Love is Ouch

Another Story

“Are you okay?” Donghae asked as Sunye hasn’t spoke a word throughout the whole journey. She didn’t answer.

“It’s okay, you can cry. I’ll turn so that you won’t see me here” Donghae said half joking.

Sunye just looked away and through the reflection he saw her tears roll down her cheeks. Quietly, Donghae felt like tearing up as well. His heart aches to see her hurting and without noticing, he turned and hugged Sunye. He wasn’t sure whether he was trying to comfort Sunye or himself but he was glad that Sunye didn’t push him away. That’s when suddenly he blurted out,

“Sunye, I love you”

Sunye kept quiet but Donghae noticed she stopped crying.

“I’ll protect you, don’t you worry” Donghae continued.

Unexpectedly, Sunye’s phone rang and from the phone screen Donghae could see it was from Jiyong, guessed he got hold of the rumors already. Sunye just stared at her phone and after a while she shook her head,

“This is wrong Donghae oppa. I’m married” Sunye declared as if she tried to remind herself as well.

“I’m sorry” Sunye said and went out of the car subsequently.

Donghae did not stop her and he just watched as Sunye hailed a taxi and left the place. In Donghae’s heart, he did not feel any regret although he knew what he did was wrong.

Little did he know, that Sunye was feeling confused by what happen because the moment he confessed, her heart was beating rapidly. ‘Am I in love with him?’ She tried to brush the thoughts away.


-Three hours earlier-

Sunye ended her song with a bow as hands clapping ensued and echoed in the church. She was invited to give an inspirational talk to the youth in one of the neighborhood church and as usual, she would sing a song for them at the end of her talk. Sunye was not aware that she is being watched by a guy - the guy that she least expected to see.

“Annyoung haesaeyo, Sunye” Donghae said to her.

She was surprised to see him there, “Ah yes, annyoung haesaeyo” Sunye felt awkward by his presence since the call that Donghae made last night almost jeopardize her relationship with Jiyong. But of course, Donghae is unaware of her situation.

“I didn’t know that they invited you to give a talk today, do you usually attend this church?” Donghae said.

“Nope, actually I’m doing a favor for my friend” Sunye answered awkwardly.

“Oh, I see. You came alone? Where’s Jiyong?” Donghae asked.

“Jiyong oppa flew to Japan this morning. He has to attend some schedules there but should be back tomorrow evening” Sunye said, she was ruminating how to make it clear to Donghae about their relationship. She did not want any further misunderstanding between Jiyong and her involving Donghae.

“Oppa, there is something that I want to talk to you about. Do you have time after this?” “Sure, since it is almost seven, why don’t we have dinner together?” Donghae answered, inside he was curious to know what Sunye want to say to him.


They were at a grilled meat restaurant few blocks away from the church. After ordering, Sunye calmly brought up the topic she intended to say, “Oppa, I hope you don’t take this wrong but can you please don’t call me at my personal mobile anymore”

Donghae looked at her, he was quick to read the situation. “Did Jiyong dislike it? Did both of you fight because of my call last night?”

“I don’t want to have any misunderstanding between us oppa. I’m a married woman and I hope you are aware of that. In the future if you have anything important you can relay your message to my manager and I will get back to you” Sunye said as politely as possible, yet she did not answer Donghae’s questions. She does not feel the need to report to Donghae anything about her marriage life - she wants to draw a clear line between her friendships with Donghae promptly.

“I’m really sorry if my unexpected call caused any misunderstanding between you and Jiyong but I do hope that we can still be friends.”

Sunye did not reply, instead she just smiled, her ever charming smile. She could not promise if they can still continue their friendship because she hope to distance herself with Donghae after their meeting together. ‘I’m sorry, oppa but this will be our last dinner’ she thought in silence.

They were interrupted by the waiter who came to serve their food. Donghae and Sunye ate their meals quietly, both kept their eyes on the tv avoiding the newly-awkward situation between them.

“Now we move on to the entertainment corner” the announcer said. “Late last night, Kwon Jiyong or famously known as G-Dragon was spotted at an exclusive club with some models and not with his wife, Kwon Sunye. Is the donned ‘perfect couple’ facing a marriage crisis? Stay tune as we bring more on the news shortly”

Sunye’s eyes were glued on the tv as she watched the fancam of her husband and two models dancing away. In silence, Sunye recognized her fault, partly for their quarrel and another for not stopping Jiyong from going out last night. However, she was disappointed by his irresponsible action and more importantly, she felt betrayed after their ‘rekindled’ relationship.


