Bad Girl Gone Good?

SHINing One-Shot Shop! [REQUESTS OPEN]

My eyes wandered aimlessly around the office as the man in front of me talked. What was he talking about again? Heck, I’m not sure. I got bored as soon as his mouth opened. I pressed my hand against my lips gently in an attempt to hold back a yawn.

“Oh Kinnie, are you even listening to me?”

“Hm, nope! By the way what are we talking about?”  I asked him as I twirled a strand of my hair.”Why exactly am I in trouble this timeWoohyuk?”

“It’s Mr. Lee!” He exclaimed, starting to get irritated. I smirked. This was just way too much fun.”And you’re in here yet again because you are not following school rules.”

“But I just walked into school.” I said to him, raising an eyebrow.  Mr. Lee rolled his eyes and pointed his index finger at me.

“And you’re wearing that.” He said as he examined my outfit. I was wearing my signature black biker jacket with long leather pants, combat boots, and black gloves. To me this was all normal.

“What’s wrong with my outfit?!” I snapped at him. Fortunately for me, Mr. Lee was used to this kind of outburst from me.

“You know very well Kinnie that we have a uniform policy at this school.”

“Psshh, whatever.” I huffed and tugged on my leather jacket. Mr. Lee let out a tired sigh and carefully took off his glasses to massage his temples.

“Kinnie…how did you manage to break every single rule in this school?” He muttered with closed eyes. I grinned and gave him a small shrug.

“Guess I’m just a rebel.~” I boasted proudly. It’s true. I loved my reputation.~  Mr. Lee slowly shook his head and put his glasses back on.

“If this keeps happening then you’re going to get suspended Kinnie. You do know that right?” He explained while folding his hands over his desk.

“Yeah yeah.”                                                               

“Okay then…now get to class before you’re late.”

“Will do captain!~” I said with a salute and slung my gray backpack on my shoulder.”See you later Woohyuk!”

“IT’S MR.LEE-…never mind.”  I laughed and closed the office door. I honestly don’t know what’s so bad doing a few…”incorrect” things once in a while. Sure, I’ve broken pretty much every rule in this stupid school. But I’m a teen! Isn’t that what teens do? We have fun while we’re still young.~

“Look it’s her!”

“She didn’t skip today!”

“Omo! She’s so intimidating!” I heard plenty of muffled comments as I strolled the hallway. I wasn’t angered by any of them. They only boosted my confidence. I glanced over at a group of girls who just shivered and cowered behind each other when they noticed that I looked their way. I smirked and continued on my way to class. All that was heard was the sound of my combat boots against the floor as I walked.

*Later on in class*

“Anyone? Does anyone have the answer to this problem?” Ms. Kim repeated as she tapped her ruler on the board. Please don’t pick me, please don’t pick me. Her eyes scanned the entire class room but finally landed on me. AH shoot.

“How about you Oh Kinnie?” She asked tapping the math equation with her ruler once again. My eyes squinted a bit. All I saw on the board was a bunch of numbers and letters mixed up together. How on earth am I going to solve this?!

“Nope.” I said bluntly.

“Really? You’re not going to at least try to work this problem out?”

“Not at all.” She sighed and muttered something about me being “a waste of space” as one of the student’s hands quickly shot up in the air.”…Yes Lee Jinki?” My eyes widened as I heard that name. I turned my head a bit to the side and saw that the hand belonged to none other than Onew.

“Twenty four!” The brunette chirped. My heart fluttered at how sweet his voice sounds.

“Ah, that is correct. Twenty four.” Ms. Kim smiled and wrote the answer on the board. Onew flashed a wide smile and wrote something down on his paper. I sighed and rested my cheek on the palm of my hand as I continued to stare at him. Of course he got it right…He’s so smart. The bell suddenly run loudly.

“Alright class, get to lunch!” Ms. Kim said making everyone rush out the door. I stayed behind to collect all of my notebooks. Why do I carry all of this? It’s not like I use any of it!

“Answer our question Jinki!”

“Yah! I told you guys to call me Onew!”

“Just hurry up and answer it.”

