
Beautiful Embrace

It's been months since their wedding night. Tao was happy to wake up every morning to the scent of his alpha sleeping next to him. Today was just their normal everyday morning. Tao woke up before Kris, taking the chance the inhale the strong scent of his alpha and cuddling deeper into him, savoring the warmth his alpha provided. The inner submissive side of Tao wanted to purr at his alpha - his strong, handsome alpha. Tao always, always have to push away the strong urge to every toned muscle visible from the black tank top his alpha was wearing. It's already bad enough Kris needed his daily dose of connecting with Tao every night until they eventually exhausted themselves and fall asleep in the glow of after . 

Or so Tao thought until he felt his hormones kicking all of a sudden. His pheromones flared and Tao felt like burning inside out. The need to wake his alpha up with kisses and touches and bites were strong and he doesn't know why. He settled for curling himself into a ball, trying to push himself deeper and deeper in the embrace of his alpha. With his pheromones going overdrive like this, Tao don't under how his alpha could not smell it. Tao was sure the giant and the midget next door could probably smell it. Tao was a strong wolf, full of pride and dignity over himself. He pride himself in controlling his needs and urges (unlike a certain blonde that wanted to pound him every time he saw the red haired boy) but it was so difficult this time. Feeling his resolution crumbling, he traced his fingers along the strong muscled bicep of his alpha - ready to climb on top his handsome alpha to wake him up. 

Oh the surprise Tao had when he found himself trapped in between the said arms. The sleeping wolf was wide awake and Tao could smell his alpha needs, see the lust in his alpha eyes and how every fiber in his alpha tensed - ready to strike his prey. Tao was his prey. He always was. Holding up a hand to his alpha jawline, Tao whimpered in need and Kris felt something snapped. The next thing he knew was a pair of arms locked him close to his mate, kissing his mate with much vigor and legs securing him around the waist. Kris groaned in between kissed and Tao desperate need for more and more and more skin contact with his alpha. 

"Clothes.." Tao gasped "Off. Now." Hearing his mate oh so nicely asked, much regrettable, Kris broke their tongue shoving session. He smirked when Tao whimpered and the slender fingers trying to pull the blonde close again. "Shh" Kris hummed while holding onto his beautiful mate's hand and kissed them gently. "Want you" Tao pleaded. Kris replied with an "I know" before he pulled off his tank top, revealing scars of valor. He leaned down again to capture Tao's lips.


Tao was sated. Oh so very sated. He doesn't understand what happened this morning but he didn't regret it. Kris was so gentle even though Tao kept asking his alpha to be rougher. Kris just shut him up by crashing their fangs in a heated battle of dominance. Now that's another question. Kris never hesitated to be rough on Tao. Both of them were beasts. They like rough but the way Kris was being so gentle and careful in his every moves made Tao wondered what happened. He opened his eyes when he felt a dipped on the bed next to him. He turned to a better position so that he could look at Kris easier. Kris' lips curved a small smile. 

"Hey.." Kris started with his thumb caressing the younger's lower lips.

"Hey yourself, handsome" Tao laughed. "I think I need to tell you something, baby." Kris voice was still soft but Tao could hear the slight strain in them. Tao nodded. "Here, let me get you to bath." Kris sneaked his arms under the younger's neck and the other under the legs. "I can walk, Kris." Tao said but offered no resistance. "Well, can't I love my baby?" Kris gave a small pout while lifting the younger up. Tao faked a blanched cough "Eww Kris. Don't pout. That's gonna give me nightmares for weeks to come." Kris just rolled his eyes before kicking the bathroom door. He slowly lowered his mate on the bath tub filled with warm water and bubbles (Tao loves bubbles). Tao sighed in contentment while closing his eyes as he sunk deeper. "I supposed I should warn you not to fall asleep" Kris says as he rid himself from his clothes. "Don't be stupid, Kris. As if I would with you here with me. You'll take care of me right, if I fall asleep?" Tao stated with one eyes opened, as if daring his alpha to say otherwise. Kris just chuckled before lowering himself behind Tao. The latter snuggled onto his alpha chest like a cat would with his owner. "Anything for my beautiful mate." Kris finally replied. He gently grabbed his mate chin, tilted his head back and captured the tempting lips. This time, the kiss is slow and soft. Tao hummed while twisting his body to faced his alpha. Kris felt those same fingers that graced his back with claw marks were caressing his cheeks in a sweet manner. "Another round?" Tao asked tauntingly. Kris didn't replied and Tao knew the answer the moment he felt his alpha groping his arse.


