
A Sip of Remembrance
Chapter Two; Insanely

"Or maybe I met someone and fell in love."

A/N: Please read the author's note.

“Sehun?” Luhan tries to breathe in and out to calm his heart, but everything was happening too fast, “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, you told me there weren’t any jobs full but apparently, they were,” Sehun grins Luhan’s favourite smile and it just breaks the blond even more, “So I guess we’ll be working side by side now.”

Luhan doesn’t know how to answer him except for the fact that they had worked side by side before, “Ahh, you’ve worked here before.”

“Oh?” Sehun ponders at the moment, his hands resting on the white countertop, “Oh yeah! You told me about this when I came into the café.”

Luhan smiles, genuinely this time, “Yes, and you had great teamwork abilities.”

Sehun waves the compliment off but he adds, “I just wish I remembered who taught me coffee art, because if I hadn’t; I would have had to find another job.”

Luhan chokes for a moment and manages to emit out a soft hum in response.

“And it’s strange, because I feel some strange connection here. Everything seems so familiar, and the smell of the pastries, the coffee; everything. Almost like something really important happened here,” Sehun continues.

Luhan crosses his fingers and waits for Sehun to put the puzzles back together but then, his hopes all crash down when Sehun simply says, “I guess it’s because it was my first job? I don’t know, but I guess I shouldn't care about it anymore.”


Luhan freezes; how long has it been since Sehun had called him that?

“Mm?” Luhan gulps down his anxiety; it’s been months since Luhan had been working with Sehun and the younger was so blunt to notice how he was trying so hard to avoid him but he kept on coming back for more.

Eventually, Luhan stops running away because it hurts him, and it’s exhausting to watch his step every time Sehun was around. Eventually, Luhan finds himself doing it all over again; working side by side with the younger, laughing at the dumbest jokes ever and designing coffee art; together.

They all seemed so familiar, but to Sehun, they were all so near, but somehow, too far.

“Look! I designed this yesterday,” Sehun shoves the cup of coffee at Luhan, “It’s for you.”

It shatters Luhan all over again because it’s a heart shape, with Luhan’s initials in it, “What…what does this mean, Sehun?”

“It means I heart you,” Sehun smiles cheekily and nudges Luhan, “It’s not bad, right?”

Luhan takes a sip from the coffee and tries to destroy the art as quickly as he could because it pained him too much to see it.

“Finally, break,” Sehun makes a big deal out of it and he heaves a huge sigh, “It’s so tiring, Lu. I don’t know how you do it.”

“I just do. Stop whining, you told me you needed the money,” Luhan rolls his eyes because Sehun hasn’t grown up one bit.

“Whatever,” Sehun suddenly sits up straight and walks over to Luhan, “I was hanging around the bookstore the other day…”

“Wait, you were hanging around at the bookstore?”

“I was looking for books on coffee art,” Sehun flicks the blonde’s forehead, “Anyway, I found this book on palm reading, and I haven’t tried it on anyone except MinJi.”

Sehun grabs Luhan’s small hands and puts it on his lap; he’s so focused on it that he doesn’t realize Luhan was gazing at him intently. It’s so painfully warm, piercingly comfortable to feel Sehun take his hand again; but it wasn’t for what it used to be.

“Well, your heart line'sshort, but I don’t know if it means you fall in love easily or you have no interest in love,” Sehun says and he stares at Luhan’s palms.

“And there’s a circle there, so it means you’re sad and depressed about it,” Sehun examines it more and Luhan scoffs at the irony.

“What can you do about it?” Luhan asks him, because it all seemed so ridiculous that his love life could be foretold via lines on his hands.

“Look at my heart line,” Sehun lifts his palms up and shows Luhan; it’s straight, and long, “It means I’m content with my love life.”

“Do you even have one?”

“Not yet,” Sehun traces the outline of his heart line, “So, with my newly found palmist powers, I’ll transfer some positive energy to you.”

And before Luhan can ask him what he meant, Sehun leans in and intertwines his fingers with the blonde’s.

Luhan closes his eyes as Sehun gives his hands a tiny squeeze, and his heart tells him, maybe, just maybe, Sehun likes him.

But then, Sehun lets go and tells him casually, “Well, I hope your love life gets better after this.”

And with that, Luhan’s slumps down and tells his hopes to just quiet down and kill themselves because Sehun wasn't going to fall for him again; it was blatantly obvious.

Luhan sits down in the staffroom and finally gets to breathe.

It’s been such an exhausting day because the holidays were nearing and people seemed to be rushing in and out of the café; young girls chatting over cups of coffee and plates of pies, businessmen ordering their cups of coffee to stay awake for the rest of their hectic days and in general, just the busting life of Seoul waiting for their caffeine fix.

Sehun walks in shortly and Luhan immediately clears his throat, “Aren’t you working?”

“I need a break too, Lu,” Sehun smiles and bends down to ruffle Luhan’s hair.

