Chapter 13: Unleash of Hell

...Trust me. You are Mine...ONLY

Hee Jin's POV


My eyes bulged out.

There, infront of my eyes, were two pictures and a bold heading.

I was in the picture. I had this rush of stupidity run through me.

Why did I choose a stupid minnie mouse hat over the other 'normal' hats??! And those hideous sunglasses. ㅠ.ㅠ I am officially a fashion terrorist. I don't usually care what I wear but I do care when I look like a 5 year old!!

In one of the pictures, we were on the viking and he was...hugging me??! That son of a batch of a cookie!! How dare he hug me without permission!!

In the other picture we were buying cotton candy in a store.

He must be pretty famous to have reporters writing about him

As I scroll down I see the reporter has a lot to say about Min Hyuk's playboy lifestyle.

He must have pissed the reporter off or he must be a really mean party boy. The article was criticizing him with intelligent and long words.

Min Hyuk is on the phone. I think the person on the phone has just told him. He does not look happy. As he gets off the phone he glares at me.

"Your stupid idea to go to Lotte World has caused all this !! Are you happy now?!" He shouts at me across the room.

"I did it for you. I thought I could repay your kindness by taking you somehwere fun. I thought you might have missed going to a public place becuase you are a well known star." I mumble in my defence.

He looks furious

"If I wanted that freedom I would have asked! Don't repay me when you don't know how to." He shouts again

"I learnt now." I mumble

He storms towards the window. He opens a tiny bit of the curtain, just enough for his eyes to peer down.

". The reporters are here." He falls into deep thought.

Bang. Bang.

The door bangs open and four people walk in, in a straight line.

Three good looking guys and one...slightly..actually just fat guy walks in.

They must be the members. I don't think the fat one makes the cut though. He must be a manager or the driver...just not a member.

One of the members who looks devestated walks towards Kang Min Hyuk, who is looking out of the window.

"You have a choice." The member tells him as soon as he comes through the door.

The rest of the members and manager glance down at me.

"Name them." Min hyuk responds.

"You stay here for two weeks with that girl." The member says in a serious voice.

Two weeks with that piece of ?! In this hotel room?

Never! I have my internship to fulfill and I also have to hand in my assignment by next week!

“Next option?” Min Hyuk demands.

The members look at each other with anxiety. The...fatter guy, who seems to be the manager leaves the room.

“Or you leave Cnblue.” The member replies in a softer tone.

Min Hyuk looks furious. I can see his whole body has frozen.

"Don't ever mention that as an option." He grinds his teeth.

"Your parents came by the agency. They don't want you to be..."

"STOP. Don't talk about those murderers..." Min Hyuk looks out of the window again. Facing his back to all of us.

He must have some problems with his parents. Well, everyone has their own personal problems.

"They are your parents." The member responds firmly

Min hyuk looks away from the window and glares at the member

"I. said. stop." He is now really scary.

"These are your options. Choose one." The member replies without any sense of fear.

"Those murderers are not an option. So leaving Cnblue is not an option either.... Guess like my assumptions were correct." He mutters

He takes a disgusted and disapprovibg look at me.

Hah! I don't like you either, but I don't show it with such emotion!! Such a sour and bitter person.

wait...Assumptions??! If he is not leaving Cnblue then...his other option was to stay with...ME??! For TWO ing weeks!!


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mushroomsk #1
Sorry for the really slow updates but I won't continue with this fanfic anymore. Sorry to all the fans. Currently I am planning a new fanfic but it will take another 4 to 5 weeks before I begin. Thank you and sorry!
i simply love this new chapter.,.. update soon!
Tamercher8 #3
This fanfic seems different to others. I like it. Plzzzz update :))))
mushroomsk #4
@Kukkie<br />
Yes, to other people two weeks with Min Hyuk is dream come true but Hee Jin doesn't even know Min Hyuk is a famous idol and more importantly she doesn't like him at all. She finds him arrogant and annoying. Besides she is more interested in attending her Uni to study more about medicine. She doesn't have time to waste. She isn't really shocked she is more pissed about the situation. I hope that answered your question!! :))
Why so shock? It's good that the girl get to stay with Minhyuk in the hotel for 2 weeks. 2Weeks you know?
mushroomsk #6
I have updated chapter 12. I hope you enjoy it. My chapters are kind of short right now. I am sorry about that. I will upload chapter 13 faster though. Have fun reading!! :))
powderpugg #7
Ahh!!! So good *.* I love it!
b1a4cnblueblockb #8
update soon please.
tankarawi #9
I registered just for this fanfic!! It's sooo good!!
mushroomsk #10
Thank you to all the people who have subscribed or enjoy my story~ Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I will try my best to write more enjoyable scenes and drama. Onve again, thank you so much!!<br />