"So what's the secret you want to tell me?" Tao said while preparing their breakfast (or lunch?) with just an oversized button up tee covering him just enough until his thigh. Every time Tao tipped toe to take something, Kris had to tell himself that they already spent their morning doing what he was imagining he wanted to do to Tao right now. Damn Tao and those sinful thighs. Kris sat himself on their kitchen table while watching Tao went along their morning (or afternoon?) routine. "Kris..?" Tao's voice calling his name finally managed to drag Kris out of his imagination. 

Kris cleared his throat. "Right.. That.. Do you have any question you wanted to ask.. Regarding your reaction this morning?"

 "Oh? You know? Well, I know something was wrong. I was fine before and all of a sudden.. " Tao shrugged. Kris understood. 

Kris cleared his throat again. "Every time a female or a submissive male are that, they will have the constant urge to mate. What you're experiencing this morning was normal. Your body wanted to feel your alpha because something is happening inside of you. Your inner beast wanted comfort and reassurance from his alpha that everything is fine." 

Tao narrowed his eyes "What's that? Is something happening inside me right now?" Tao still staring hole at his alpha until.. he gasps. His alpha stayed quite to watch his mate's reaction. Kris knew Tao already realized when Tao instinctively rubbed his stomach. "Oh my god. Am I pregnant, Kris? Is this what this was about..?" Tao just stared at his stomach and Kris couldn't see Tao face. Kris could only hope Tao was willing to bear his child. When Tao finally looked up, Kris was surprised when there were tears rolling down from those eyes that usually curved into an eye smile. Did Tao not want a child, to build a family with him? Kris wondered. With hurried pace, Kris was standing in front of Tao. Cupping his mate wet cheeks; he looked at his mate's gleaming eyes. "Please" Kris voice was filled with emotion, "Be the mother of our child?" Kris prayed Tao would agree.

"Oh, Kris.." Tao cried before flung himself onto Kris, hugging his alpha. "I'm gonna give birth to your child. I'm happy! Heck! I'm ecstatic! We are gonna be the best parents ever, Kris. " At the outburst, Kris himself almost shed a tear because he could imagine the future he would have with his intended and their child. He wrapped his arms around Tao waist to bring him closer. He could smell it. The sweet honey scent that are slowly, yet surely, coming from his beautiful mate. A sign that a new life was within his mate's. Their bundle of love. He inhaled the sweet scent and exhale. "Hey, we could create our own soccer team..?" Tao instantly pulled himself away from Kris and hit Kris' head. "Don't be stupid. Why don't you be the one that's pregnant." Tao huffed before he turned and sat down on the chair. He's hungry for godsake. Kris promptly took the seat opposite from his mate. Tao was nibbling his toast cutely and Kris rested his chin on his palm. 

"Hey, you know... Baekhyun is pregnant"

Tao almost choked on his toast. 


"BYUN BAEKHYUN." Tao voice surprised the couple that was cuddling in front of the tv. 

"Hold your horses there, Tao. Calm your seriously." Baekhyun sat up straight and offered a seat for Tao and Kris. Chanyeol looked at Kris and the latter just shrugged. They just practically barged into the couple resident like they owned it.

"Well, sorry that I can't calm my because my favourite gege didn't tell me he was pregnant! Am I not your favourite dongsaeng?" Tao demanded. He can't believe that Baekhyun didn't even bothered to tell Tao he was pregnant! 

"But.." Chanyeol tried to interrupt. Tried being the keyword. Before he could continue, Tao just glared at Chanyeol. The glare said you try to interrupt I will cut you. Chanyeol immediately shut up. Shieeeeeet.

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you, Tao but we.. just forget?" Baekhyun spared a glance at Chanyeol, who, just smiled at his mate. "We were so wrapped up in preparing the baby's room and necessity and we just kind of forgot to announce it. How did you know?" Baekhyuna asked.

"Kris told me. I supposed Chanyeol told him.. " Tao finally calmed down. "You guys are so impossible. Forget, really now?" Tao slumped into his alpha when he felt Kris hugged him. "How long?" 

"I'm in my fourth month!" Baekhyun chirped happily while snuggling into his husband. 

