Chapter 7

You’re My Angel (천사)
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“I think it’ll be much better if we exchange the third and fifth step.” Jongin nodded agreeing with Sehun. His phone vibrated and looked at the caller ID.

“Wait a second, Jongin. Chanyeol hyung’s calling. Hello, hyung?”


“I’m in front of your school. Okay, just hurry up.” Chanyeol put his phone back into his pocket. He looked at Baekhyun who was standing right next to him. He seemed uncomfortable with all the stares.

Students who walked out from the gate all looked at their direction and whispered to each other. All of the students know that if there’s a handsome guy with an expensive brand car, he is Sehun’s brother.

Suho once came to the school in place of his parents who can’t make it because of a misunderstood (which almost lead to a fight) with another school after a dance competition. He became a hot topic at the school for quite a long time. A lot of students even some female teachers asked him about his brother because they all thought Sehun was the only child.

As the topic about Suho started to cool down, Chanyeol came to the school to ask for permission from his teacher to take Sehun to the hospital. He got hurt his leg pretty bad while practice dancing during recess. Once again, he was bombarded with questions on the next day.

Somehow the students managed to know about them a bit such as name, what course they major in and which university they go to. Kim, Park, Oh. All three of them have different last name and the questions about his family just get more and more. But no one dared to ask Sehun about them anymore because of the cold stare he would gave them.

Baekhyun who felt uneasy with the stares and whispers scooted a little bit more close to Chanyeol. He could feel that Baekhyun was gripping his shirt again and he just let it be as usual.


“The students gone now.” Chanyeol eyed the boy next to him.

Baekhyun slowly let go of his grip and looked down while playing the stone with his feet. He realized that Chanyeol was staring down at him.

The taller boy smiled looking at the petite boy next to him who was touching his cheek and hair as if there’s something on his cheek or hair.

“You know, Baekhyun. Next time, hold my hand if you feel scared or uncomfortable or anything.” The boy stopped moving and looked at him as if he didn’t understand what he said just now.

Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand into his and showed it to him.

“Like this. Every time you feel like holding my cloth, hold my hand instead. Okay?” Baekhyun quickly nodded with a small smile.

“If you hold my hand I would know then that you’re scared or uncomfortable or uneasy or whatever. Okay?”

Baekhyun didn’t look at him but mumbled something. Chanyeol turned to faced Baekhyun and held his shoulders.

“You know, Baekhyun. We need to work this out. You have to speak louder. Can you? It’s not appropriate to talk in small and low voice like that when someone is talking to you.”

Again, Baekhyun gave him that “what” look.

“It’ll make them feel bad. You’ll make them feel bad. Do you want to make people feel bad?” Baekhyun expression quickly changed and shook his head.

Chanyeol smiled at his reaction. “Then speak louder, okay?”


“A bit more louder than that.”

“Okay.” Baekhyun raised his voice a bit and Chanyeol gave him a thumb up.

“Good job. The way you talk too, be more cheerful. Don’t be scare to talk with people. Try to smile when you talk to them. You look the best when you smile.” Baekhyun looked down and touched both of his cheeks. Chanyeol can’t help but laugh at shy Baekhyun.

“Chanyeol looks the best when smiling too.” Baekhyun said with his hands still on his cheeks and eyes on the road.

“Baekhyun, what did I say about the way you talk just now? Speak louder. Now say it again. Don’t forget to smile too.”

“Chanyeol looks the best when smiling too.” This time he said it with a louder and cheerful voice while smiling. He giggled a bit after that and it sounded so cute it froze Chanyeol.

The petite boy still had his smile on and Chanyeol can’t take his eyes off him. Everything’s seemed to be in slow motion.

He snapped when someone called his name. It was Sehun and he was running towards him.

“Sorry I took so long, hyung. I was discussing with Jongin about our dance but got dragged a bit. That kid is really a brilliant-oh, hi, Baekhyun hyung. Oh! I’m sorry to make you wait long. I-”

“It’s okay.” Baekhyun reply with a smile just like how Chanyeol had taught him. He’s still nervous though. Sehun was slightly shocked but he just smiled back.

“We should go now, Suho hyung is waiting at the mall.” They all went into the car. Baekhyun as usual sat closely behind Chanyeol’s seat while looking at the window.

“Suho hyung? I thought he has something to do with Yixing hyung.”

“I don’t know. He texted me asking if I’m at the mall with you and said that he’s at the mall with Yixing hyung to find something for Grandma.”

“Oh, hyung! I want to get a haircut too. Chanyeol took a glance and touched Sehun’s hair.

“Shorter?” Chanyeol asked. To him that kid’s hair looked just fine. Sehun smiled and nodded.

“Hyung, you bring your card, right?” Chanyeol nodded and asked why. “Good because I forgot to bring my wallet.”

“You left them on purpose, right?” Sehun tapped his shoulder and gave him “you know” look.


“So, anything happened today?” Sehun asked as he wonder why Baekhyun suddenly seemed more open with people now.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun through the mirror and asked him. “So, Baekhyun, anything happened today at home while I was out?”

Sehun’s brows met each other. “Wait, hyung, you were out? Where? You left Baekhyun hyung alone? Really? Seriously?”

“Whoa-whoa. Slow down, inspector. Yes, I was out. To class and no! I didn’t left Baekhyun alone. He’s with Kyungsoo.”

