This is my story

About Time

“My name is Hwang Sera. I was an art student. Well you can say that I will be the second Leonardo Da Vinci. Every touch in my masterpiece, I put all my heart into it. People say if an artist want to make a very magnificent work, they need to know love and know how it felt to fall in love. Well I have felt the feeling of falling in love. In fact ,I’m still feel it even today. Kim Jongin. He was the one behind my art. I called him ‘my muse’. For three consecutive years, we have been in the same class but still never once in this long period I have talked to him. Three months more before the graduation day and I’m still there, at the corner of my class, watching him from afar, without even saying ‘hello’ to him. The coward me, should I confess to him or just let him go like that? My heart is aching day by day and I have to make my decision. Time is ticking and I know it’s....about time.”




“Hwang Sera!”

I dropped my iPhone on the floor when someone so suddenly jumped on my back. None other than Eugene. Should I say she was my only friend? The cheerful and active her, sometimes I couldn’t handle it. She too talkative and always nag at me, who was so shy to talk with the other. I was in a green of envy with her because she could be friend with anyone around her and most importantly, she was Kai’s childhood friend. They have known each other since kindergarten.

“Are you day dreaming again?”


“Then, did you stalking him again?”

“Didn’t I say don’t talk about this again? You are currently invading my privacy.” I warned her but she just act cute and stick out her tongue.

“What do you like about him huh? There’s nothing special about him. Bored, lame, what else?” Eugene sat next to me on the bench. We were having our PE class now, but who care? We just lazing around, talking here and there. Eugene landed her head on my shoulder while I was looking a group of boys playing football at our wide green field. I’m not interested in football but because of the ‘person’ that was playing in the game that make me watched them.

“Confess to him, Hwang Sera.”

I divert my view to my friend. Her statement was so sudden.

“He might like you too.”

“I’m pretty sure he wasn’t! With many other pretty girls around him, there is no way he would even take a look at me. Not even a glance.”

Eugene gave a pinch to my arm with a grumpy face.

“You should have more confidence in yourself Sera! Should I help with your love story? Should I?”

“There is no need. My unrequited love, just let it be like this.”

“You..are on my nerve right now Sera! Arghhhh! I’m the one who was suffocated with your where-is-the-ending story. You have three months to go. There is nothing you could do anymore once he debut. All of the idol under SM entertainment, they were no joke. All of them were like BAAAMMM in entertainment industry. You know what I mean right?”

I just nodded. True. If now he already popular in my school, after this, he will be swarming with his fan day and night. He would be seeing a beautiful pretty girls group at the broadcasting station and what about me? Probably I will just watching him in the television.

“Don’t just nod your head. Should I call him?”



Without any hesitant, loudly and clearly, in front of the other classmate she called out for his name. Kai turned his head searching where the voice came from and I already set my weak foot to run away from her like crazy.

“Why?” Kai come running to Eugene.

“Take my duty today.”


“Can’t you just do it without questioning to me? I’ve got menstruation pain. Satisfied?”

“But you seem perfectly fine!”

“Have you felt it before?”

“Nope. How could I know when..”

“Then shut up and obey my command! Don’t try to skip you got it!” Eugene then skipped back to the classroom and search for the possible place where Sera could hide herself.



“Sera! Sera niii!” Eugene came to get me right after the class ended. I already exhausted because of the run I had before. Yeah run for your life. Thinking that it’s my turn for class duty today make me more weaker and I feel like I want to curse someone right here and right now. For God sake.

“Sera! Today I won’t be able to fulfil my duty with you. Sorry.” Eugene showing her aegyo to me, hoping that I will let her go this time. But I’m not strong enough to clean up this whole room!

“Where are you going? Please don’t leave me. Are you going to let me clean this room alone?”

“I’ve got a date today! Can’t you just pretty please let me go? But no worries! I already find someone that was so generous to take over my duty today.”

“Who?” I asked in curiosity.

“You found it out soon.” Eugene packed all her thing in rush and before I could begged at her one more time, she already at the back door of the class and give me a flying kiss.

“I already late! See you soon my dear friend!”

And I was left alone now. Just me alone to clean up all of the stuff that my classmate successfully messed up. The one thing that I hate the most was..chewing gum! Why they need to stick that thing under their table right after they had enough of it? That so disgusting!

“Ahh whatever Sera. The faster you get the job done, the faster you could back home. Fighting Sera!”