"You're pregnant too." Chanyeol suddenly stated. Baekhyun and Tao widened their eyes. "How you know?" Tao looked at his alpha. Yet again, Kris remained silent and kissing his mate's hair. "I can smell you. That scent. Lovely scent." Chanyeol said off handedly. He realized his mistake when he heard a growl from the alpha behind Tao. "Don't you.. smell my mate." Kris warned before buried his head on his mate's neck. Holy son of a beautiful mother, Kris was so ing addicted to that scent. Tao involuntarily shuddered at his alpha's possessive nature and that deep deep voice vibrated through his skin, sending wonderful chill down the younger spine. 

Holding Baekhyun close to himself, Chanyeol trying to calmed his distressed mate because Baekhyun was obviously feeling the terror inflicted by the alpha - who right now was not in his sane mind. Alpha tends to be aggressive when their mate is pregnant. The constant need to mark their mate and protect the mother of their child, the alpha usually forbids any contact with other dominant. Chanyeol scenting the air and smelled Tao, although technically the air is everybody's. stating out the fact that you scented their mate meant a breach of territory.  So Chanyeol, I suggest you to shut up. 

"Okay.. Okay.. Fine. Sorry, Kris. Jeez, now you're scary my mate." Chanyeol squeeze his petite mate shoulder when he heard a small whimper. "Shh, sorry. I wasn't thinking." He kissed his mate's temple. Baekhyun could only grab his mate's clothes and buried himself deeper in the safe cocoon. 

"Kris.." Tao said, breathless, when Kris continued to nip at his neck. For sake, they're in someone else's house and Kris was trying to make a damn move. K.r.i.s!" Tao said more sternly. Kris stopped his ministration and looked at his mate, trying to please him. "Let's go now.. Damn, I didn't even get to talk and tell Baekhyun more about this." Kris picked Tao up in bridal style. "Maybe next time." Tao just rolled his eyes before hooking his arms around Kris' neck and head rolled onto the firm chest. 

Annnnnnnd, you know what happen next. 


It's been six months since then. One more week and it's the seventh month for that growing life in Tao's belly. Although Tao's stomach has grown fat larger but considerably small compared to Baekhyun. Tao was impressed that little midget could still be walking around with Chanyeol by his side. Baekhyun once told him that walking will help the delivery of the baby easier and what not but Tao wasn't the least interested. He was constantly tired and sleepy. There were days when Tao could just slept for an entire day and Kris would only wake him up when it's time to eat. Even then, Tao was tired. They already announced and even celebrated the fact that Tao was pregnant with their alpha's child a few weeks after they found out Tao was pregnant. Now, they're only waiting for the baby's arrival. 

Tao flopped back onto the bed none too elegantly causing Kris to frown with disagreement. "Krissssssss" Tao whined. "I feel like a living human sloth right now". Kris chuckled and brought his mate's night gown to him. Tao let Kris changed his clothes without a word because, honestly, Tao loved it when Kris treated him like a precious gem. After settling themselves for the night, Kris placed his palm against Tao's visible bump. "I hope to see you soon, my blueberry." Kris said with adoration. It was fine when all of a sudden, Tao screamed in agony. Kris was immediately up and prepare for the onslaught of whatever gonna happened next. Even with their previous contraction, Tao would only complain but never screaming out as laud. "Oh god.. Kris.." Tao could barely form a sentence. "Kris.. This.. This is not the regular contraction.. It burns.." Kris tried to... smell his mate scent. A wolf that was about to go into labor would completely lost their scent. This was to ensure that no other wolves that might be attracted to the scent. However, what surprised Kris was the scent did not gone which meant, Tao was not going into labor. The second thing was the foul smell emitted. Something was wrong.. terribly wrong. 

Kris was scared less when Tao suddenly screamed, again, and his body seemed to go into a state of shock before he saw blood. On the sheet. In between Tao's leg. Without thinking, Kris carried Tai and out from the house, heading to Lay. Kris might already guess what was happening. Tao was probably experiencing a miscarriage, which Kris would never ever allowed to happen. Kris' heart thumped violently when Tao's body became slacked in his hold. "Tao! Tao!" he shouted while picking up the pace "Don't sleep now. God, Tao.. Open your eyes please, baby. Please." Kris was so close to tears. 

