Chapter 1

Something in the Mist

I was woken up from my sleep when I felt a sharp pang at the sides of my face. I felt warmth seconds after and opened my eyes to see Chanyeol staring down at me with a gentle smile on his face. He placed his hand on both sides of my face and gave me a peck on my lips. "Good morning." 


I flinched when he pressed his hands a little bit too hard and guilt immediately flashed in his eyes. "I did that to you, didn’t I?" He asked and I kept my mouth shut, not denying his statement. I guess he grabbed my face too hard last night which caused bruise to start appearing on my jaw.  


He the bruise with the back of his hands and kissed them. "I'm sorry." He repeated after every kisses and I stopped him. I hold his face in my hands and kissed his cheeks. "It's okay." He looked into my eyes for a second before pulling me into his arms. "I’m sorry." He said again and I nodded against his clothes chest. "It doesn’t hurt." I lied.  


"Let's wash up." He said as he pulled me off the bed and dragged me by the hand to the bathroom. He gave me one last kiss before closing the door. "Breakfast is ready." I heard him said seconds after. 


I sighed as I looked at my reflection through the mirror. I touched the bruise on my jaw and winced. The bruise is not that bad, only light color of green mixed with purple, it was almost invisible but it still hurt nonetheless. I should cover it later on with makeup. He doesn’t like to see the wounds he did to me. He'll blow up at himself and vent out his anger at me. I could not risk getting hit again. 


I stepped out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and smelled like lavender and vanilla, Chanyeol's favorite. Fully dressed and with my hair all dried up, I went out of the room for the first time in hours.  


I saw Chanyeol by the sink, washing something and I carefully walked towards him, trying not to make any sound. I wrapped my arms around him which successfully made him slightly jump in surprise. My soft laughter broke the silence in the house and Chanyeol turned around with my arms still attached around his waist. 


"You surprised me." He whispered and leaned down. I smiled as he kissed and hugged me around the shoulders. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Cutting up some fruits for dessert." He answered. I let go of his waist and turned to the sink. 


"I'll help." I said picking up the knife. He ruffled my hair and told me to be careful and to try not to hurt myself. "This is easy." I said but later on I find myself hissing in pain clutching on my palm. The cut was not deep and the blood barely came out but Chanyeol made a big fuss out of it and scolded me. 


"This will be the last time you hold a knife." He grumbled under his breath. The small cut doesn’t even need a band-aid over it but being Chanyeol, he stubbornly demanded me to sit still while he covered the wound with 


"You sit here." He pushed me down on a chair. I wanted to stand up again and help him bring out the bowls and spoons but his glare kept me glued on the chair. "Don’t you dare move." He warned and I did as he told me to. He's in a good mood today and I don’t want to ruin it. I could probably go through this day without him hurting me. 





"Baby." He looked up at me and he looked so vulnerable, I can't help but to break out into a smile. "Did you went out of the house yesterday?" He asked and I tried to keep my calm. "No, why?" I lied nonchalantly.  


After the late breakfast that we had, Chanyeol and I spent the next hours on the couch, watching TV with him resting his head on my lap.  


"It's just that I saw a few new stuff in the fridge and I saw a new carton of eggs. The last time I checked, we were running out of eggs." He said.


I was hoping he wouldn’t notice any of those but what was I thinking? He's Chanyeol, he notices everything. I shrugged, "It's probably the Ahjumma." I said, referring to the Ahjumma who comes to our house to clean every day. 


"Really?" He was still doubting my answer and I had to think of an answer quickly. "I wouldn’t go outside of the house without your permission. You know that." I silently prayed he would stop questioning me because I ran out of things to say to convince him. 


"Right."  He said quietly, "Of course, you wouldn’t." He said more loudly. I smiled at him as he continued watching the TV, flipping the channel. I just dodged a bullet and I was so proud of myself for that. I just dodged a bullet that could probably make me end up wounded and locked in the darkness in my room. 


Chanyeol suddenly switched off the TV and turned to me. "I was watching that." I frowned. "Sing for me." He said-more like demanded, completely ignoring my statement earlier. 


I scrunched up my face and played with his hair. I don’t even know why he find my voice soothing-he said. I can sing, I admit that but I'm not that good that he would ask me to sing for him every single day. "What do you want me to sing?" 


"Anything's nice." He said and so I did. I sang anything, songs after songs until both of us fell asleep on the couch with our fingers intertwined.



Just showing how happy both of them could be without any drama. ;)

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Kyungsoo1231 #1
Chapter 5: Please update soonXDXD
bettykz #2
love this fic
zazazazzz #3
Chapter 5: is she amnesia?
Ero-senpai #4
Chapter 5: It's so interesting! ^^ Oh God, Chanyeol like that is dangerous. It's truly thrilling idea! Please update soon! I want to know what's gonna happend next <3
NarniaNew #5
Chapter 5: my..
just found this.
Chapter 5: omo! could it be... ?
Chapter 5: please write more
curious about the next...
Chapter 4: hahahahah dont tell others to eat things u probably hate as well XDDD *thats me XDD

chanyeol is so sweet yet so dangerous OTL
Chapter 3: ahhhh is there any persons in this world who has such personality ? ohhh it really is scary to stay with em OTL i hate to b hurt OTL he is so sick OTL

thanks for the great update anyway :")