White Lie

Just a second now


The night is quiet and nothing much seem to be happening after Siwon have check through all the floors and switches off their power supply.  He bitterly smile when he arrived at level13, and found no nose and only silent greeted him. 
Walking back to the locker room, Siwon slump down rather ungracefully in compare to his well groomed uniform and hard look. 
"Why the sour face Siwon?" Another security came in just when said person sag down onto a chair.  Looking gloomy as ever and just like the world have totally crash and burn on him. 
"...." Siwon couldn't muffle a reply yet looking like he have a thousand things to say.
"Its the cute boy from level 13." A voice came from the changing cubical to answer the question. 
"oh you mean the one he couldn't stop texting us about?"
"Yea, but since we still haven't met him yet.  I refuse to say his name.  Don't even know if he's real or this goof just imagine him out of thin air"
Siwon wasn't in the mood to start a verbal fight with his friends slash workmate.
"What's wrong buddy?" An arm landed on his shoulder, encouraging him to let it out.
"Donghae I gotta run, you stay with him... i'm outta here before this guy starts crying" A gummy guy finish changing and throw everything else in his locker before waving a bye to the two man in the room.
"YAH!" Before Siwon could swing a kick over the sniggering gummy man, the head of security have left the place swiftly.  Leaving Donghae the second in charge and the sour face. 
"your not really gonna cry... are you?!" Donghae tease, but the sad response he got was rather pathetic that he couldn't suppress a scoff.  "Come on dude. Is this Kyu.Hyun really that great? or is Hyukjae the genius here, you made him up out of nothing?"  Siwon could only slump even lower into his seat as even the kind heart of them all is giving him such questioning eyes and ridiculous question.
"OF COS HIS REAL!" Siwon sob.  While Donghae could only nodded and look weary.
The two actually knew and believe very well the reason to the sudden up's and drop of Siwon's mood.  But just for fun sake, they like to poke the normally smart and composed dongsaeng of theirs. 


The only logic that could cause the cool cat Siwon to grumble/complain or lovey-dovey were no other than his lover Cho.Kyuhyun.  After the two lovebird confess to each other on that eventful night, they have been together for one passionate, devoted, mushy month.  Shorty after a few days as official lovers, Siwon made sure every single person in the building realise just how off limit Kyuhyun is.

"That's ridiculous, take them off!"

"You move in with me!"

"Its two different thing, take those posters down!"

"You move in with me!"


"You move in with me!"


The conversation went no where, after all Siwon wouldn't say anything else beside those five words.  Kyuhyun, the young i.t department member would have indulge another three more days of being the poster boy of Siwon's Lover till he could bargain with the man on all fours while he pleads seductively.
At first Kyuhyun was very surprise to find these pathetically cheesy hearty poster at every bulletin board of the building.  But once he saw just how woo-ing and aw-ing the female managers were, he couldn't help but curse Siwon's flawless face in easily making people agreeing to his cheesiness.
People might have suggested that Kyuhyun's life would be much easier if he just move-in with Siwon.  Since no one in the building didn't understand how the loud posters were a sign of black mailing.  But to Kyuhyun he have his reason.  That reason is partially his parent, well mainly ChoMama. And mainly himself, but he wouldn't even admit that to himself. 
Kyuhyun couldn't deny that the passed month was easily the happiest time of his life.  Not only Siwon cater to his every needs and want he couldn't believe just how sweet the once cold, masculine, stone looking dude is.  For example, no matter what time the security shifts ended or start. Siwon would make sure Kyuhyun have a well cooked meal waiting for him day or night.  And when they say the easiest way to enter a guys heart is through his tummy, in this WonKyu case, its 101% on the spot.  Siwon tries to show the young just how both their lives would be beneficial once they move in together.  FOOD. 
Kyuhyun would have wonderfully home cook meals ready for him anytime, all the time. Whereas, Siwon would have a wonderfully adorable Kyu to pamper and fuss about.
But most of all, Siwon wouldn't have to witness on how Kyuhyun sneaks off the bed and out his apartment every time he convince the young to stay over. Its heartbreaking for the taller to face.  Every time after their hot and heavy love making, follow by cuddling to sleep, he would find himself all alone and cold in the morning.  He did question Kyuhyun as to why, but the young easily distract him whenever he brings up the issue.   
Just like this morning, when he went over to delivery their breakfast. Haven't not seen each other for the night before due to Siwon's catching up with families (which Kyuhyun quickly claim busy without Siwon having the chance to invite him).  Kyuhyun cutely scolded him for waking up 3hrs early just to make him these egg rolls, fruit salad and freshly baked bread.  Drove over when he could have sleep a bit more, meet up at work and they both have breakfast outside.  But Siwon insist that due to Kyuhyun's busy and over time working hours, he should try to avoid the bad food from outside.  Siwon make sure he cooks everything with the best nutrition values and by two weeks time.  Kyuhyun was clearly gaining back his shine, even his colleague Uee notice the change. 