"Hey.." Tao voiced croaked "here.. still here.. I'm scared" Tao voice barely audible but Kris heard it all. "Me too but we're going to be okay. Our blueberry gonna be okay too. I promise." Soon, Kris spotted Lay's house. Arriving there, Kris kicked the door open without a warning except his voiced boomed with authority. 

"Lay! Come out now! Something is wrong with Tao". Kris saw a flash of brown fur before he realize Lay was in front of them and urged Kris to lay Tao down on the bed. 

"Kris.. Oh my god.. Kris.. You wait outside okay.. Calm down.. damnit.. Suho!!" Lay called out to his helper whilst pushing the reluctant alpha out. The last thing they wanted was Tao's body sensing Kris' distress and added more into his own already fragile condition. 

Before long, everyone was gathering outside lay house. Kai had Kyungsoo in a hug. Kyungsoo was only few weeks pregnant which initially had Kai protested of him coming along but Kyungsoo insisted. Chanyeol had his hand on Kris shoulder and consequently gave the alpha a few squeezes when the latter started to panic. Kris appreciated that. Baekhyun stayed at home to take care of their four months old baby. Luhan went inside to help and Sehun just sat there outside, head against the wall and eyes closed. Meanwhile Chen and Xiumin went to Baekhyun to accompany the male because they're pretty sure Baekhyun was worried sick of his favourite dongsaeng. They don't need so many people cramped at the small living room while waiting. 

After an hour or so passed, Kris was at his wits end. He was ready to barge into the room if not for Chanyeol and Sehun who tried to restrain him. They heard the lock to the room clicked and Luhan appeared. The remnants of blood on his hands didn't go unnoticed by Kris. Immediately, Sehun was beside Luhan and Luhan welcomed his mate to calm the distressed pretty male.

"There's so many blood, hunnie. I was so scared." Sehun nodded and Kris, who overheard demanded to know what happen. Luhan only shake his head and say wait for Lay. 

Speaking of the devil, Lay appeared right after. "I.. think it was alright for now.. There's nothing we can do when the process of miscarriage happened. It's only because we're wolves that we're slightly different from human. I have to force Tao into his wolf form because a wolf body knows better to protect the pup. Anyways, for now, the bleeding stopped and he seemed stabilized. However, the chances are, the baby is not going to survive, I'm sorry." Lay said sympathetically.

"No. I will not allow this. I promised Tao that both he and the baby will be fine. My child is going to survive this." Kris said with such conviction that Lay almost believed it might just happen. But a miscarriage cannot be stopped and reverse. Forcing Tao into a wolf form was to force the connection between the mother and the pup to stay. After all, wolf have different anatomy than human's (actually, im not sure. I made up my own logic.). As much as he wanted to agree with Kris but false hope would only made both of them suffer. 

"Kris, that's.. that's not quite possible.. Miscarriage - " 

"Shut up now, Lay before I do something I will regret." Every submissives present felt the terror of their alpha. When Kyungsoo started to tremble in fear, Kai took Kyungsoo away from the scene. Don't got him wrong. He's , of course like everyone else, was worried about Tao but as a wolf with a pregnant mate, he couldn't just let his pregnant mate be influenced by their pack alpha's anger. Well, Kris paid no heed to Kai and Kyungsoo leaving. Even in his ridiculous state of mind in delirious, he understood that Kai's responsibility for his mate; to ensure their mate safety and wellbeing and Kris knew that Kai was considering Kris as a threat. 

"But.." Lay was scared less but he had to explain to Kris the conscequences of miscarriage. When a miscarriage started, there's no turning back. It's only a matter of time before the second wave came and robbed the pair off their false hope. 

"Silence!" Kris roared. He he exhaled a deep breath to calm himself before speaking again. No one dared to utter a word. Even Lay couldn't find the courage to. "I understand what miscarriage means, Lay. I know okay. But, we could at least hope, right? Tao is strong. Our baby too, is gonna stay strong for us." 

Lay just nodded at the alpha, even he saw that the alpha was merely trying to convince himself that miracle existed. Lay and the rest could only pray. 


After staying a night, came morning, Tao requested to go back home. Lay disagree because if anything happened, by the time Kris brought Tao to him, it might be too late. Tao retaliated with asking Lay if their baby could be saved even if they stayed here. Lay said nothing and Tao understood. He demanded Kris to bring him home and looking at Tao disheveled and exhausted state, he can only complied. 

