The Intern


The sunlight penetrates the window in one of the classrooms of the university. It is another day for some but for someone, this is a start of a countdown before leaving. Dara is looking through the window, observing and reminiscing good memories of her stay in the university. She remembers her unforgettable first day. She was late in her first class because she cannot find her classroom. She was shy to ask someone because her English skill is poor.




Until, a girl bumped her. “Oops. My bad. I’m sorry.” The girl apologized while helping Dara to stand up.





Smile is the only thing Dara did to show the girl that she’s already forgiven. “Are you mute?” The girl asked with bewilderment.




Dara immediately shook her head and heaved a sigh before saying, “Hmmmm. Me, a Korean.”




“Oooh. That’s why.” The girl said. She was looking at Dara from head to toe until her eyes landed on the paper she was holding.




She took it from Dara’s hand and showed hers. “Look. We’re in the same room.” The girl’s smile faded when she remembered the time and pulled Dara.




Dara was brought back to reality when the bell rang, indicating that the class is about to start. She observes the room and just like the old times, her classmates maintain stoic expressions while waiting for their professor.




The room is so quiet that you can already hear the tick of the clock. She cannot blame them because the monster will enter the premise in no time. When talking about monster, it means their professor. Professor Mendoza is a major threat for graduating students. Some said that 10% only of the class passes his subject and he doesn’t care whether they are graduating or not.




Dara was startled when she heard footsteps coming from the door, revealing the monster, the professor rather. “I am just one semester away from my graduation and there’s nothing can stop me from achieving that. Omma, Appa. Wait for me.” Dara said through her mind and started listening to the professor.




Sandara Park is a Communication Arts Major in a University in the Philippines. She’s a pure Korean but her parents decided to send her in a Philippine school because it’s a lot cheaper. English subject is also part of its curriculum which adds to its perks. Her family is not rich. Her father is a clerk in a consultancy firm while her mother sells handy crafts made by her.





“Gahd, I thought I’d have a heart attack any minute.” Roxanne said as she slumped on the seat.



Joseph, on the other hand, is fanning himself. “I thought my last sem in college will be memorable.”



“Why? Does our professor will not be sooo memorable?” I teased. “Woah.woah. Didn’t you feel scared, even an inch?” Roxanne asked transferring her seat beside me.



I tried to maintain a calm posture but to no afford, my body betrayed me and my mouth started talking on its own, “Sheez, I was so scared that I thought I’ll pee in my pants. His words are like daggers perfectly going to my direction and his voice is like lazer beams that gradually making my sense of hearing perished.”



Well, yeah. I was scared. I took what I said. He's a nightmare that will definiteIy haunts me every night. I thought thinking happy thoughts will be enough to disregard the things our professor was saying or even make those a constructive one. But the anxiety I was feeling made me want to jump off the window.



“Do you think we’ll pass his subject?” I sighed and rested my chin on the table.



“Where’s the oh-so-positive-girl I’ve met?” A giddy smile formed on my lips and turned my head to where the voice is coming from.



“My looooves!” I threw my body and hug my boyfriend tightly. Gaaaah, this is heaven.



Okay, before I spazz too much, let me introduce him. He is Lee Donghae. He is a Psychology Major in the same university. We’ve met in a Filipino class. We were the only International students in that class so we became partners in an activity. He’s also a Korean. So, sometimes, we’re also having our own world like others do when they talk about us. Then we became friends. We found out that we shared same interests. Fell in love and the rest was history.



“I heard that your professor is a monster.” Donghae said while combing my hair using his fingers. I nodded and said, “Will you still visit me here after your graduation?”  Flashing my puppy eyes to him.



He pinched my nose and grinned. “What are you saying? We’ll graduate at the same time and go back to Korea together…”















“And will make a lot of babies.” I retorted. His eyes furrowed with what I said.







“…in the future. Haha.” I forced a laugh and invited him to our table.



He snapped his finger like he remembered something. “Oh, I forgot to tell you something. Dara-ah, I bumped the Dean when I was on my way here. He was looking for you and I said I’ll relay the message to you.”



“Why? What did he say?” I asked with confusion plastered on my face.



“He said that he needs to talk to you about your internship. You should go to his office now. Looking the way he talked to me, I think it’s important.” Donghae explained.



I rubbed his cheek and said, “Hmmm. Okay. Go to the table with Joseph and Roxanne first. I’ll just catch up with you after I talked to him. Plus, the two needs a psychologist to help them survive the day. Keke.”



Donghae laughed while staring at Joseph and Roxanne who look like becoming lunatic any moment.



I kissed him and made my way to the Dean’s office.





Dara knocked and was welcomed by the department’s secretary.



“Good afternoon. I am Sandara Park. The Dean’s looking for me.” Dara said and entered the room.



“Hmmm. G-Good Afternoon, Sir. I heard you were looking for me.” Dara greeted the Dean and his hand gestured like he was inviting her to take a seat.



She sat on one of the chairs in front of the Dean’s table. The room was fully air conditioned and has a pine tree scented smell. 



The Dean is somewhat in his 50’s or 60’s and has a big belly that blocks him from getting nearer to the table. He is wearing blue long sleeves polo, matching with black coat and a red tie. You get the picture. The typical, intimidating look of a person with a high position in an institution.



“Okay. I have received a letter here from an entertainment company in Korea. They want us to send a student who can be an intern.” The Dean said while looking at the letter.



“I looked trough your record Ms. Park. It’s your last semester in the university and must complete an OJT subject before graduation. I think that you’ll be the best representative of our university. What do you think?” He asked Dara.



Dara wanted to say Yes but she immediately thought of her friends and Donghae. She wanted this semester to be memorable for all of them by spending time together. She became sad at the thought of her leaving them.



The Dean positioned himself on the swivel chair comfortably before saying, “All you need to do is to focus on your training and leave a good impression in the company.”



“Ms. Park, you will be our school pride. Your performance will reflect to the university.” He said while holding Dara’s hands.



Dara abruptly pulled her hands. Her mind is contemplating whether to accept the opportunity or stay with her friends and spend the ups and downs of the last semester together.



She sighed and looked at the Dean. “Let me think about it, Sir. I’ll tell you my decision tomorrow.”



She stood up and walked towards the door. But before touching the knob, the Dean talked.



“I heard that Prof. Mendoza is handling your Production class. We can be responsible of him if you agreed to accept the invitation. Think about the deal, Ms. Park.”




She turned her head and forcedly smiled at the Dean and exited the room. She rested her back on the wall and remembered the Dean’s last words.






“Hmmm. It’s not a bad idea.”











I know Yours, Mine, Ours. And that story is daebak! Read it, guys! :)

We have a kinda similar description and sorry if others think that it will have the same plot as mine. :(

Don't worry, it will not. :)

So what do you think? Continue or not?

I'll try to update ICMG later. <3


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Chapter 3: They are going meet each other!!!
addeww #2
Chapter 3: can't wait to see their meeting ^^
Chapter 3: thanks for the update,can't wait for another chapter,Dara & Jiyong meeting.
daramaegon #4
Chapter 2: please update soon:)
addeww #5
Chapter 2: make donghae an intern too in seoul... i wanna see a jealous jiyong ^^
Chapter 2: Thanks for the double update :)
Chapter 1: Authornim its Yours,mine,ours :) but in that story dara hmmm.. is also like this but now ending up as a trainee, before she was Jiyong's Manager, and Jiyong is very afraid of Dara so that makes the diffirence...
Sansandara #8
This is similar to another aff but it is called your,mine,ours I think