“Alright, alright. What was it again?” I silently started it eavesdrop on their conversation. What? It involved Onew! I just can’t help it. This guy just made me feel so…weird. He made me get butterflies in my stomach and a blush on my cheeks. If only he know that he made me feel this way.

“You forgot already? We asked what your ideal type is.” I bit my lower lip from preventing myself from squealing like an idiot. AH! His ideal type?! I have to stay to figure out his answer! I picked up each of my notebooks very slowly and looked down, letting my long brown hair cover my face. What if he liked bad girls? Then that would mean…I would be his ideal type! Oh just the thought of it makes my face burn from so much blushing.

“Erm, well…” I peeked at him through my hair and saw that he was rubbing the back of his neck while giving his friends an awkward smile.”I like girls who are…” He looked around the room and briefly looked at me for a second before looking down at his desk. I could feel myself blushing as I continued to slowly pick up my things.

“I like girls…who are cute. Cute and innocent.” Onew said. My heart sank. What…

“Oh really?”

“Y-Yeah. I like the adorable and pure type.” He explained. “Someone really cute in everything that she does.”  I frowned at this. He likes cute girls. Of course, what was I thinking?! That he would like me? Come on! We’re the complete opposite! How could someone so nice and smart like a delinquent like me?! Wow Kinnie…what were you thinking? But…this is really heartbreaking. I really like Onew. Maybe even love. How is he going to notice me if I’m everything that he hates in a girl? Something bumped against my desk making me snap out of my thoughts and two of my notebooks fall onto the ground.

“Oh! I’m sorry!”

“Hey, watch where you’re-“ I was about to curse out the guy who did that until I looked up and saw his face. A blush rushed to my cheeks. Wow, I have the worst luck in the world. Onew gave me an eye smile and a small chuckle.

“Again I’m sorry.” He repeated with a bow.

“O-Oh. Um, it’s n-no problem…” I stuttered and quickly looked away from him. He chuckled again and bent down to pick up my things.

“Here you go.” He said placing them on my lap.


“Hey Jinki! Are you coming or what?”

“I told you to call me Onew!” He exclaimed loudly to his friend.”So anyway I’ll see you around Ki-“ He looked back at me and saw that I wasn’t in my seat.”…Kinnie?” I scurried out the door with my backpack in my hand. That was so embarrassing! Ugh, I can’t believe I was about to curse at him! Awaiting for me outside was a guy with crossed arms.

“There you are! I’ve been waiting here for five minutes! What took you so long?”

“It’s nothing Key.” I replied quickly as I slung the bag onto my back. Onew came out of the room shortly while talking with his three friends. Key raised his eyebrow at me and grinned.

“Oh, I see now.” Key was probably the only person that knew about my crush. He knew that if he told anybody he’d be dead.

“Hey Key!” Onew greeted him as he passed by us.

“Hey Onew.” He nodded to him and looked at me again.”Alright, what happened in there?”

“I’m not in the mood Key.”  I grumbled staring down at the floor as we walked.

“Someone got sent to the principal’s office this morning again didn’t she?~” He sang in a teasing way. I laughed and gave him a wry smile.

“Is it that obvious?”

“Honestly Kinnie, I’m not surprised. I mean just look at what you’re wearing. Yuck.” Key grimaced at me. I shot him a death glare. But since Key is my best friend he seemed totally unfazed by it like the others in this school.  

“What? I’m just saying.” He shrugged and looked straight ahead.”You’re a walking fashion disaster girl.”

“Whatever…” I sighed again.

“I mean, who wears leather the whole week! Nobody!” He exclaimed throwing his hands up dramatically.”Uniform isn’t so bad. The key is to accessorize.~”

“Key, I’m in the mood for your daily fashion tips today.”

“You’re not?” Key asked as he lowered his hands.”…Okay you going to the office isn’t the reason for your moodiness. What is it? Is it Onew?”  I shrugged and ran my fingers through my hair.”…It is him! Alright, tell me girly. What did he do?”

“I know his ideal type now.”  I mentioned, depression showing in my voice. Key smiled a bit at this.

“Oh really?”

“Yeah…He likes the cute type.”

“Ah, and you’re disappointed by this?” Key asked while his chin.