Carrying Tao in his embrace, Tao hide away from the world as they walked through the little distance to reach their home. Passing by Chanyeol's house, Baekhyun was there at the gate watching when Kris walked by. Baekhyun almost reached out to his baby brother but with Kris shaking his head, he knew that the Tao, as well as Kris, needed sometime alone to sort out. He could just stand there and watched both of them disappeared into the house.

As soon as they stepped into the house, Tao broke down. He cried so hard with Kris hugging him to his chest, silently giving the younger reassurance that he will be there no matter what the outcome was. "It's okay, baby wolf. Our baby is going to be okay. We're going to do whatever it takes to make sure it will survive. We can do this, okay.." It's not a question. Kris is determined that they will worked this out. 

"Kri-Kris.." Tao sobs "Suho said that.. we should be prepared for the worst outcome. We're going to lose our baby. After seven long months, why? Why now? Why when we had gotten so attached to the baby.." and he cried harder. He couldn't accept that he's going to lose his baby. Hearing those words, Kris felt something gleaming in his eyes. He shook away the thoughts and focused on positivity. He needed to be strong for the both of them. 

"I don't care what Suho said, baby wolf. Nothing is determined yet so we just have to believe that we can workthis out. This here, is our baby. We even e of the rooms into baby's room. We have done so much for this little one, I'm sure it will be a strong warrior that fights to survive. This, is my child." Running a hand softly on Tao's tummy, he hoped the child inside can hear him and fight for them. 

Tao slowly ceased his crying. "Yes.. Yes.. We can do this.. Our baby survived before, I'm sure our baby can do this." 

For the first time in that day, Kris truly smiles. 


Both of them went through their daily life as usual, only they now felt like walking on a thin line that might break anytime. A week had passed and Tao felt fine but he still couldn't shake off the paranoid that had settled down in his nerves. Every little movement in the tummy had him running over the edge. Kris became the wonderful alpha Tao never thought Kris would. After all, Kris was a proud alpha and busy like heck. There were times when Kris had to left home for a few days to scout their territory with Chanyeol. Now? Kris was here with Tao 24/7 without failed. Every time Tao so much as whispered his name, Kris was there by his side and pampered his red haired mate with loving kisses and sweet nothings. 

Even though it was just simply things like singing a lullaby, thumb caressing his tummy or even the silly attempts to make him smile, Tao was grateful that Kris was there by his side. For once after a straining week, Tao truly felt relieved. Maybe they could really do this. When Tao felt the baby kicking for the first time, Tao was overjoyed! He immediately shouted for Kris and he was there in a second. Kris was terrified that maybe their worst nightmare solidified when Tao screamed for him. When Tao grabbed his hand and put in on his stomach, Kris was puzzled. What? 

Kick. Kick. 

Kris eyes became as wide as Kyungsoo, or wider if possible. Their child was kicking. Does this mean something..? Instantly, Kris had Tao in his arms and ran over to Lay's house. Barging in, yet again, but he wasn't expecting Lay was wooing his assistant all along. Tao giggled when he saw what's feasted in front of them. A terrified looking Suho had both his arms on Lay's shoulder as if pushing him and Lay was looking like he won't have any of it all the while trapping Suho between him and the wall. 

"THE HELL, KRIS. THE HELL!?" Lay screamed in exasperation. Kris and Tao certainly didn't missed the way Suho body shivered, his body reacting to his dominant's rage. Lay, missed to delicious reaction due to him looking (or staring daggers at Kris. If looks could kill, Kris would be... well still standing there cause he's the goddamn alpha so what?) at Kris. Soon, they would have another pitter patter of small legs running around. With much reluctant, Lay released Suho and Suho was torn to whined at the loss of the body heat or be relieved. Straightening up, Suho bowed to their -uninvited guest that disrupted their almost sweet time - guest and hurried along to the kitchen to brew some tea. Lay watched as the smaller almost ran to the kitchen. Kris cleared his throat to snap the apothecary(?) from his love sick gaze. 

"Huh? What? Oh.. Right. Uh, yes Kris?" As he landed his eyes on the big bundle in Kris' arms, Lay's brained ran a thousand kilometer per minute. "Oh my god, Kris. It's happening now, is it? . Su-" Just when he was about to called his assistant, Kris shut him up efficiently with a glare. 

