is such a sweetheart for taking a risk to go visit the patient. Awww,poor Saehee~ I was routing for her too~ Yuri and Kris are both cool people being there for a terminally ill patient till the bitter end,especially the older sister~
parkminahlovesbtob #4
Chapter 4: Omg I cried in math class while reading this
LeeChaeMi #5
Chapter 4: I... Have no words.
Hello again! I hope you don't mind me featuring this on my shop. I just had to. If you are not okay with it, I will remove it >< btw, here's the link to the shop where it is featured in:
Chapter 4: This deserves to be featured. It's absolutely amazing and there's just no words for this.
JsscaEliza #8
Chapter 4: This story really made me cry.
:((((( thank you author-nim. ^^
Chapter 4: *cries* I love your aspect of life it's true how such little things in life are usually taken advantaged of when others take each and every small gesture in life to heart. Thank you author :D