First to be the Last


“Ok. So you are talking about this tall handsome guy you meet or what you corrected bumped into yesterday” I trailed off as I glance towards the black haired boy in front of me who was busy sipping his banana milk.

“And he ended up helping you carry the grocery.” I finished off. He was grinning from ear to ear like a maniac as he grabs his second carton of calcium. “But you were a bit disappointed because you haven’t ask for his name because he dashed off after his phone rang.” I concluded, copying the exact depress voice he use a while ago.

“I get ok, no need to repeat it again and again and please don’t wear that love struck face of yours, it’s disgusting.”

It was lunch time and today Taemin decided to accompany me or I can put it feed me with his cute little story with his new found crush yesterday in the mall.

I was finishing my bento when he started talking again.

“So, you told me Jonghyun-hyung often pass by here during lunch, where is he?” the maknae questioned as he glance from left to right for the Dino. The room is empty, only the two of us occupying the open space.

“Pass by? Oh please, he disturbs me every lunch Taemin.”

“No I don’t.” the echo of that familiar voice was indeed disturbing. I turn my attention towards the door and found the dwarf leaning against the doorframe. That sickening puppy-dino smirk plastered all over his face.

“I just pass by Kibummie~”

“Will you please stop passing by then? Dino?” I retorted, teeth clenching with irritation as he marched his self towards us and sat down the sit next to Taemin.

“Hey Tae” the short male greeted Taemin, ignoring the glares I’m sending him.

“Hey Hyung, sorry I didn’t come yesterday, Mom ask me to do the grocery.” The maknae replied, straw between his lips as he baby mumbled.

“It’s ok, Onew-hyung told me.”

Onew? Jinki? How this thing has became friends with Jinki?

“Hey wait, Dino did you just called Onew hyung?” I interrupted.

Jonghyun nodded.


He nodded again.


“Well we are in the same class in the first place.” Dino answered nonchalantly. I tsked as I turn my attention back to my neglected food. Taemin was too absorbed with talking to Jonghyun. They were talking about almost everything but mostly music. Unfortunately this dino face can sing and “amazing” at that as how Taemin put it.

I don’t believe it though but sometimes fate is really unfair you know. I mean I just found out that the hyung Taemin had been telling me about was Jonghyun. The one who was teaching him vocal lessons every after class. He is friends with Onew and good friends at that. How this Dino could be involved with the two people I treasure the most. It’s irritating, so irritating.

“Hey Hyung, wanna come later after class?” Taemin was clearly not buying a no as he asked me so I ended up nodding my head. Anyway I haven’t got a hold of Jinki for days now. He seems really busy with everything.

“Kibummie is coming later. Yay!” the shortest exclaimed earning one good glare from me before the bell rung.


Later that day I found myself sitting in the corner of the music room watching the three of them discuss everything about music, the sun is still up but the sky is already painted with orange.

Taemin has been musically inclined and I know that and hearing him sing with lots of improvements was making me proud. He was so into dance but I know he love singing just like how he loves to lock and pop with music.

Jinki’s voice is beautiful and that’s a given. I never get tired of hearing his soft angelic voice. It makes me feel calm and safe and I love it. He lost a lot of weight from the last time I saw him. He told me it was because his recent neck injury.

His over-working his self again, this old man.

Jonghyun? Well I can’t deny the fact that he can sing. He can sing and I will give him that.

Ok, ok, his voice is  amazing. Happy that I admit that?

I mean, it’s heavenly and its scaring me how I like it. Taemin use an understatement a while ago.

Several minutes later the song came to an end and after hearing the last adlib I clapped my hands together. They deserve more than that but I can’t just pull someone from outside and tell him to clap with me right?

“Key-ah I’m glad you came today.” Onew-hyung was the first one who spoke. He was busy tidying the music sheets in front of the piano as he glanced towards me, neck still a bit awkward as he needed to turn his whole body towards me to be able to face me.“I kinda miss you”

“Yah, Hyung!” the Dino exclaimed earning fit of laughter from the eldest. “Don’t just openly flirt with Kibummie.”

“I miss you too hyung. I’m glad I really did came here.” I ignore the pout that was already evident in Jonghyun’s lips and send a wide smile to Jinki. Jonghyun was clearly not pleased about it.

“So you walking with us today Jonghyun?” after tidying everything, Onew asked.