"No. In fact, it's never gonna happen. Deal? I.. Our baby started kicking just now. I thought it meant that our baby is.. is healthy and whatever your knowledge tell you, we are going to have our baby. I just wanted you to confirm it. Tell us that it is fine now. I can't.. We can't.. " We can't raise our hope only to be crushed under cruel Fate's feet without mercy are the words left unsaid. 

Lay caught the unsaid words and he was bent on to help this two. Lay asked Kris to laid Tao on the bed, he started doing his job. Kris was offered a seat not far away to watch as Lay pulled the pregnant male's shirt to expose the skin beneath. Suho came in just in time when Lay slowly apply a generous amount of the gooly gel on the stomach. Tao giggled at the cold sensation and Kris was happy, truly happy that Tao could smile without fear clouded his eyes. Suho offered Kris the tea while grabbing a chair to sit next to Kris. The latter gratefully accepted the hot tea because he could felt his throat getting dry from the anxiety. 

"This.." Lay pointed at the black and white screen "is your baby's head. This is his leg and hand. His heart is beating like a healthy boy should." Lay smiled. Kris rushed to stand beside his mate to look at the screen as well. His heart could feel any more relieved. For so long his heart decided to make a home in his stomach. "A boy.. Kris.. Lay said it's a boy. Our boy" Tao said while trying to to sob out loud. Looking at his mate, he smiled and kissed the younger forehead. "Our boy is a fighter, my beautiful mate." Cleaning the gel from Tao's stomach, Lay silently excused himself from the couple with Suho in tow. 

Miracle does exist to those who deserved it. Lay smiled. 


The things about wolves were? They gave birth in their wolf form which was totally a blessing as they don't feel the amount of pain a human does. 

"Tao, when I say to turn to your wolf form, please do." Tao nodded weakly. He's giving birth. "Now." Lay commanded and the red haired turned into a beautiful maroon furred wolf. "Slowly push.. slowly. It's okay. It's easier to give birth in wolf form, thank god" Lay smiled when the head of the cub was seen. "A little more" Lay urged. With little effort, the cub eased his way out. Eyes still closed but he was already seeking his mother. Slowly lifting up the cub, Lay brought the cub to Tao to clean. Tap gratefully received his newborn and started the cub as clean as he could. 

When Lay opened the door, Kris hurried inside while uttered a hushed thank you to Lay. The former chuckled as he walked to his intended mate that was looking at him with so much adoration and pride. "Good job, Lay" Suho congrated Lay with a peck on the lips. "Just a peck?" Lay teased. Suho looked abashed, "Later" was all he said and Lay almost abducted his gorgeous mate to do the do. He waited long enough, excuse you. 

Meanwhile, back to our lovely alpha, Kris stood next to his now in wolf form mate. "Thank you.. Thank you, Tao my brave little mate. You did well. So well. I am so proud of you" Kris said with so much affection that he could care less about the tears rolling down from his eyes. He's an alpha but he's a father now. He has all the right to have a moment of weakness. Even in wolf form, Tao tried to express his love. Tao locked eyes with his alpha. I love you. 

I love you too. 


"WU XIA!!!!" Tao was horrified by his small baby wolf. It was already a year passed in human age. Wolf don't grow up as human does. In wolf form, Wu Xia was already three year old (my world, my logic) and he grew up wonderfully. Back to the topic, yet again, Wu Xia was surrounded by flowers he plucked from his dad's garden. Tao worked so hard to cultivate the garden and now his three (or one) year old son was trying to destroy his garden. "What are you doing, little boy." Tao said sternly as he looked down at his son that was sitting on the grass. Without looking at his mom, he continued doing whatever he was doing with the flowers in his hand. "Wu xia irs mawking flower clown.. Cr--crown?" For a moment, Wu Xia forgot what was the name of the thing he was trying to make. 

"Flower crown, Wu Xia. Flower Crown." Tao, no longer angry by his son, sat down beside his son. Hearing his mother response, he nodded his eyes and focused on the task in hand. "Why are you making this?" Tao asked softly. 

"For a boy." was the short answer. Tao was taken aback. "Who is it?" Tao inquired in a soft tone even though he wanted to know who the other boy was. Kris would not be happy to hear that. 

"A boy nes dowr. Boy say me pweety." For a three year old, Wu Xia face flushes that soft pink hue and Tao almost die from the cuteness. What a doting parent. 

Wait. Boy next door? Chansung? Chanyeol and Baekhyun's baby boy? But.. the couple had been going to vacation for almost a year.