That was my word. Not very convincing right? At least it could make my heart at ease. I start my job by cleaning the blackboard first. Hey that the easiet thing to do! When I was busy cleaning the blackboard, suddenly I could hear someone slide open the door. Maybe he/she left something in here. Basically, I just turned my head to see who is it. But when I see the figure, automatically I felt my heart thumping vigorously. My eyes were wide open and yup I think my face was so stupid that time.

“Ah hello. By any chance, are you the one who was on duty today with Eugene?”

“. Did he was so mesmerizing like this or perhaps today he was super double handsome?”

I stare his face thoroughly. To be honest, I never stand that near to him. Current distance now was about 2.2 meter. Those kissable lips, those y eyes..I don’t think I can endure it for a long time. But after a minute, he burst into laugh. That make me realise what I have done. I turned my face to the board and hit my forehead with it.

“Crap. Aren’t you being too obvious Sera?! Get hold of yourself!”

He came closer to me but I stepped back more. Body reflection! To break the awkwardness, he introduced himself to me.

“My name is Kai. Did you just transfer here? I don’t think I have seen you anywhere before.”

“Aaaaa..I have been here since the last three years ago.” “Is he stupid?! I have been stalking over you since the opening ceremony! Please pay more attention to me!”

“I’m so sorry. I have no intention to offend you. Maybe because I skipped the class too much.” He smile while his hand scratching at the back of his head. He must be embrassed. I’m still standing there but I keep my defend up by looking down the floor for the whole time.

“Then what is your name?”

“Hw-hw-hwang  Sera.”

“You got such a pretty name.”

Is flower blooming around me? Never in my life people said my name was beautiful. They find it weird!

“Anyway, I’m here to help you out in Eugene place. She said she had...”

Kai stopped. He stared at me. I’m just jerking my eyebrow asking him to tell me.

“Menstruation pain..that what she told me.” He run his finger to his another arm and he let out a small cough to clear his throat. I bet he was too ashamed just to say that. But poor him, he have fall into Eugene trapped. I too have fallen to her trap. She was acting like a cupid again.

“Is that so? But..I could handle all this just fine. You must be busy with your dance and singing training, so you should go now.” I said with such a hush voice.

“Oh? How did you know I was a trainee?”

“Its already wide spread in the school. Blame it to your friend muse. Eugene love to spread the news.”

I just make my way to the back of the class to take a piece of rag to wipe the window without answering his question. I should run for my life right? My heart may explode if I talk to him more. He helped me with chores but both of us fall into silent the whole time. I was too afraid to talk to him and for him, I’m just a perfectly stranger that he know my existence today.




“Darn it! I should have talk to her. Eugene! She planned all this. She knew that I’ve been looking to her these past 3 years. What have I done? Pretending not knowing her this whole time is kinda too much. I didn’t mean to offend you Sera.”

Sera already left the classroom a bit earlier after she had fulfil her job. I want to accompany her to the front gate but I just didn’t feel right about it. We are not close for me to walk her home. I looked out at the window and it was raining heavily. I was so worried about her. She never had an umbrella with her even though she know that it’s going to rain this whole week. Maybe she didn’t watch news that much.

I took my bag and walked down while I was checking my phone. Suho hyung send me a text message reminding me the time I was supposed at my training place. I let out a heavily sighed thinking how tiresome was the training. It was like hell but this what I have to go through to achieve my only dream to be an idol. I slide my phone back into my pocket and when I changed my view to the front, I saw Sera. She was standing at the entrance, looking up to the sky. Her face was pale like she always be and her long shiny brownish hair swayed gracefully when the wind blow. I couldn’t stop my heart beating as I look at her. The perfect girl for me. I gather up my courage and approach her.

“You didn’t leave yet?”

She was kind of shocked when she find me right at her back and she took a few step backward, keeping some distance between us.

“It’s raining heavily. I think I just stay here for a few moment.” She replied with a frail voice.

I took off my jacket and using both my arm, I shade it over her head.

“Ahhh you don’t have to do this. Your clothes will get dirty.” She neglecting.

“It’s okey. I could just asked my mom to wash it later rather than letting the rain drop to fall on your face.”

Our eyes locked for a few second before she turn her head away.

“No no. What I mean is..rain..they are not good for your skin. So, what I mean is you shouldn’t let yourself be drenched with it. So, can you run?”

She was awry at first but fortunately she nodded, accepting my deeds. We ran under the rain to the bus stop in front of our school just using my jacket to shield ourselves. I think that the rain was blessing us. I think I have gone crazy. I have crazily fall in love with her. And it’s wasn’t in my plan.




“How was your first date yesterday, Sera?” Eugene excitedly asking me for the report.