"Why couldn't we meet at work and have your home cooked breakfast there....that case, you could at least get another hour in your sleep."

"Look at it this way.  I get to see you for another extra hour" 

"There's got to be a easier way...."


"Don't say 'move in with you!'"




"i.i liked the multi grain bread you made this morning...Text me after your shift,

tonight i'll cook you dinner"




Back in the locker room, the morning conversation just keeps running on repeat in Siwon's mind.  His face couldn't help but reflex his disappointment in Kyuhyun not even allowing him to put the topic up.  True, he might be a little to eager to have brought up the issue on their first night together.  But Siwon couldn't help his feelings overwhelming and wanting to be with his Kyuhyun at all times.  He thought giving the young some space is ok.  But its been a month since he ask the bundle of cuteness and he still failing in melting Kyuhyun's ice wall regarding relocating.  What does it take to get his baby under the same roof as him?
"You know what you need man?!"
"I need to show him how much I love him?"
"Oh man... don't look at me that way and say those stuff to me...it's spooky."
Donghae shiver as he try to push Siwon's face aside.  The normally stronger and taller security is seriously freaking him out with his cheesy words.  "No, you need to find a way to prove that he needs to move in with you" Donghae voice as he fixes his hat through the mirror for the nth times after leaving his sulking friend. 
"huh?! like how?"  Siwon arch a brow as he question his friend method.
"Well, you guys got together after you save him from that ert janitor.  Maybe you need to show more of that protection skills."  Donghae shrug as he grab his walkie and patted his deep-thinking friends shoulder.  "Good luck dude, you have two more hours till clock out...I'll check level five and down." 
Siwon continue to sit in the now quiet room as he pounder on Donghae's word, how is he gonna find a  way to show Kyuhyun his protective side?!



Across the city, Kyuhyun sat on his comfy two seater coach in his ty apartment watching the program showing on his tv.  However his mind is far away from it.  He couldn't help but feel guilty ever since this morning, when Siwon never brought up the whole moving in incident but desperately wanting to.  The taller have actually been pretty well behaviour regarding said topic for the pass two weeks.  A part of Kyuhyun always knew its not something Siwon would easily let go.  But there was a part that's also hope he'll be able to avoid the topic as much as possible. 


Its not he doesn't want to live with Siwon.  The guy is charming, gorgeous, great cook, awesome in bed, just about perfect in all aspect.  It just that everything happen all too sudden.  One day he still disses the block head for being a dropper, next he realise he has a major crush on him, and then the day he was attacked by a ert and then confession with mind blowing , and then moving in?!.  ARGHHHHHH, Just a second...breathe Kyu...breathe~~ even his brain still couldn't process all the events that took place.


Looking at his phone, Kyuhyun turn from an irritated frown to a sweet coy smiles in 0.05 second.  All to the thanx to Siwon's insist in taking a selfies of them two on the very first morning they were together.  Kyuhyun still remember how he refuses and even slap a few times on those veiny arms, claiminh his own usually puppy eyes were too buffy, bothcheeks and lips swollen by Swion's abuse and how messy his hair were.  But Siwon's skilfully shut him up with some too embarrassing kisses and manage to snap the shot before Kyuhyun realise.  Now it's their both louder than word wallpaper. 


Another wash of guilt ran through Kyuhyun, looking at the time on his phone he realise just how late it is.  Siwon should be here ages ago.  Why didn't he phone me after his shift? he couldn't be still angry about this morning right...


*Ring *Ring


Kyuhyun watch the buzzing of his phone, a number he doesn't recognize show up, without a second thought he answer the call.




"Is this Kyuhyun-ssi?" A smooth voice reply making Kyuhyun instantly trying to flip through the voice recognition system in his mind, trying to allocate a face to said voice. 


"This is him, who is this?" Realising himself that he actually doesn't know much people in the city, Kyuhyun gave up easily. 


"I'm Donghae, Siwon's friend from work, remember?"