Cue the doorbell rang. 

"Coming!' Tao shouted to whomever behind the door. He patted his son's head and went to open the door.

"Baekhyun! and.. Chansung!" Tao was surprised to see who was behind the door for they never inform that they're coming back. "When did you come back?" Baekhyun had Chansung in his arms. Maybe....

"Yesterday night. It was quite late." Baekhyun smiled at Tao. The latter invited the pair to come in. Baekhyun set Chansung down on the floor and told him to go play at the garden. 

The 'mothers' sat down and started asking questions about each other. How was life? Where Baekhyun had went etc etc. Woman stuffs. Without knowing, the sun was already high up in the sky and Baekhyun excused himself saying Chanyeol was still unpacking. Tao laughed and gave the smaller male a hug, welcoming them back. 

"Chansung! Come on baby. Time to go home now. Papa might start crying saying he misses you." Baekhyun joked. Chanyeol was a good father, albeit a little doting. 

No sound or his son replying. Tao and Baekhyun made their way to the garden curiously only to see their son sitting with Wu Xia under the tree, more flowers scattered on the grass, both of them were so focused on making the flower crown. Silently, Baekhyun went to the children and pat his son on the head. 

"Oh mom. So soon?" Chansung looked up to his mom with a little frown on his cute face. "Soon? it's been two hours!" Baekhyun thought his son pout was cute. With a heavy heart, Chansung stood up and brush the grass from his . "Okay, mom". Wu Xia attempted to stood up too when Chansung did. Before he could, Chansung offered a hand for Wu Xia and Wu Xia, with a biggggggg smile on his lips, accepted the hand to let Chansung gently pulled him up. With their hand connected, they followed their parents to the door. Standing on the door, Baekhyun asked if his son had anything to say. 

Looking at Tao, Chansung bowed "Bye bye, auntie Tao. Thank you for having us" Chansung said politely. Tao wondered how having a Chanyeol as the father could nurture such a polite son. This must be Baekhyun's effort. Tao smiled at the boy and pecked the child on the forehead. Chansung in turn, kissed Tao on the cheek. 

Wu Xia did the same to Baekhyun and lastly, the two children were looking at each other. "Bye bye, Chansung." Wu Xia said with a small smile and wave. Chansung, without warning, leaned in and kissed Wu Xia on the lips. "Bye bye, Wu Xia" Chansung smiled. 

HOLY. KRIS NEEDED TO KNOW THIS. THEIR SON HAD A SUITOR. IN THE AGE OF 3. Kris would probably run over to Chanyeol's house and set Chanyeol on fire. 

Baekhyun gasped. "Chansung. Do you know what you just did?". Hearing the answer, Chansung smiled up to his mother, "Of course" while Tao was stunned and Wu Xia was clueless. "I want him to be my mate when we grow up." Chansung finished. 

Yeap. Chanyeol gonna be burrrrrrrn to ashes. 




All the mistakes belong to me. This is by far the longest I have ever written. 

I really don't feel like proof reading it myself. My eyes. My brain. 


I just hope everyone enjoyed it regardless if I won the contest or not. 

Probably not. This is . What crap did I just wrote. 

Thank you! Comments would be lovely. 


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[B.E] Don't shot me. ;A; I had connection problem recently and now Imma back and update asap. ;) tqvm!


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Chapter 4: this entire story about chansung and wu xia is sooooooooooo damn cute
Chapter 2: adorably adorable....

may i pinch wu xia? i think he is soooo cute
Chapter 4: Kyaaa... It's just Too Cute~~~ ^_^

Wu Xia and Chansung are just perfect together! xD
Chapter 1: Kyaaa... That was amazing! So lovely! So cute by the end! xD

*Squeals* I just love it! ^_^
datKPOPlover #5
Chapter 4: So Cute!!!! Overloaded & fangirled hard! Make more! :D Keep up the good work! :)
datKPOPlover #6
Chapter 4: So Cute!!!! Overloaded & fangirled hard! Make more! :D Keep up the good work! :)
izzah_sanox #7
Chapter 4: *squeals* They are so adorableeeeee.
T.T Plus you added in Taoris also so, *flying kisses*
Thank you author-nim!
Hope you post part 2 soon ><
mzjonghyun #8
Chapter 3: I just love this story
izzah_sanox #9
Chapter 3: Hell to the yes :3