The Dino just nod after picking up his bag and guitar which I only realized he has.

“Let me carry that Kibummie.” He then presented as extended an arm towards me, motioning towards my books while he adjusted the guitar bag on his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes. “I can handle.”

“No no, lemme ok?” Jonghyun insisted, wiggling his hands at me. The two other souls in the room was clearly enjoying it but I’m not.

“I said I can manage it dino.” I told him as I turn my heels towards the door, securing the books in my chest. “Lets go.” I’m not a girl for Pete’s sake so why offer me a help carrying my books?

“But Kibum I said I will carry it for you.” Jonghyun insisted, earning a huge laugh from the two who was still unmoving from their stop next to the piano. Taemin clutching on his stomach as he supported his body towards Onew, the older was clearly doing his best to stay compose as he hid his laugh behind his small snickers.

These two will definitely get it later.

“Kibum~” I ignored the loud whining and feet stomping of Jonghyun and started walking towards the door when suddenly a hand got a hold in my arms and everything seems to stop.

I froze for a second, the feeling of the flesh in my arms made me shiver.

Kibum” that voice, that voice from the past.

The hand in my arms, it feels just the same. As filthy as the monster I once called my father but it is not everything about the way his hands encircles my arms. There was something more, something I can’t decipher. Something like a missing puzzle piece but my mind was on too much chaos I can’t put my finger on it.


“Let me go!!” I shouted as I slap the hand encircling my arm violently. The books I was holding fell down with a loud thud as my eyes widen.

Everyone was surprised so am I.

“Kibum are you ok?” Dino asked. I can recognize that voice. It was trembling

“Key-hyung what’s the matter?”

“I-I” I stuttered, unable to say something coherent. My mind is still fuzzy as the spot Jonghyun just touched tremble. I’m trembling. My eyes seem not to focus on anything and it’s making me scared.

“Kibum?” he asked again as he took steps near me, extending that same hands he held me a while ago. His puppy eyes were holding too much concern in it as I glance at him with the complete opposite look; fear.

His steps halt for a second as our eyes met but continued after.

I eyed him with fear waiting for his hands to touch me again. For me to confirm what I felt a while ago is true. Not something out of my imagination. Not from a fragment of the past.

“Are you ok?” he asked before his hands rested in my shoulder and then there it is again; the too familiar zap of electricity.

“Don’t touch me!” I yelled as I pushed him back. “Don’t!”

“What’s wrong Kibum?” He was asking me. I don’t know either; I want to tell him as dropped down the floor and hug myself safe.

“Jonghyun, stay away from him.” Onew’s stern voice echoed the room. The Dino was about to retort but once again cut off. “Just listen to me.”

The last thing I heard were footsteps coming towards me and arms hugging me but this time I didn’t flinch. It was comforting and warm and safe.

“Thank yo-you Jinki”  He hushed me and started lulling me calm. I don’t know what happened. The only thing I remember was the Dino’s touch was as scary as the one from the past and there is something more about it I don’t know.

Onew’s voice was starting to make me calm. My mind was tired as so as my body. I need to rest. I want to rest.

The last thing I saw before my exhausted self drifted to nothingness was the look from the Dino’s eyes and it somewhat broke something inside me.




clearing things up. i know its been so long since Onew's neck injury but i wrote this chap during that time so yeah.

i'll do my best to update sooner.

so? upvote? subcribe? comment? anyone?


and yeah, dont forget to vote for SHINee for their nominations


Shawols, fighting!!!

and so, see ya~




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Chapter 7: poor babies! i really like that jonghyun is a nice regular guy and already liked kibum in this! it's more refreshing that he's the one who started longing first... but yes! nice chapter ^.^ i like kibum's subtle but gradual development!
Chapter 7: yeah congrats to our SHINee boys and for the story keep going.best of luck
Chapter 6: really nice.i was so good
Chapter 5: chp is good but im so sad cuz SHINee didn't win Daesang.
Chapter 4: hmmm really amazing.thanks u updated
ficsluv #6
Chapter 4: I like it.. Fighting author nim~ hihi.. ^^
nana_jjong #7
Chapter 4: this is getting better. Jinki must be knowing Kibum's past,or at least has been dealing with this kind of demeanor he has.i hope dino can heal him slowly.Dino to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 1: nice first chp.liked it