Like we used to

And Then ,There Was You


(HyukJae's POV)



I arrived to class just fifteen minutes early, it was the second day for the Human and God class. Leeteuk , Heechul and kangin were not here yet so I went up to sit in the top row . Others were slowly coming in , I took out my books and sat there with nothing to do.

 My phone vibrated , I took it out of my jacket pocket , it was a text from  Sungmin.

Hi Hyuk, you didn't show up at Leeteuk's place last night ? Everything ok?

I replied , not bothering to make up another lame  excuse  for my absence as I knew Sungmin would  understood why I wasn't there .

Hi, yeah I didn't feel like it , sorry .I texted back . 

It's ok , I left after  half an hour  as well . Sungmin replied.

Oh, you did? Why the guys were boring ? I asked .

No, They were having drinks and watching some stupid movie. Sungmin replied.

So , I wanted to ask if you have time after classes today ? I finish at 5 and was wondering if you wanted to hang out later ? Sungmin sent another text  not waiting for me to reply first.

I have already neglected the guys enough and  felt guilty about it and Sungmin was the last person I wanted to turn down , he would be the  first person I called up in high school  whenever  I was bored and he never refused to come over to hang out.

Yeah sure , I finish around the same time , lets meet up then . I texted back without any second thoughts.

Ok than , I'll see you later . Sungmin texted back .

Yeah sure later.  I  replied ending our conversation for now .

I shut off  the phone screen and was about to put it back into my pocket and as I looked up my heart almost skipped a beat .

 It was those three guys again, from Monday. They walked through the doors laughing just like they were the last time. That guy was still in the middle, it seemed as if he was always the centre of  attention among his friends because  the two other guys always walked behind him as he lead the way.

This time they found their seats quickly and sat down . They didn't sit in front of me this time but towards the left side of the lecture hall , from where I sat and I  could see the side of his face clearly . They sat and continued to talk and laugh , man these guys have a lot to laugh about , I wonder if he is the funny one in the group ?

The class was still not too full yet and it wasn't too noisy either . I could make out the others conversations clearly . The three guys were not seated too far from me so I tried to listen in to what they were exactly talking about , my  curiosity really has no  limits sometimes .

I was shocked and disappointed at the same time .

They were not speaking in English . They were speaking in Korean .What? They are Korean ?

It's these times that I really wish that I had practiced Korean. Ever since Kindergarten all I remember was speaking  English . I was never forced to practice Korean at home , everyone in my family spoke only English, after moving to Canada my parents adapted to the Canadian culture well.

I felt so anxious to understand what they were talking about but all I could comprehend was a few English words that they randomly threw in now and then into their conversation, which wasn't enough for me to make out what they were talking about .

Finally giving up on trying to eavesdrop  , I just sat there looking at him.

His medium length black hair was the same as i remembered, swept to the side . He was wearing a blue collar shirt and dark blue jeans . He seemed to have a nice sense of style , it was not too attention seeking but it suited his body type well.



So lost in observing his looks , I didn't notice that Leeteuk , Heechul and Kangin  had  arrived already and were now sitting now my right side .

"Eh , Hyukjae , you there man? " Kangin asked waving his hand in front of my lost eyes.

"What ? Yeah , hi ! What's up guys ?" I quickly replied snapping back into reality .

"How early did you come , that you are so lost  in a totally different world?" Leeteuk asked laughing.

” No umm.. nothing. " I trailed of not sure how to answer his odd question .

Soon the Prof came in and class finally started .

" Good morning class . Hope you all have read the  first three chapters that I assigned last class , as we will begin to discuss the ......" The Prof started lecturing .

The lecture went on and I zoned out , I could still hear the guys whispering and giggling beside me . Heechul was properly making fun of the Prof and his weird way of talking, but I didn't  pay attention.

 I leaned my head against the back of the seat and looked to the left trying to locate him again in the middle of the sixty  other students that were seated around him.

When I finally spotted him and all the other faces became blurred  and only his face stood out. He appeared so focused in what the Prof was saying , he just looked forward at the Prof and put his head down every few minutes to write something . He seemed like a good student , like he was actually interested in learning whatever the Prof was blabbing on about . Even his two friends that sat on either side of him seemed to be carefully listening to the lecture , they all must be smart .

Continuing to look at him , I started to dig through my memory , trying to recall whether I had seen him before or possibly even known him in the past somehow . Absolutely nothing came to my mind , I had no ious memory of him from anywhere , except from Mondays class when I first saw him .