“Duh, obviously!”

“The cute type…” He whispered to himself. I gave him a nod.  Oh Onew…why do you have to like cute girls? Bad girls aren’t so awful. A light bulb suddenly went off in my head. I got it!

“I got an idea!”

“Hm, I guess there’s a first time for everything.” I shot him another glare making him laugh.”I’m just kidding Kinnie. What is it?”

“Well…since he likes cute girls and I not exactly the…”cute” type, maybe I could just change into one!” I said eagerly.

“Change yourself? Uh I don’t know Kinnie…” He told me with a confused expression on his face. I rolled my eyes and pat his shoulder softly.

“AND you can help me with it.” I added. Key’s eyes sparkled excitingly as a bright smile appeared on his lips.  This definitely made him agree.

“Brilliant!~ We’ll start tomorrow since we can wear whatever we want for the school carnival! We can totally take advantage of that…” He mumbled to himself and shook his head.”AH this is so exciting!”

“So you’re in on the plan?” I asked with a smirk.

“Of course my unfashionable little Kinnie!~” He squealed while pinching both my cheeks then taking a hold of my left arm.”With me by your side you will end up looking PRECIOUS!~”

“Uh that’s great…”

“Now let’s go!~”  Key yelled while dragging me to lunch. I guess there’s no turning back now on this plan…



*Later that day at the mall*


“Okay! I got you this, this, this, this, this, and THIS!” Key said as he continued adding articles of clothing onto my small arms. I stumbled back a bit but regained my balance and glared at him.

“Is all of this really necessary?”

“Uh, yeah.” He replied with an amused smile.”Now go and try it on!”

“Okay okay…geez…” I grumbled as I carefully walked into a dressing room to try on the mountain of girly clothes my best friend gave me. I was looking through all the clothes and pulled out something in specific. It was short and pink and…Oh no. He did not just give me this.


“What? Did something not fit?” I heard him say from the other side of the door.

“You got me a skirt?!” I yelled angrily.

“Oh that? Yeah I did.” He laughed.”You know, all the cute girls are wearing them nowadays.~” I groaned and tossed the skirt on the floor.

*10 minutes later*

“Kinnie!~  Are you done?” Key asked tapping his knuckles on the dressing room door.

“Uh, y-yeah I think so.”

“Then come out!” I sighed and slowly opened the door. I stepped out and carefully turned to the mirror in front of my dressing room.

“Well…what do you think?” I asked him as I fiddled around with my fingers. Key stayed silent.”…Key?” I turned around and saw Key staring right at me with his eyes wide open.


“Key? Hello?!” I waved my hand in front of his hand rapidly. “Key say something!”

“You…look…ADORABLE!!!” Key squealed and gave me a tight hug. I felt the air being squished out of me as his embrace tightened even more.”AH!~ KINNIE!~ I JUST WANT TO HUG YOU, AND CUDDLE YOU, AND SNUGGLE-“


“Geez, we fixed your looks but we couldn’t fix that nasty personality. What a shame.” He frowned as he let go of me. I rolled my eyes at him.

“Whatever. So what do you think? I don’t think it looks half bad…” I mumbled the last part as I started to twirl around.

“You look super cute! Kawaii even!” Key exclaimed pinching me delicate cheeks.

“AH! Come on Key!” I groaned smacking his hands away from my face. Key rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

“That personality really ruins the whole cute look. We’re going to have to work on that.” He said.”Anyways, let’s go pay for all this!~”


*The next day at school*

I wore something really "adorable" today for school. Or atleast that's what Key said when he gave me this outfit.


“Where is he?” I asked myself with crossed arms. I was waiting in front of the school and it was really embarrassing. Everyone keeps staring at me like I’m an alien.

“Is that really Oh Kinnie?”

“Yeah! It is!”

“Why is she dressed like that?”

“She looks really cute though!” I heaved a sigh and decided to ignore the comments made towards my new outfit.  This is for Onew, I thought.  I have to be cute for him. Maybe now he’ll notice me…

“Kinnie?” I turned and saw Key smiling at me.”Kya!~  You look even cuter today!~”

“Have you seen Onew?” I asked, ignoring what he said as I glanced around me.

