And I love him!



No one's POV: 

"Hey, how have you been?" Kyoungjae asked happily but frowned when Minseok didn't reply and instead just stared at him 

Five years 

Five years since he last saw Kyoungjae... and he still looked the same... heck he still had the smile that use to make Minseok weak at the knee's but now wanted to make him go up to the guy and punch him in the face for everything he put him through. 
"What are you doing here?" Minseok finally asked, not caring how cold he sounded when he said it 
"Been transferred over here for two years, this is my final year" Kyoungjae replied 
"And you?" he asked. 

"I teach at the school nearby" Minseok replied and Kyoungjae nodded before the two just stood there staring at each other. Neither of them knew what to say or what to do next. For Minseok this was because he hadn't seen Kyoungjae in five years and thought he would never have to see him again. For Kyoungjae this was because of how he left things with Minseok all them years ago and didn't know how to speak to his ex-boyfriend now that he was once again in front of him. 

"To answer your first question I'm perfectly fine" Minseok said and Kyoungjae frowned at him for a second before nodding 
"Good, good" he muttered 
"A-and how are things..." he began 
"Boyfriend wise? Great just started dating someone" Minseok replied 
"Oh really?" Kyoungjae asked and Minseok nodded but couldn't help but notice... was that a tone of surprise in Kyoungjae's question?

"Yeah his name is Jongdae" he said 
"Younger, by two years" to which Kyoungjae raised his eyebrows 
"Really? I thought you always went for older guys" he said and Minseok shrugged his shoulders. 

"Well the last time I dated someone older than me he proved to be a bit of a jackass" he replied and Kyoungjae nodded... maybe he deserved that...


"Freedom!" Jongdae shouted, walking outside and throwing his arms in the air. He was finally free from the meeting and was now able to go spend time with his Minnie  
"And I'm late by just three minutes" he muttered to himself, hopping into his car and quickly checking his phone. Minseok had messaged him a meeting place... guess he was going to have to go look for him then... 


Walking through the crowds, Jongdae was looking to see if he could notice Minseok through them but wasn't having much luck so far. About to give up and ring Minseok, he paused when he finally notice him but frowned when he saw that he was speaking to some random stranger. Jongdae was going to walk over and go to Minseok but paused again when the stranger took his hand and Minseok let him hold it for a second before he finally shrugged it of... what's going on here? 


"Why won't you take no as an answer?" Minseok asked angrily 
"Because I miss you" Kyoungjae replied, making Minseok scoff. What was making him angry I hear you ask? Well, Kyoungjae admitted to Minseok he still had feelings for him but Minseok didn't believe him; Kyoungjae broke his heart by going of with someone else and besides, Minseok had Jongdae now and didn't have to worry about the past. 

"Minseok please" Kyoungjae pleaded, taking his hand to stop him from walking away
"Let go" Minseok said 
"Why wont you admit you miss me to?" Kyoungjae asked 
"Because I don't. I got over you a long time ago and I have Jongdae now" Minseok replied 
"How do you know he'll love you like I use to?".

"He does love me... and I love him!" Minseok exclaimed and with that there was a pause before Kyoungjae sighed and let go of his hand 
"So there is no yes in this?" he asked 
"I'm afraid not. I moved on and it's about time you did as well" Minseok replied and Kyoungjae nodded before running a hand slowly through his hair. 

"Well then... stay safe and I wish you the best I guess" he said and Minseok nodded 
"You to" he replied before Kyoungjae hugged him and he sighed before quickly hugging him back 
"See you around Minseok" Kyoungjae muttered before walking away and Minseok stayed in his spot watching him. As for Jongdae? He was watching with... what was this called... jealousy? Why was that guy holding Minseok's hand and why were they hugging each other? 

He was extremely confused, jealous and angry and though he wanted to know what was going on, at the same time he didn't. 

Hey guys!! :D 

So yeah, Eli is only in this for like two chapters but... you guys know me! I have something planned up my sleeve and young Eli here is the catalyst for all things to come >:D 

Also! From the poll I got you guys to take in Chapter 31, the next story is going to be a Sulay story I have the title, the plot, who's who and all that jazz ready! And right now I have a little notepad open writting down an idea that popped into my head for a Hunhan story... I'm on fire today! 

Until the next chapter!!

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I don't know whether to do a triple update tonight or not to put you guys out of your misery... decisions, decisions...


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Blueez #1
Chapter 48: You totally fooled me with that unexpected ending! haha but awww it was soo sweet and perfect <3
Chapter 48: So sad that it's over ;( Happy ending though <3 awesome job authornim \(^_^)/
Chapter 25: ㄱ_ㄱ XD yasssss kiss on the cheekk
Chapter 10: Stupid things you do when your in love.... XD
Chapter 9: Yeah.. I cant believe Chen's grandpa would spy on him too XD
Chapter 8: Hahahaha!! Omg XD The grandpa tho
Chapter 8: Hahahaha!! Omg XD The grandpa tho
Chapter 7: This... Is just amazing