Chapter 6: Secrets

...Trust me. You are Mine...ONLY

Chapter 6: Secrets

I stop the car infront of seven eleven. I need a beer.

I run into seven eleven and grab a carlsberg.

As I walk towards to the counter I see the guy. He is still wearing that hat over his head. This time he has a beer too. Good to see he is not bi-ual.
Just then I remembered the first time we met.

I walked infront of him and asked the girl behind the counter "How much will this be altogether?"

He looked shocked to see me, but quickly pressed his hat tightly over his head.

We both came out of seven eleven and grabbed a seat on the bench.
He seemed unhappy too. Something must have bothered him.

We opened the can and gave a gon-bae (*cheers in Korean) to eachother.

"So you know how to drink too~" he acts as if he is astonished to see me drinking.

"I bet I could drink more than you party boy." I gulp down the beer.

"Whoah. Slow down. What's the rush...wait. You're bleeding!!?" He shouts.

"I'm fine. I hurt." I mumbled. I felt the alcohol push into my brain system.

"You are not fine. Come one, let's go to a doctor." He said grabbing my wrist

"I am a bloody doctor...or I will be." I loosened my wrist from his grip.

"But you're not now. Let's go to a proper doctor."

"Just forget it. It doesn't hurt...not as much as my heart." I pound my chest.

"What's so painful?" he starts to drink again

" you know why I want to become a doctor?" As I said this he gave a funny look

"Why do want to be a doctor?" He asks without much interest.

"So I can save people like my mum...who have AIDS...or atleast try to." I tell him

"Your mum had AIDS?" he asked with curiousity now.

"Why? Are you going to run away from me too?!" I shout at him

His eyes widen.

"What? Why would I run away?" he asks astounded

"Becuase my mum has AIDS..." I mumble

"What?! That doesn't make sense." He said in a strong tone.

"...No one would come near me. Even the teachers kept their distance becuase I... was the daughter of a woman who had AIDS." Tears welled up in my eyes. Everything infront of me turned blury.

"..." he didn't say anything

"I was eight when my bestfriend told me she couldn't be my friend anymore. Her mother had told her not to play with me cause I might have AIDS transmitted from my mother." I couldn't stop myself. I knew I shouldn't say everything to this...stranger...but if I kept this all in now, I think I might really kill myself.

"I had no friends except for Ha Yeon. She was always there. She knows what I went through but she also won't know what I felt. I was treated a criminal's child. Was having AIDS that bad??!!" I was mad now, I was mad with the people who treated me badly, who made me feel like I was rubbish.

"I hated my mother when I was 13, for a short time. I hated how she had AIDS and how that made everyone keep away from me..." i carried on

" ...then she died..." I muttered softly, just enough for him to hear

"oh...sorry.." he said softly

Did this guy just say sorry to me?!

"Ha. So Mr.Party boy knows how to apologize." I mocked him and took another slip at my beer.

"Mr.Party boy also knows how to punch, so watch it goodie." He said

I shook my head. How could he even think about using violence a girl?! Tsk.tsk.
I bet he has never had a girlfriend...then that would make two of us, who has never dated.

"Have you ever liked someone?" I ask out of curiousity.

He frowns at me. I take a huge gulp of beer.

"Mind your own business." he mutters.

That is not fair!! I just told him about my parents and my sad past! I think he should tell me his. I always feel like he is pushing people away. Like he doesn't anyone to enter his life.

"I told you my secret! You should tell me yours." I say

He looks into the can. He smirks

"Do you just tell anyone your private life? Well, I don't. And I didn't ask for a secret. You just blurted it out." He took a last sip of his beer and bashed it into a tree

That bastard!! And for your ing information no one knows this accept you and Ha Yeon!!

Argh!! He always makes a good moment into a crappy nightmare!! I grabbed the can he bashed into the tree and mine from the bench and threw both of them into the bin.

Son of a ! 

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mushroomsk #1
Sorry for the really slow updates but I won't continue with this fanfic anymore. Sorry to all the fans. Currently I am planning a new fanfic but it will take another 4 to 5 weeks before I begin. Thank you and sorry!
i simply love this new chapter.,.. update soon!
Tamercher8 #3
This fanfic seems different to others. I like it. Plzzzz update :))))
mushroomsk #4
@Kukkie<br />
Yes, to other people two weeks with Min Hyuk is dream come true but Hee Jin doesn't even know Min Hyuk is a famous idol and more importantly she doesn't like him at all. She finds him arrogant and annoying. Besides she is more interested in attending her Uni to study more about medicine. She doesn't have time to waste. She isn't really shocked she is more pissed about the situation. I hope that answered your question!! :))
Why so shock? It's good that the girl get to stay with Minhyuk in the hotel for 2 weeks. 2Weeks you know?
mushroomsk #6
I have updated chapter 12. I hope you enjoy it. My chapters are kind of short right now. I am sorry about that. I will upload chapter 13 faster though. Have fun reading!! :))
powderpugg #7
Ahh!!! So good *.* I love it!
b1a4cnblueblockb #8
update soon please.
tankarawi #9
I registered just for this fanfic!! It's sooo good!!
mushroomsk #10
Thank you to all the people who have subscribed or enjoy my story~ Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I will try my best to write more enjoyable scenes and drama. Onve again, thank you so much!!<br />