“Yah! You shouldn’t have him taking your place. He was already busy with his schedule.” I slowly knocked her head.

“You should be grateful Sera. If not me, you won’t be alone with him like that ya know? Are you happy?”

I couldn’t hide my happiness from her. It was like a heaven yesterday even it just for a moment. Using his body, he protected me from the rain. Argghhh I will have a erted imagination if I keep replying about yesterday.

My art teacher, Ms Yuni, called out for me on the second period of my class.

“Did you still remember about the scholarship in France that you applied the first month of this year?”

“Yes. What about it? Did I rejected?”

My teacher face turned sour. I know this will happened. I’m not talented enough to be admitted in that prestigious collage in France.

“ got accepted. You did it Sera!” She hugged me tightly and I can’t hold my tear of happiness. At last, I can fulfil my dream. I’m gonna be a outermost artist ever. This is my chance.

“You are not kidding right teacher?! Did Sera got accepted?!”

“Eugene! You are spying on her again!”

“I don’t care about it anymore! Sera you made it! Wohoooo! I should treat you today!” Eugene run towards me, hugged me and kiss me a thousand times at my cheek. Never in my life there was someone was cheering on me except her.

“So, you are going there one week before the graduation day!” Ms Yuni said.

My heart stopped. It was too early for me. Less than 2 months and I’ll left Eugene and..Kai.

“Then you just can only make it for the ball night then.” Eugene pitied me.

“It’s okey then. It’s not that I can get a partner for the ball.”

“But but..I want to take a graduation photo with you!”

“We could make it some other time right?”

“Umm. But about the ball, you must attend it! I’m the one who in charge in this serious matter. If you didn’t have a partner that night, then I will be your partner.”

“Nobody partnering with the same for the ball Eugene.”

“Then we will be the first!”



I walked back into my classroom and sit at my place, the corner of the class. I’m taking out a bundle of yellow sticky notes that I’ve got these past 3 years. Somebody loves to put this on my desk every morning since I was a freshman. ‘Have a nice day’ ‘Your long hair are the best’ ‘Smile’ and etc..if I count it..I’m sure it will reach a thousand. But lately, I just got this thing once a week. I’m wondering if Eugene the one who put this. Furthermore, she loves to make surprise. Reading the notes all over again can make my heart flattering. Whoever gave this to me, I’m totally grateful. Thanks for making my day.



“Sera! You got time today?” Eugene came approaching the way she used to, jumping to the back of my small body.

“Why? You have a brilliant plan in your mind?”

“Aish. Did you think I’m that naughty? It’s about Kai.”

“What about him?” that caught my attention.

“He asked me out. Come tag along with us!”

“Kai asked her out? Did he Eugene. It’s not impossible Sera. Eugene was so pretty. If I were to stand next to her, her radiance will defeat mine. She got popularity and stuff. She got everything.”

“You can’t tag along with me?”

“Ahhh..I just remember that I’ve got some work to do in art room. Look at the time now! I already late! See ya tomorrow Eugene! Have a nice date with him!”


 In a dash I ran out of the class like a stupid girl. I bump into everyone who was at the hallway and I dropped my art case on the stair. Pencils rolling here and there and the paint spilled all over the floor. I hunker to collect all the things but my tear kept running on my cheek. I put my arm on my eyes. And I’m crying.




“You are alone?”

“Did you see anyone other than me here?”

Sera didn’t tag along. What the hell was Eugene doing? She never failed in her plan. I rolled my eyes, put on a cap and walked pass Eugene.

“Yah! Are you going to leave me alone?”

“I told you to bring her along. You just bring your here. I’m going back.”

“Am I some kind of robot? Both of you..make me so in stress! Can’t you just be honest with her?! I’m not going to do this anymore!”

I turned my body and look at Eugene. She stopped in immediate.

“What did you tell her?”

“I’m just saying ‘Kai asked me out. You should come and tag along.’ Just something like that!”

“Babo. Why did you say I asked you out?! I’m asking her out here!”

“Yeah I know! But every minute you text me mentioning to NEVER EVER saying that you asked her for a date. What the hell I’m going to say ?”

“That that..” darn. I lost my words.

“Obviously you like her but you keep hiding it from me. We are not a kid anymore Kai. You already caught red handed by me.” She crossed her arms against her chest. I just can’t confess to her. What if she rejected me on the spot? Truthfully, I just can’t hear any rejection.

“Let’s do this then. Ask her to be your partner for the year-end night.”

“For the annual ball? Bad idea. What if she refused?”

“She won’t! I can ensure you!”

 She stretched out her hand.

“Take it or leave it?”