“Yeah he’s over there near the snack machine.” Key said pointing. I looked at where he was pointing and saw Onew leaning against the machine as he ate a candy bar. He wore a red polo shirt with khaki pants. I blushed and looked back at Key.

“Okay, let’s go together.”

“Mhm!” He gave me a small nod.”But remember you have to act cute at all times Kinnie!” I nodded but quickly stopped.

“Um…Like this oppa?” I said in a gentler tone while giving him thumbs up.

“AH!~ SO cute!~” He cooed and hooked his arm with mine.”Now let’s go show Onew the new Kinnie.~” We started to walk towards him. My heart began to pound harder and faster with each step I took. A million of thoughts came to mind. What if he still rejects me?! What if he sees right through me?!

“Hello Onew.” Key greeted him with a nod. Onew nodded back as he still chewed his candy then swallowed.

“Ah, hello Key.~” His voice immediately made butterflies appear in my tummy.

“Oh, you know Oh Kinnie right? You both have math together.” Key said with a grin. Onew nodded once again, still not noticing me.

“Yep! We both have class-“ Onew suddenly looked at me and his eyes widened. His candy bar dropped to the floor as his jaw dropped.  I blushed a dark red.

“Um…Hello Onew oppa.” I greeted him with a small smile on my lips.

“K-Kinnie? Is that you?” He asked stepping a bit closer. I bit my lower lip as a nodded quickly.

“Y-Yeah. What? Do I look ugly?” I asked and added a pout. Onew shook his head and continued to stare at me.

“N-Not at all! But…you look different. And…you called me oppa.”

“I’ll just leave you two alone.~” Key said walking away from us.  I nodded and twirled my hair a bit.

“Are you okay Onew oppa?”

“Yes. And please…stop calling me Onew oppa.” My eyes widened. Oh no. He’s going to reject me! I knew it!


“Kinnie, why did you change your style?” Onew asked me while tiliting his head. My cheeks heated up as rubbed the back of my neck.

“Uh w-well…” I started.”I heard that you like cute girls….so…”

“So?” He waited for me to continue.

“Since I sort of…have a c-crush on you…and I’m not cute…I kind of turned into a cute girl. And here I am.” I finished looking down on my outfit with regret. I felt two finger lift my head up. I blushed as I came face to face with Onew.

“Kinnie, I only said that because…I was trying to avoid you from finding out that…well I like you too!” He said with a cheerful laugh.

“Wait….Y-You like me?!”

“Yeah.” He smiled.

“HOW?! I mean, you’re so nice and all and I’m just a troublemaker!”  I exclaimed feeling my eyebrows furrow in confusion. “This is making no sense!”

“I liked you because you have attitude. And your personality is very interesting.” Onew explained giving me an eye smile.”Plus, you look good in leather!~”  I blushed at his sudden comment and a giggle escaped my lips accidently. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth quickly. Onew just chuckled and hugged me.

“See? You can be cute all by yourself too.~” He said while kissing my nose.


“Of course.” Onew nodded and leaned in to give me a sweet kiss on the lips. I kissed him back happily while trying to avoid myself from exploding on the inside of glee. He pulled away and smiled.

“You’re my cute bad girl.~ And don’t forget it.”  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hello! I am the co-author NeonStarrs~ *bows* Hope you guys enjoyed this. ^^

This one was for Kinnie! :D

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oh right! i requested for a oneshot :D do tell me if you received the form already ^-^
SHINeeluvsME #2
@chicken_oppa yes we do!
do you accept Shinee-oc pairings?
im applied<br />
omfg, it was so good.<br />
I'm spazzing in my chair~
SHINeeluvsME #6
@ann_iiie i'm so confused lol
ann_iiie #7
(:<br />
nicole + kibum<br />
nicole + minho<br />
nicole + jonghyun<br />
nicole + dongwon<br />
niocle + (:<br />
<br />
Aw, cute ending! I can't wait for the other one-shots!
Aw! I love it so far! Haha, I think I know who the person is. *smirk* Can't wait for the second part!
SHINeeluvsME #10
ok i'll check it out