"Uh... Donghae-ssi, you're back from your holiday?" Kyuhyun recall how Siwon beam on telling him about his two workmates and how fun it'll be to drinks and hang out with them. 


"Ah... yes, me and hyukjae took two months off, we just came back today.  Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet you, we were getting out medical checks"


"That's ok, there's plenty of chances in the future." Kyuhyun turn off his tv, as the thing really wasn't doing anything for him. 


"Well, Kyuhyun-ssi, looks like tonight the chance."




"I'm currently at Elfies Hospital.  Siwon got into a little accident would you mind coming over?"


"WHAT?!"  Kyuhyun abruptly got up from his coach, throwing on the nearest sweater and out the door.  "I'm on my way!" He heard Donghae to tell him to calm down as he enter the lift.  But his heart just wouldn't listen.  Not when his Siwon is currently sitting in a hospital, injured, hurt, in pain, and worst of all without him.  He didn't bother driving Siwon's car as the security told him to drive himself home after work while he finishes his shift.  Taking a cab will be better, cos seriously, Kyuhyun didn't know the way around and he couldn't afford getting lost to the hospital. 


All the way to his bandage up (Kyuhyun's imagination), Siwon's heart melting smiling dimples face and his low soothing voice was the only thing running in his mind.  Little did he realise his mind is also picturing him all the horrible scenarios Siwon could have been through or currently in.  His heart beating like crazy.  Siwon..baby...Siwon...be ok... Siwon.. you're gonna be fine...I'm coming...




"DONE, see how easy that was?" Donghae shrug as he tuck his phone back into his pocket and taking another jelly bean from Hyukjae.


"but guys... I don't..." Siwon ask unsettling while guilt was clearly carving on his handsome face.


"What you don't wanna move in with him no more?" Donghae tease while ignoring the glare from Hyukjae for grabbing another jelly from him.


"NO!....that's not what I mean... but..." Siwon tries to get up but fail from his friends mocking grin.


"Come on dude, we're not completely lying here.  I mean, you did sprain your ankles, that's an injury" Hyuhjae pointed to his left foot while its heavily plaster by him.


"Yea, but we didn't even go to the hospital, plus its bcos Hae here bulldoze me while I was jump shooting for that three pointer."  Siwon mumble, although guilt was there but the payoff of this little inaccuracy seem to over weight itself. 


"Now, he didn't need to know about that right?" Donghae gleam as he fidget with his phone. 


"Still..." The weakest argument Siwon would ever have, the two friends concluded to themselves. 


"Well, its your call dude.  He's coming either way. So you can tell him whatever you what." Hyukjae breathe in as him and Donghae sat themselves at the near by benches while Siwon was staring at his left ankle.  The two manage to con a wheelchair from the naïve nurses just to add a bit more dramatic effect to their story.  There's still time for Siwon to back out, after all he is legitimately injured.  He didn't have to go with the whole 'got attack after work' story by Hyukjae.  Yet his mind is just telling him how easily and soothly everything will go to his advantage if he were just to...white lie... just a white lie... It ok, right?! . . .





A big sorrie to my readers from 'Just a minute' i hope you still remember the plot and continue to read this one as well.  I've always had my heart to continue but didn't realise how times flies these days... SORRIE... Hope you enjoy the first chapter... i'll start on my 2nd chap asap... ^_^ meantime comments and sub!!! Luv ya all 


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I love Wonkyu 2019.
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 3: update pleeeease?:(
Chapter 3: where's the end of this?
Angela17 #4
Chapter 3: Authornim.. Will this fic ever gonna have an update? I like this...
ohmysuperjunior #5
Chapter 3: omgggg from babybuggaboo to cuteness overload creature and fluffy being. xD siwon. is. so. cheeeessyyy. i cant help but cringe at his extreme cheesiness. xD and kyu is such a baby omg i love him so much.
Chapter 3: too soon to ending. wonkyu sooo sweet.
Chapter 3: Poor the taxi driver ㅋㅋㅋ
I absolutely agree many things could happen in 7 days so just go on with the story XD
Chapter 2: i love this phrase: loveable, cuteness overload creature
Chapter 2: Kyunnie have something to tell his wonnie bear?? Aigooo wonnie....you really hopeless.... Cheesy king and skinship lover....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Saravy #10
Chapter 1: hahaha!!! Siwon is going to be in so much trouble if he gets caught lying! LOL!! WonKyu is really mushy and such, but I like it!^^ Can't wait to see Kyu's reaction to whatever Siwon tells him! :D