Painful Memories

The Two Liars

Kai sat in the back of the bus, which is where he normally sits. Not wanting to be stuck in conversation with overly-obsessive girls or boring grandmas, he put his headphones on to show the people he wasn’t interested in conversation. He looked out the window, which is what he normally does. His life was in a rut, same thing everyday, he didn’t dislike it though, it’s just that sometimes he gets lonely. The only person he could ever talk to on a deep level was his younger brother. He and his brother were practically best-friends, they were inseparable. After he passed, Kai rarely opened himself up to other people, and put up an emotional barrier between he and the people he was already close to. He unconsciously sighed as he directed his gaze away from the window, only to see a young man, about his age, staring anxiously in the direction of the front of the bus. Curious, Kai looked to see what the guy was looking at and saw a boy getting beat up by an old, drunk man. Kai was about to direct his gaze back towards the window until he saw the boys face. Seungri?, he thought to himself, as the realization had hit that it was his roommate getting beat up.  Although he didn’t like the boy, they were roommates and he couldn’t just watch him get beat up.

He walked over to the drunk man and almost effortlessly,pushed him off the boy. Once the man was at a safe distance he knelt and began to pick Gyuri up off the floor.


Gyuri looked up at Kai, and it took her a few seconds to recognize him. She was in so much pain that she couldn’t even think correctly. The next thing she knew, she was back on the floor. Kai had been hit.

Before Kai could hit the man back, a few other guys had had intervened and calmed the guy down. Kai helped Gyuri off the floor and the two began to walk back to the school, silence surrounding the air between the two.

Kai was first to interrupt the silence. He was worried for his roommate, but he didn’t know how to show it, and his words ended up coming off as anger-filled ones. “Why the heck didn’t you fight back?” he shouted, shocked at his sudden outburst.

Gyuri looked up at him, she was angry that he had just yelled at him, but didn’t have the energy to yell back and instead directed her gaze back to the ground. Kai, noticing, too directed his gaze at the ground. He felt bad for yelling at him, he could already tell the boy was in so much pain, and him yelling isn’t helping nor going to fix anything. He sighed as he looked down at the boy, who looked like a lost pup. Looking at him, he couldn’t help but think of his brother.




Kai’s brother asked Kai to walk home with him after they had had breakfast, but Kai objected saying that he had to walk with his friends. His brother begged and pleaded but Kai didn’t think anything of it. He didn’t realize that it was a cry for help.


After school Kai was walking home with his friends, laughing and talking stuff highschool boys talk about. After he said bye to his last friend, he rushed to get home so he could tell his brother about a girl he had found out liked him. He smiled as he ran the rest of the way home, but stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed a circle of boys yelling in front of his house. His heart dropped as he ran towards the circle and noticed a body laying limp on the ground in a puddle of blood, with legs kicking it from all directions. His heart fell even more when he saw it was his own brother. He pushed the boys away and knelt on the ground to examine his brother, whose face was swollen and bloody, almost unrecognizable. One boy, who seemed to be the leader, began to speak, but as he did Kai quickly got up and punched him in the face. “Get away before I kill you all with my bare hands,” Kai said, his voice course, and meaning every word. He then went to pick his brother up from the ground, carefully. The boys instantly scattered once they realized Kai wasn’t as weak as his brother and was a force not to be reckoned with.


Kai carried his brother to the hospital, running the whole way. He waited for news from the doctors. Sitting in the waiting room in, complete silence, he just couldn’t take it. He felt like he was going to go mad.

Finally, after six hours a doctor came in and gave his family the news, the worst news he’s ever heard, the words he never wanted to hear; his brother was pronounced dead due to trauma to the brain. Kai collapsed to the ground. His parents tried to comfort him, but he couldn’t see or hear anything. The next few days were a complete blur to him, and to this day he still doesn’t even know what happened after he had received the news.


Gyuri looked up and noticed that his eyes were tearing. “I’m sorry you got hit because of me.” she said quietly, interrupting Kai’s thoughts. He looked down and at her and chuckled. She couldn’t believe it. Did the heartless Kai just laugh, she wondered to herself.

Kai sighed as he looked up at the sky. “I’m not mad, it’s just that you remind me of someone.”

Gyuri was curious as to who that someone was, but telling by the look on his face, she could tell he didn’t want to talk about it. So she stayed silent and looked up at the sky too.

A/N: I didn’t read over it, so sorry if there’s any mis-spellings, and sorry that this is so late and so short. I meant to update over Thanksgiving break but.. I don’t know what happened. Haha. I’ll defs try to update more, and it’d be very much appreciated if you telleth me what you think of the story so far. Please and thank you!:* <3 xoxoxoxox

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miko_karalove #1
Chapter 1: i like your story can you update more chapter....
vinmya86 #2
Chapter 3: yeay update :) poor Kai, hope he get closer to Seungri/gyuri xD
vinmya86 #3
Chapter 2: Kai help Gyuri :) can't wait next chapter to know what happen next xD
gyuleia #4
Chapter 2: authornim !!

palli update more...

can't wait to know what's going to happen next~
Chapter 2: Yes!!! U changed it to Gyuri
Chapter 1: Gyuri story ** Well, I was a bit skeptical at first (because I watched Hana Kimi and I thought it'd be the exact same) but I really like it so far, really. Hope to know more about her background and the others. Update soon, it's good! :)
SyazNies #7
Chapter 1: I'm sorry about this but can you use Gyuri instead of Minhee.. its confusing.. btw,, nice story.. update soon
Minhee???? Why dont u just use Gyuri name.....hmmmmm...I think it will be much much much better
SyazNies #9
It would be better if you use real name for the girl character..
Update soon!!