First to be the Last

Onew should be paying attention to Taemin and his vocal lessons but the said boy was long gone, an hour ago to be exact but the older boy is still in the music room with his sulking bestfriend who was currently seating in front of him, head above his folded arms in the desk looking melancholy towards the window.

“So I assume it’s because of Kibum.” The older stated, leaning against the chair as he scan the disappointed soul in front of him. The younger of the two just nod, not offering any single word just like awhile ago.

“You should really talk you know.” The elder propose, obviously worried about the other’s uncharacteristic silence. “Why are you not talking anyway?”

“Because my talking won’t do anything hyung.” It came out from the younger’s mouth barely as a whisper but the older was sure his dongsaeng is devastated.

He could still remember four months ago when Jonghyun came to him, lollipop between his lips as he excitedly tell him about the freshman he saw in a classroom eating alone. The younger was as enthusiastic as he blabbers about this feline eyed, bow shape lips, and flawless freshman he encountered as he made his way down the hall or as Jonghyun rephrased it; he was walking down the halls when he overheard a conversation about this “Kibum-kid” that’s why he was late awhile ago at lunch.

Onew was too overwhelmed of the younger’s hyperness he forgot to tell him he knew the boy at that instance. It was a month after when Jonghyun approached him after Kibum has walk out of the school gate, waving his hands towards the older and walking down the street.

Jonghyun hurriedly ran towards him after Kibum was out of sight and bombarded him questions of why he know the boy which Onew explained thoroughly saying Kibum was a good friend from middle school and still a good friend now because Jonghyun was so furious when Onew said the younger is special so he settle as good friend to avoid Jonghyun’s wrath.

The old man didn’t forgot the day Jonghyun told him that he started eating lunch with Kibum which Onew clarified with what Kibum had told him after that day that a Dino-faced boy started disturbing his peaceful lunch awhile ago. Jonghyun was too ecstatic though that’s why he refrained his self to ruin his mood and now as the two oldest sat down in the music room, Onew can clearly understand why Jonghyun was sulking.

“You should understand Jonghyun.” The older started, tapping his fingers lightly against the wood table between them, wanting the other’s attention. “Key usually flinches.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Once again Jonghyun retorted. Waving his hands slightly exasperated as he glanced towards the older behinds his lashes, head still laying in his folded arms. 

“He only flinches when I touch him. I mean it doesn’t even make sense.” The Dino continues on rambling, pout very visible in his lips as he sulk about him not being able to be around Kibum again.

Onew was getting tired. He loves his dongsaeng and wants nothing but to help him but clearly in this situation he can’t do anything. Not now, at least. He sighs.

“You’re not the only one he flinches with you know.” It came out more like a whisper and the older regretted it as the words slip between his lips but luckily the dumb boy in front of him wasn’t even listening at the first place. He doesn’t want to spill unnecessary things will he?

“Let’s just call it a day now Jonghyun.” Jonghyun agreed hesitantly. He wanted to stay more but his Hyung was determined to move his out the chair he was been occupying for hours now. The two of them walk their way towards the street and separated when the younger reached his block. The sun was setting and if the younger was not sulking, he’ll definitely ramble about how he needs his notebook, the blue one that is filled with lyrics Jonghyun wrote himself, and his pen for he just badly needed to scribble down the scene in front of him.

Onew waved bye to his dongsaeng as it step in their house, seeing its retreating back and not failing to feel the disappointment it still carry.

He sighs and turns around towards his house which is a few more blocks away. It’s been years since Kibum stopped flinching. It was middle school if he was remembering it correctly. Few months away from graduation at that time Kibum was ecstatic to tell him he was already cured.

The older remembered the smile on the younger’s face when he answered him who was his healer, the person who was the cause of Kibum crying on his shoulder after graduation just before summer break. Just before the younger move to Seoul with his mother. The image of Kibum clutching his body for security, kneeling on the ground while bawling his eyes out while on his side was the cake he was bragging earlier that day.

The name still lingers on Onew’s head. The same person who on the first day of class shook hands with Kibum and ended up getting shove as the black haired feline eyed boy flinched. He was his healer. Ironic at it can be, the older still finds it amusing after all this years and now Kibum started refluxing against those things again. His body once again acts at its own to shield the younger from something like that.

The blonde hair finally arrived home. After greeting his parents, he marched his self up towards his room and flop down his bed in the instance he step in.

He sighs, the millionth time if possible that day. 

Here we go again, he wonders.





ok first off, im sorry for not updating. i kinda left my laptop's charger at home and didnt brought it with me. i'm currently staying at a boarding house during school days with my twin sister. you know co'z of college or university.

*anyone curious of what course i'm taking?

well i'm going to update towmorrow.i promise.

no gifs today. i'm in a hurry. KEKEKEKE


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Chapter 7: poor babies! i really like that jonghyun is a nice regular guy and already liked kibum in this! it's more refreshing that he's the one who started longing first... but yes! nice chapter ^.^ i like kibum's subtle but gradual development!
Chapter 7: yeah congrats to our SHINee boys and for the story keep of luck
Chapter 6: really nice.i was so good
Chapter 5: chp is good but im so sad cuz SHINee didn't win Daesang.
Chapter 4: hmmm really amazing.thanks u updated
ficsluv #6
Chapter 4: I like it.. Fighting author nim~ hihi.. ^^
nana_jjong #7
Chapter 4: this is getting better. Jinki must be knowing Kibum's past,or at least has been dealing with this kind of demeanor he has.i hope dino can heal him slowly.Dino to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 1: nice first chp.liked it