This might be my only chance. I’ve got nothing to lose. Kai you can do it.




I washed up all of my brush at the sink. While I was busy cleaned it up, there were two girls went inside and review their faces in front of the mirror. One of them was fixing her make up while the other was busy checking her phone. Make up huh? I’ve never put that on my face.

“Hey! Is my make up fine?”

“Just nice. Are you going to do it?”

“Of course! At this level I need to have him. That Kim Jongin. He was going to be an idol. Don’t you think it was awesome to be an idol girlfriend?”

“Geez. Look at you. If you got him this time, you must set me up with his friend you got it?”

“I know I know. Now let’s go.”

They walked out but all I could do just standing there doing nothing. I want to kick their for good but I was too weak. I want to stop them but what if they will look down on me? True love doesn’t exist in this world anymore. If you are pretty, then you could get everything in this world. And a loser like me, my place is just at the corner of this world. I want to get big faster so I will stand at the same level like everyone else.

“I hope Kai won’t accept that girl.”



I returned back to the art room just to find Kai was looking around the art room. What he doing here?

“Umm..Kai ssi?”

He turned to face me and he gave me the greatest smile ever. Like he was waiting for me all along.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m looking for you. Your paint, it was daebak! I never meet any talented person like you.”

“You’ve got so many friends. Maybe they are more talented than me.”

“Friend? Come to think of it..I’ve got this one friend who really proud with his art. Do you want to take a look at his drawing?”

Without saying yes, he just took out his phone and showed it to me. There were many drawings but it’s kind..of...

“What do you think? It’s really bad? Right?”

“That just a doodle and the feel is like..kindergarten?”

At first he just looked at me blankly but then he burst into laughter.

“Kris hyung should hear your comment! That was the most honest comment I’ve ever heard.”

He can’t stopped laughing but was humour about it. I can’t find it. Seeing that I didn’t laughing, he stopped and clear his throat.

“I have something to ask you.”

I feel a tense atmosphere between us. He took a mask that was placed on the shelf and put it on me. Is he going to play with me? I want to open it up but he grabbed my hand and put my movement to a halt.

“Just wear it. I’m a little embarrassed to talk right now.”

I’m just agreed with him and put the mask back on my face.

“You just nodded and shook for the answer you got it.”

I nodded.

“Did you hate me?”


“Did you have anyone you like?”

“that was you muse.” Nodded

“That was unlucky then. Anyway did you have partner for the ball?”


“Then...would you partner?”

“I didn’t hear it wrongly, yes? He just asked me to be his partner. This isn’t some kind of joke right?”

“I’m not joking with you and this is real. I’m asking you to be partner.”

“Omo. Did he read my mind? Anyway I just need to shook or nod my head.”

And my answer was yes. Nodded. He still not letting go his hand from mine. I’m still feel the warmth of his heat.

“Really?! Then on that night, you have to wait for me here! You got it?”

“Yeah but can I open this right now?” I asked.

“Let me help you.” He offered.

Before I could see the light of the day, suddenly something unexpected happen. It was so fast but I could feel it. I felt something touched my lips. Don’t tell me he..kiss me? I couldn’t think straight anymore. This is really embarrassing. The moment he took off the mask completely, he was right in front of my eyes. My muse, he just right in front of me.

“Thanks..for not rejecting me.”

I just could nod my head again. He smile and left me alone. This isn’t a dream. My stupid love, it’s getting closer to me. And I’ve no idea that this sweet memento wrecked my life once and for all.



I walked at the hallway alongside Eugene. We are heading to our class but everyone was staring us strangely. They were whispering to each other with their eyes set on my face.

“Did something going on?” Eugene asking me.

“I don’t know. Let’s just get into our class.”

Even when we were in the class, my classmate locked their eyes on me. They who never know my existence start to give a strange attention to me. And then one of the girl came.

“Is it true?”


“That you will be Kai partner for the ball?”

How did they know? I never told this matter to anybody including Eugene.

“How..did you know?”

“So it’s true after all. Give me a break. I bet Kai choose you out of symphaty.” She smirked and then leaving me alone. I ignored it at first but when I want to take out my books under the table, I feel something pierce my skin and my blood was dripping drop by drop. What I found was a few thumb tack on my books. Never in my life I was treated like this. It was too harsh.

“Yah Sera! Your finger was bleeding.”

Eugene came to take a look at my wound and she take out a plaster from her backpack.

“Just who the hell do this to you.”

“I don’t know but I think I know why they did this to me.”

“Hurm? Did you do anything wrong to anyone?”