The elder isn’t particularly annoyed, but he really didn’t want to make any physical contact with Sehun; it broke him too much to feel Sehun’s close presence, so he shakes Sehun’s hands off, “Don’t’ touch me, Sehun.”

“That sounds wrong,” Sehun remarks and he grabs his own chair and sits with Luhan.

After a long, comfortable silence only to be filled with soft flips of magazines and quiet sips of coffee, Sehun finally breaks the silence, “Wanna play a game?”

“What game?”

“Ten facts about me.”

Luhan puts down the magazine and props his elbows on the table, “I don’t like playing games.”

“It’s just for me to know you better, because I feel so lost sometimes. My memories’ gone.”

Luhan clicks his tongue, “You lost your memories from six months back. Stop being so dramatic.”

“But you see,” Sehun has a determined look in his eyes and Luhan thinks this isn’t the first time, “Something, something really, extremely important happened because I just know it. In my heart, it’s etched and buried deep in my heart, but I know, something happened. Maybe I broke the Guinness records.”

Luhan scoffs and Sehun adds, “Or maybe I met someone and  fell in love.”

Luhan feels his heart leap up to his throat, “Let’s just play the dumb game.”

“Alright,” Sehun thinks for a while, “Fact one, I liked Justin Bieber for a while.”

“What?” Luhan widens his eyes and almost chokes in disbelief, “Too early to spring your fanboy secrets, Sehun. And your taste in music disgusts me.”

“Whatever, Lu,” Sehun points at him, “Your turn.”

“Fact one, umm…I’m a flaming homoual.”

“No judging, because I think, fact two, I’m a flaming biual.”

They stare at each other for a long time before they collapse in a fit of hysterical laughter because of how blatant they revealed their ual preferences.

Still laughing, Luhan continues, “Fact two, I’m not a natural blonde.”

“I knew that,” Sehun takes a sip from the coffee, “Three, I used to sleep around and drink all the time. But after my accident, something tells me I changed my ways. But I don’t remember.”

Luhan remembers, and he also remembers how they both pulled each other out of their filthy ways; the memory comes in a flash, stinging and shoving itself into his mind, “Ahh…that sounds like it’s worth a documentary.”

Six facts and a few drops of tears later, Sehun and Luhan find each other grinning like idiots and feeling satisfied, because they just found out so much more about each other; the embarrassing childhood stories, the strange es and the relationships they got involved in.

Yet, Luhan doesn’t reveal his past relationship with the boy in front of him, and he has a feeling he would never.

“Okay, last one, it'll be cheesy,” Sehun drums his fingers on the table, “You’re one of the best friends I’ve had in the long run, and I like you a lot. You're my best bro.”

Luhan smiles weakly, because deep down no matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he knows he doesn’t want to be just a ‘best bro’.

“Sehun!” MinJi, the waitress calls Sehun from the counter and the rolls his eyes and stands up.

“Ugh, she keeps on piling work on me,” And he leaves, slamming the door.

In the sudden silence where no laughter was hanging in mid-air like a few minutes before, Luhan suddenly feels lonely and horrible.

Horrible because the truth finally sinks in and he couldn’t run away from it.

“Fact ten, I’m still insanely in love with you.”


Hi guys! I'm trying really hard to finish it as fast as I can because I'll be leaving AFF for one or two weeks after I complete this because I'm so exhausted with everything's that's happening. My fic got stolen by someone and its just so asdfjhsjd because I spent so much time writing and editing, and you just steal my fic and it's just really ty. 

I just want to say this; no matter how mad I am, or how quickly I want to finish this fic, please believe me when I say, every single chapter is filled with love and I wrote them with passion, alright? I am writing because I LOVE TO WRITE and I will never give my readers half-hearted work okay?

Sorry you guys had to wait a long time, but don't worry, I'm cutting this fic short because I just need to get out and think about things for a moment.

Click here to read about it.

I don't want to drone on, so just click it. 

Thank you for your support; subs, comments and votes. Thank you! =) 

Follow me on Twitter to keep track of what's happening, when I'm leaving and when the last chapters will be up! 

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Chapter 9: I love everything about this. I almost bawled my eyes out over the prequel I'm so glad this sequel made me take back my tears ><
Chapter 7: cool story! rushed but still loved it!
Chapter 8: happy ending~~
EunSi123 #4
Chapter 7: This is... i'm lost for words TT^TT *cries*
Chapter 7: this was so frkn good. i said ouch after almost every word. THIS WAS SO GREAT IHML I LOVE HUNHAN YES YEZ ZYES Z THANK U AUTHOR NIM. THIS WAS BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN
faithlu #6
Chapter 7: im in tears right now
im so glad hunhan ended up together
Chapter 8: So beautiful! Thanks for sharing such amazing story with us! :)
Chapter 7: This was the most beautiful story. ThnQ Author-nim <3 <3 <3
Floods this with hearts because this story was so good.