Am I truly insane?


I have been confined in these walls for god knows how long. The last thing I remember before I arrived at this place was this charming land, far away from here called Pandora. It was a land of mystery and adventure, an escape from the everyday life here on Earth. It was in another dimension. I travelled there by a portal that had opened in the ground of my backyard when I was eight years old. The first time I told my parents of this magical land they assumed I was making it up. As I got older I would still visit and talk about Pandora, my parents began to think that I was insane. They sent me to an insane asylum when I was about 16 years old. I don’t know how long I’ve been here but I believe it’s been a while. I can feel my mind and body deteriorating with every passing day that I’m here.

“Im Nana, the chairman would like to speak with you now,” a lady said opening the door to my cell.

I looked at her and rolled off the hard metal bed that I slept on. I followed her down the hallway into the main room of this asylum. Every month the chairman of the asylum would interview me, asking many questions to see how I’m doing. If I answered the questions correctly to his satisfaction than he would let me out but if I didn’t then I would continue staying in this hell.

I sat down in front of the chairman. He was a strange man. He had gray hair that was swept back. He would wear a long lab coat which had a lot of gismos and gadgets in the pockets. He had round glasses that were always perched atop the bridge of his nose. His name was Dr. Kim. He was supposedly a psychologist or a psychiatrist, something along those lines.

“It’s nice to see you again Im Nana,” the chairman said with a creepy grin.

I didn’t respond.

“Do you know why you’re here today?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Tell me why you are here,” he said.

“To see whether or not I’m mentally stable enough to be released or to continue imprisoning me,” I replied.

“Now we are not imprisoning you Miss Im, we are here to help you,” he clarified.

“Help me with what?” I hissed.

“Why are you responding with such hostility? I’m here as you’re friend.” He looked at me straight in the eyes and gave me a toothy and creepy smile.

“I don’t want to be your friend,” I said.

“Alright,” he said raising his palms in the air as if he was surrendering, “but I still have to ask you some questions.”

“Then ask them.”

He placed his clipboard on his lap and read the first question aloud, “Why do you believe you are here?”

“My parents sent me here,” I replied.

“Why did they send you here?”

“They thought I was insane,” I whispered.

“And why did they think that?”

“Because I told them of this place that doesn’t exist,” I said.

“Really? You don’t believe that it exists? Surely you believed it existed when you were first brought here,” he retorted.

I looked up at him. “It never existed,” I emphasized.

“What was this place called?”


“Why did you make it up?”

“I didn’t make it up.”

“But, you just said that it never existed yet now you are saying that you didn’t make it up. Isn’t that a bit contradicting?” he asked arching an eyebrow.

I just sat there silently examining my hands.

“You made up this place called Pandora for attention in order for you to receive attention from your parents. That is totally understandable as all children do that but you believed the world that you made up for yourself,” he said.

“I never wanted it for attention. I got plenty of attention from my parents before they abandoned me by sending me here,” I stated.

“You say this place doesn’t exist yet you still continue to dream about it.”

I glared at him.

“We monitor you in your sleep. Dreams are the window to the soul. You talk in your sleep of Pandora,” he said grinning again as if he’s hit the target.

“It was made up. I do not dream of it,” I said quickly.

“Then why do you yell the name of the girl that you said you fell in love with? She was from Pandora wasn’t she?” he asked.

Tears were beginning to cloud up my vision.

“You mumble all sorts of things but you begin to yell her name several times before you awaken from your nightmares,” he said staring at me intently. “You made her up in your world because you craved attention and she was the one that gave it to you.”

“I didn’t make her up,” I muttered.

“Tell me Miss Im, if you did not make her up than where is she? You say that Pandora does not exist yet you cannot tell me where she is,” he said approaching me, “I believe you are lying to me, trying to make me believe that you do not think Pandora is real anymore so you can leave. But darling, you’ve been tied up in your make believe world, that is why you are here. I’m not letting you go,” he said sternly, clenching my jaw with his hand.

I pulled away from his tight grip.

“That is all for today. I will see you next month,” he said ushering me out of his room.

The lady took me back to my cell. I walked in and she locked the heavy metal door.

I was back in these confined walls. I was so close to leaving but Dr. Kim is menacing and manipulative. He says that he wants to help but all he really wants is to mess with your mind and keep you in his torture chamber for as long as possible until you truly lose your mind.

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Chapter 4: ahh this is really good ^^
i hope you'll continue this one day
Chapter 4: oh i like it so much! but i am a bit confused, is Pandora real? or is Nana mad?
i guess i will find it out^^
update soon author, please≈
thank you<3
Chapter 4: Is nana going to be released from the psychiatric?I hope so
Chapter 1: great first chapter.first chapter already intense,wondering if i can handle d next update.btw,good luck
Chapter 1: Im nana :<