This was weird .So why did my eyes keep wondering back in his direction and why did the image of his face keep popping up in my mind at random times when I had absolutely no idea of who this guy even was?

I sat there with my head leaning back as I continued looking his way , just thinking .

Two hours passed and the lecture was finally over , everyone rushed out of the room , like they were escaping from some sort of prison and I lost him in the  crowd .



Later that day.....


My phone vibrated , it was Sungmin

Hi, you done ? Meet me in front of Markmans lecture hall

Ok , see you there in five minutes . I replied.

I made my way to the place sungmin told he to meet him at .As I arrived , I saw him standing there , with puffy white clouds escaping from his mouth whenever he breathed. It was cold outside and it was becoming dark too.

"Hi !" I said smiling .

"Hey, how are you ? " Sungmin asked  digging his fists into his pocket due to the cold.

"Fine . You ?" I asked back.

"Good , so where do you want go to eat? I am in the mood for some Mexican food , what about you?" I asked shivering myself now.

" Yeah sure , Mexican sounds great . Oh ! there's this new Mexican place that opened near Soulsters Plaza , I heard many great things about it. Wanna try it out " Sungmin asked excitedly.

"Cool , yeah sure , let's get out of this cold ." I said putting on my jacket hood because my ears felt frozen .

We walked to the parking lot , talking on our way there . It's been a while since Sungmin and I hung out like this , just the two of us . Now we usually hang out together with the other guys . Before we met the others we should to always go to fast food restaurants , go watch movies and go bowling .

Don't get me wrong , I care for the guys but unlike them Sungmin is not crazy. He's not into all the heavy partying , drinking and clubbing , like me he just sometimes tags along with the guys just to satisfy them. On the other hand Kangin ,Heechul and Leeteuk are all about going all out , when they want to have fun , there is no holding them back. Kangin even got arrested one time for hitting another car because he was driving while highly intoxicated after some crazy party they had .

It felt nice to just hang out like his , without all the heavy music and drinking .

We took my car and arrived at the restaurant Sungmin suggested . We order several things because we wanted to try out possibly everything on the menu . We sat at the table closest to the window and started to dig into the food.



"Umm, the foods good here ! " Sungmin said satisfyingly while eating.

"Wow , it is !" I replied equally satisfied with the delicious food .

We ate and talked about random things , catching up on all the time we missed out on .

"So , how's your classes this year ?" Sungmin asked sounding interested.

"Umm, the same as every year .However , I did manage to fit in four dance classes I really wanted to take into my schedule but the rest are just whatever." I said .

"Haha, yeah I know what you mean ! I am stuck this a few boring classes too this year but what can you do you have to take them in order to graduate ." Sungmin replied trying to sound positive.

" Yeah , I know ." I said with a sigh .

There was a few moments of silence and we continued enjoying our food until Sungmin broke the silence again.

"So, is there anything else interesting going on in your life these days  ?" Sungmin asked sounding curious.

"Ahh, not really . It's the same every day , school and then home . But I have a dance competition coming up next month and you better be there ! " I said demandingly.

"Really , another dance competition ? Of course I'll be there , I always come to all your competitions don't I ?" Sungmin said almost sounding offended.

" Yeah , you do . But I just wanted to make sure go don't forget this one." I said with a smile .

We finished eating and sat there talking . It felt nice to just hang out with an old friend , without having to worry about making lame excuses. I found Sungmin to be the easiest person to talk to because I somehow felt he understood me more than the other guys.

All of a sudden he threw a question at me that took me by surprise .

"Hyuk, why don't you hang out with the guys and me that much anymore ? They always ask me about what's going on with you ?" Sungmin said with a sigh looking  down at the table .

"Ummm, Sungmin.... I just , I just don't...." I tried to answer but Sungmin cut me off noticing I was having a hard time answering his unexpected question.

"That's why I tell them that you are busy these days helping out your parents their business." Sungmin said smiling .

"Thanks Sungmin!" I said returning the smile and feeling relived.

We paid the bill and left , it was 7:30 pm . I dropped Sungmin off to his house and went home.

I worked on an assignment that is due next week and went to bed early.



One month later.....


(Hyukjae's POV)


School is going as usual and the dance competition is next week . You would think that I would of been used to the pressure that these dance competitions bring by now since I have participated in over a dozen already  but that is not the case . This competition is the largest yet and is open to international competitors and something tells me that something unexpected is going to happen .Anyways I try not to think too much about it , cause I literally  breakdown when under too much stress .

