Cute Guy To The Rescue

Summer Love

The boys got the drinks and started to go find you. They got to the pool and saw you being surround by those guys.


"Hey isnt that ~~~~~ah?" asked Kyung.

Then they saw the guys grabbing your arm and waist.


"WTF?!?!?! WHO THEY TO TOUCH MY BABY GIRL!!!!!!!?!??!?" Zico got really protective and stormed towards you.

PO ran after Zico putting the drinks on a table.


"Yah! ~~~~ah ov-" PO stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw you fall into the pool.


"~~~~~~~AH!!!!!!!" PO, Zico, and Kyung started to panick. They ran to you not caring that they would slip on the poolside. Po was about to jump in when he saw one of the guys, that was surrounding you, jump in to get you. PO was just shocked and just stood there.


The guy finish reached to the top and pulled you out of the pool. Zico got to you first.


"YAH! WOO ~~~~~AH!!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!!" Zico shouted at you trying to wake you up moving the guy beside you away.


PO finally got to your side. He started to shake you. "~~~~~AH! ~~~~~~AH! ~~~~~~AH!!!!"

'No! No! She cant go now! I havent even told her that I love her! ~~~~ah open your eyes please!'

Just then you opened your eyes and started cough. You could saw Zico all up in your face with a really worried look on his face.

"Are. you alright?" you could see worry all over your brothers face.

"Yea I'm fine. Thanks for saving me. I appreciate it" you said to the guy that saved you. You looked over to see who it was and it was the REALLY hot guy. You where really suprised.

"Your welcome. Sorry we made you fall in to the pool." he said.

" Its ok at least you saved me!" you gave him a smile and got up. Kyung got a towel and wrapped you up.

"Come on oppas!" Kyung followed you. Zico said thanks again to the hot guys and went toward you guys.

Before PO went after you guys he turned around and glared at the guys and ran after you.

"~~~~~ah what happened back there? I thought you could swim?" Kyung asked.

You told them how the guys where around your chair til the part where you got a cramp.

"Oh! So thats what happened. If something really did happen to you, I would beated up all those guys!" PO started busting out his tae kwon do moves.

You started laughing.

"Jihoon you weirdo!! Im glad that you would do that for me BEST FRIEND!!!" you said as you gave him a tight hug. PO hugged you back and spinned you around.

" NO PDA!!!!! Come on ~~~~~ah go dry up before you get sick!" Zico pushed you into your room.

" Ok Ok Ok! Oppa! You went in your room and went to take a shower.


After your shower you wanted to go explore Jeju some more so you went down to the lobby. You walked out of the elevator and headed towards the doors.


As you were about to get out, you heard " HEY PRETTY GIRL IN THE BLUE SHORTS!!!!" You looked around and you didnt see the person that was calling you.

" Me?" you asked confused.

"Yea you! "you turned your head towards the voice. You eyes flickered in suprise. It was the guy that saved you in the pool. You saw him run up to you.

"Ummm hi?" you said to him.

"Do you remember me from the pool?"

"Yea I do! Thanks again"

"No problem. I fell really bad about what happened today. Sooo ummmmmn I was wondering if you wanted to go around Jeju with me to make it up to you. No funny stuff i promise!" You could tell from his eyes that he was telling the truth and felt that it was ok to trust him.

" Sure! But I dont even know your name!" you started laughing at him.

"Oh! I forgot to intoduce myself! Im DooJoon! Whats your name?" he said with a to DIE for smile.

"Im ~~~~ah! Nice to meet you!" You stuck out your hand and he shook it.

" Alright cool! I'll meet you here at 9. How does that sound?"

"Yea thats fine! See you tomorrow!"

"See ya at 9! Bye ~~~~~ah!" with that DooJoon left.

You couldnt help but smile.

'Woah! Am i really going to hang out with a cutie tomorrow? I better get something cute to wear.' You left the hotel on a mission to find the cutest outfit ever.

What you didnt notice was that the boys heard you conversation with DooJoon. They were all hiding behind a huge plant that was behind you.

"Awww hyung! What am i gonna do! Im already losing to a guy i dont even know! WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW?!?!?!?!!?!!! I mean how could she just do that! Hanging out with a STRANGER! Didnt Ajumma teach her not to talk to strangers?!?!?!?!!!!?!" PO started panicking.

"Yah! Pyo Jihoon! Calm your down! I gotta plan!" Kyung moved his eyebrows up and down with a creeper smile on his face.

"Tomorrow we are gonna spy on ~~~~ah and that guy. Just to make sure nothing happens! Plus he doesnt seem that bad," Kyung proclaimed his 'genious' idea.

"Thats a great idea bro! " Zico said.

"HYUNG!! Youre supposed to be ON my side! YOUR brother!!!!! How can you say that he doesnt seem that BAD!!!!!" You could litterly see the steam coming out of PO's ears.

"Alright! Alright! Jihoon. We are one your side! Come on lets go get some food!" Zico said pushing PO and Kyung to the doors.



sorry i havent been updating. I've been at my grandparent's. Well i hope you liked this chapter! Leave comments below! :)

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T-O-P-oppa #1
Update soon!
Those three r so cuteeeee<br />
Hehehehe p.o is cute i love him ^^<br />
update soon!!!
It's so funny to see the three of them in action! ><<br />
PO is so funny when he's jealous! And LOL “Mister are you gay?”<br />
Funny update! :D
ahhh cute ><<br />
PO's jealous <3
BlockB #5
Awww Doojoon is so sweet
LOL Poor Zico xDDD
LOL So cute ! xDD Zico as a girl- i would LOVE~~~ to See xDDD
awww, PO is so cute.<br />
haha, I love how you put Doojoon in here. yay for blockb2st!~ ^^<br />
I wonder how the spying is going to go...:)
Awww PO is jealous xDD How cute!<br />
Cant wait to see them go Spying! Hahas,<br />