-The night before-

After their fight, Sunye fell asleep on the sofa while waiting for Jiyong. It was almost three in the morning when she heard the door opened.

“Yeobo, where have you been? I am worried and you didn’t pick up my call either” Sunye said as she saw Jiyong walking haphazardly, he was drunk. He let her helped him to their bedroom before she went to the kitchen to get him some lime juice for hangover.

“Sunye, are you unhappy with me?” Jiyong asked while watching Sunye ing his ‘alcohol-scented’ shirt. Sunye did not answer.

“Do you know how much I love you?” Jiyong continued.

Sunye stopped what she was doing and looked at Jiyong, silently telling him that she loves him too. Jiyong clasped Sunye’s hand and inched closer to her face, she could smell his alcoholic breath. Sunye let Jiyong his finger on her cheek as he slowly place kisses all over her face and neck. Midway, he stopped to look at her and Sunye stare at his seductive eyes. Without warning Jiyong kissed her and she returned his kiss fervently. As Jiyong brought Sunye closer to him, she knew what to expect next. Perhaps, at the moment, that will be the best ‘solution’ to solve their misunderstanding.


Donghae noticed that Sunye’s expression has changed ever since they watched the news. “It’s just rumors anyway” Donghae commented, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

Sunye did not say anything as she put down her chopsticks, he noticed her watery eyes. “Oppa, excuse me. I want to make a call” Sunye said as she went outside the restaurant.

Donghae knew that she is most probably going to call Jiyong but within minutes she was back.

“Did Jiyong say anything?” Donghae asked without restrain, he is worried looking at Sunye’s pale face. Sunye shook her head.

“I’m sorry oppa, but I need to go” She said as she gathered her things to leave.

“I’ll send you home”

“No, it’s okay, oppa. I want to be alone” She left regardless the advice by Donghae.


Out of concern, Donghae followed Sunye in silence as she wandered aimlessly along the street. As if the weather knew what Sunye was feeling because moments later rain started to pour down. Sensibly, Donghae clutched the ‘lifeless’ Sunye and hauled her to his car. At that time, Sunye wished that Donghae could ‘vanish’ her from reality.

.: Author's Note :.
The past one week has been a ‘crazy’ one for me coz I have to prepare for G-Ye birthday since I didn’t give them anything this year so I decided to spread the G-Ye love on their birthday lol I had to prepare videos and one-shot and also the short-story chapters for the lovely G-Ye fans/readers – hope all of you like it ^_^ I was thinking to have a short break after this week actually but I feel bad if I leave my readers feeling somehow ‘sad’ after they read today’s chapter – so I’m still undecided. Actually, my original draft for this chapter suppose to be a lot ‘worse’ for G-Ye (they were in cold war and did not make up at all) but I decided to change it yesterday after I take into account of some of the comments posted. Hope, my lovely readers are okay with this chapter ^_^ although I can’t say whether G-Ye will make up or their situation becomes worse after this.
Anyway today is a special day for our beloved Kwon Leader because he turns 24 years old (Korean age). To all fans, don’t forget to trend #itsGDay on twitter for Kwon Leader’s birthday today and also to Big Bang fans since tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of Big Bang, VIPs has decided to trend #BIGBANG_FOREVER or #BB5forlife to celebrate. 

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credit: jenny96.tumblr

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I seriously love this story<br />
forever G-Ye!<br />
Tx for the beautiful FF
G-ye shipper yeay!
G-ye is timeless <3!!!!<br />
I love your story^^ So sweet..especially for me as G-Ye shipper~
kymvampire #5
gerhanap,why did u hate hae???omo this story was amazing..but,hae 0ppa was so pity...:(
OMG. Sunye gave Jiyong those flowers in the GIF?! Her figure looks like her....<br />
<br />
And awh. D: I hope Sunye decides to go to Jiyong's concert and be the guest of honour...
Aw, I feel kinda bad for Sunye.. seeing Jiyong dance with two models on tv ):