I went downstairs for breakfast . Everyone was at home this morning. Mom and dad were in the living room watching the morning news , Sora was getting ready to go to her friend's house, Ammi was preparing breakfast for everyone and the maids had a day off .



" Ok bye , I will be home around five . I am going to be at Krystal's ,working on an assignment ." Sora said  while putting on her jacket .

" Ok honey ,see you !". Mom called out from the living room .

"Oh and mom remember he is going over at 7 tonight , ok ? " Sora said with an anxious tone.

" Yes , yes we know dear ." Mom replied smiling .

"What ? Who's coming ? " I asked in a confused voice while pouring myself a cup of milk .

"Oh, Henry. I invited him over to meet you guys ." Sora replied trying not to look worried.

"What? You are inviting him over to meet mom and dad? No way ! But it's ok ,they will let him stay for at least five minutes ." I said sarcastically , taking advantage of her nervousness.

" Stop it ! You are so mean !" Sora shouted giving me a annoyed look .

" Just tell him to be careful or mom and dad might not approve of him. " I added trying to annoy her further.

"Seriously oppa , you are no help ! " Sora said with a sad puppy dog face.

I could tell she was really nervous about him meeting mom and dad . She was worrying too much though , not that I ever brought home a girl for mom and dad to meet , but how bad could the guy possibly be ? Trying to be a good older brother now , I tried to make her less nervous.

"Don't worry, you know mom and dad would never say anything weird in front of him cause they love you. But for me , I might just bring up  some of your embarrassing stories. Hahah, just joking. But seriously don't worry ." I said to her patting her head playfully.

" I know but what seems weird to us , doesn't seem weird to mom and dad.... Ummm oppa, can you promise me something?" Sora said with a uncertain voice.

"Ummm, yeah sure ...." I answered not sure of what to expect from my little sister.

" When Henry comes over tonight and mom and dad ask him something weird or awkward , can you just quickly change the topic by bring up something else to talk about and distract them ?" Sora asked again with a puppy dog face .

"Oh sure , don't worry sis , I got your back ! " I said lightly punching her shoulder and giving her a smile.

"Ok, thanks oppa ! " Sora said sounding relived as she gave me a tight hug.

This was too much sweetness to handle from my evil little sister , so out of a wicked brothers nature I ruined the precious moment .

" I will distract them by bring out your baby pictures from when you used to run around the house in your diaper , pooping and farting everywhere ! " I said laughing and quickly ran into the living room where mom and dad were watching TV and having their breakfast . I heard Sora yell out from behind me :

" Like I said , YOU ARE MEAN !" she shouted and then left for her friend's house.

So today is finally the day I get to see that little bastard who has stolen my little  sisters poor heart. I have seen Henry a few times from a far but never talked to him. They have been dating for almost five months now and you would expect that my parents would already have forced Sora to bring him home to meet them by now , but I guess they weren't sure whether she was serious or not about him .

I finished up breakfast and went to my room to do homework.



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EunhaeStan86 #1
Chapter 17: Kyu is basically a drug dealer but for information xD
Kyattchan #2
Chapter 27: Aww... I love this story so much.. couldn't stop reading it.. it was lovely.. filled with angst but beautiful!
I'm not sure if this is the end (because the story is not marked as complete?) but if it's not.. I hope you'll write more! I definitely want to read more! XD And if that's the end.. well it's okay too.. it's already beautiful that Hae came back to fulfill his promise to Hyukjae! :)
Hyeri04 #3
Chapter 27: this is really an amazing story!! I love it!! thank you for sharing~
Chapter 27: Just finished whole story I am speechless great job than you again for writing this story .
I hope you continue with your writings .
Chapter 22: I don't know if you are still writing on this website but this was whoa this had me nailed to my seat I was in tears lovlovlov this thank you for this heart wrenching story just finish chapter 21 moving on to next chapter now.
haeyth #6
Chapter 27: Is this the end? its a beautiful story. anthing to do with eunhae is always beautiful. tq author nim
tvxqsujushineeexonct #7
Chapter 27: Donghae's back! Finally they can have their happily-ever-after moment. I'm so happy for them, after all that they've been through now both of them will be finally happy.
pinkapple04 #8
Chapter 27: This is what I am waiting for!
Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 27: They are finally together & start a new life :)
Thanks for updating :D
Chapter 27: Yeah Donghae finally went back to Hyukjae it took some time but he did it he finally realized that he loves Hyuk and even confessed to him now he just needs to put the past behind him and they can start a new life together ..God Love this Story ..Lovely Update <333333333