“Nope.........but I think it’s because Kai make me his partner.”




My days were for the whole month. My painting was thrown into the dustbin. My books were torn in every page. They confine me in the toilet. And for the worse, they splashed a pile of water. I can’t count anymore how many of my uniform were dirtied by them by this month. I want them to stop this. I want my peaceful days back without anyone bother to talk to me. I was hoping for Kai to explain all of these to them, but he nowhere to be found. Is he that busy?

“Are you okey?”

Eugene was busy cleaning my face using her handkerchief. Today it was flour. They throw it right on my face.

“I’m fine.”

“Urgh! I can’t believe those girls. They already went overboard! And where the heck was that guy?! He nowhere to be found this whole month!”

“Don’t blame it on him. He was innocent.”

“Innocent you say? Listen to me Sera! Love also has the limit. He should be responsible with all this thing. He the one who should clean up all of this matter. And what he doing right now was busying himself with his schedule. I know that he going to debut soon but at least he should say something to you.”

I’ve never seen Eugene in such angry mood. She was really mad.

“It’s okey Eugene. He will be an idol soon. And I have made up my mind. I will confess to him on the ball night.”

“Really?! You are not joking right?”

“That will be the last time I’m going to meet him anyway. Whether he accept or reject my heart, I didn’t care anymore. I want my heart to rest at peace. I don’t want any regret once I went to France.”

Eugene hugged me tightly and she was more joyous than I am.

“I will make sure that you be the most beautiful girl he ever saw that night. Pinky promise!”



I was waiting at the art room that night. It’s time. On that night, I wore a pearl white dress with my hair was braided neatly by Eugene. She also helped me to put on some make up on my pale face. A little bit of pink blusher on my cheek, some eyeliner that make my brownish eyes more exposing and hot red lipstick on my lips. I never wore anything like this.

The ball already start a few minute ago but I’m still patiently waiting for him. While waiting for him, I tried to draw his face. I will make this as a farewell gift for him. A few hours past, but he didn’t show up. The ball will be end anytime soon. I check on my watch and it’s already 11.50. I tried to finish my paint but I keep erasing his face. I can’t remember his feature anymore. I was madly in love with him but why I can’t even draw his face?

And then the sound of the door can be heard. I thought it was him but it turn out to be Eugene. She was standing right at the door.

“He hasn’t come yet?”

Slowly I shook my head. I think my eyes already became watery. I keep on drawing his face but I end up erasing it over again. I have lost my patience and I throw away my easel. Eugene came running to me and hugged me.

“Sera what’s wrong dear?”

“I can’t remember anything about him anymore! I can’t draw his face! Why Eugene? Why?!”

“Sera..don’t be like this..”

I tighten my arm around Eugene waist and she caressed my hair. I cried. I can’t act like I was so strong. The reason that I just endure all the things that they had done to me was because of the love I had towards him. I took all of the pain, hoping that tonight will be the cure for all the they had done to me. But it turnout to be the knife that make my heart keep bleeding and I realised there was no cure that he can give to me except pain. When I was trying to erase all of the bad memories, I end up erasing the good memories. That was the reason why I can’t remember about him anymore. The feeling of nervous when he protect me from the heavy rain, the warmth of his hand on mine and the sensational feeling when his lips land on mine. It was all gone.

Without bid my farewell to the teacher nor my classmate, like a wind I vanished from their view. I went to France and never planned on returning back to Korea. Only Eugene was there for me when I was about to go. She was the greatest friend I ever had. But I don’t think I will see her again. I lost my reason to be back to my homeland.

My first love destroy all of my sense.

I traded my love for my own dream.

Love have turn into the painful tear I had on that night.

I can’t fall in love anymore.

And now, I hate him and my last wish was...


“Kai, don’t ever show up in front of me again. please vanish from my life.”





Must be wondering what the heck was Kai doing? Wait for the sequel guys! –author nim-










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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 1: omg!!!! sequelllllll!!! :D
nerdyviv88 #2
Chapter 1: Wow this is seriously good!!! Can't wait for the sequel :)
AUnonis #3
enurayaya :) I'm reading.
miakay #4
Oh gosh! Your story is so good~ >.<
I'm overwhelmed with emotions right now^^
update soon
Whyyy the cliffhanger authornimmmmm..
Seriously, what are you doing kai?!
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the sequel because I'm in love with this story <33333
Chapter 1: Just update this soon,it was awesome !!!
kimirina #9
Chapter 1: Author nim hwaiting in making your sequel! I will be waiting !!!!
jinsungho #10
you go girl ! i love you! ihiks