Only an “o” could be heard from the youngest. “So, anything happened, hyung?”

Baekhyun smiled and nodded. “Kyungsoo teach me some kitchen stuff.”

“Kitchen stuff?” Sehun looked at Chanyeol who was smiling.

“Kyungsoo taught him about the things in the kitchen. Like names and the use or how to use it. He said that Baekhyun is a fast learner.” They could hear Baekhyun’s giggles from the backseat.

“I guess you had fun, hyung.”

Baekhyun tried to suppress his smile. If Baekhyun’s happy then it’s good.


“You know hyung, I know something fun that we can do right now.” Baekhyun looked so eager to know and leaned forward a bit. Chanyeol knew what’s on Sehun’s mind.

“Do you want to have fun?” Sehun asked the excited hyung who nodded excitedly.

“Okay!” He sat back straight and looked to the driver next to him. “Commander, hit the ‘button’.”

Chanyeol decided to play along. “Yes, captain!” He clicked a button and the roof opened.

Baekhyun looked so amazed and he smiled even wider when the wind hit him.

“Whoo!!” Sehun raised up both of his hands. He looked at the backseat and raised a thumb up.

Baekhyun raised a thumb up too and laugh happily made Sehun laughed too. He laid back straight and enjoyed the wind that hit him. Slowly he opened his arms and had his eyes closed. Both Sehun and Chanyeol watched him through the mirror and couldn’t help but smile. The wind felt so good that he wished he can stay like this for a long time.


Suddenly a picture flashed through Baekhyun’s head. His eyes shot opened and touched his head. Chanyeol who constantly looked at Baekhyun through the mirror saw him.

“Hey, are you okay?

 Baekhyun quickly put his hands down.

Sehun turned to look at the back. “What? What’s wrong?”

Baekhyun quickly shook his head and smiled.

“Okay, I think I should close the roof now. There are lots of cars here.” Through the mirror he could see that something’s on the petite boy’s mind.




They walked inside the mall. Baekhyun looked around and seemed amazed by everything he saw.

“Okay, before we eat let’s shop some clothes and get our hair cut first.” Baekhyun nodded excitedly at Sehun’s plan. He couldn’t wait to walk around this huge building.

“Let’s go look for clothes first then b-“ Chanyeol’s phone rang and Suho’s name appeared on the screen. “Hello, hyung. We just arrived here. We’re near the entrance. What? Where? Okay, okay.”

“Where is Suho hyung?”

“He’s picking a gift for Grandma and he needs opinion. So, we’ll go to him first th-“ Before he even finish, Sehun cut him off.

“Hyung, what if you just go to Suho hyung and I’ll take Baekhyun hyung to shop and haircut? You know how picky Suho hyung is when he’s picking out gift. He’ll take a long time to pick one. I don’t have good taste so it’ll be boring to stay there. Baekhyun hyung also can get bo-“ Chanyeol raised a hand as a sign for him to stop talking.

“Baekhyun? Is it okay if you followed Sehun?”

“Let’s just go together, hyung. The faster we get to eat then.” Sehun said happily. Baekhyun was excited with the eating part but he wanted to be with Chanyeol.

“Baekhyun, why don’t you just follow Sehun. I’ll go to you right after done picking the gift. I won’t be long, okay?” Baekhyun gave a nod.

“Yehet! Card, hyung?” Sehun reached out his hand and Chanyeol took out his credit card from his wallet.

“Just don’t-just spend on what necessary, okay?” Sehun took the credit card happily and showed it to Baekhyun while telling him that he can buy a lot of foods with the card. “Call me if there’s anything, okay?”

Chanyeol whispered to Sehun. “You know he lost his memory, right? So, make sure you have your eyes on him ALWAYS, got it?”

“Okay, I got it. We’ll be fine. Just hurry make sure Suho hyung make up his mind for the gift.” Chanyeol watched they walked away until they turned to a corner and out of his sight.

“Baekhyun hyung, let’s get a haircut first.”




“Joonmyun, what do you think about this one?” He turned and looked at where Yixing pointed.

“That one is pretty too. Excuse me, miss. I want to see this bracelet, please.” Yixing tapped his shoulder.

“Oh, Chanyeol is here. Chanyeol ah!” Suho turned around waved asking him to come to him.

“I thought you said at the next shop?” Chanyeol asked pointing to the necklace jewelry shop at the next shop.

“We thought maybe bracelet is a better idea. So, between these three which one you think is better?”

“Only between these three?” Suho looked around and asked him to look around first then. Chanyeol walked around the shop while Yixing and Joonmyun had a discussion about the bracelet.


One of the bracelet in the glass caught Chanyeol’s eyes. “Oh, hyung! I think this one suits Grandma taste.” Suho and Yixing walked over to where Chanyeol was.

“Oh my, how can I not see this one. What do you think, Yixing?”

“It’s pretty but I don’t know if it’ll suit Grandma or not. I haven’t seen her in person, yet. But from how you described her, I think it’ll suit her well.”

“Oh, right. You only talked with her once through phone. My mum was talking with her when you came to serve us the

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Chapter 8: woaahhh..baek is such a sweet little guy,update soon author-nim :D
Chapter 6: awww... i will wait patiently for your next update :)